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Hi guys,

For those who have seen me for the 1st time, my name is Thanh. I’m 22 years old

Guys, I’m the kind of person who believes that whatever I do, whenever I go, whoever I meet, there is
always a chance of learning sth new. So that’s why today I’m gonna share w u sth I have learnt from mah
previous speech.

Actually, I prepared a lot for the Ice breaker. I was both nervous and excited, practicing over and over
again. There were a number of interesting things that I learnt from that, like how to make a speech
structurally, how to stand here without shivering with fear, etc. I also gained some useful tips. And one
of the tips told me that I should look at people in the eyes, and divide the audience in 3 parts, this side,
this side, and this side. I technically followed it. And u know what, it made me scared more when I see
people who were watching me. Like, I look at this side, and my mind kept asking “omg why do they look
at me that way? Am I doing sth wrong? What does that look mean? What do I suppose to do now?... sth
like that. I even wanted to stop and go back to my seat. But, luckily I didn’t. Do u know why? For some
tiny moments during my speech, whenever I looked at this side, there was someone who always gave
me a warm glint. That person seemed to enjoy every sing word I said, that person also nodded their
head like this, and most important thing is that, that person smiled at me. That cheered me up a lot, and
pushed all my anxiety away. What that person did made me believe that “oh yeah, I’m doing well, my
speech is really enjoyable, so go on with it”. So now, this is what I really want to say, which I couldn’t do
at that time. I want to say thank you to anh Antonio. Thanks a lot for your supportive response that day.

Guys, I’m the kind of person who can not hide my emotions inside. If u see me smile like an idiot, it
means I’m very happy. If I’m angry, you definitely know it and do not want to converse with me. And I
easily get bored in conversations, because I’m really bad at listening to others. I usually get myself
distracted with other stuffs while people talking with me. Sometimes, or maybe often, the boredom is
clearly showed on my face intentionally. I mean I deliberately show that I’m tired of the dialogue, like
“oh bitch, cmon u ‘re losing my attention now, pls do sth more interesting, pls say sth wisely. I know,
that’s really bitchy of me. Then I see what I received 2 weeks ago, it utterly changed my mind, my
attitude. Maybe u didn’t listen to all of my speech, or even u just smiled unconsciously, but it was a
great encouragement to me. Honestly, I gave myself a try in last meeting of Yup. At the beginning I
thought it would be easy, like, look at people and try to smile. Surprisingly, the truth is that most of the
speakers didn’t look at me that night. I think because somehow the smile was forced, not really natural.
Then I figured out that doing sth like anh did is quite a difficult thing, to me. But I will keep on it from
now on.

SO guys, what I really want to say, what I have learnt from my 1st speech is that, sometimes, a smile can
be really meaningful. And usually, a purposeful and sincere smile can bring about powerful impacts to
some persons. So, just smile as long as you have teeth, or even you have no teeth left. Thank you for

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