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Advancing Case Management Practice – Part II

Marcia Colone, Ph.D., LCSW, ACM, Steven McGaffigan, LCSW, ACM, Cindy Beemsterboer, RN, ACM, Sue Johanson, RN, MS

In Part I of this article series (Winter, 2006), the experience with a pilot project of the care facilitator role on a neuroscience unit was described.
The outcomes of that trial exceeded expectations and based on that success, administration authorized the expansion of the new care
coordination model throughout the adult medical/surgical population. This article shares the experience of implementing that expansion and
lessons learned along the way.

THE EXPANSION Challenges created by the service-based structure include:

The expansion of the care coordination model was led by the • The service-based organization of care facilitators favors the
newly created RN care facilitator role and began on the Medicine physician who communicates with only one care facilitator.
Services in October. The Oncology and Surgery Services followed in
• The care facilitator may have patients on
February and April, respectively. The first
5 to 11 units, which creates navigation,
step in the expansion process was to
time and communication challenges
develop the implementation and staffing
when some of those units are inevitably
plan, which assigned FTEs to the roles of
geographically disbursed.
RN care facilitator, continuity of care RN
coordinator (COC) and social worker. Outcomes measured • Significant time is devoted to producing
Secondly, a work plan was developed and updating an accurate patient list for
describing critical elements such as by the metrics of nursing units and to other departments
communication, recruitment, such as rehabilitation services.
orientation, launch dates, and outcomes LOS reduction and • Timely update to case management and
reporting. Outcomes measured by the unit staff members is difficult due to
metrics of LOS reduction and avoidable logistical challenges. The COC or social
days were supplemented with: patient avoidable days were worker often encounter a physician on
satisfaction, discharge by time of day, and the unit and learn about the plan of care
physician satisfaction. supplemented with: before the care facilitator.
The pilot experience had highlighted • Care facilitators are less visible to a single
the importance of face-to-face patient satisfaction, unit-based health care team, which
communication regarding the new negatively impacts relationship building.
model. Special attention was given to the
communication plan in this broader discharge by time • Staff ratios for the care facilitators necessitate
that they retain the utilization review
roll-out. Meetings to describe the model,
the background of its development and of day, and physician responsibilities for Medicare patients.

to discuss expectations were held with

physicians, nursing, rehabilitation services, satisfaction. MANAGE PHYSICIAN EXPECTATIONS
ancillary and diagnostic services. The
It has been particularly satisfying to see
understanding and acceptance of the new
the organization develop a culture of
case management model was a critical
accountability to improve care
aspect of its success.
coordination and communication, and
reducing “hand-offs.” The response to the model by various
LESSON 1: THE STRUCTURE IS IMPORTANT constituencies has been one of collaborative support. For example,
Despite the success of the pilot, the consensus of decision- most recognize the need for an enhanced care coordination process
makers was to shift from a unit-based approach in favor of one that and are receptive to avoidable day reports that suggest opportunities to
is service-based. The General Medicine Service encompasses support hospital-wide efforts to enhance bed capacity.
eight different nursing units and 192 beds, while Oncology is Physicians are engaged in the new model, but it is with this group
comprised of three units with a total of 83 beds. In General Medicine, that we see the greatest variability in response to implementation.
approximately one third of patients are managed by Hospitalists, and Physicians prefer to see the care facilitator be more available to meet
two thirds by the resident service. Eight care facilitator positions were their specific needs such as retrieving medical records, reviewing
approved to cover all 275 patients yielding average caseloads of 1:34. discharge instructions, setting up outpatient appointments, and other
These high caseloads and a number of other challenges identified duties of a “physician extender.” Setting clear expectations of what the
below restrict the amount of time the care facilitator can proactively new care facilitator’s role is and is not will aid acceptance and
advance the plan of care. appropriate utilization of the new role.
(continued on page 8)

Advancing Case Management Practice – Part II (continued from page 3)

Physicians are less apt to defer to care facilitator judgments about requirement for both the care facilitators and existing staff members.
what is or is not an avoidable day. Therefore, the data collection Weekly seminars are held for the care facilitators. At these seminars,
processes incorporate a narrative account for each avoidable day issues are raised, experiences are shared, and data are reviewed.
identified and categorized in our database. These case-by-case Mutual learning occurs and feedback, both group and individual, is
accounts serve to establish case management credibility and serve as given routinely. Prior to hiring a new care facilitator, candidates are
the basis for educating those that receive the reports. evaluated on their tolerance for feedback.


