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Submitted by



in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree







Department of Physics



Certified that this project report Viscosity

of different liquids the bonafide work of “CLINTON PETER PEREIRA ,

Register No : 11121834 and VINU P.S ,Register No : 11121851" who

carried out the project work under my supervision.







Dedicating this project to the God Almighty whose abundant grace and
mercies enabled its successful completion , we would like to express our profound
gratitude to all the people who had inspired and motivated us to make this project a

We here by express our sincere thanks to our Principal Mr. Johnson Gomez
for providing us ample facilities in our college to work on this project. We are
also extremely thankful to Prof. K . J Jerson , Head of Physics Department
who gave us all help and directions which were very helpful in the successful
completion of our mini project . We are very thankful to him for provi-
ding the necessary laboratory facilities.

We also wish to express our sincere gratitude to our teachers of

the Department of Physics , Aquinas College , for their valuable guidance and
support imparted on us for the successive completion of the work.

Hearty thanks to our parents for all the support and encouragement they

have forward us. Last but not least , our sincere thanks to all our beloved

friends who helped us directly and indirectly through their valuable sugge-

stions and self criticisms , which came a long way in ensuring that this project

becomes a success.



Viscosity is due to friction between neighboring parcels

of the fluid that are moving at different velocities . When fluid is

forced through a tube, the fluid generally moves faster near the axis and

very slowly near the walls , therefore some stress (such as a pressure

difference between the two ends of the tube) is needed to overcome the

friction between layers and keep the fluid moving. For the same velocity

pattern , the stress required is proportional to the fluid's viscosity.

A liquid's viscosity depends on the size and shape of its particles and

the attractions between the particles.











When a liquid flows slowly and steadily over a fixed horizontal

surface, ie, when its flow is stream line , its layer in contact with the fixed

surface remains stationary and the velocity of the other layers increases

with the distance from the fixed surface , ie, there is a regular velocity

gradient set in the liquid and therefore, the greater the distance of a

layer from the fired surface , the greater the distance of a layer form the

fired surface , the greater its velocity ,with the topmost layer thus moving

the fastest . such a flow is also referred to as a laminar flow , meaning

thereby that one layer of the liquid quietly glides over another without any

two layers getting mixed.

If the liquid flows through a tube, its layers are concentric

cylindrical shells co-axial with the tube . Now obiviously , the layer in contact

with wall of the tube remains at rest and the velocity increases as we

proceed towards the axis, so that the profile of the advancing liquid is a


Now considering any particular layer of the liquid, we have the layer

Immediately below it moving slower than it, and the ne immediately above it

moving faster than it, so that the former tends to retard its motion and the

later tends to accelerate it. The two layers thus tends to destroy their

relative motion, as though there were a backward dragging force, acting

tangentially on the layers. If, therefore the relative velocity between the two
layers is to be maintained , an external force must be applied to

overcome this backward drag. In the absence of any such outside force,

the relative motion between the layers is destroyed and the flow of the

liquid ceases . This property of a liquid by virtue of which it opposes

relative motion between its different layer is known as viscosity or

intemal friction of the liquid.

Co-efficient of viscosity , Newton showed that the backward

dragging , or viscous force acting tangentially on any liquid layer is

directly proportional to its surface area A , and inversely proportional

to its distance X from the stationary layer . Denoting this force by F,

therefore, we have

F∝ A;F∝ V;F∝
Or F ∝ - , ie , F = -ŋ

Where n is a constant, depending upon the nature of the liquid,and

𝑉 𝑑𝑉
is called its co efficient of viscosity. Putting in the form which gives the
𝑋 𝑑𝑥 ,

rate of change of velocity with distance or the velocity gradient, we have

F= -nA

This is known as Newton’s law of viscous flow in stream line motion

IfA= land = 1, we have F=n

Thus, the co efficient of viscocity of a liquid may be defined as the

tangential force required per unit area to maintain unit relative velocity
between two layers unit distance apart.
In the CGS system therefore, n=1 if a tangential force of 1dyne is required
per to maintain a relative velocity of 1cm/sec .between two layers 11cm
apart. It is called poise, after poiseuille whose work in viscosity is important.

