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Letter of Transmittal

August, 6th 2017

Ms. Israt Jahan Linda


School of Business

North South University

Subject: Submission of Internship Report for Summer-2017

Dear madam,

It is indeed a great pleasure to have the opportunity to submit my internship report on the experience
gained during my twelve weeks of internship period at Pubali Bank Ltd. I have prepared this report in
accordance with the instructions given by you. I expect this report to be informative as well as

Working in Pubali bank Ltd was an inspiring and learning experience for me. I hope this knowledge will
facilitate me a lot in my future career endeavors. In spite of the various difficulties faced in preparing the
report, I have given utmost care to be as thorough as possible. With my limited knowledge, I have tried
my level best to make the report worthwhile.

I sincerely hope that this report meets your approval and requirements and demonstrate my ability to
present internship reports. I would be glad to explain you with any clarification if required.


Tapas Deb

ID # 1321101030

Sec: 16

First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to God for enabling me to complete the report in due

I would like to thank my parents to help and guide me throughout this phase of internship as well as
throughout my academic life. Without their guidance and faith in me I could not have come this far in
my life.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Ms. Israt Jahan Linda, Lecturer, School of Business, North
South University for providing me with detailed feedback and advice on this report. He gave me
suggestions in order to make this study as flawless as possible.

My utmost thankfulness goes to my supervisor Mr.Mustafizur Rahman (SPO) of Pubali bank ltd for giving
me an in-depth knowledge about Pubali bank ltd. I would also like to thank Miss Diana, Senior officer (In
charge of GB) and Mr.Kamruzzaman (Branch Manager) for providing all the necessary support in the
organization. Their guidance and co-operation helped me to get a more hands-on experience. So I am
also very thankful to all other employees of “Pubali bank Ltd”, of all division for their friendly manner
and support during my Internship. Moreover, they have provided me with the information regarding
each and every operational activity of the organization which enabled me to get a better understanding
of all the works.

I have also thoroughly enjoyed while working on the project report and hope the project is appreciated
and up to all the requirements.

Topic Page Number

Report overview
History and overview of Pubali Bank Ltd
My contribution and activities toward the
organization 4 to 6
My learning experience
6 to 8
Divergence between the expectation and the
reality 9
Influence on my career plans
Redo this internship –what I would have done
differently 10
Interaction with supervisor and co -worker
10 to 11
Appendix (weekly journal )
12 to 20
 Banking sector of Bangladesh is one of the major sectors, which contributes significantly to the
national economy. The sector comprises a number of banks in various categories. Considering
ownership the sector can be classified in to four major categories - such as Nationalized
Commercial Banks (NCBs), Specialized Banks (SPBs), Private Commercial Banks (PCBs), and
Trans-National Banks (TNBs).

 This report is an Internship Report prepared as a requirement for the completion of the BBA
Program in North South University. The primary goal of internship is to provide the job exposure
to the student and an opportunity to implement theoretical knowledge in real life situation. The
purpose of the report is to demonstrate the experience of the 12 weeks’ internship program and
analyze the activities, performances and other business affairs of Pubali bank Bank Limited.
Moreover, the report includes a brief summary on the different operations of the General Banking
Department of Pubali Bank Limited. Thus, all practical information used in this report from that
more or less collected by me through the work I had to do each day during the 12 weeks of my

 This report has a certain purpose to focus on the general banking of Pubali bankLtd. General
banking has great importance in the economy of Bangladesh. Banks are profit – earning concern.
The ‘word “Bank” refers to the financial institution deals with money transaction. Banks collect
deposits at the lowest possible cost and provide loans and advances at higher cost. The revenue
earning sources of banks are mainly loans and advances. Other than general banking the bank
also operates in foreign exchange. Opening up letter of credit is also one of the main earning
portions of this business.

Report Overview:
This report is prepared with the goal of showing how much knowledge I have acquired, both intrinsic
and extrinsic, during my time working as an intern at Pubali bank Ltd. It also aims at completing the final
requirement for acquiring Bachelor’s degree at North South University. The primary goal of internship is
to provide students the opportunity to gain actual work experience in the real world. Moreover, it helps
students apply their theoretical knowledge, if possible, in an organizational, and other relevant,
surroundings. The report will especially help to discussion about general banking activities of Pubali
bank ltd and their features. The main purpose of this report is to highlight my three-month experience
of the internship program in Pubali Bank ltd.

