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Transcript Reflection

Growing up as a kid through elementary and middle school, I had perfect attendance.

Entering high school on the other hand, was a different feel. My attendance was not poorly but

was well maintained. Being in school and being attentive in class has a good reflection on my

grades. I have always been about working above and beyond but I had to balance a lifestyle of

going to high school and making sure all my homework was done and being a student athlete.

With this, I have been maintaining an average of a 3.0 throughout my high school years. My

mindset was to have fun but to be responsible so getting my work done and studying was a

priority and playing sports for an activity was for after working so hard in school. ​I tend to be

very smart at math. I enjoy this subject because i'm very good at it. English is alright to me,

although I don't enjoy it as much because I dislike reading. Science also isn't one of my favorite

subjects, it's actually my least favorite; and History as well is very boring to me. Having this

weakness I looked for help through teachers and students so that I can excel in the subjects that

are my least favorite and to thrive in classes that i'm doing well in. Studying that extra hour for

tests made a big impact on the tests so that I knew what was being talked about and how to ace

the test to improve my grade and to help maintain my good grades. Another source that helped

me when i could not figure out the answer and i needed extra help was through tutoring. The

teachers that gave out extra credit for those that needed that extra bump to their grade has a

special place in my heart because I lived for those extra points to make sure that I am well

comfortable where I am at, grade wise. Besides having a weakness in these subjects, I strived to

do my best even through struggling because I knew in the end, it will be worth the hard work and


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