Sample Research Proposal 1

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Research Proposal

Austen Roberson
Intern/Mentor G/T

Title: ​The Future of Parking Assist: Machine Learning Using Optical Passive Sensing

Overview of Research:
This project will attempt to mitigate the problem of finding a parking space in a crowded
lot. We will be creating a machine learning program that takes input data from a camera, and
uses it to learn what a open parking space looks like. Then, we will create some type of
human-machine interface that transmits the machines findings so that a human user can know
where the spaces are. This interface may be a drone that leads a car to the parking space, or an
app that allows users to see a real time map of the parking space. This product will make it easier
to find open parking spaces more quickly and drastically reduce the time it takes to park. This
will require research of machine learning programs as well as image processing software.

Background and History of the Issue:

In the United States, people spend an average of 17 hours searching for parking spaces
every year, resulting in a total cost of $73 billion, according to a study by INRIX in 2017. Nearly
two-thirds of American drivers reported feeling stressed while trying to find a parking space,
citing it as a cause for missed appointments and road rage. Similar problems are faced overseas,
on smaller scales.
Artificial Intelligence originated in 1905 with Alan Turing, who created a test to
determine if a computer could have intelligence, dubbed the “Turing Test.” To pass the test, a
computer had to fool a human into believing it was human. Machine learning originated in 1952,
when Arthur Samuel created a checkers program that improved as it played. It learned the moves
of those it played and incorporated those moves into its winning strategy. Image processing and
computer vision is a more recent development, with the first innovation in image recognition,
ImageNet, emerging in 2009. ImageNet is an image dataset which searches images and compares
them to other images in the dataset to find matches.

The use of this program could impact all people globally. The reduction of the time it
takes to park can lead to less missed appointments, less stress, and less money spent on gas.
Having a program that can quickly identify parking spaces outside of a traditional parking garage
could be adapted to many different uses. People could use the program to find parking spaces in
busy cities, where otherwise they’d have to search countless minutes.

Research Methodology​:

Research Question and Hypothesis:

● Can a program be created to effectively reduce the time required to locate a
parking space in a crowded lot?
● Using machine learning and optical passive sensing, a program can be created to
lead cars to open parking spaces with the assistance of a human-machine interface.
Basis of Hypothesis​:
My hypothesis is based on the principles of machine learning and object
recognition. Through research on image processing, I have found that it is possible to
create an intelligent program that can accurately detect objects such as cars, people, and
buildings. When adapted to a location such as a parking lot, the program can be adapted
to recognize the while lines that separate parking spaces as well. This development,
combined with the recognition of the cars, will be able to distinguish an empty versus a
filled parking space.

Research Design:
I will be conducting quasi-experimental research. I plan on gathering test data from a
parking lot at the Applied Physics Lab by taking a recording of the parking lot during a high
traffic time. Then using that recording, I will begin to label each individual frame with the
correct data in order to provide a baseline from which the computer can learn from and begin to
create the program. Next, we will run the remaining test data into the program to test the validity
and allow the program to continue learning. We will continue to gather test data until the
program reaches a sufficient accuracy. After the accuracy has reached an acceptable level, then a
human machine interface can be created to allow humans to access the data. This may be in the
form of an app or a drone valet.

Operational Definitions:
Artificial Intelligence​- An area of computer science that supports the creation of
machines that work and react like humans
Machine Learning-​ A subset of artificial intelligence in which systems learn from data,
identify patterns and make decisions.
Image Recognition​- The ability of software to identify objects in images.
Optical Passive Sensing​- a visual sensing device that detects and responds to some type
of input from the physical environment, i.e. a camera
Human-Machine Interface​-The component of the program where interactions between
humans and machines occur.

Product Overview-
By the end of the calendar year, we hope to have the testing data collected and beginning
the labeling process. By the end of January we hope to have finished labelling every frame of
testing data required. By the end of the ASPIRE program, we hope to have fully developed the
machine learning program that identifies the empty parking spaces.
Our product will first be implemented at the Applied Physics Laboratory, where it will be
rigorously tested. If the product is successful, and is allowed to continue outside of the
laboratory, then it may be implemented in schools across Howard County.

Logistical Considerations-
The major logistical concerns will involve the immense materials required to successfully
gather the data required. First, we will need a high quality camera in order to take the test data.
Then, we may have to purchase an image processing program in order to successfully label the
data. If we decide to use a drone, we will have to acquire a drone capable of processing and
receiving the data. We will also need a server with enough processing power in order to run the
code and relay the instructions to the drone. Finally, we will need power stations for the drone so
it will not die and fall on an unsuspecting person’s car.

Student Signature: _________________________________ Date: _________________

G/T Resource Teacher Signature: _________________________ Date: ______________

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