ADHF Management

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Heart Failure

Optimizing Clinical Outcomes in Acute Decompensated Heart Failure

S a b u T h o m a s, M D, A n d r e w J B o y l e, M D a n d G a r y S Fr a n c i s, M D

Division of Cardiology, University of Minnesota

Acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF) is a syndrome defined by worsening fatigue, dyspnea, or edema that results from deteriorating
heart function and usually leads to hospital admission or unscheduled medical intervention. It is not a homogenous syndrome, but has
many faces and varying presentations. Although outcomes in stable heart failure have seen improvements in morbidity and mortality, ADHF
continues to portend poor outcomes. Prompt diagnosis and identification of ADHF and its causes are critical to optimising management.
Diagnostic modalities include thorough clinical evaluation, natriuretic peptide assays and, in some cases, invasive hemodynamic
measurements. Optimal evidence-based treatments remain poorly defined despite the high prevalence of this condition and its associated
morbidity and mortality. Complex treatment algorithms have developed, but randomised controlled trials in this area are quite sparse.
Therefore, specific treatment protocols are largely a product of expert consensus and are experiential at best. Pharmacological agents such
as diuretics, vasodilators, natriuretic peptides, and positive inotropes can improve symptoms. Bedside ultrafiltration, non-invasive
ventilation and a host of mechanical circulatory devices have also improved the outlook for heart failure, but their optimal role in ADHF
has yet to be defined. As the number of patients with ADHF increases, further investigation is needed to develop innovative, safer, and
more effective therapies.

Heart failure, acute decompensated heart failure, diuretics, natriuresis, ultrafiltration, vasodilators, inotropes, mechanical support

Disclosure: Sabu Thomas, MD, has no conflicts of interest to declare. Andrew Boyle, MD, is an advisor to Thoratec and Medtronic, and receives honoraria from CHF Solutions,
Medtronic, and St Jude Medical. Gary Francis, MD, is an adviser to Merck, ARCA, Gilead, Forest Laboratories, sanofi-aventis, and Boston Scientific.
Received: February 27, 2009 Accepted: March 10, 2009
Correspondence: Gary S Francis, MD, Professor of Medicine, University of Minnesota, Division of Cardiology MMC 508, Minneapolis, MN. E:

Acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF) is a syndrome defined by The majority of patients with ADHF deteriorate days to weeks after a
worsening fatigue, dyspnea, or edema that results from deteriorating period of symptom stability. Most have previously established heart
heart function and usually leads to hospital admission or unscheduled failure. A multitude of causes exist for acute decompensation of stable
medical intervention.1 Among patients over 65 years of age it remains heart failure patients. Medication and dietary non-compliance
the leading cause of hospital admission (>1 million admissions per as well as diuretic resistance are common causes of acute
year in the US alone), has an exceptionally high rate of readmission, decompensation. Important cardiac causes for acute decompensation
and represents the most costly cardiovascular disorder in developed of stable heart failure patients include new or worsening myocardial
countries.2 Despite the many advances in cardiovascular disease, ischemia, new infarction, atrial fibrillation, and other rhythm disorders.
this syndrome continues to portend a dismal prognosis, with 60-day Other non-cardiac causes include exacerbation of hypertension,
mortality rates approaching 20%. 3,4 Furthermore, despite the anemia, thyroid disease, ingestion of toxins (cocaine, alcohol),
development of a number of pharmacological and device-based development of fever, and new/worsening infections. ADHF of both
therapies that have improved the morbidity and mortality for stable systolic and diastolic heart failure appear indistinguishable by history
congestive heart failure, these improvements have not translated into and physical examination. Diastolic heart failure—also referred to as
better survival for ADHF. According to data from the Framingham heart ‘heart failure with preserved ejection fraction’—represents nearly 50%
study, between 1950 and 1969, 30-day and one-year mortality rates for of cases.7 Once patients with diastolic heart failure are admitted for
ADHF were 12 and 28%, respectively, compared with almost identical ADHF, their subsequent prognosis is similar or worse than that of
30-day and one-year mortality rates of 11 and 28%, respectively, patients with ADHF who have a low ejection fraction.8 The absence
between 1990 and 1999.5 In contrast, the current average stay (four to of targeted therapies for diastolic dysfunction combined with a narrow
six days) and in-hospital mortality rates (4–5%) for ADHF have therapeutic window for optimizing volume status makes this subset of
improved significantly.6 patients a particular challenge.


