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Title – To verify the relation


/ L

T=2 / -----

 g

where T = Periodic time in sec.

L = Length of pendulum in cms.

Description (Ref. Fig. 1)

For conducting the experiment, a ball is supported by nylon thread into a chuck. It is
possible to change the length of pendulum. This makes it possible to study the effect of
variation of length on periodic time. A small ball may be substituted by large ball to
illustrate that period of oscillation is independent of the mass of ball.


1. Attach the ball to one end of thread.

2. Allow ball to oscillate and determine the periodic time T by knowing the time for
say 10 oscillations.

3. Repeat the experiment by changing the length.

4. Complete the observation table given below :


S. Mass of Ball
L Cms. No. of Time for n T Sec. T Sec

No Osc. ‘n’ Osc. ‘t’ sec (Expt.)t/n (Theoretical)

Weight of small ball – 36 gms. Weight of big ball – 104 gms.

Calculations :


/ L

T=2 / ----

 g

Plot the gaph T2 Vs. L It should yield the straight line.


Title i) To determine the radius of gyation ‘g’ of given pendulum.

ii) To verify the relation.


/ K2 + (OG)2

T = 2  / ---------------

 g (OG)

Where T = Periodic time in sec.

K = Radius of gyration about the C.G. in Cm.

OG = Distance of C.G. of the rod from support.

L = Length of suspended pendulum.

Description of Set-up (Ref. Fig. 2)

The compound pendulum consists of a steel bar. The bar is supported by the knief edge.
Two pendulum of different lengths are provided with the set-up.


1. Support the rod on knief edge.

2. Note the length of suspended pendulum and determine OG.

3. Allow the bar to oscillate and determine T by knowing the time for say 10

4. Repeat the experiment with different length of suspension.

5. Complete the observation table given below :


S. L Cm OG No. of Time or Osc T Expt. K Expt. K Theoretical

No Osc. N

1. 78 39

1. 60 30

Calculations :

i) Find k experimental from relation –


/ K2 + (OG)2

T = 2  / ---------------

 g (OG)

Substituting for OG and T in above formula find k Experimental.

K theoretical = --------


Compare values of k obtained theoretical and experimental.


Title – To determine the radius of gyration of given bar by suing Bi-Filar suspension.


A uniform rectangular section bar is suspended from the pendulum support frame by two
parallel cords. Top ends of the cords pass through the two small chucks fitted at the top.
Other ends are secured in the bifilar bar. It is possible to adjust the length of the cord by
loosening the chucks.

The suspension may be used to determine the radius of gyration of any body. In this
case the body under investigation is bolted to the centre. Radius of gyation of the
combined bar and body is then determined.

Procedure :

1. Suspended the bar from chuck, and adjust the length of the cord ‘L’ conveniently.
Note the suspension length of each cord must be same.

2. Allow the bar to oscilate about the vertical axis passing through centre and
measure the periodic time T by knowing the time for say 10 oscillations.

3. Repeat the experiment by mounting the weights at equal distance from centre.

4. Complete the observation table given below :

OBSERVATION TABLE – 2a = 46 cm L = Cm.

Sr.No. L cm. a cm. T Sec.

Calculations :

For Bi-0filar suspension

k / L
T = 2  ---- / ---
a  g

Where 2a = distance between two wires in cm.

k = radius of gyration of bi-filar suspension

Find k experimental by using above formula.

And k theoretical = --------

Study of undamped natural vibrations of beam pivoted at one end supported by tension
spring at the other end.

Consider a shaft of negligible mass, whose one end is fixed and the other end carries a
body of weight W, as shown in figure

Let s = Stiffness of shaft.

 = Static deflection due to weight of the body.
x = Displacement of body from mean position after time t.
m = Mass of body = W/g

As discussed in the previous article

/ m
Time period, tp = 2 / -----
 s
___ ____
1 1 / s 1 / g
and natural frequency, fn = ------ = ------ / ----- = ---- / ---
tp 2  m 2  

Study of undamped natural vibrations of beam pivoted at one end supported by tension
spring at the other end and to plot a graph of amplitude versus frequency.



And study the relationship between the periodic time and shaft length.

We have already discussed that for a shaft fixed at one end and carrying a rotor at the
free end as shown in figure, the natural frequency of torsional vibration,

____ ____
1 / q 1 / C.J. C.J.
fn = ----- / ---- = ----- / ------ ( q = ------ )
2  I 2  l.I I

where C = Modulus of rigidity for shaft material.