Scope of the Study:

This report will cover basic information about Pubali bank Ltd with a brief summary of the different
services provided by the bank to its clients. Especially, the report will focus on the particular functions of
General Banking of Pubali bank Ltd. Additionally, the report consists of my personal observations,
leanings, and overall experience gathered during the three-month internship period at Pubali bank Ltd.

Limitation of the Study:

While I was able to learn quite a lot during my internship at Pubali Bnak Ltd, I have come across two
limitations. Due to confidentiality issues, I cannot share certain information despite having a fair amount
of knowledge on the matter. The second limitation is that because of my position as an intern, I did not
come across specific information related to my major or anything of high importance. Internship period
is all about getting to know and adapting to the actual professional environment not learning the actual
work. Because learning opportunity is very much limited for interns in any organization. Although there
were many limitations, I tried to give my best effort to furnish the report.

History & Overview of Pubali bank Limited:
The Bank was initially emerged in the Banking scenario of the then East Pakistan as Eastern Mercantile
Bank Limited at the initiative of some Bangalee entrepreneurs in the year 1959 under Bank Companies
Act 1913 for providing credit to the Bangalee entrepreneurs who had limited access to the credit in
those days from other financial institutions. After independence of Bangladesh in 1972 this Bank was
nationalized as per policy of the Government and renamed as Pubali Bank. Subsequently due to changed
circumstances this Bank was denationalized in the year 1983 as a private bank and renamed as Pubali
Bank Limited. Since inception this Bank has been playing a vital role in socio-economic, industrial and
agricultural development as well as in the overall economic development of the country through savings
mobilization and investment of funds.

At Present, Pubali Bank is the largest private commercial bank having 455 branches and it has the largest
real time centralized online banking network.

 Anticipating business solutions required by all our customers everywhere and innovatively
supplying them beyond expectation.
 Setting industry benchmarks of world class standard in delivering customer value through our
comprehensive product range, customer service and all our activities.
 Building an exciting team-based working environment that will attract, develop and retain
employees of exceptional ability who help celebrate the success of our business, of our
customers and of national development.
 Maintaining the highest ethical standards and a community responsibility worthy of a leading
corporate citizen.
 Continuously improving productivity and profitability, and thereby enhancing shareholders

The purpose of the bank is to become “The Bank of Choice” in the communities we serve. We
accomplish this by offering to our customers the financial services they expect while providing a return
to our owners. In accomplishing this mission, the bank has now been free from all the natures of a
problem bank through fulfilling all the conditions set by the central bank.

Kuril Bishwa road Branch:

I have done my internship at Kuril Bishwa road Branch in pubali Bank Limited. Kuril bishwa road Branch
is an old branch. It was mainly established to provide banking service to the people of this area. The first
priority of this branch is to serve local people, small business person and big Company. All the people

here in this branch were very friendly to me and because of them I was able to work in all departments
of this branch. They made sure that I was feeling comfortable from the very first day. I never got any
sort of unfair treatment from them. They were very interested to help me learn things and gave me as
much knowledge they can within these three months to prepare me for the real life expertise. Kuril
Bishwa road Branch is an old branch and it has 24 employees. And all employees are very friendly.

Pubali bank Limited bank Ltd. has three departments. They are

 General banking department,

 Foreign exchange and
 Remittance department and credit and certificate department.

General Banking Department:

Every bank has some common tasks to do in the day to day banking activities. Different banks might
have different methods of doing these works, but these all fall under the general banking department.
General banking is the heart of banking. Here money collection procedure occurs, cherub encashment,
account transfer, account closing, bills and remittance are provided, so general banking section is the
life blood in banking service. The activities performed here are-dispatch (inward-outward), deposit, A/C
opening and close, accounts transfer, cheque book issue, local remittance (payment order ,DD,TT)
collections- trans delivery, IBC, OBC, Cash, Vault, packing and handling

Foreign Exchange and remittance department:

Foreign exchange department deals with import, export and foreign remittances. Foreign Exchange is an
International Department of the Bank. It facilitates international trade through its various modes of
services. It bridges between importers and exporters. This department mainly deals in foreign currency,
that's why it is called foreign exchange department. This department is playing an important role in
enhancing export earnings, which aids economic growth and in turn it helps for the economic

Credit and Certificate Department:
This department of the bank mainly deals with CIB (Credit Information Bureau) for its clients. Also it
prepares forwarding for loan approval. It gives advice to the customers for disbursing loan amount, after
getting head office’s approval. This section prepares car loan, home loan and other types of loan on the
basis of client’s quotation.

