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Bio Data

Name N.P

Age 35

Gender Female

Birth order 1st

Socio-Economic Status Middle class

No. of children 3

Marital Status Married

Occupation Housewife

Education Matric
Reason and Source of Referral:
The patient was given me by her family for academic purpose.
Present history of Illness:
 Patient is suffering from diabetes mellitus from 5 years.

 Increased thirst

 Increased hunger

 Increased frequency of urination

 Weight gain

The patient’s father is a teacher. Her mother is also literate and house wife. The patient has
three siblings and her birth order is 1st. Her husband is a bank manager. She has three children.
The patient has good relations with her family.
Family history of Illness:
Her mother is a diabetic patient and was suffering from this disease from 10 years.
Personal History:

She had a normal childhood before marriage she was a social lady like always in contact
with friends. She had no physical problem at any stage. But after marriage her life was in great
stress. She belongs to an illiterate family. She is a house wife. But her husband was very
cooperative and she always doesn’t has financial problems. She lives in separate family system.
Emotionally she is very unstable due to her family problems and continually under stress. After
angina heart attack she became depressed and most of the time she remains irritating.

She is an educated person. She only read Holy Quran and learns house hold chores from
his mother. She had feeling of frustration due to her mother-in-law and expressed that she was so
much tried while doing household responsibilities but her mother-in-law was not happy with her
entrelations affected because she did not live in happy mood many time.

History of present problem

The patient is suffering from Diabetes. She is suffering from it from last 5 years. In the beginning
patient has variation in blood sugar level, frequent urination, high and low blood pressure,
irritability and shivering. H.B level of patient also become low due to deficiency in insulin level.
The patient consults different doctors with different opinions. She has suffered from mini heart
attack and got treatment.

Life Style:
As she was continually under stress after marriage but still she always have tried to adjust
in any situation. And she is very religious lady. She belongs to a middle class family. And
physically she is very active after illness. She takes exercise daily and takes food with low sugar
level and takes precautions according to the doctor. She is very friendly in nature but all this change
is due to the diagnosis of diabetes.

Illness Related Psychological Factor:

Her husband is very cooperative and but her mother-in-law always criticize her which increases
her level of stress. As the level stress directly linked with level of sugar. She always feels helpless
and thought that her personal control over her condition is reduced.

Psychological Assessment:

In this we use to RISB and Self Esteem scale.

The person fill all the question and give the proper answer of all the questions.

Cause formulation

He is suffering for diabetes’s, which create a problem of dry mouth and fast heartbeat, weight
gained. A patient has severe problem so she is suggested to inject insulin (inj. Humilv) twice a day
before meal in combination with other medicines like.
Recommendation and suggestion:

 Take proper rest

 Take exercise
 Take proper medication


1. I take all the information for the psychological assessment

2. This assessment is use only for report purpose
3. This result cannot do the evaluation of another client
4. This can only do the evaluation of only one person

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