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thinkThin RFP

ADV 4300 Final Project

Spring 2019
thinkThin RFP

1.0: RFP Objective

The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to identify and select a Media Agency of Record (AOR)
for the consultation, development, and execution of strategic media planning programs. The potential
AOR must demonstrate an understanding of our business/marketing objectives and provide innovative
tactics to meet and exceed thinkThin’s goals, which are detailed within this RFP.

The AOR will take over immediately and plan media for the year 2020.

2.0: Background

thinkThin® was founded in 1999 by Lizanne Falsetto, a female entrepreneur, single mom and self-
described foodie. The brand’s philosophy is: Eating well, tasting great, and feeling good. thinkThin’s
mission is to consistently delight people with delicious, protein-rich, and healthful foods. thinkThin
provides high protein, low-to-no sugar, gluten free, and delicious nutrition. Products such as protein
bars, cakes, and oatmeal can be found both online and offline at a number of retailers across United
States (e.g., 7-11, Sam’s Club, Costco, Chevron, Speedway, Wawa, Meijer, Sheetz, HEB, and APlus at
Sunoco). This RFP is strictly for our Nutritional Supplement business. Sports Nutrition and Energy Bars
are considered a separate business.

thinkThin is discussing revamping packaging and the logo, but for this RFP, assume that the current
packaging/logo will stay in place. The focus of ads in 2020 will be similar to past campaigns, in which we
emphasize that thinkThin is delicious, protein-rich, and healthful. Our main challenge is to get individuals
to recognize that thinkThin is a great alternative to unhealthy snacks and other nutrition supplement
products. Specifically, our business - marketing objectives are as follows:

Business Objectives / Marketing Objectives:

 Grow market share / gain switchers

 Increase dollar sales / demonstrate value over competitors
 Build brand awareness / target specific consumers

2.2 Target Audience

The target audience is adults 18-49 years old, but we recognize that various audiences may existing
within this broad target. Planned media should encompass our target audience while also identifying
other more specific audiences that fall within 18-49 year olds, which may also be exposed to our

2.3: Competitive Landscape

Our main competitors are included in the “Nutritional Supplements NEC” sub-category (AdSpender).

3.0: Budget and Fees

The budget will be a minimum of $8MM and a maximum of $10MM, per the AOR’s recommendation
(agency fees not included).

4.0: Submission of Proposals

thinkThin RFP

We are requesting two documents be uploaded to Canvas by the specified deadline: 1) an electronic
Word file containing the full proposal, 2) an Excel (not pdf) spreadsheet of the recommended 2020
media plan. In addition, each agency will make a 10-12 minute presentation at their scheduled time (the
presentation file does not need to be submitted).

Proposals not uploaded by the deadline will be an indication that the agency does not wish to pursue
our business and they will be excluded from consideration, receiving a 0.

5.0: Proposal components

Each proposal will be required to contain the sections listed below. Detailed expectations on each
section can be found in the rubric. There is no minimum/maximum page length, however proposals
should not be “data dumps”, and succinct writing and appropriate number of graphics are encouraged.

 Background: demonstrate that your group has a firm grasp of the acne products industry and
thinkThin’s marketing and media objectives/challenges
 Share of voice and overview of competitive landscape, media landscape
 Media brief
 Target audience insights / target profile
 Evaluation plan that syncs with objectives
 Media plan via Excel spreadsheet
 Exemplary vehicles for each proposed medium
 Innovative idea
 Rationale and justifications for strategies
 Proposals should be written and presented in a professional manner
6.1: Assessment (Rubric / Grading Criteria)

 See attached rubric for proposal grading criteria

 Presentation (20 points)
o 10-12 minute presentation (the time limit will be very strict and groups will be cut-off at
the 12 minute mark)
o Each agency should briefly introduce their group members and explain their agency
o Each agency should decide which aspects of the proposal they wish to concentrate on
during the presentation so it is memorable and effective towards becoming the AOR
o 3-5 minute Q&A after the presentation (instructor and competing groups can ask
o The main objective of the presentation should be to hold the audience’s attention and
clearly present the rationale for recommendations
 18-20 points = Very effective presentation, covering the most important aspects
of the proposal. Agency was prepared and enthusiastic to be presenting their
proposal. All Q&A questions answered thoughtfully and intelligently.
 14-17 points = Information covered adequately, but presentation was not
memorable nor was compelling information presented. Questions during Q&A
answered adequately.
 0-16 = Group did not appear prepared and insufficiently presented the proposal
and failed to answer detailed questions about the proposal
thinkThin RFP