During my internship period I was mainly under the supervision of Mr. Mustafizur rahman sir. He
decided where I would work each week. Throughout the period I worked under the supervision of
several senior officers and officers. I had to work under senior officer of Diana in accounts opening
section, senior officer of Miss Mitali in foreign remittance, Mr. Jahangir in Bill posting. All the people
working here is highly skilled and co-operative. Whenever I have approached to them for any issues,
they have solved it in a very friendly manner. Everyone valued their job. If anyone completes a tough job
then the seniors never forget to appreciate the effort.

Assignments and Contribution to the Organization:

Over these months of internship in Pubali Bank Limited, Kuril bishwa road Branch, I have done various
shorts of jobs and activities. Here are some of my activities during this internship program.

Voucher audit and shorting:

Voucher check was my every day work for these three months. It was a very important but hassled job.
As a result, every day I had to check many voucher entries in accordance with the original voucher to
make sure there was no mistake in transaction throughout the day. This was the only way to ensure if
there is any mistake in transaction entry.

Clearing and Remittance:

In clearance, department works were a bit of complicated in nature. There I had to receive all incoming
check form the customer, give entry to the spreadsheet, and send photos of the check by a machine to
the head office. After that my in-charge in clearance could easily respond to the head in due time
because he could only respond it for a limited time. Then I helped customer to prepare documents for
withdrawing remittance too.

CIB (Credit Information Bureau) Form:
For giving loan, a CIB form was very important. I had to sometime fill up the all the information field of
the customer and send it to Bangladesh bank for the in-query of the customer to make sure he was not
a loan defaulter in any bank of the country. It helped greatly to minimize risk of the bank.

Prepare file:
In foreign exchange and credit department almost every day, I had to prepare the file for the customer
for L/C opening and loan disbursement. Each file is for each customer to track down the progress or to
collect any information I needed to deal with the respective customer. I had to number the file and
collect all the documents needed to open an L/C or Loan account. In addition, I had to update the file if
any new documents arrived.

Maintaining Communication with customers:

Maintaining communication with customers were another important contribution to the bank. I had to
call the customer and ensure that the pending documents came at our end at the right time. I had to
make follow up calls and emails to ensure the punctuality of their service.

Government Banks are one of the major contenders in service industry. Therefore, in my internship
period I served directly and indirectly around 1100 customers in these three months, when I was in front
desk, I have helped customer to fill up the account opening form. In addition, when I was in foreign
exchange and credit department I served at least five clients daily indirectly by providing them
information, collecting necessary documents, reviewing and correcting there documents.

Register update:
When I was in accounts department, I had to update the voucher register for couple of time. It was
basically used to keep the track of vouchers.

These were my major day to day activities during the internship period. I was assigned different
responsibility under different supervisors. I was shuffled in different sections in different time in order to
get done with all the sections. I was appreciated by my supervisors for my contribution in the work.

Lessons Learned from Internship Experience:
The internship program was a good way to learn new skill and as well as hone existing ones. Internship
at Pubali bank bank Ltd. had given me lots of opportunity to gain and hone skills.

Technical Skills:
Throughout the time of internship I have learned and performed many technical tasks to perform my
job. I had learn and used Apache Open Office application to perform jobs like typing OD application,
Loan proposal etc. Open office application software work same as M/S office so I used my MS office
knowledge to use Open Office programs like word, excel etc. I have also learned the use of Bank
Software. A centralized core banking software (CBS).This real time online platform independent CBS was
developed by a local vendor. In the bank everyone had to learn it because it is the software that Pubali
bank Ltd uses for all the transaction entry of every day operation.

Analytical Skills:
Analytical skill is judging the effectiveness, utility of different task programs which was very important
while doing business in service industry like bank. Therefore, in my internship I faced many problems
those had to be solved with effectiveness and efficiency like - large amount of mass data to analyze,
serving mass customers, and doing multiple tasks in various departments in one day. This honed my
analytical skill for performing a critical job. Therefore, I make my own way to analyze and perform
multiple jobs together, and found various new ways to deal with this mass amount work.

People Skill:
Of the most important things I have learned in internship was how to communicate with people. I had to
face lots of clients from different departments of the branch and I had to report to the Head of Branch
sometimes. These practices made my formal communication skills much better. I always believed that I
had a good interpersonal skill and there I had a chance to prove it. I had to constantly deal with
individuals from different customers and departments. Most of the time people from the other
department used to be impatient and inconsiderate but I used to handle them tactfully using my
interpersonal skills. On top of that, due to my interpersonal skills, I was able to build quite a few
connections with people from other departments.