Viscosity in liquids corresponds to solid friction in so far as , like the latter,

it also opposes relative motion between two layers.
It however , differs from solid friction in that , unlike the latter , it
depends upon;
1. surface area of the liquid layer
2. its distance from the stationary layer and
3. its velocity with respect to the stationary layer.
Dimensions of n ; from equivation (1) above ; n = F
A . dv⁄dx
So that the dimensions of n are those of
Area ×Velocity gradient
ie, 𝐿⁄ 𝑇 = = M𝐿−1𝑇 −1
2[ ] 𝐿2 𝑇 1

Thus on the CGS system , n may be expressed in dynes CM-2 sec

(or Poise) in accordance with (1) above or in
And, on the FPS, system , it may be expressed in 1b
(weight) ft2 or in the Engineer's units , slug W1 sec1(where slug is the unit of
mass , the weight of a mass of 1 slug being 32 lb or the mass of 1lb weight =
1/32 slug ie, weight in pounds /g (in ft2/sec) = slugs).
Poiseuille's Formula

Consider a liquid flowing through a horizontal

capillary tube under a difference of pressure between the ends of the tube.
Poiseuille arrived at a relation for the volume of a liquid flowing per second
through the tube on the following assumptions .
To derive poiseuille's equation the assumptions made are ;
(1) The flow of liquid in the tube is a stream line and takes place parallel to
the axis of the tube .
(2) There is no radial flow .
(3) The liquid layer in contact with the side of the of the tube is at rest and
the velocity of the layer increases in a regular manner towards the axis
of the tube .
(4) The tube is always horizontal so that gravity does not influence the flow.

Consider a cylindrical layer of the liquid of radius x , co-axial

with the tube .Let v be the velocity of this liquid layer so that is the velocity
gradient .

The liquid layer just outside this cylinder of radius x is moving

slowly compared to that inside the cylinder . Hence the layer outside exerts a
retarding viscous force F on the surface of the cylinder. According to Newton's
law of viscous flow , this force is given by
F =ŋA
where ŋ is the coefficient of viscosity of the liquid and A is the surface area of
the cylinder of length l and radius x .
A = 2П x l
F = - ŋ 2П x l
Since P is the difference of pressure between the ends of the tube ,
the force driving the liquid forwards = Pressure × Area = P.Пx2 . When the flow
is steady , there will be no acceleration of the liquid . ie, the forward driving
force must be equal to the retarding viscous force.
∴ Pπx 2 = −ŋ2πx𝑙

𝑃𝑥 𝑑𝑥
dv = -

Integrating ,
∫ 𝑑𝑣 = -∫ 𝑥𝑑𝑥
𝑃 𝑥2
ie, v =- . +𝑐 (1)
2ŋ𝑙 2

where C is the constant of integration. At the walls of the tube, where x = a,

velocity v = 0
∴ 0 = − 4ŋ𝑙 +c

or , C =

Substituting in equation (1),

𝑃𝑥2 𝑃𝑎2
+ = 4ŋ𝑙
ie , v = (𝑎2 − 𝑥 2 ) (2)

Eqn.(2) represents the velocity of a liquid layer at a distance x from the axis of

the tube .

If dx is the thickness of the layer having inner radius x,the volume of the liquid
flowing per second .
dv = Velocity × Area of cross section of
the cylindrical layer of thickness dx
= v.2𝜋 .xdx
= (a2 -x2 ) . 2𝜋𝑥𝑑𝑥
dv= (a2-x2 )x dx

The volume of liquid flowing per second through the tube is obtained by integ-

rating the above expression between x = 0 and x = a.

