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The Filipino Philosophy of Man

It was mentioned in the seminar that Filipinos are known to be family-centered. Whatever
decision they make; the family always has a spot in their decision making. It is a way of giving
back the love the family has shown to them.
In relation to Filipinos being family-centered as a way of giving back the love the family
has given them, the Pinoys are also known for the notion “utang na loob.” Just like the family,
Filipinos also consider their debt towards a person/group of people in making decisions. One
example of this is vote buying. Because of the act of buying the vote of the Filipinos, it creates a
connection between the politicians and the Filipino voters. This bond forces the Filipinos to vote
whoever has given them money. This leads to further agony of the Filipinos from the corrupt
However, this can be avoided if all Filipinos put the future of their family, together with
the future of our country, as the top priority in decision making. If we become successful in
combating this kind of act, there is a possibility that our country would become a better nation.

Climate Justice
It has been emphasized that every one of us has a responsibility to do when it comes to
protecting our environment. We are destined to be the protectors of nature. But due to the
overwhelming modernity and daunting global dilemmas, we tend to forget our embedded
responsibilities towards the environment.
It has been recorded that our world is rapidly changing and the primary victim of these
rapid changes is the environment. But despite the obvious evidences that our environment is
degrading, especially the rapid change in climate, big countries like China and the United States
of America still do not believe in climate change and its adverse effects to the world.
Despite the efforts and programs that have been made to aid this problem, we still need
to condition our minds into promoting a healthier environment and become more responsible
stewards of nature. By doing this, we did not only help the environment, but also became a better
version of ourselves.

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