Personal Development:
This internship opportunity has polished and developed my time management, professionalism, skill of
multitasking, team work, ability to work under pressure, etc. which has a great impact on my career.
Attributes which are groomed and developed my personality through this internship program are
described below:

Last three months I had to go office every day timely. I had to stay in the office from 10 am to 6 pm. This
strict time management helped me to become more punctual.

Frequent Conduct with customers and interaction with employees through formal communication has
increased my professionalism.

Team Skills:
I have also achieved team skills as all the tasks are separated from different division. Each had different
team of interns, employees and managers as well as different target to achieve. Such experience has
sharpened my ability to work in a team environment.

Multitasking and Ability to Work under Pressure:

There was time when I had to handle multiple tasks at a time under severe pressure. This has taught me
how to prioritize my workload and work effectively and efficiently.

Attention to Detail:
Banking is all about proper documentation and handling agreement papers which I got to acknowledge
at the very first stage. A single mistake can result in a serious crime. Thus my internship has taught me
how to work efficiently as well as carefully.

Following Policy:
Alike all banks Pubali bank is also a strict follower of Bangladesh Bank rules and regulation. Thus before
conducting any task I also needed to be alert that each and every action whether is done following the

These were the skills I got chance to develop during my internship period. I am confident that in a bank I
can be a very efficient employee as if now without any training. Therefore, I hope that, I will be able to
make the best use of these skills in the future.

Divergence between the Expectation and Reality

In any new situation, we usually assume that everything will go just as we imagined but reality is often
different than our thoughts. With time things got better for me. As I have previously heard from some of
my relatives, that their internship experiences were limited to only photocopying and scanning the
documents or making coffee for the bosses. However, at Pubali bank Ltd, the environment was
different. I actually had the opportunity to implement some of the things I learned in my academic life
as well as gather important knowledge on how the industry runs. However, it was a bit disappointing at
times as I could not use my creativity or know-how in some cases as these Local Companies has their
own way of doing things.

Apart from that, I was very anxious about the organizational culture of Pubali bank Ltd as I heard that
the environment over there is rigid. To my utter surprise, the culture over there was very friendly and

At the beginning, I found things a bit complicated; as I had to follow up quickly on everything that’s
going around. People won’t repeat the same thing twice or provide thorough information on how to do
things around, even the simplest ones (How to set up the Printer connection or the specific format for a
survey report etc.).

However I caught up eventually, and thought at times I had it easy; because nowadays you have access
to all the information necessary in the Internet and it can assist you greatly. For example, when I was
asked by my supervisor to deliver the invitation letters for the launch of Toyota Motors; I had to go
areas at Dhaka city that I’m known with. But using Google Maps I was able to find those locations quick,
compared to my cousin who did his internship at around 2006 ,who did similar activities, and it took him
a great deal of time.

Influence on my career plans
I and my friends were always hell-bent on doing a job at a Multinational Company (MNC); but if you ask
me now, my answer won’t be the same. Starting my job career here is a great option. Because working
here has opened my eyes towards the big local banks like Pubali Bank Ltd, BRAC, and IBBL etc. These
companies are the leading market leaders in their respective fields.

Plus working at Brand department seems promising; the members here work in tranquility and the
challenges they face are exciting. But for the time being, I have to evaluate the possible options I have
on joining an organization because it is going to be a vital transition for my life. The reason being,
whenever a person joins an organization he/she at least spends a year there before to moving to
someplace else. So the first step needs to be right, and also bearing in mind that, Pubali bank Ltd is a
prominent option.

Redo this Internship - What I would have done differently

Working here was a delightful experience; I have seen some of my friends being subject to immense
pressure (type of amount that is acceptable for a paid employee) during their internship. The initial days
were a bit confusing and boring but apart from that it was an insightful journey.

But there is one thing that would have made the experience more pleasant. The space allocated for this
branch is not enough though they are working on it. It would even great if it was little bit wide. As I
heard that consumer is multiplied, sometime it’s very difficult to maintain the client simply because
there is no enough space for their waiting.