𝑎 𝜋𝑃 2 2 𝑎 𝜋𝑃 2 3
𝑜 2ŋ𝐿
(a - x ) x dx = ∫𝑜 (a x -x )dx

ie,the volume of the liquid flowing through the tube per second,
V= (3)

This is the Poiseuille's equation for the rate of flow of a liquid through a
capillary tube.
From eqn. (3) the coefficient of viscosity
ŋ =

Effects of temperature and pressure on velocity of fluids

 Effect of temperature on Liquids

The Viscosity of liquids in general, falls rapidly with temperature.

Thus for water it is one third at 80˚ c of its value at 10˚c .perhaps the earliest

empirical formula giving variation of viscosity with temperature is due to

slotte, Viz, η1 = 𝜂0 /(1 + 𝑥𝑡 + 𝛽𝑡 2 )

Where, X and 𝛽 are constants. This however, hardly accords with actual

experiment results.

The modified formula 𝜂 = 𝐴⁄(𝐻𝐵𝑇)𝐶 with A,B and C constants is probably

slightly better but it fails to apply to that most important class of liquids, the

oils or in fact to any mixture of chemical compounds.

Finally, the relation 𝜂𝑉 2 = 𝐴𝐶 ⁄𝑉𝑇 due to andrae, (Where Vis the

specific volume and T, the absolute temperature) probably the most important

liquid,water, as also to some tertiary alcohols.

The truth is that no relationship between viscosity and temperature of a

general validity for all liquids has so far been established,

(b) Gases,the viscosity, in the case of gases, increase with temperature and the

relation given by Sutherland Viz,

𝜂1 273+𝐶 𝑇
= [273]3⁄2
𝜂0 𝑇+𝐶

Accords well with experimental results. Here C is called Sutherland’s constant

and its value is different for different gasses

Effects of pressure
(a) Liquids . Except for that unique liquid , water, the effect of pressure on all
liquids is qualitatively similar Viz, a rise in viscosity with pressure, but quanti-
tatively vastly different (an almost negligible rise inthe case of mobile liquids
(ie ,liquids of low viscosity ) and a very large rise in the case of highly viscous
liquids like mineral oils. Except for water , the effect of pressure increases at
higher pressures. For water, at atmospheric pressure, the viscosity decreases,
instead of increasing, for the first few hundred atmospheres .Here again, there
is no satisfactory relationship established between TI and pressure which may
have a general validity.

(b) Gases, on the basis of kinetic theory, Maxwell has shown that the viscosity
of a gas is quite independent of pressure, at ordinary pressures. This is amply
borne out by experiment and in fact, a great point in favour of the theory. At
low pressure (different for different gases ). When the mean free path of the
molecules become comparable with the dimension of the containing vessel,
viscosity continually falls with decrease of pressure and this too is fully borne
out by experiment, the reason probably being the ‘slipping’ that occurs betwe-
en the wall of the vessel and the layer adjacent to it. At high pressures, it has
been shown by Bridgeman that that viscosity increases with pressure.

 Friction and Lubrication
Friction reduces the efficiency of any machine by converting mechanical

energy into thermal energy . Also it causes much wear and tear of the moving parts

and excessive generation of heat .To reduce friction between surfaces ,lubricants are

used. The main properties of a lubricant are (1) viscosity ,which is a measure of the

resistance offered to the sliding of one layer over the another , and (2) oiliness which

is a measure of the smoothness.

The force of friction depends only on viscosity when the thickness of the

layer of the lubricant between the surfaces in contact is large . But when the thickn-

ess of the layer s very small, the force of friction does not depend on the viscosity

but depends only on its oiliness.

The ideal form of lubrication is the film lubrication , in which the moving

surfaces are separated by a thin layer or fim of the lubricant and friction arises on

account of one layer of the lubricant sliding over another and not by the rubbing of

the moving parts of the machine .

Vegetable oils like Olive oil ,Castor oil etc. possess high degree of oiliness

but are not suitable as lubricants as they get easily oxidised or decomposed .

Minerals mixed with a small percentage of vegetable oils are good lubricants.

Solid or thick lubricants (grease or heavy oils) are required for heavy

machines. Thin lubricants are necessary for light and accurate machinery. For high

speed machinery lubricants are given to the bearings under pressure by means of

pumps and it is called forced lubrication. This is to ensure steady of lubricants bet-

ween the rubbing surfaces.

