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What I personally take pride in is my family.

Ever since i was young i always noticed

that my father was always doing the most for his family. Even when he was sick he
would go to work, no matter the weather conditions he'd still pull through. My mother
has always stuck by my side no matter the given situation she has always helped me
pull through. She's my best friend. And all my little siblings are literally like my own
children. They mean the world me. My family never splits apart we go through the
darkest of times together and we make it through stronger and closer than ever. Even
what i was going through my darkest moments and made my parents life's a living hell
they never gave up on me.

The second picture is my ​cousin Jorge, has been there for me since i met him in the
third grade he had just gotten back from Mexico. Through the years him and i got closer
and closer. He is the only person i can go to and literally talk about anything to without
feeling like he's going to judge me.I had just turned 15 in this picture and my cousin
surprised me at school with a bunch of balloons gifts and even a whole cake. He also is
one of my favorite cousins. Going out with him is always eventful and a day well spent.

The third image is my dad.​My father Mario is one of the main people i take pride in
saying is in my life. We have had our ups and downs throughout the past four years,
and it hasn't been easy. I lost his trust as i got older but that's okay because it's
something i work hard to regain. When i was a little girl i was like my dad's shadow i
would always be with him no matter what he was doing. I was my father's eyes. He did
anything to make me smile.

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