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Optimizing Clinical Outcomes in Acute Decompensated Heart Failure

Given the scope of ADHF, significant effort has been directed toward the intracardiac hemodynamics in selected patients, their routine use is
management of this syndrome. The purpose of this article is to summarize not recommended.16
the available treatments and outline the evidence for their efficacy.
Particular attention will be devoted to informing clinicians of the optimal Treatment
utilization of existing strategies. The reader is encouraged to use this article There are many options based on clinical trials for treating
in combination with the more comprehensive practice guidelines provided patients with stable, chronic heart failure. These treatments include
by the Heart Failure Society of America (HFSA)9 and the European Society angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors,17,18 angiotensin-II receptor
of Cardiology (ESC),10 from which the majority of the recommendations of
this article are derived.
The short-term goals of treatment for
acute decompensated heart failure
The diagnosis of ADHF is always a clinical diagnosis. The initial
assessment should include a focused history and physical include hemodynamic stabilization,
examination. Patients most commonly present with cough, dyspnea,
support of oxygenation and ventilation,
and fatigue, which rapidly become more severe and may be
associated with chest pain or pressure. However, the signs and and relief of symptoms.
symptoms of ADHF can overlap with those of many other medical
conditions; common mimickers of ADHF include asthma and
exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). blockers (ARBs),19,20 β-blockers21,22 aldosterone antagonists,23 and nitrates/
ADHF can develop gradually or precipitously (acute pulmonary hydralazine.18 Device therapies include implantable cardioverter
edema). Laboratory testing is undertaken to verify the diagnosis when defibrillators,24 cardiac resynchronization therapy,25 and ventricular assist
uncertainty exists. Echocardiography is performed to reveal specific devices (VADs).26 However, the existing therapies for ADHF have not been
features of cardiac geometry, valvular function, and chamber size and subjected to randomized controlled trials to the same extent and are
function. Nevertheless, the onus lies with the clinician to rapidly therefore subject to bias and the imprecision of non-scientific experiential
identify patients with ADHF in order to avoid a need for ventilatory observation. Large clinical trials in patients with ADHF are challenging to
support, a delay in hospital discharge, a need for hospital perform because the short-term hospital mortality rate is low (4–5%), and
readmission, and an increase in overall resource utilization. 11,12 symptom improvement and non-fatal clinical events have proved difficult
to measure in a robustly quantitative manner. The short-term goals
On presentation, patients are typically tachypneic and may be using of treatment for ADHF include hemodynamic stabilization, support of
accessory respiratory muscles to breathe. Chest auscultation usually oxygenation and ventilation, and relief of symptoms.
reveals crackles from pulmonary edema and up to one-third of patients
have wheezing referred to as ‘cardiac asthma.’ If present, hypotension Pharmacological therapies that have been used to treat ADHF
may indicate cardiogenic shock from severe ventricular dysfunction. patients include intravenous (IV) diuretics, IV nitroglycerin, nitroprusside,
Examination of the heart may reveal the presence of an S3 or S4 gallop. nesiritide, vasodilating inotropes (dobutamine, milrinone), and,
Of the many symptoms that occur during ADHF, dyspnea on minimal occasionally, vasopressor-type inotropes (dopamine and norepinephrine).
exertion is the most sensitive, whereas paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea Morphine sulfate, tourniquets, and phlebotomy are no longer routinely
remains the most specific.13 Elevated internal jugular vein pressure is the used. Non-pharmacological modalities used in patients with ADHF
most important physical finding of ADHF.13 In terms of diagnostic tests, include ultrafiltration, positive pressure ventilation, and mechanical
interstitial edema and pulmonary venous congestion on chest circulatory support devices.
radiography significantly increase the likelihood of ADHF.13 Assays for
B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) or N-terminal BNP are useful Diuretic Therapy
in ruling out ADHF when normal, but are not required in cases of ADHF Under most circumstances, the relief of tissue congestion is the primary
that are obvious based on clinical criteria alone. In patients recruited to goal of ADHF therapy, as volume overload is central to its pathophysiology.
the Breathing Not-Properly study, BNP values >100pg/ml were 90% The clinical goal is to relieve dyspnea. Most patients who present with
sensitive and 76% specific for the diagnosis of ADHF.14 More recently severe ADHF have pulmonary capillary wedge pressures that exceed
N-terminal B-type natriuretic peptide has been used. Its values 25mmHg.16 Patients whose filling pressures are reduced by diuretics will
are roughly five- to eight-fold higher than standard BNP assays. nearly always experience improvement in symptoms.27 Diuretic-induced
Natriuretic peptides are also useful in long-term risk stratification in reductions in BNP levels between admission and discharge, when
patients with ADHF.15 observed, is comforting to physicians and can mean that such patients are
less likely to fall victim to quick repeat hospitalizations—an important
On admission to hospital, clinicians should routinely obtain an quality control measure in heart failure therapy.28 However, sequential
electrocardiogram, a transthoracic echocardiogram (with Doppler), a measurements of plasma natriuretic pepide levels are not routinely
complete blood count, a basic metabolic profile, arterial blood gases, recommended, as day-to-day variance can be substantial.29
cardiac enzymes (if ongoing ischemia is suspected), and thyroid
function tests. Finally, although central venous lines and pulmonary Clinicians rely heavily on diuretic therapy with loop diuretics, in part
artery catheterization can provide useful information regarding because thiazide diuretics alone are ineffective when the glomerular