Interaction with Supervisor and Co-workers

I was under direct supervision of manager Md. kamruzzaman As per my job responsibility; I had to
communicate with him every day. Communication process was very flexible from his end. He was very
helpful and at the same time guided me appropriately wherever it needed. I was also free to discuss
about any challenges faced during my work. He tried to deliver me with his best possible solution and
was concerned for my personal development being an intern. I also had to report to the head of branch
and manager operation sometimes. They were also very professional, formal, and warming. All the
other coworkers of the entire department were very professional when it came to do their jobs. On the
other hand, when I needed help, they were always there to help me on any subjects. From the first day,
whenever I had any trouble in understanding anything, which I must admit that it happened a lot on my
initial days of internship, each of the department had helped me in every way they could. Especially one
person’s name should be mentioned; Diana miss (Senior Officer). Most of the things I had learnt in my
internship experience, the credit for that goes directly to this person. He helped me immensely during

my internship days. He mainly taught me all about the foreign exchange department and inspired me to
work in this department if I choose a career in a bank. He taught me how to handle people who came
for withdrawing remittance money. These people often did not know how to withdraw remittance
money from bank and often did many mistakes. I often got very angry at these silly mistakes but Mr.
Mustafizur rahman taught me how to control my behavior and manage my work. We often had launch
together and talked about the government banking systems, its good sides and limitations. Not only he,
but the other colleagues had also been very helpful and never said no when I needed their help. Those
interactions with my coworkers made my internship experience much more effective.

On top of that, all the employees of Pubali bank Ltd. were very friendly in nature which made both way
interactions very easy. At first I was little worried that how I would work with so many people who are
older than me and because of this reason I was a bit stiff in my starting days of internship. However,
within the first week my colleagues eased me up. In addition, within no time I felt part of the huge
Pubali bank Ltd. family.

My interaction with the co-workers and the other intern were very flexible and smooth. Everyone was
very friendly and cooperative in terms of work. We made up a good team. Therefore, we never realized
that we know each other’s for a few months.

In addition, our in charges were very concerned about the development of each of the interns working
here. This is one of the reasons, we as interns get equal priorities in terms of communicating with the

Internship was a great real life learning experience. This was the last pit stop of my BBA program at
North South University and the next pathway to my future life. It gave me the taste of corporate culture
and prepared me for the upcoming professional and corporate life. It gave me the opportunity of
implementing my academic knowledge as well as taught me how to deal with real life situation. This
experience will be a memorable one and will come in handy in the near future.

Weekly journal: 01
Pubali Bank was initially emerged in the Banking scenario of the then East Pakistan as Eastern
Mercantile Bank Limited at the initiative of some Bangalee entrepreneurs in the year 1959 under Bank
Companies Act 1913 for providing credit to the Bangalee entrepreneurs who had limited access to the
credit in those days from other financial institutions. After independence of Bangladesh in 1972 this
Bank was nationalized as per policy of the Government and renamed as Pubali Bank. Subsequently due
to changed circumstances this Bank was denationalized in the year 1983 as a private bank and renamed
as Pubali Bank Limited. Since inception this Bank has been playing a vital role in socio-economic,
industrial and agricultural development as well as in the overall economic development of the country
through savings mobilization and investment of funds.

At Present, Pubali Bank is the largest private commercial bank having 455 branches and it has the largest
real time centralized online banking network

I got the opportunity to perform my internship at Pubali bank limited, (Kuril Biswa road, Dhaka).At first i
met with senior principle officer (SPO) Md. Mustafizur Rahman. He gave me the joining letter. Then I
met with the branch Manager, officers and also all office stuff of this branch. There are mainly four
Divisions in Kuril Biswa road branch.

1. General Banking

2. Foreign Exchange Department

3. Credit Department

4. Accounts

The branch is operated by extremely hardworking and talented bankers who work to achieve the goals
of the organization. Branch Manager told me to work in general banking division. I was assigned with
one of their senior officers. There are six members in this division. They all are polite and friendly

Work Done:
How to communicate with the customer, colleague, Deputy Manager and Manager

Learned about how to open savings account

Receive phone calls

Making list of undelivered thanks letter

Weekly journal: 02

Work Done:
I have completed Second week of my internship program in Pubali Bank Limited, Kuril Biswa road branch
in Dhaka. On the first day my supervisor has showed me two types of saving account form. One is for
individual person and another one is for company, business enterprise etc. These forms are used for
collecting all types of information about individual person and business enterprise. These forms also
include different types saving account option. Like current account, FDR etc. Whole week, I have helped
my supervisor to fill up the forms.

Learning and achievement:

I have learned one new thing this week which is how to fill up the saving account forms. I have learned
that to open up a bank account you must have certain things, there are passport size photos, utility bills
receipt, national Id card etc. I have also learned that to open up a bank account you must select your
nominee. Nominee means account owner selected person, who can deposit money and withdraw
money from account owner account.