PREPARATION Agency has Agency has Agency has Agency has No agency
/ CLARITY (5) name, name, proposal name, proposal name, not all name, most
proposal includes all includes all components components
includes all components components, are present are missing and
component and is free of but lacks detail, and there are there are
s, is errors (3-4) and minor minor errors several errors
thorough, errors (2) (1) (0)
and free of
errors (5)
BACKGROUND Mastery Exemplifies in Adequate over Lack of detail No
(10) over the depth of the industry, demonstrating understanding
industry, knowledge of brand, media an about the
brand, the industry, landscape, understanding industry,
media brand, media competitors, of the industry, brand, media
landscape, landscape, and client’s brand, media landscape,
competitors competitors, objectives/chall landscape, competitors,
and the and client’s enges (5-6) competitors, and client’s
client’s objectives/chall and client’s objectives/chall
objectives/c enges (7-8) objectives/chall enges (0-2)
hallenges enges (3-4)
SHARE OF Comprehen All necessary All necessary Few share of No relevant
VOICE (12) sive, but charts are charts are voice charts are charts included
not included and included and included and and no
excessive, explained (8- explained, but no explanation explanation or
easy to read 10) lacks or insights from insights (0-3)
charts organization the data (4)
displaying and focus (5-7)
market, and
TARGET Simmons is Simmons is Simmons Only a few Simmons is not
AUDIENCE effectively used to provide provides a Simmons data used to
INSIGHTS (15) used to an overview of general points are generate any
generate the target and overview of utilized and insights about
additional their some there is no the target
insights media/product characteristics mention of a audience, or
thinkThin RFP

about the usage. Data is of the target secondary secondary

target and included about (8-9) target audience target audience
their additional (6-7) (0-5)
media/prod targets within
uct usage. 18-49 (10-12)
that fall
within 18-
49 are
based on
MEDIA BRIEF Brief is well- Brief is well- Brief describes Brief lacks Brief is not
(10) written, written, and the problem focus and does well-written
thorough succinctly and possible not adequately and fails to
and describes the solutions (5-6) describe the describe the
succinctly problem and issue, response core issue the
describes possible and the brand faces, as
the solutions (7-8) method of well as the
problem achievement response and
and (3-4) methods of
possible achievement
solutions. (0-2)
The content
of the brief
into every
aspect of
the overall
and is
EVALUATION Metrics are Metrics are Metrics are Metrics are No metrics are
PLAN (10) identified identified and identified, but mentioned, but mentioned
that explanations there is not there is no and/or the
correspond are provided much clear explanation
to tactics about explanation explanation or about their use
utilized. measurement about analysis about is insufficient
Metrics are (7-8) measurement how they will (0-2)
explained or be used (3-4)
and support
thinkThin RFP

the overall effectiveness

recommend (5-6)
ation. (9-
EXCEL MEDIA The The The The Calculation
PLAN (16) spreadshee spreadsheet spreadsheet spreadsheet several errors
t contains lists all of the contains minor contains and other
no errors, recommended errors/formatti multiple errors mistakes that
correct media ng problems, and multiple do not make
formulas, is proposed and and/or is formatting sense and/or
easy to contains no missing problems, throw off the
read, errors, correct formulas (10- missing entire budget
matches formulas (13- 12) formulas (7-9) (0-6)
details of 14)
does not
exceed the
budget (15-
EXEMPLARY For each Examples of Examples of A general No exemplary
MEDIA (5) medium vehicles are vehicles are synopsis of media is
proposed, provided for provided for some media included (0-1)
one some of the some of the vehicles are
detailed mediums mediums provided, but
example of proposed, proposed, but overall detail is
a vehicle is including cost, no additional lacking (2)
provided ratings…etc. cost,
that info (4) ratings…etc.
demonstrat info is provided
es effective (3)
with cost,
provided (5)
INNOVATIVE New, New, Innovative Few innovative No innovative
IDEAS (5) interesting, interesting, and ideas are ideas are or memorable
and memorable proposed, but proposed (2) ideas are
memorable ideas are detail is lacking proposed (0-1)
out-of-the- proposed with (3)
box ideas general
are explanation (4)
that can be
executed in
thinkThin RFP

a practical
manner (5)
RATIONALE / The overall The overall The overall The overall No clear
JUSTIFICATION proposal proposal proposal proposal justification or
(5) and plan is corresponds corresponds loosely aligns rationale for
justified with brand with brand with the the proposed
with strong objectives with objectives (3) brand’s media
evidence, supporting objectives (2) recommendati
such as evidence (4) ons (0-1)
metrics and
s with
APPENDIX (5) Screenshots Screenshots of Some back-up Most back-up No back-up
of ALL most of the information information information is
relevant relevant proving proving included (0)
information information accurate accurate
(ratings, collected numbers is numbers is
costs, (ratings, costs, missing (2-3) missing (1)
visitors, visitors,
Simmons, Simmons,
AdSpender AdSpender…et
…etc) is c.) is included
included as (4)
proof of
numbers (5)
AOR Winning Losing AOR (0)

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