Importance of Viscosity

The viscosity of a fluid is one of its main thermo physical

properties and is of great significance for many scientific and industrial

areas. It is a key factor that has to be considered when fluids are

transported or pumped. For example, it is desirable to pump fluid in

the petroleum industry through a pipeline into many processing units.

The flow rate of a pump and hence its performance relies significantly

on the viscosity of the fluid being transferred, so it is essential for the

viscosity to be known precisely . The power consumption of the

pump is also controlled by the viscosity since the more viscous the

fluid is, the more power the pump needs. It determines the flow rate

of many other applications such as extrusion, printing and spraying.

 To determine the co-efficient of viscosity of a liquid by poiseuille's flow

method using the variable pressure head arrangement.

The variable pressure head arrangement consists of a burette with stop

clock. The capillary tube is attached to it by means of a short length of rubber tubing

provided with a pinch clip. The burette is mounted vertically.the capillary tube is arr-

anged to be perfect horizontal.

Let V be the volume of a liquid of density flowing out through the capillary

tube of length 18 radius ‘r’ in t seconds. Let P be the difference of pressure between

the ends of the tube. If h1 and h2 are the initial and final pressure heads,

the average pressure head,

h1 + h2
h = and p = h ʃ g

𝜋ʃ𝑔𝑟 4
∴n = × ℎ𝑡

If the volume of the liquid flowing out V is kept constant ht = constant.

The length l of the capillary tube is measured. The burette arranged vertically.

The capillary tube is attached to perfectly horizontal. The pinch clip is opened comp-

letely and the liquid is allowed to flow out . The time taken for the liquid level to

flow from 10cc to 20cc graduation is determined, Using stop watch. This is repeated

and the average time (t sec) is found. Here V = 10cc = 10 m. the initial and final

pressure head h1 & h2 are represented in the figure are measured.

ℎ1 +ℎ2
Average pressure head (h) = . Hence ht is calculated .
The experiment is repeated for ranges 20-30 cc and 30-40 cc, The

value ht is calculated in each case. It is found to be nearly constant. The mean value

of ht is determined,

To determine the density of the liquid

 To determine the density of a liquid which does not mix with water
using U – tube.
If a vertical column of water of height h1 balances a vertical column of
liquid of height h2, relative density of the liquid =h1/h2.
Density of the liquid = R,D ×Density of water.
Density of water =103 kg/m3 .

The denses liquid (water) is poured through one limb till water rises to about

half the height of each limb of U-tube. Then the higher liquid is poured through the

other limb. So that the common level (surface of contact between the two liquids)

is well above the bend. The height of water column (h1) and the height of the liquid

column (h2) above the common level are measured. Hence the relative density (R-D)

of the liquid is calculated,More liquid is added and the experiment is repeated.

The mean ( R-D ) is calculated.

Density of liquid = R.D ×Density of water.

b. To determine the density of the liquid miscible with water using

Hare’s apparatus
One limb of the apparatus is dipped into a beaker of water and the other

limb into a beaker containing the liquid. Air is sucked out of the apparatus through

the rubber tube attached to the side tube and when the liquids are risen up to

suitable height in the limp, the pinch is closed. The height of water column h2 from

the respective levels in the beaker are noted, Hence relative density is calculated.

The experiment is repeated by drawing in liquids to different heights. The mean

relative density of the liquid is measured.

Density of liquid = R.D ×Density of water = R.D ×103 kg/m3 .

 Radius of the capillary tube using a travelling microscope

The tube is clamped horizontally. The least count of the microscope is

calculated. The microscope is focused at one end of the tube so that the image of

he bore is clearly visible. The horizontal crosswire is adjusted to be tangential to

the top edge of the bore as in fig (a ). The reading of the vertical main scale and

vernier scale are noted. Hence total reading on the vertical scale is noted. By wor-

king the tangential screw of the vertical scale , the horizontal cross wire is made

tangential to the bottom edge of the bore. The reading is again taken. The differ-

ence between the readings gives the diameter of the tube in the vertical direction.