I have observed one thing this week, which is people working at bank must have common sense and
problem solving ability. Everyone knows all banks follow very strict bureaucratic structure. But
sometimes for customers sake bank people go beyond the rule. Sometimes for customer satisfaction
bank people slightly change the rule. Sometimes customers don’t fill up all the sections in forms. In that
case, bank people use their common sense to fill up the blank sections in forms.

Notable incident:
I remembered one notable incident in my second week of internship program. There are two employees
in cashier desk. Their job is one of the most risky jobs in bank sectors. If they fail to count cash properly
or misplace any amount, they will be penalized. This week one of our employees in cashier desk fails to
count cash properly and for that reason he has to pay money from his own pocket.

Weekly journal: 03

Work Done:
In this journal I’m going to write whatever what I did in my 3rd week of internship means from 04th June
to 08th June. At the very first two day of third week, Mustafizur Sir let me do some “Credit Voucher” &
“LBC (Local Bills for Collection)” which I’m now skillful I have to say. Then Mustafizur sir sends me to
Diana miss who is in charge on General Banking and tells me to learn something from him. Diana Miss
start by saying that KYC form knows as know you customer form belongs to the Bangladesh Bank and
our bank has to send these forms to the Bangladesh Bank annually, in this section client can get to know
about their account condition, transactions, collect bank statements and other functions that is
performed by him. I was given some files with clients’ account forms inside and assigned to complete
the KYC form, attached with every account form. In this form every necessary detail must be filled in
which account holder’s name, account number, account type, source of income etc. must be clearly
mentioned and verified. I was instructed to write just the occupation (other things were filled up before)
of the clients in the form by checking the occupation box from the accounts form. If there is any
discrepancy appears, I was instructed to show it to Miss Diana. Beside with it I was instructed to check if
the photocopy of national ID was attached in the forms. If not, then they told me to write down the
account numbers. I found some forms which have no National ID and I write down the accounts
numbers in a paper. I also faced some other problems like no photo, not enough information, the blank
occupation box etc. I showed them to Diana miss and he checked the accounts whether they are active
or not. Some forms needed special attention so they were given to the authorized people to check.
Finally, Mustafizur Sir said me, he is going to teach me how to do Debit Voucher and Pay Order stuff and
how to write on register book next week.

Learning/ Achievements:
Now I think I can fill up and check this KYC form without any help from my director and this week I fill up
few of this form. This KYC form is very significant for a legal account. All documents are sent to
Bangladesh Bank. If Bangladesh Bank doesn’t get sufficient documents for customers, then the
Bangladesh Bank sends notice within six month to cancel that account. Hence, Bank should strictly
monitor KYC form avoiding customer annoyance.

Observations/ Reflections:
This was my third week in Pubali Bank limited. I realized that when you are working in any bank, no
matter how angry or sad you are or how much stressed you are, you still have to maintain a peaceful

Notable Incident:
When I started work, I faced some other problems like no photo, not enough information, the blank
occupation box etc. I showed them to Diana miss and he checked the accounts whether they are active
or not. In my working time one customer came to me for transaction problem. Transaction problem
caused because of lacking information during account opening. Diana miss solved the problems after
checking information.

Weekly journal-4

Work Done:
I have completed fourth week of my internship program in Pubali Bank Limited, Kuril Biswa road Branch
Dhaka. This week I have done same tasks those I did in last weeks of my internship program. Like, I have
done inward and outward documentation, filled up different types of from, debit and ATM card papers

Learning and achievement:

This week I have learned how to work in a group. I have a very good relation with my colleagues those
are also doing internship in my bank. We are switching and deleting tasks so that we can learn more. We
have perfect co-ordination related to our works. We have good understanding about our works.

This week I have observed you must have ability to work in a group. It is very important in job sector
specifically in banking sector. I have seen that all officers are working in a group like instantly delegating
tasks to each other. When customers come for opening an account, all department officers work
together. They make sure the account is opened perfectly.

Notable incident:
This week one notable incident was, one female customer came into our bank with her little child. She
might be 3 to 4 years old. She was very much disturbing her mother. Child was crying, running in the
bank. Her mother was very much annoyed by her child. Then I picked the child in my arm walked
through the whole bank so that her mother can quietly complete her form.