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Heart Failure

filtration rate (GFR) is reduced.30 There is some evidence that continuous levels seen in the diuretic group.36 Smaller clinical trials comparing
infusions of loop diuretics are superior to bolus infusions because of ultrafiltration with IV diuretics also showed greater volume removal,
reduced activation of the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system and more BNP reduction, shorter hospital stays, and less need for
more consistent tissue levels of diuretic in the kidney.31 When blood rehospitalization.34,37,38 The UNLOAD trial indicated that ultrafiltration
pressure is stable, loop diuretics can be combined with vasodilator could keep patients out of hospital longer. Ultrafiltration and
therapy such as nitroprusside to quickly reduce filling pressure and adenosine-1 receptor blockers are undergoing additional study.
improve cardiac output.
Non-loop diuretics such as metolazone and aldosterone antagonists can IV vasodilators reduce congestion and improve cardiac index without
be used together with loop diuretics in patients who fail to respond increasing myocardial oxygen consumption. Randomized controlled trials
to IV loop diuretics alone. More natriuresis is achieved when in ADHF have demonstrated that IV nitrate therapy resulted in acute
metolazone is combined with furosemide than with either drug used improvement of dyspnea.33,39 Although its use has waned in recent years,
alone. Spironolactone can be added to reduce edema and preserve IV morphine sulfate 2–4mg acts centrally to inhibit sympathetic drive to the
potassium, but larger doses in the range of 100mg/day may be periphery, thus reducing symptoms of dyspnea and alleviating anxiety and
required. Aldosterone antagonists should be avoided in patients with air-hunger. It is most commonly used as first-line therapy for acute
renal insufficiency (Cr ≥2mg/dl) and hyperkalemia. pulmonary edema in the emergency department setting.