Similarly the diameter of the tube in horizontal direction is measured

using vertical cross wire adjusted as in Fig (b). (Taking the reading of the horizontal

scale of the microscope).

The diameter of the tube at the other end is also measured. Hence the

mean diameter and the radius are found out .

(1) Radius 'r' of the capillary tube using mercury
Value of one main scale division = 1/20 = 0.05 cm
Number of divisions on the vernier = 50
Least count = 0.05/50 = 0.001 cm

Microscope reading
cross wire Top/Left of bore Bottom/Right of bore Diameter
M.S.R V.S.R Total M.S.R V.S.R Total
Reading Reading
End 1 Horizontal 4.5 8 4.508 4.6 6 4.606 0 .098
Vertical 4.5 7 4.507 4.4 10 4.410 0 .97
End2 Horizontal 4.5 5 4.505 4.4 2 4.402 0.092
Vertical 4.5 7 4.507 4.4 5 4.405 0.102

Mean diameter = 0.0985 cm

Radius,r = 0.04925 cm

r = 0.04925× 10-2 m

(2) Length of the capillary tube = 50.5 × 10-2 m


Time of flow Pressure head
1 2 Mean(t) h1 h2 Mean
0-10 cc 35 32 33.5 62.5 52 57.25 1.9178×103
Mean 10-20 cc 41 41 41 52 41.5 46.6 1.916×103
20-30 cc 52 52 52 41.2 30.5 35.85 1.8642×103
30-40 cc 74 75 74.5 30.5 20 20 1.8811×103
1.8934 × 103 cm.s

= 18.934 ms

Volume of flow of liquid = 10 cc

= 10-5 m3

Density of water = 1000kg /m3

Length of the capillary tube = 50.5× 10-2 m

𝜋ʃ𝑔𝑟 4
Co -efficient of viscosity, ŋ = × ht

3.14×103 ×9.8×(0.04925×10−2 )4 ×18.934

ŋ =
8×50.5×10−2 ×10−5

𝜂 = 0.83551 ×10-3 Nsm-2



Range Time of flow Pressure head Height

1 2 Mean(t) h1 h2 Mean(h) cm.s
0-10 cc 48 47 47.5 62.5 52 57.25 2.7193×103
10-20 cc 59 58 58.5 52 41.5 46.6 2.7261×103
20-30 cc 76 77 76.5 41.2 30.5 35.85 2.7429×103
30-40 cc 108 106 107 30.5 20 25.25 2.7017×103

Men height = 2.7224×103 cm.sec

=27.224 m.sec
 To determine the density using u-tube
Height of
Sl.No ℎ1
RD =
Water column h1 Liquid column h2 ℎ2

1 10 12.2 .81967
2 5.7 7 .81428
3 7.4 9.2 .8043
4 4 4.7 .8510

Mean R D =.82231

Density , ʃ =.82231 ×103 kg m3

𝜋ʃ𝑔𝑟 4
Co efficient of viscosity , ŋ = 8𝑙𝑣
× ℎ𝑡

where , l = 50.5 ×10-2 m

g = 9.8 m/s2
3.14×9.8×.82231×103 ×(.04925×10−2 )4 ×27.22
∴ 𝜂 = 8×50.5×10−2 ×10−5

𝜂 = 0.98836×10-3 Nsm-2


Range Time of flow Pressure head Height

1 2 Mean(t) h1 h2 Mean(h) cm.s
0-10 cc 1242 1267 1254.5 62.5 52 57.25 71.820×103
10-20cc 1699 1711 1705 52 41.5 46.6 79.453×103
20-30cc 2419 2409 2414 41.2 90.5 35.85 86.541×103

Mean height = 79.27 ×103 cm.sec

= 79.2713 m.sec
*To Find the density using u-tube

Sl.No Height of h1
RD =
Water column h1 Liquid column h2 h2
1 14.1 15.3 .921
2 11 12.3 .874
3 8.6 9.3 .924
4 7.9 8.5 .929