Weekly journal -5

Work Done:
In this journal I’m going to write whatever what I did in my 5th week of internship means from 18th June
to 22th June. At the very first two day of fifth week I couldn’t learn any new things, because each and
every one out there where too busy doing their own works that why I just did whatever what I learn this
far, beside i did some stapler work, some photocopy works specially ID card and passport photocopy
things, transfer file from one desk to another and getting few signatures after authorization etc. I did
something in Monday; I had gained another good experience. By the instruction of Miss Diana, I helped
a customer to fill in the form’s information for opening accounts. It was her first time opening her own
account. So I guided him through the processes, the papers required to open the account and the forms
that has to be attached with it. It was nice and she gave me her thanks as my patience with her constant
questions never faded. In the third day Mustafizur sir (SPO) got little bit free time to teach me new
thing, its Fixed Deposit Receipt (FDR) Account offers the customers the opportunity to invest a fixed
amount for a fixed period at a fixed rate of interest. He also added in his speech that, the customers
have the option to reinvest their funds both principal amount and interest amount on maturity or
principal amount and the interest amount being paid into their SB or CD accounts. Then he shows me
the percentage of interest book list for both individual and corporate for any amount. Let me describe it
here (as he showed me),

FDR for 3 (three) months & above but less than 6 months – 5.00%

FDR for 6 (six) months & above but less than 6 months – 5.25%

FDR for 1 (one) year & above but less than 2 years – 5.50%

FDR for 2 years and above – 5.75-6.00%

Learning/ Achievements:
At the beginning of the week, I was to complete the work what I had learnt in the last week. Sometimes
I was to work on salary book. I have learnt opening a new account and I knew how to handle customer
properly. In the middle week I knew about Fixed Deposit Receipt (FDR) Account which offers the
customers the opportunity to invest a fixed amount for a fixed period. I also knew the individual and
corporate interest rate.

When I helped a customer to fill in the form’s information for opening accounts, I face some critical
issues. I need some material for opening the account such as attested picture, reference of any Pubali

bank account holder and chairman certificate. Customer asked he had a DBBL account but he didn’t
need this type of material. Though he understood clearly but he was little bit unsatisfied. I must follow
the rules regulations of the bank. I observed that customer will always not be happy whether I have to
follow the bank bank’s procedure.

Notable Incident:
This was the rush hour of the bank and so each and every employee was so much busy. So I couldn’t
learn any more without FDR and casual task.

Weekly journal -6

Work Done:
In this journal I’m going to write whatever what I did in my 6th week of internship means. I have learnt a
very important thing it’s about Receipt and Payment of FDR/ DPS. I also received the deposit amounts of
DPS, vouchers, FDR encashment funds in the same way. This day Mustafiz Sir (SPO) told me to seat
nearby him. He starts by saying that, when a new cheque book arrives in our branch after 3 working
days it comes with a requisition slip. Sir told me to check the serial number and the cheque with a
requisition slip then I check the serial number and name of the cheque book with the orders requested
from the bank and the arrivals date are inputted in the software. First cheque book is only given to the
a/c holder. When he receives the book he has to sign the first alike the a/c holding sign. An authorized
person has to sign next. If some other person wants to take the cheque he needs to bring the authority
to collect cheque book signed by the a/c holder. And in Cheque Serial Posting section some things are
very mandatory to notice, the person whose cheque is provided is again manually written in the register
with name, account number and the serial numbers. In order to make the cheque register with the
name, account number and the serial numbers, it will be active by again three requires 3 authorized
persons approval in computer. Sir also mentions that, both cash deposit receipt and cheque leaf is
provided from the bank. These are two types of cheque. One is open cheque which anyone can present
at the counter and teller is bound to make the payment. Besides that there is another cheque named
cross cheque where transaction is done through account. A cheque is called special cross cheque if it
mentions the name of the bank in which it must be drawn.

Learning/ Achievements:
I have learnt how to handover Cheque Book & how to do Cheque Serial Posting. I got idea about cheque.
I knew about the classification about cheque. Besides these, I did some “Credit Voucher” & “LBC (Local
Bills for Collection)”, did some “Debit Voucher”, and did some “Pay Order” as well in rest of the week.

One thing I observed that work never ends in a bank. It keeps on going. Even if you work the whole day
without stopping, even then you would not be able to finish. There are always new activities, works, and
tasks that need to be completed.

