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조선 지식인의 음악, 가곡

- 그 미적 근거의 재인식
Chosun Literati’s Music, Kagok : Reconsideration of Its Aesthetical Grounds

저자 박미경
(Authors) Park, Mi-kyung

출처 한국학논집 54, 2014.3, 7-32 (27 pages)

(Source) Keimyung Korean Studies Journal 54, 2014.3, 7-32 (27 pages)

계명대학교 한국학연구원
Academia Koreana


APA Style 박미경 (2014). 조선 지식인의 음악, 가곡. 한국학논집, 54, 7-32.

이용정보 서울대학교
(Accessed) 2018/01/25 15:28 (KST)

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서울대학교 | IP: 147.46.103.*** | Accessed 2018/01/25 15:28(KST)
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서울대학교 | IP: 147.46.103.*** | Accessed 2018/01/25 15:28(KST)
서울대학교 | IP: 147.46.103.*** | Accessed 2018/01/25 15:28(KST)
서울대학교 | IP: 147.46.103.*** | Accessed 2018/01/25 15:28(KST)
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서울대학교 | IP: 147.46.103.*** | Accessed 2018/01/25 15:28(KST)
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서울대학교 | IP: 147.46.103.*** | Accessed 2018/01/25 15:28(KST)

계명대 음악·공연예술대학 교수로 재직 중
이며, 세계음악학회 회장을 맡고 있다. 서
울대 작곡과 졸업, 미국 켄트 주립대 음악
학 석사. 미국 캘리포니아대 (UCLA) 음악
학 박사를 졸업했다. 논문으로「세계음악과
월드뮤직: 우리 문화현장에서의 관련 쟁점
과 존재양상」,「창작국악, 그 문화현상이
보여주는 스펙트럼」,「축제문화에서의 음
악: 그 편재성과 특화재성」, 저역서로 진
도씻김굿: 종족음악학적 접근 , 탈서양중
심의 음악학 , 음악이론사 Ⅰ, Ⅱ , 진도
씻김굿의 분석연구 , 편찬서 세계음악장르
용어사전 등이 있다.

서울대학교 | IP: 147.46.103.*** | Accessed 2018/01/25 15:28(KST)

Chosun Literati's Music, Kagok:
Reconsideration of Its Aesthetical Grounds
Park, Mi-kyung (Keimyung University)

Sakdaeyop, Korean suite, Korean song-cycle, Fibonacci sequence,

Chongan-bo(井間譜), musiking

Kagok(歌曲) is a musical genre that literati class of Korean traditional

society, Chosun, It had created, and enjoyed for a long period of time, but
hidden under various modern music genres in our modernized society that
cannot be seen easy in everyday life. The genre had grown derived from
a song 'sakdaeyup (數大葉)' (a piece of fast tempo), existed 400 years ago
as a manuscript. Since that time, up to 40 songs were generated through
variation process, finally evolved during the late 19th century into a large
scale song-cycle music genre, kagok. There are three ways of singing, ones
by man, women, and man-and-women in alteration. The fact that the kagok
genre seemed to enjoyed far beyond the early 20th century makes us wonder
what is the reason for them to unfamiliar to modern Korean people.
Stimulated from the question, this paper tries to answer what unique proper-
ties the kagok has and criticizes the current status of scholarly research result.
It further attempts to describe its theoretical aspects systematically analyzed.
While there is also a claim that kagok as developed into the late Chosun
society seemed pervasively enjoyed in various functional events through varied
performing ways, but the genuine value of it is in its full-fledged performance
as a suite. This paper thus examined it in every analytical parameter in detail
to draw its complexity and excellence and further to provide its aesthetical
grounds. Finally this paper points out that the kagok is the intellectual heritage
of the literati of Korean traditional society and the matter of its right-positioning
in modern society is in the hands of modern literati in Korea.

서울대학교 | IP: 147.46.103.*** | Accessed 2018/01/25 15:28(KST)

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