In a meta-analysis of small randomized controlled trials, mortality rates are As the majority of patients with ADHF have increased or normal blood
lower among stable heart failure patients receiving diuretics compared pressure, reducing impedance to ejection remains important to improving
with placebo; however, the mortality benefits of loop diuretics in ADHF are forward flow.14 Short-term nitroprusside is particularly useful in patients
uncertain.32 Thus, there is some degree of caution regarding their routine with ADHF when blood pressure is normal or increased, particularly
use in ADHF, as some studies, albeit mostly observational, report worsening 24 hours after an acute myocardial infarction.40 ACE inhibitors, ARBs, and
mortality with increasing diuretic dose.28,33,34 Loop diuretics can directly β-adrenergic blockers should be continued if tolerated and blood
worsen outcomes by further reducing GFR, exacerbating electrolyte pressure remains satisfactory. Low blood pressures (~90–100mHg
abnormalities, and activating the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system. In systolic) may not necessarily preclude the use of these agents if there are
a small trial of 104 patients presenting to the emergency department with no symptoms and careful monitoring is ensured.41 The mean aortic
ADHF and respiratory distress, patients were randomized to receive either pressure should be kept at 65–70mmHg. As with stable heart failure
high-dose furosemide (80mg IV every 15 minutes) combined with low-dose patients, renal function and potassium should be carefully monitored. The
IV isosorbide dinitrate (1mg/hour doubled every 10 minutes) or high-dose combined use of oral isosorbide dinitrate and hydralazine is an
isosorbide dinitrate (3mg IV every five minutes) alone. Mechanical under-utilized treatment method and should be used when switching
ventilation was required more in patients in the high-dose furosemide from nitroprusside to oral agents.42
group compared with the isosorbide group alone (40 versus 13%;
p<0.004).35 No one doubts the value of IV loop diuretics in the setting of Nesiritide
ADHF, but it should be noted that their use can further reduce GFR, and The atrial natriuretic peptides (ANPs) and BNPs are endogenously
some patients remain essentially unresponsive. Adding IV thiazide (Diuril) released in response to increased stretching of the atria and ventricle,
500–1,000mg or oral metolazone can sometimes prompt a diuresis when respectively. They act to counteract increased neurohormonal activity by
loop diuretics alone are ineffective. Occasionally, ultrafiltration or even promoting natriuresis and vasodilation. The Vasodilation in the
hemodialysis is necessary. Some investigators believe that ultrafiltration Management of Acute Congestive Heart Failure Trial (VMAC) randomized
should be more widely used as an adjunct or even a substitute for high- 498 patients with New York Heart Association (NYHA) class IV heart
dose continuous-loop diuretic drip. failure to nesiritide, IV nitoglycerin, or placebo. The results demonstrated
that pulmonary capillary wedge pressure was marginally reduced at
Studies have prompted investigators to evaluate alternative strategies, three hours (-5.8mmHg for nesiritide versus placebo; p<0.001) and
such as adenosine-1 receptor blockers, for reducing congestion.34 dyspnea was reduced at three hours. The 30-day readmission rate was
Neveretheless, until such therapies are widely tested, loop diuretics will 20% among patients in the nesiritide group compared with 23% in the
likely continue to be a cornerstone of ADHF therapy. nitroglycerin group. Although nesiritide was rapidly accepted as a
therapy for ADHF after US Food and Drug Administraton (FDA) approval,
Ultrafiltration it has recently come under scrutiny because of fears regarding potential
Bedside ultrafiltration performed by cardiologists is a relatively novel adverse effects.43 Furthermore, a meta-analysis of randomized controlled
approach for the treatment of ADHF. Although this therapy is costly, if trials of nesiritide versus placebo that looked at 30-day survival revealed
patients can be kept out of the hospital for longer, it may prove a non-significant trend toward increased mortality in the nesiritide group
cost-effective. In the Ultrafiltration versus IV Diuretics for Patients (7.2 versus 4%; p=0.059).44 However, more recent data from the
Hospitalized for Acute Decompensated Heart Failure Trial (UNLOAD), 200 Follow-Up Serial Infusions of Nesiritide in Advanced Heart Failure
ADHF patients were randomized to ultrafiltration versus diruetics alone. (FUSION-II) study suggests that nesiritide is safe.45 It is a reasonable, albeit
The UNLOAD trial demonstrated that ultrafiltration improved weight loss expensive, IV vasodilator to be used in the setting of ADHF, but lower
and dyspnea, decreased the need for vasoactive drugs, and reduced doses may be safer and more efficacious. A large randomized controlled
readmission rates with serum creatinine levels that were similar to mortality trial of nesiritide is currently under way.

