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Every kid needs a champion - Rita Pierson

In this video Rita shows the importance of relationship between teacher and student. The
connection and bonding we have with our students make a more enjoyable class and a good
classroom environment. Students don’t learn with someone they don’t like. It is not being their best
friend, but someone they can trust enough. I agree with her. In a classroom the position of the
teacher toward the students is really important. We can be the best in the subject we teach but if we
don’t have a good classroom management and bonding with our students, the classes will be a
disaster. Part of the key of her success is due to the fact she was born and raised in a house of
educators. She learnt from her mother the importance of the relationship with the students and how
important was show to them they can be better human beings every day. Furthermore, she believes
and makes her students believe they are good enough to be successful. I identify with her beliefs. In
a classroom we are dealing with humans, not machines. They can feel when we don’t want to teach
and when we don’t care if they learn or not and we just do our job. Understanding our students and
learning how to know them is also part of our job. We are part of their lives and we are going to be
an agent of change for their future.

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