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General Santos City Division

Lagao National High School

Purok Malakas, San Isidro, General Santos City
S.Y. 2018-2019

Subject: Reading and Writing Skills Date: November 16, 2018

Teacher: Margie T. Javier Lesson Plan No. 1

Section Time Day Section Time Day

11- HOUSEKEEPING 7:30 - 9:30 MTh 11-ARTS & DESIGN 7:30 - 9:30 TFri
11- BREAD 9:45 - 11:45 MTh 11-HUMSS-B 3:00 - 4:20 TFri
11- STEM 3:00 - 4:20 MTh
No. of day/s: 1 day
Code: EN11/12RWS-IIIa-2.1
Learning Competency: The learner distinguishes between and among techniques in selecting
and organizing information.
a. Brainstorming list

I. OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, students must be able to:

a. define what is brainstorming;

b. enumerate the different techniques in brainstorming;
c. practice brainstorming techniques; and
d. appreciate the importance of the use of different brainstorming techniques.

II. SUBJECT MATTER: Types of Speeches

References: Exploring Literature and Grammar: Reading and Writing Skills by: Domagsang,
Anne Gelene T.
Reading and Writing: Teacher’s Manual
Resources: printed texts/pentel pen/lcd projector

A. Prayer
B. Review the previous lesson (Types of Communicative Strategy)
C. Motivation
Let’s Warm Up. ‘Are you a Hammer or a Nail”

This is a fun go around the room discussion. The teacher will divide the students into two
groups. then teacher ask the group questions about what best describes them - X or Y - and
then have them explain why they think so.

The teacher will present a video clip to the students. The students will be divided into
four groups. They will be given 3 minutes to discuss how they understand the video
presented. Teacher will then ask questions in each group.

E. ANALYSIS (Interactive Discussion)

1. What is the video all about?
2. What are these group of students talking or doing?
3. How many people should there be in a brainstorm?
4. Who facilitated the discussion?
5. What happened to their discussion?
6. How they capture the ideas?
7. What you should do if can’t get enough ideas?
8. Name at least three things that can ruin a brainstorm?
IV. ABSTRACTION (Computer-Aided instruction)

The teacher will ask the students on how they understand the word “brainstorming”,
methods used brainstorming they remember when they were in high school, how it is being
used as a technique to capture the ideas.

Then, the teacher will discuss some points in which the students fail to mention and
haven’t given much emphasis. Video clips are also presented to support to the teacher’s
discussion and present the five important strategies under brainstorming.

The students will be divided into four groups. Each group is assign to do the following activity
using five (5) strategies of brainstorming. Answer will be written in a manila paper for group
a. Group 1 – List down causes that are worth fighting for.
b. Group 2 – Use mapping to write about OPM
c. Group 3 – Use cubing, writing about K to 12
d. Group 4 – Write 500 words in five minutes about anything


Answer the following questions in a ½ crosswise sheet of paper.

1. What is brainstorming?
2. What are the different techniques of brainstorming?


Write your answer in ½ crosswise bond paper to be submitted next meeting.

1. Research about K-Pop

Prepared by: Checked and Monitored by: Noted by:

Margie T. Javier Edward O. Castino, MT II Leonardo B. Genoguin

Teacher III Principal II


(Application - Group Activity)

Category Scoring Criteria E (4) (3) (2 (1)
(5) )
Ideas are arranged logically.
Organization Transitions are smooth.
Content is relevant and well-developed
Introductions captures listener’s attention.
Audible and pleasant voice is used.
Verbal Words are pronounced and enunciated well.
Gestures, postures and Facial expressions are expressive,
Non-verbal dynamic and natural.
Distracting movements or mannerisms are avoided.