J = Polar moment of inertia of shaft = ---- x d4

d = Diameter of shaft,

l = Length of shaft,

m = Mass of rotor,

k = Radius of gyration of rotor, and

I = Mass moment of inertia of motor = m.k2

A little consideration will show that the amplitude of vibration is zero at A and maximum
at B, as shown in figure. It may be noted that the point or the section of the shaft whose
amplitude of torsional vibration is zero, is known as node. In other words, at the node,
the shaft remains unaffected by the vibration.

To verify the relation :

/ IA + IB
T = 2 / -------------
 Kt(IA+IB)

and plot a graph F Vs 1/I1

Considering a two rotor system as shown in figure. It consists of a shaft with two rotors
at its ends. In this system, the torsional vibrations occur only when the two rotors A and
B move in opposite directions i.e. if A moves in anticlockwise direction then B moves in
clockwise direction at the same have the same frequency.

We see figure that the node lies at point N. This point can be safely assumed as a fixed
end and the shaft may be considered as two separate shafts N P and N Q each fixed to
one of its ends and carrying rotors at the free ends.

Let l = Length of shaft

IA = Length of part NP i.e. distance of node from rotor A,

IB = Length of part NQ i.e. distance of node from rotor B.

IA = Mass moment of inertia of rotor A.

IB = Mass moment of inertia of rotor B.

d = Diameter of shaft.

J = Polar moment of inertia of shaft, and

C = Modulus of rigidity for shaft material.

 Natural frequency of torsional vibration for rotor A,

1 / C.J.
fnA = ----- / --------- …(i)
2  IA. IA

and natural frequency of torsional vibration for rotor B,

1 / C.J.
fnB = ----- / --------- …(ii)
2  IB. IB

Since fn = fnB, therefore

_____ ______
1 / C.J. 1 / C.J.
--- / ------- = --- / -------- or IA, IA = IB. IB … (iii)
2  IA.IA 2  IB.IB

I B. I B.
 IA = --------

We also know that

l = IA + IB

From equations, we may find the value of IA and IB and hence the position of node.
Substituting, the values of IA or IB in equation (i) and (ii), the natural frequency of
torsional vibration for a two rotor system may be evaluated.


To find out the damping coefficient Ct for various depths of damping drum (immersed in
oil) and to plot a graph of damping torque Vs. depth of damping drum.

We have already discussed that the motion of a body is resisted by frictional forces. In
vibrating systems, the effect of friction is referred to as damping. The damping provided
by fluid resistance is known as viscous damping.

We have also discussed that in damped vibrations, the amplitude of the resulting
vibration gradually diminishes. This is due to the reason that a certain amount of energy
is always dissipated to overcome the frictional resistance. The resistance to the motion
of the body is provided partly by the medium in which the vibration takes place and partly
by the internal friction, and in some cases partly by a dash pot or other external damping

Consider a vibrating system, as shown in figure in which a mass is suspended from one
end of the spiral spring and the other end of which is fixed. A damper is provided
between the mass and the rigid support.

To find out the natural frequency of a beam with and without load test and to verify the
Dunkerley’s Rule.

The natural frequency of transverse vibration for a shaft carrying a number of point loads
and uniformly distributed load is obtained from Dunkerley’s empirical formula. According
to this

1 1 1 1 1
----- = ------ + ------ + ------ + …… + ------
(fn)2 (fn1)2 (fn2)2 (fn3)2 (fns)2

where fn = Natural frequency of transverse vibration of the shaft carrying point

loads and uniformly distributed load.

fn1, fn2, fn3 etc = Natural frequency of transverse vibration of each point load.

fns = Natural frequency of transverse vibration of the uniformly distributed

load (or due to the mass of the shaft).

Now, consider a shaft AB loaded as shown in figure.

Let 1, 2, 3, etc. = Static deflection due to the load W 1, W 2, W 3 etc. when considered

4 = Static deflection due to the uniformly distributed load or due to the

mass of the shaft.