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Optimizing Clinical Outcomes in Acute Decompensated Heart Failure

Positive Inotropes sleep apnea, CPAP improves many secondary outcomes, but the
Although positive inotropes are necessary for some patients with ADHF primary study was probably not sufficiently powered to demonstrate
presenting with shock or inadequate cardiac output, their routine use for a mortality benefit. 52 In ADHF associated with acute myocardial
symptomatic and hemodynamic optimization is not recommended. These infarction and/or cardiogenic shock, mechanical ventilation with
agents can be arrythmogenic and are associated with increased mortality.3 intubation is recommended over non-invasive ventilation, although
the complete indications for endotracheal intubation are beyond the
Dobutamine with its β-1 and mild β-2 activity is considered a positive scope of this article.
inotrope with mild vasodilator activity. Its role in ADHF has been
primarily to increase cardiac index in patients with inadequate Mechanical Circulatory Support
forward flow. Older studies looking at infusions of dobutamine for up Patients with ADHF who remain in cardiogenic shock should be
to five days in ADHF patients has shown improved symptoms for considered for mechanically-assisted circulatory support with one of
up to one month. 46,47 However, more contemporary data in the the following devices: intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP), cardiopulmonary
ambulatory setting indicate that intermittent dobutamine therapy is assist device, or implantable left VADs. These patients typically are
associated with worse outcomes.48 The Acute Decompensated Heart severely ill, intubated, on a ventilator, and have poor urine output. They
Failure National Registry (ADHERE) registry revealed a higher mortality often have low cardiac indices (<2l/minute per m2), systolic blood
rate for IV positive inotropes, including dobutamine, compared with
nesiritide or nitroglycerin.49 Dobutamine can also instigate myocardial
ischemia and can worsen mitral regurgitation. However, in low-output
states dobutamine can be life-saving and should be tried prior to the As the population of patients with acute
insertion of an intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP). Norepinephrine, decompensated heart failure continues to
vasopressin, and/or epinephrine are used to restore blood pressure if
cardiogenic shock is present, usually prior to the insertion of an grow, it will drive the development of more
intra-aortic balloon pump. innovative and, hopefully, safer and more

Milrinone is a phosphodiesterase III inhibitor and increases myocardial effective therapies.

contractility and peripheral vasodilation via elevated levels of cyclic
adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). Unlike dobutamine, it can be
added to β-antagonists. The Outcomes of a Prospective Trial of IV pressures less than 90mmHg, and significantly elevated pulmonary
Milrinone for Exacerbations of Chronic Heart Failure (OPTIME-CHF) capillary wedge pressures and hypoxemia with metabolic acidosis
studied 951 patients admitted with ADHF with stable blood pressure. despite adequate medical therapy. The mortality rate is exceptionally
Patients were randomized to either milrinone infusion or placebo. At high despite any therapy.
60 days post-infusion, no difference was found for the primary end-
point of total hospital days. There was a trend toward increased IABPs have two major hemodynamic mechanisms: displacement
mortality in the milrinone group. There were more atrial arrhythmias of blood to the proximal aorta during diastole with improved coronary
and hypotensive episodes in the milrinone group.3 Milrinone is now blood flow and afterload reduction during systole via rapid balloon
used mainly when ADHF is associated with severe pulmonary deflation. The expected hemodynamic effects seen with IABPs include a
hypertension and/or right-sided heart failure as it is a pulmonary- decrease in systolic pressure with an increase in mean and diastolic
artery-pressure-lowering agent. pressure, a reduction of the heart rate, a decrease in the mean pulmonary
capillary wedge pressure, and an elevation in the cardiac output.53 By
Despite the weight of evidence in favor of using positive inotropic reducing left ventricular (LV) wall tension, an IABP also reduces
agents sparingly, these drugs continue to be widely used in ADHF. In our myocardial oxygen demand. IABP alone is sometimes occasionally
opinion, these agents should be reserved for short-term or palliative hemodynamically effective in patients with cardiogenic shock resulting
settings, especially when there is a very low cardiac index (we favor from an acute myocardial infarction54 A large non-randomized multicenter
dobutamine) or severe pulmonary hypertension (we favor milrinone). trial demonstrated that IABP reversed end-organ hypoperfusion in acute
myocardial infarction and cardiogenic shock when vasopressor therapy
Respiratory Therapies was ineffective.51 The mortality rate nevertheless is dismal and exceeds
In addition to supplemental oxygen therapy for hypoxia and 80% in cardiogenic shock when IABP is not combined with coronary
pulmonary edema, short-term positive pressure ventilation may be reperfusion or revascularization strategies.55,56
considered for ADHF patients. Although previous studies have shown
that continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) improves mortality Cardiopulmonary assist devices are rapidly emerging as life-saving
and reduces the need for mechanical ventilation,50–53 a more recent temporary treatment in patients with severe ADHF. They have important
study did not demonstrate a mortality benefit.54 We do not routinely roles to play in acute cardiogenic shock, cardiopulmonary arrest,
use CPAP in ADHF patients. Although not rigorously compared in high-risk percutaneous coronary interventions (PCIs), and fulminant
randomized controlled trials, bi-level positive airway pressure (BIPAP) myocarditis presenting with shock.57 Cannulae are placed in the aorta
is probably similar in terms of these outcomes, but it does carry the and right atrium. Blood from the venous catheter is fed into an
additional risk of aspiration pneumonia. Among patients with central oxygenator and heat exchanger and returned to the arterial circuit.