Mean R D = .917
Density of Vinegar ʃ = .91 7×103 kg m3
𝜋ʃ𝑔𝑟 4
Co efficient of viscosity , ŋ = × ℎ𝑡
Where g = 9.8 m/s2 l = 50.5×10-2 m
ʃ = 103 kg/m3 r = 0.04925×10-2m

3.14×9.8×103 ×(.04925×10−2 )4 ×79.2713

∴ 𝜂 = 8×50.5×10−2 ×10−5
𝜂 = 3.5019×10-3 Nsm-2

Range Time of flow Pressure head Height
1 2 Mean(t) h1 h2 Mean(h) cm.s
0-10 cc 29 30 29.5 62.5 52 57.25 1.688×103
10-20cc 36 37 36.5 52 41.5 46.6 1.700×103
20-30cc 48 48 48 42 30.5 35.85 1.720×103
30-40cc 67 65 66 30.5 20 25.25 1.665×103

Mean height = 1.69425×103 cm.sec

= 16.9425× m.sec

*To find the density using Hare's apparatus

Sl.No Height of h1
Water column h1 Liquid column h2
1 15 15 1
2 20 20 1
3 25 25 1
4 30 30 1

Mean R D = 1

Density, ʃ = 1 × 103 kg m3
𝜋ʃ𝑔𝑟 4
Co - efficient of viscosity, ŋ = × ℎ𝑡

Where g = 9.8 m/s2 l = 50.5×10-2 m

ʃ = 103 kg/m3 r = 0.04925×10-2m

3.14×9.8×0.82231×103 ×(.04925×10−2 )4 ×16.9425

∴ 𝜂 = 8×50.5×10−2 ×10−5

𝜂 = 0.74773 ×10-3 Nsm-2


Range Time of flow Pressure head Height
1 2 Mean(t) h1 h2 Mean(h) cm.s
0-10 cc 47 46 46.5 62.5 52 57.25 2.6621×103
10-20cc 57 56 56.5 52 41.5 46.6 2.6329×103
20-30cc 75 76 45.5 42 30.5 35.85 2.7066×103
30-40cc 106 105 105.5 30.5 20 25.25 2.6638×103

Mean height = 2.66635 ×103 cm sec

=26.6635 m sec
*To determine the density using Hare's apparatus
Height of
Sl.No ℎ1
Water column h1 Liquid column h2 𝑅𝐷=

1 15.4 14.9 1.0335

2 23.2 22.5 1.0311
3 28.3 27.6 1.0253
4 40.3 39.3 1.0254

Mean R D = 1.028825

Density, ʃ = 1.028825 × 103 kg m3

𝜋ʃ𝑔𝑟 4
Co - efficient of viscosity, ŋ = × ℎ𝑡

Where g = 9.8 m/s2 l = 50.5×10-2 m

ʃ = 103 kg/m3 r = 0.04925×10-2m
3.14×9.8×1.028825×103 ×(.04925×10−2 )4 ×26.6635
∴ 𝜂 = 8×50.5×10−2 ×10−5

𝜂 = 1.17756×10-3 Nsm-2

Sl.No Experimental liquid Density kg/m3 Viscosity at room

temperature NSm-2

1 Water 1×103 0.83551×10-3

2 Kerosene 0.82231×103 0.98836×10-3

3 Oil 0.917×103 3.50190×10-3

4 Vinegar 1×103 0.74113×10-3

5 Milk 1.0288×103 1.17756×10-3


Investigation were carried on the viscosity studies of various

liquid like water , oil , kerosene , milk , vinegar etc. and find out their

Coefficient of viscosity. The main aim of this project is to determine

whether there is any physical relationship between density and viscosity

But through our experimental results We can't find out any relationship

between density and viscosity.


 Mechanics and properties of matter - ITTIAVIRAH

 Encyclopedia 2012 - BRITTANICA

 Practical physics - MADHUR

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