Notable Incident:
There was no incident that took place which was significantly notable. Except that the work load kept on

Weekly Journal -7

Work Done:
My seventh week of internship starts by doing Debit Voucher and filling Pay Order. The debit voucher
will have a particular cash value and they are used to transfer money from one bank account to another.
One person will fill out an amount that the debit voucher will be worth to the person who is receiving it.
The voucher is then passed on to this person and they then pay it into their bank and receive the total
some on the voucher in their bank account. First of all in the title where it’s written “ we have debited
your account as under” in this section I have to write, being the a/o (amount) debited from the above
a/c (account) transfer to different branches as per as sheet enclosed. Then I have to write the amount as
it is required in words and in letter, then I have to use T-24 seal, the posted and the transfer seal, then
write down the registered code number under the T-24 seal, then make it authorized by Diana miss and
of course my instructor Mustafizur sir (SPO) . That’s it. I’m done learning the Debit Voucher, and my
very first work of debit voucher was Good Neighbors BD ltd debit voucher. The next day sir taught me
about the pay order things, Negotiable instrument (such as a draft) which instructs a payer bank to pay a
certain sum to a third party is called pay order. And the blue slip should be fill up as it is required based
on the applicant banking transaction information. Sir shows me one of it and tells me to do as he did.
That’s all I have learned in my seventh week of internship. That’s all I got to write in my seventh week
internship journal.

Learning/ Achievements:
I did lot of things this week. I did some credit voucher, two of the debit voucher (as I’m new it this work),
some pay order, and some of the LBC. There are two kinds of vouchers in different colors for debit &
credit entries. Banks are following double book keeping method of accounting & hence all debits will
have corresponding credit entries. I learned how to fill up credit voucher and debit voucher and the
activity of those vouchers.

I enjoyed the week because task was very easy and there had a vacation mood. To fill up debit voucher
and credit voucher was completely new job for me. It is comparatively easy work for me because it’s as
like as check book. I did another two tasks which was pay order and LBC in this week. I know about the
activity of pay order and LBC. Hence, I complete my job very well and supervisor was pleased to me.

Notable Incident:
There was no incident that took place which was significantly notable.

Weekly journal-8

Work Done:
I have completed Eighth week of my internship program in Pubali Bank Limited, Kuril Biswa road branch
Dhaka. This week I have done anything new. I have done previous types of works like registration of
debit card, credit card, and ATM card, cheque book, filled up forms, put stamps etc.

Learning and achievement:

This week I have learned to cope up with unexpected and undesirable situation. Like fellow interns
jealousy, supervisor rude behavior, argument with peon etc. This is very common in work place and I
have learned how to deal with them.

This week I have observed you must be accountable for your every action. You can’t pass your mistakes
to others. You are completely responsible for your action.

Notable incident:
This week one notable incident was about unexpected behavior between two coworkers which includes
me. My branch manager asked me to put serial number on outward. But I mistook and manager scolded
very badly in-front of all the stuffs and customers.

Weekly journal -9

Work Done:
This week I am doing Locker opening. “Locker Opening” one of the most important service that bank
provide for its customers, and yes my 9th week internship start by learning about it. Mustafizur sir is in
charge of this sector, and as I’m working under him, so he briefs me as much as necessary to know
about it. This service is given only to some valued a/c holders. At first sir told me to provide them the
prescribed application form which they will properly fill and sign (in case of new customer). Then the
locker holder must provide a letter to the authority letter of the bank granting permission to recover
annual rent, in respect of the locker which will be debited from the customer’s account. Then after
verifying the signature on the authority letter by an authorized officer, locker is provided and key is
delivered and their software provided, and locker number is kept confidential. Then sir describes me
about the Locker Register sector. Whenever any locker holders wanted to visit their locker they must
have to bring their keys and mention their secret locker number. Then from software the register page is
opened which included the date and duration of the visit to the locker along with his/ her signature as
prove of their visit is kept. Next day Mustafizur sir talked about post office savings account. He said that
date and signature should be verified. Then Payment should be marked in the register. After that PO
becomes stale after six month of its issue, it may revalidate if tendered by the purchaser. Finally the
balance of PO register is maintained every day to keep a record of the PO issued daily and only after the
end of the balance allows opening a new PO block.

Learning/ Achievements: I learned about the Locker Register sector. Sir practically showed all of
this to me when one of our client came to check their locker. Finally he told me to remember two very
important things, first one is, Lockers are not leased to minors, blinds, illiterates, insolvent persons and
the second fact is, two keys are used for operating a locker, one is delivered to the client and another
master key is retained by the branch under the custody of the manager in charge.

Observations: I observed that every department under general banking are connected each other.
They keep themselves chill, smiley and help each other. Hence we enjoy work on there.

Notable Incident: There was no incident that took place which was significantly notable.

 Nair. (2008). Towards understanding the role of emotions in conflict: a review and future
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 Rahim, M. &. (1995). Confirmatory factor analysis of the styles of handling interpersonal conflict:
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