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Heart Failure

There role is now rapidly expanding, but they require a team approach Finally, left-atrial-to-femoral-arterial pumps such as the
that includes cardiac surgeons, cardiologists, and dedicated nurses. TandemHeart™ (Cardiac Assist Inc., Pittsburgh) have a venous
catheter placed in the left atrium across the interatrial septum and an
There are three broad categories of short-term VADs used today for arterial line placed in the iliac artery. These can be placed in the
ADHF: centrifugal, axial flow, and left atrial-to-femoral-arterial pumps. catheterization laboratory in under 30 minutes and will allow
Long-term VADs used as a bridge-to-transplant or as destination stabilization of the patient in ADHF until more definitive therapies are
therapy are beyond the scope of this article and will not be available. The role of this device for short-term stabilization was
discussed here. evaluated in 18 patients with cardiogenic shock due to a myocardial
infarction. After a mean of four days, the cardiac index improved from
Centrifugal pumps use rotating impellers that serve as a short-term 1.7 to 2.4l/minutes/m2 and there was a significant increase in mean
bypass pump. The Bio-Medicus™ (Bio-Medicus Inc, Minneapolis, MN) blood pressure and reduction in pulmonary artery, pulmonary
and Sarns™ device (Sarns/3M, Ann Arbor, MI) are currently available for capillary wedge, and central venous pressures. 59 However, compared
clinical use. The pumps can also be used as a right ventricular assist with IABP there was no difference in mortality. 60
device (RVAD) or provide bi-ventricular (BiVAD) support in addition to its
traditional left VAD role. These devices can be placed percutaneously or Conclusions
via median sternotomy. Despite their versatility, centrifugal pumps do ADHF is a complex medical problem that is growing in magnitude and
have several drawbacks that include non-pulsatile flow that can lead to scope. The treatment options are increasingly complex and this has
poor end-organ perfusion and, depending on pump design, can resulted in some consolidation of heart failure specialists in large
contribute to significant hemolysis. tertiary referral centers. Older treatments such as diuretics and
vasodilation are still widely used, but newer approaches including
Axial flow pumps are placed in a retrograde fashion across the aortic ultrafiltration and various circulatory mechanical assist devices are
valve into the LV. Here they draw blood out of the left ventricle into rapidly emerging. Complex treatment algorithms have developed, but
the aorta in a non-pulsatile fashion with relatively low rates of randomized controlled trials are quite sparse. Judgment regarding
hemolysis. The Impella™ device (Abiomed Inc., Danvers, MA) was specific treatment protocols is largely a product of expert consensus
implanted in 24 patients with post-cardiotomy heart failure. The or experiential at best. As the population of patients with ADHF
mortality rate of 54%, which was non-inferior compared with patients on continues to grow, it will drive the development of more innovative
IABP support alone.58 and, hopefully, safer and more effective therapies. ■

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