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The mission of Pohick Church is to proclaim The decision to freely and joyfully give to
the Good News of Jesus Christ, to advance the the call and mission of Pohick Church is a
role of the Episcopal Church as an active par- personal and solemn act. It should be done
ticipant in sharing the Gospel, and to create a through prayer and reflection, knowing that
nourishing Christian community of worship this commitment is made to God and His
where Christ’s love is experienced and taken church. Scripture bids us to give proportion-
beyond its walls. ally and sacrificially. Reflect upon how God
has blessed you and then consider how He
asks you to give from your abundance of time,
RECTOR’S STATEMENT talent and treasure to benefit the many minis-

S ince our church’s founding more than two

centuries ago, God has richly blessed the
members of our congregation with many gifts,
We, the Vestry members of Pohick Church,
tries of Pohick Church.

With your pledge, our vision is to:

talents and financial resources. Across the gen- • Continue to focus on the message of
prayerfully acknowledge God’s abundant pro-
erations, they have been generous in offering Christ and carry that message to our
vision in our lives and pledge to offer gener-
these back to God through working for the members and the community.
ously of our time, talent, and money to do
spread of the Good News of Jesus Christ. • Welcome new members and ideas
God’s work.
This brochure outlines several of the ma- into our many ministries.
jor areas of mission and ministry at Pohick • Enhance our children’s exposure
We further acknowledge the Tithe as the
Church that your pledge helps to support. to Christian traditions.
Biblically based measure of giving and com-
As you read through the descriptions, please • Improve service and outreach
mit ourselves, individually and corporately, to
prayerfully reflect upon the many gifts with to our neighbors.
strive toward that measure.
which God has • Continue to improve our facilities
blessed you. Then, without sacrificing our colonial legacy.
We invite you to join in this commitment.
consider a generous
response to help Outlined in this brochure are several of the
our church advance major areas of mission and ministry that your
its ministries into pledge supports to bring vision to life.
the new frontiers
that have suddenly Administration
opened on our own We are fortunate to have talented and com-
doorsteps. We start mitted clergy and staff who administer and
that journey with a implement the programs
vision of a wide range of planning and dis- we offer. To maintain and
cussions, and end with affordable concrete strengthen these programs,
projects that benefit Pohick Church and its we must ensure that re-
parishioners. sources are available to
support this staff and all
our devoted volunteers.
• Sunday Services (7:45, 9:00, and 11:15am) episcopaL
• Musical Ensembles
• Healing Services (Wednesday & Midweek)
• Special Occasions
Outreach and Evangelism activities
Christian Education is led by our clergy,
funded by the parish operating budget,
Christian Education Director,
the Women’s Guilds, and the Brotherhood
and trained volunteers.
of St. Andrew support local, national,
• Adult Programs
and international programs:
• Sunday School & weekday studies
• Locally
• Education for Ministry
• Lorton Community Action Center
• Sunday morning adult forums
• United Community Ministries
• Bible studies
• Operation Friends (food delivery)
• Youth Programs
• Gunston Partners (tutoring )
• Sunday School
• Alpha
• Godly Play (preschool - 4th grade)
• Scouting
• Living the Good News (grades 5 - 12),
• Alcoholics Anonymous
a lectionary-based curriculum
• Nationally
• EYC program which offers fellowship,
• Disaster relief (adult mission teams)
worship, service projects, retreats,
• Workcamp ministry to the poor (youth stewardship:
and outings
mission trips)
• Internationally
Pastoral Care is how we Minister to one
another and is always at the core of parish life:
• African churches and schools (financial
aid for clergy and individual students)
Vision To Life
• During times of illness or need, visitation
• New Brotherhood of St. Andrew chapters
by the clergy or Lay Chaplain
• Lay Eucharistic Ministers bring
Preservation (Maintenance & Repair)
Communion to those in the
We are blessed with a historic building and
hospital or homebound
artifacts, which serve as testimonies to the
• Pastoral Care
faith of our founders. We are committed to
is sometimes
preserving this national heritage of our
provided by
Christian roots. Our commitment to Pohick Episcopal Church
the simple
this cause is evident in the recent: 9301 Richmond Highway • Lorton, VA 22079
act of
• Sidewalk Replacement Project 703-339-6572 •
• Common Room Restoration, and
and prayer The Reverend Donald D. Binder, PhD
• Other essential preservation projects
ready for implementation Rector

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