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Chapter 2

By Student#1
compare contrast
● Jeff is not exited about seeing
● Jeff and Tom both like the cobra.
Cobras and other cars. ● Tom is Very exited about the
Pressures to Tom and Jeff
tom Jeff
The Red Cobra

Tom is Very exited about it Jeff isnt very exited about

seeing the cobra
“Jeff’s face unclouded.”
This allows me to infer that Jeff is feeling glad that
tom mentioned the cobra.
Word or phrase

I think that means that Jeff’s face changed because, after it he smiled.
Figurative Language
The chapter uses figurative language to describe how rich is running really fast.

“Rich Downing came running in and jumped into his seat behind Kayla as if he was
trying to win a race.” page 9
Sometimes in life, you can be bored, but if you think about something that makes you
excited, you will be happy.
I picked this music because it was kind of like a calm chapter, not really crazy, and the
music is calm too.
Firegirl By Tony Abbott
I think this cover is good for the book because it
shows that Jessica is different. It looks like she’s cut
out so she is different. And she is not holding
anybody’s hand except for one person, so she is

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