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Lyra Audrey M.


BS – Architecture 5A

National Literature: An Essential Identity of the Philippines

A country can be known from different parts of the world by its identity. It

can be its culture, language or other kinds of identity. Philippines has its own

National Literature. And it is one of the identities of the Philippines. Our National

Literature is an essential identity of our country because it is part of our history and

it is given to us by our ancestors. It is important because without these literatures

from the past, we couldn’t know what important events happened in our past. These

literatures can pass to the new generations and they can learn and spread the

knowledge they’ll get to the future generations. These literatures is essential

because the people behind them fight for it and each one of these literatures has

its own story and history that will educate the reader. National Literature is essential

identity of the Philippines because without our own literatures, our country will be

copying, or it wouldn’t be known by other countries. Our National Literature is our

identity and it is our guide to a better future.

Sugar Capitalism


I can say that in early times, farmers only stick to one crop that they know

how to plant. Crops like sugar are the one that farmers from Negros planted and

harvested. But sugar are crops that has lesser income if it is sell in the market.

According to what I’ve read, sugar is hard to plant and to harvest but farmers still

choose to plant them. There are other crops that can be planted and can get higher

income that sugar. Negros is a land that have healthy soil and farmers can plant

different varieties of crops. But farmers still choose to plant sugar. The reason of

this is that farmers only know how to plant sugar. If only the government teach the

farmers to grow other variety of crops, farmers can get high profit from the crops.

Church Lands in the Agrarian History in Tagalog Region


Church lands in Laguna, Bulacan, Cavite and Tondo and mostly given by the

Spaniards. Some land owners has given the churches lands. Most lands owned by

churches are given by the Spaniards. But Americans purchase lands from Spaniards

then resale to Filipinos. It is just seen that Filipinos leaders doesn’t have the purpose

of giving back the land to its rightful owner. Rather they use it as a weapon for their

political purposes. Just like what is happening to politics nowadays. I think the land

shall be given to the farmers so that it would not be hard for them to earn money

and they’re earning what they have been planted. Until this generation, farmers
still suffering from unwell land reform and still working for the land owners. They

deserve to have their own lands because they are the one whose working hard to

harvest the crops they’ve planted.

Leader of Filipino Clergy


Father Pedro Palaez was the one who started organizing and demanded the

return of control of Philippine parishes to Filipino seculars. Upon searching Father

Pedro Palaez, he is not as popular as the GOMBURZA. I think its because of the way

he died. He died on an earthquake while the GOMBURZA was garroted. Pedro

Palaez shall be known because of he is the one that bring out the spirit of

nationalism among Filipinos. If Pedro Palaez didn’t die in an earthquake, he’ll be

one of the first victim of Cavity Mutiny. He’ll be also garroted just like the

GOMBURZA. And maybe he’ll be known as one of our heroes for his patriotism.

The Cavite Mutiny: Toward a Definite History


Cavite Mutiny was the reason why GOMBURZA was garroted. According to

some history textbooks, the primary cause of the mutiny is believed to be an order

from Governor-General Rafael de Izquierdo to subject the soldiers of the

Engineering and Artillery Corps to personal taxes, from which they were previously

exempt. The taxes required them to pay a monetary sum as well as to perform

forced labor called, polo y servicio. But according to an historian, the goal of the

rebellion was to break the relationship between the Philippines and the Spain. The
goal of the rebellion was to get their independence from the Spaniards. But it was


For me, the Cavity Mutiny shows how Filipinos wanted their independence

from the Spaniards. I think that Spaniards was very harsh to the Filipinos. Though

Spaniards also have contributions to our country but still we can’t ignore the fact

that during Spanish era, Filipinos were degraded and killed if they are against them.

It shows that they are Filipinos and living in their own country but Spaniards were

the one whose controlling them.

The Burgos Manifesto


The Burgos Manifesto is all about defending Filipino clergy and its right to

the parish. For me, Father Jose Burgos was just like our National Hero Jose Rizal

because his standing for what is right. The difference is that his defending for the

Filipino clergy. Padre Burgos was one of Jose Rizal’s inspiration and according to

what I’ve read Padre Burgos is a friend of Jose Rizal’s brother Paciano. He defended

some writings that have falsities. He reviewed some laws just to defend the false

idea written in some article. Just like Jose Rizal, Padre Jose Burgos used pen and

paper to defend the native clergy. Because of his bravery to defend the native clergy

and he was blame of forming a rebellion, he was garroted and two other priest

(Jacinto Zamora and Mariano Gomez) in the middle of the Bagumbayan field (now

Luneta Park) after the Cavite mutiny.

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