The position of care facilitator was reviewed by the Compensation Challenging situations that involve changing the case management
and Benefits staff and placed in an administrative pay grade rather model stir strong emotions among stakeholders. What is critical in such
than the nursing salary program. This means care facilitators are not situations is to maintain an objective viewpoint and remain open to
eligible for periodic market salary adjustments to pay. An internal understanding the issues and perceptions of the stakeholders.
recruitment process to fill the new positions would take place prior to Participation in all discussions about the benefits, issues and challenges
initiating external recruitment. Staff members were assured that their in changing the case management model is essential. This requires
current jobs were not in jeopardy. Even so, the recruitment process patience, perseverance and the willingness to manage assumptions or
posed some challenges: recommendations that are incorrect, misleading and reflect a lack of
• Staff members had to assess their own level of interest in applying understanding of contemporary case management practice.
for the RN care facilitator role. Not all were professionally prepared Many opportunities will be available to take the lead in presenting
to meet the new expectations of the position. information and data that will clarify the issues under discussion.
Maintaining a focus on the facts, the needs of the patients, and the
• There was anxiety about how the existing roles would change in
most effective delivery of case management services will keep the
the new model.
discussion objective.
• The care facilitator position is specifically an RN position. This Questions about the efficacy of the case management model
excluded social workers from a promotion opportunity. represent opportunities to advance case management practice.
The department was under significant pressure to implement this Regardless of the current model that is used, there are always
new program quickly by adhering to an aggressive work plan and opportunities to make improvements in practice, processes and
achieving outcomes similar to the pilot. As a result, the interview communication. Case management is an ever-changing practice that
process had to be initiated quickly. The job description was finalized remains relevant by its ability to adapt to new organizational goals and
and list of interview questions were developed and made available to pressures. Starting from the premise that change is positive will
all staff members. Central to the care facilitator role are qualities and strengthen the process with stakeholders.
skills, which include leadership, collaborative problem solving and the
ability to coach. Moreover, potential candidates needed to discuss their LESSON 5: DATA ARE THE ENGINE OF CHANGE
ability to thrive in ambiguous and complex situations. Without data, observations, anecdotal information and
Of great concern to department leadership was our desire experiences reign. Data demonstrates the added value that case
to deal sensitively with staff members who were not selected. Only management practice contributes to the organization’s goals.
fifty percent of the existing eligible RN staff applied. Human Resources Evaluating available data will help assess the efficacy of case
staff was consulted and the message to applicants was that the management practice and opportunity for improvement or change.
hiring decision revolved around the degree of a candidate’s The willingness to use data to engage in the evaluation of the delivery
advancement readiness. Those who were determined not ready for of case management services supports the image that case
promotion were offered the opportunity to work with their managers management is a data-driven practice. Observations and
to create a development plan tailored to their particular need(s) for recommendations supported by data are invariably received well.
leadership experiences, or to their training needs related to technical Ongoing evaluation of the outcomes metrics for case management
skill and proficiency. is essential to evaluate the success of the implementation but also to
It was anticipated that some nurses might consider other measure the impact of the new model of case management. If the
opportunities as a result of the significant change in the department. In improvements expected in the outcome metrics (identified earlier as
fact, four nurses terminated voluntarily, placing added stress on the indicators of success for this expansion) are not realized, re-evaluation of
implementation plan. Agency nurses were hired to assure that the the model would be necessary.
Resource Center could manage the volume of reviews, as well as the These lessons have proven valuable as the expansion continues
complexity of navigating through multiple information systems that and is refined. As well, they are important lessons in leadership of
were not connected and required manual manipulation. change that will prove valuable as the practice of case management
External recruitment continues with the goal to achieve the right continues its inevitable evolution to meet the dynamic needs of
balance of new and seasoned staff members. Continual coaching is a patients in the ever-changing healthcare environment.

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