(Assessment – Test III)

Rating Rating Rating Rating Score

Criterion Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs
4 3 2 1
Introduction (1) Gets Meets any Meets any two Meets only
attention three of the of the four one of the
(2) Clearly four criteria criteria four criteria
identifies topic
(3) Establishes

(4) Previews
the main
Body Main points Main points Main points Main points
are clear, are need clarity are not clear
well somewhat and support and have no
supported, clear, lack of support
and some support, sources and and no sources
sources are and documentation or
documented some documentation
Conclusion (1) Reviews Reviews main Brings closure Does not bring
main points points , brings closure; the
(2) Brings closure audience is left
closure hanging
(3) Memorable
Organization Clearly and Clear attempt Some A lack of
logically at organization inconsistencies organization
organized with a in organization makes it
speech with an beginning, and/or a lack difficult to
engaging middle, and of sustained follow the
introduction, a end and an focus speaker’s
logically attempt to use throughout the ideas; speech
sequenced transitions speech with may be too
body with inconsistently conversational
appropriate used and may
transitions, transitions ramble
and a clear without a clear
and convincing beginning,
conclusion. middle, or end
Grammar No spelling, Some minor Multiple Numerous
and punctuation, spelling, spelling, spelling,
Conventions capitalization, punctuation, punctuation, punctuation,
grammar or capitalization, capitalization, capitalization,
usage errors. grammar or grammar or grammar or
Written in an usage errors; usage errors; usage errors
artful style some sentence mechanical which distract
with sentence variety; a few errors do not reader.
variety. errors in disrupt flow of
standard ideas.

1. Why I’m still single.

2. Why my dog is my bestfriend.

3. The worst thing I ever smelled.

4. My real life superpower.

5. If I had a million dollars.

6. How is social media changing our lives.

7. Most terrible floods in the world.

8. How to get the best grades while in high school.

9. The importance of eating healthy foods.

10. The importance of sports on all ages.

11. Should students be allowed to have their cell phones with them during


12. Should minors be able to drink alcohol in their home if they have their

parent’s consent?

13. Should women be allowed to be priests?




1. People should eat less junk food.

2. Children should be offered incentives for doing right, rather than punishment for


3. Prayer in schools should not be mandatory.

4. Do you think it would be fair for the government to detain suspected terrorists

without proper trial?

5. People should not text while driving.

6. Recite part of the “Land of bondage, Land of the free” speech with emotion.

7. How to make fun every day in life

8. I am addicted to the Internet

9. Why men are proud of themselves

10. My funny first date experiences.

11. My funniest childhood memory

12. Why men like action and women like romance movies

13. My first day in school

14. Tips to develop self-confidence (I)

15. Tips & tricks on how to stay fit or healthy

16. Teen pregnancy: factors that cause this phenomenon

17. Consequences of World War II

18. Consequences of global warming

19. The significance of recycling the waste materials

20. Is there a way to prevent high school bullying?

21. Influence of TV shows on teenagers

22. Several ways to get the best grades

Jessie F. Alaban

Dialogue No. 1

Chandran: Look at any newspaper today. You will be surprised with the rising number of juvenile
delinquency. Teenagers are involved in loitering, vandalism, gangsterism and bullying.

Manan: That’s very true. I seriously think women should not work. Instead, they should stay at home
and raise their children.

Chandran: I disagree with you. Are you aware about the women empowerment and equal rights of
men and women? Women have given the equal opportunity to work a white collared job just
like men too. They do not exist just only to do the household chores and raise their children,
but they are also partners of the government to improve our society together with men. And
besides that, with the rising cost of living, it is almost impossible to make ends meet with a
sole breadwinner.

Manan: In the race for materialism, parents have sacrificed the filial bond with the children. They
are willing to put their children on hold but not their career. But anyway, that is just my own
opinion. Thanks for have said, it’s very informative one.

Dialogue No. 2

Maria: I want to stay healthy for I have so many goals to attain in life.
Chikitita: If you want to stay healthy, you should do more exercise. If you don’t do more exercise,
you will have a raised risk of health problems.
Maria: Do I need to exercise, but I’m busy.
Chikitita: Just give time for yourself, you could join an exercise class at Manny Pacquaio’s building
at City Heights to improve your health.
Maria: But… exercise classes are boring.
Chikitita: There are exciting exercise classes. You have other options of you want to. You can do
an indoor rock climbing class. If you are registered unemployed, then, the local sports centre
offers an indoor rock climbing class.
Maria: Really! Wow, that’s a nice one. That’s quiet convincing huh!

Dialogue 3:

JM: You don’t look like you’re from around here.

Restituto: I lived here all my life!

JM: Oh really! Then you must know Mr. Procopio.