We know that natural frequency of transverse vibration due to load W1,

fn1 = ----------- Hz
 1

Similarly, natural frequency of transverse vibration due to load W2

fn2 = ----------- Hz
 2

and, natural frequency of transverse vibration due to load W3,

f31 = ----------- Hz
 3

Also natural frequency of transverse due to uniformly distributed load or weight of the

fns = ----------- Hz
 s

Therefore, according to Dunkerley’s empirical formula, the natural frequency of the

whole system

1 1 1 1 1
----- = ----- + ----- + ----- + ….. + -------
(fn)2 (fn1)2 (fn2)2 (fn)3 (fns)2

1 2 2 2
= ------------- + ------------- + ------------ + …….. + ------------
(0.4985)2 (0.4985)2 (0.4985)2 (0.4985)2

1 s
= ------------- [1 + 2 + 3 + …….. + -------]
(0.4985)2 1.27

fn = ---------------------------------------------Hz.
/ s
/ 1 + 2 + 3 + …….. + -------
 1.27

Note : When there is no uniformly distributed load or mass of the shaft is negligible, then
s = 0.

To study the forced vibrations for various amount of damping and to plot a graph of
amplitude versus frequency.

 Damper with an arrangement for changing damping.

Simple Pendulum
Objective: Simple Pendulum Experiment

The objective of simple pendulum experiment, is to Study the motion of simple

pendulum. To determine the acceleration due to gravity 'g' and to learn the
relation between length, frequency and amplitude of the simple pendulum.

A simple pendulum is consist of a
point mass 'M', suspended from a fixed point using a mass less ideal string of
length'L'Time period 'T'. such that it can move forth and back from its mean
position. When the simple pendulum is set in motion, it moves back and forth
periodically. The time it takes to make complete oscillation is called

The frequency 'ƒ' of the oscillation is the number of oscillation simple pendulum
made in one second. It is defined as the inverse of time period.

i.e. ƒ= 1/T

The maximum distance from the mean position that simple pendulum moves is
called the amplitude 'θ', of the oscillation.

When simple pendulum is displaced from its mean position a restoring force F
act on it bringing it back to its mean position. the force is expressed as

F = - kx

Where negative sign indicates that force is in opposite direction

of the motion.

So, the motion of pendulum is simple harmonic motion and its time period can be
expressed as

T = 2π√(L/g).
Where 'g' is acceleration due to gravity.

The length of the pendulum is the distance from the point of suspension to the center of gravity of
the bob. The resting position of a simple pendulum is known as the mean position.

One complete to and fro movement of a pendulum about its mean position is known as
an oscillation or vibration.

During the oscillation, the maximum displacement from its mean position is called amplitude.
PA = PC = A (Amplitude)

The time taken for one oscillation is known as the time period (T).

The number of oscillations made by the pendulum in one second is called itsfrequency (symbol n
or f). Frequency is measured in hertz (Hz).

Sub Topics

1. Laws of Simple Pendulum

2. Seconds Pendulum
3. Figure (a)
4. Presentation of data in tabular and graphical form

Laws of Simple Pendulum

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 The period of a simple pendulum of constant length is independent of its mass, size,
shape or material.

 The period of a simple pendulum is independent of the amplitude of oscillation, provided

it is small.

 The period of a simple pendulum is directly proportional to the square root of length of the
 The period of a simple pendulum is inversely proportional to the square root of the
acceleration due to gravity.

From these laws, we can arrive at the formula to determine the periodic time of a simple

where l = length of the pendulum

g = gravitational constant.

Seconds Pendulum
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A seconds pendulum is a pendulum which takes 2 seconds for one oscillation.

Experiment :

Simple Pendulum Experiment

Aim :

To prove that T l.

Procedure :

Tie the hook of the bob on one end of a thread (more than 1 meter). Clamp the other end firmly
between the gap of a split cork which is fixed to the clamp of the retort stand as shown in the
Measure the length 'l' from the middle of the bob to the lower edge of the split cork.

Pull the bob to one side (making an angle of 10 with the vertical line) and allow it to oscillate in
one plane. Using a stopwatch record the time (t) taken for 20 complete oscillations. Repeat the
experiment for different lengths (l) and record the corresponding time (t) in the tabular form as
shown below:

Observations :

No. of Lengths 'l' of Time for 20 Time for one T2/l

Trails pendulum (cm) Oscillations 't' (s) oscillation 'T' (s) (s2cm-1)

1 20

2 40

3 60

4 80

5 100

(i) Draw a graph of l against T

(ii) Draw a graph of l against T

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