Restituto: Mr. Procopio is a friend of mine!

JM: You liar! There ain’t no Mr. Procopio here, I made him up!

Restituto: Ah uh… I’m just joking. I know there is no Mr. Procopio here. But anyway, do you have
something to eat? I am starving.

JM: Fortunately, I have with me a basket of foods I brought. You can open it.

Restituto: Really! Thank you for being so kind-hearted. (As he opens the basket). What is this, it’s
full of thrash. You said there’s food in here!

JM: Sorry, there’s really no food in there. I’m just joking too!
Restituto: Such a liar!
JM: You too!

23. People should eat less junk food.

24. Children should be offered incentives for doing right, rather than punishment for wrongdoing.

25. Prayer in schools should not be mandatory.

26. Do you think it would be fair for the government to detain suspected terrorists without proper


27. People should not text while driving.

28. Recite part of the “Land of bondage, Land of the free” speech with emotion.

29. How to make fun every day in life

30. I am addicted to the Internet

31. Why men are proud of themselves

32. My funny first date experiences.

33. My funniest childhood memory

34. Why men like action and women like romance movies

35. My first day in school

36. Tips to develop self-confidence (I)

37. Tips & tricks on how to stay fit or healthy

38. Teen pregnancy: factors that cause this phenomenon

39. Consequences of World War II

40. Consequences of global warming

41. The significance of recycling the waste materials

42. Is there a way to prevent high school bullying?

43. Influence of TV shows on teenagers

44. Several ways to get the best grades

LS 4 3 2 1

Clear and convincing command Clear use of facts and Partially clear use of facts and Confusing or incomp
of facts and information with information with partially information with limited or with little and/or con
rch insightful explanations that help developed explanations in incomplete explanations to explanations as to ho
sis to illustrate the speaker’s ideas support of the speaker’s ideas support the speaker’s ideas or support the speaker’s
and arguments. At least six or arguments. At least six arguments. At least five sources arguments. At least f
sources are incorporated into sources are incorporated into are incorporated into the are incorporated into
the speech. All six sources are the speech. speech. speech.
used to strengthen the
persuasive argument.

Clearly and logically organized Clear attempt at organization Some inconsistencies in A lack of organizatio
speech with an engaging with a beginning, middle, and organization and/or a lack of difficult to follow the
introduction, a logically end and an attempt to use sustained focus throughout the ideas; speech may be
ation sequenced body with transitions speech with inconsistently used conversational and m
appropriate transitions, and a transitions without a clear begin
clear and convincing middle, or end

Uses sophisticated and varied Uses appropriate language and Use words that may be unsuited Inappropriate use of
language that is suited to the word choice, but with less to the topic, audience or distracts the audienc
topic and audience; word choice sophistication, expressiveness purpose of the speech; word is too informal or too
age is concise, original, and and/or originality choice lacks originality and fails given the topic and p
effectively conveys the to convey an appropriate tone the speech
appropriate tone given the for the speech
purpose of the speech

Artfully incorporates at least six Incorporates at least six Incorporates at least five Incorporates four or
different tropes or schemes to different tropes or schemes to different tropes or schemes to tropes or schemes to
persuade the target audience. persuade the target audience persuade the target audience. the target audience.
and Tropes and schemes are fluidly
mes and naturally scattered
throughout the speech and aid
in the persuasive argument.
Usage does not feel forced.

als All three appeals are fluidly and All three appeals are clearly An attempt at using all three Either not all appeals
naturally scattered throughout used throughout the speech to appeals is made, although there obvious or they are u
the speech with effectively may be some imbalance or the ineffectively
persuasion may be slightly
a balance that effectively aids in persuade your audience ineffective
your persuasion without making
it feel forced

or contrite

r and No spelling, punctuation, Some minor spelling, Multiple spelling, punctuation, Numerous spelling,
ions capitalization, grammar or usage punctuation, capitalization, capitalization, grammar or usage punctuation, capitaliz
errors. grammar or usage errors; some errors; mechanical errors do not grammar or usage er
sentence variety; a few errors in disrupt flow of ideas. Some distract reader. Num
Written in an artful style with MLA formatting. errors in MLA formatting. errors in MLA forma
sentence variety. No MLA
formatting errors.


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