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Gas Cleaning and Tar Conversion

in Biomass Gasification

Sudip Ghosh

Abstract Producer gas, derived from biomass gasification, contains a wide variety
of compounds organic as well as inorganic, apart from the gas species and par-
ticulate matters. The hydrocarbon compounds present in the raw gas, which have
comparatively lower molecular weights, act as fuel in gas turbine or gas engines.
Hydrocarbons with higher molecular masses are collectively called tars. Relatively
simpler tars often polymerize into more complex structures. These heavier species
quickly condense, some even solidify, and choke the particulate filters and other
restrictions and valves in the gas paths, causing serious obstruction to continuous
operation of the application components. Some other impurities, like sulphides and
halides, too cause damages to the materials of downstream equipment. It is,
therefore, essential to remove the tars and impurities in the product gas to the extent
possible. Tars also pollute the environment if discharged untreated. If, however, tars
could be cracked and converted to permanent gas species, the producer gas calorific
value could be improved substantially. Tars can be eliminated or effectively con-
verted or their production rates can be reduced by certain measures. They include
installing separation devices, modifying the conditions and parameters of gasifi-
cation, modifying the gasifier design, using additives and catalysts. This chapter
discusses these measures or processes that are aimed at tackling the tars.

Keywords Biomass ⋅ Gasification ⋅ Tars ⋅ Gas cleaning ⋅ Tar cracking

1 Introduction

Biomass gasification is a thermochemical conversion process in which solid bio-

mass gets converted into combustible gas mixture that is traditionally known as
producer gas. The producer gas contains CH4, CO, CO2, H2 and N2 as its primary

S. Ghosh (✉)
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Engineering Science
and Technology, Shibpur, Howrah 711103, WB, India

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 151

S. De et al. (eds.), Coal and Biomass Gasification, Energy, Environment,
and Sustainability,
152 S. Ghosh

constituents along with some amount of water vapour. A part of unconverted

charcoal and fly ash particles get carried over by the producer gas during gasifi-
cation. Some other species are also found in traces or in far less amounts compared
to the permanent gas species. The presence of these species makes the product gas
harmful for the downstream components, and the gas needs to be cleaned before its
end use. Because of this harmful nature these species together are called contam-
inants or impurities. Apart from particulates, a couple of halides or sulphides and a
few alkali metals, a variety of heavier carbonaceous (rather, hydro-carbonaceous)
compounds, many of them being aromatics, make up these contaminants. These
carbonaceous contaminants are all described by a common term called tars. Various
definitions of tar exist. The IEA gasification task force recognizes “all organics
boiling at temperature above that of benzene” as tars. Varying degree of gas
cleaning is required to render the producer gas suitable for use in the final energy
conversion devices like internal combustion engines, gas turbines and fuel cells.
During biomass gasification, the first process which takes place (after drying) is
pyrolysis, occurring in the pyrolysis zone of the gasification reactor. During
pyrolysis, the dried biomass breaks up to form a range of volatile gases, liquids and
char. The volatiles, liquids and char then react and recombine in a series of reac-
tions to form many high molecular mass hydrocarbon compounds while some
permanent gas species like CH4, CO, H2, H2O and CO2 get liberated [1]. Some
low-molecular-mass hydrocarbons and oxygenated compounds [2–3] are also
generated in the process, but they usually do not pose high threat to the downstream
components and can be used as fuel. But higher molecular mass hydrocarbons act
as hindrance during application of producer gas. By tar, we therefore usually mean
these higher molecular mass hydrocarbons. Tars are therefore unavoidable
by-products of gasification. Tar compounds can condense or polymerize into more
complex structures causing problems (chocking and attrition) for the downstream
components such as pipes, filters, blowers, combustors, heat exchangers and the
work producing engines or turbines. Besides, the total efficiency gets reduced and
the system cost increases. In order to manage and contain tar species within
acceptable levels, a detailed understanding of different tar species and their for-
mation, characteristics and reaction affinities is essential.
The composition, properties and quantity of tar in producer gas vary remarkably
depending upon the biomass feedstock, gasifier type and gasification conditions.
Biomass-derived tars consist of several hundreds of hydro-carbonaceous species,
which include single-ring to five-ring aromatic compounds. Municipal solid wastes
(MSWs), which often has 60–70% biomass content, give rise to similar tar mix as
biomass during gasification [4, 5]. Typical tar compounds derived from biomass
gasification can be classified into three categories, i.e. primary, secondary and ter-
tiary tars as shown in Fig. 1. The primary tar compounds are produced during
pyrolysis process itself by direct breakdown of the constituents of biomass like
cellulose, hemi-cellulose and lignin. The primary tar compounds are condensable
oxygenated organic molecules. Milne and Evans [6] listed variety of compounds and
mixed oxygenates in this group: acids, alcohols, sugars, aldehydes, ketones, phenols,
furans, guaiacols, syringols, etc. Each of these species reacts with surrounding
Gas Cleaning and Tar Conversion in Biomass Gasification 153



200°C – 500°C 500°C- 800°C Above 800°C

Fig. 1 Transformation of tars

Table 1 Tar classification based on molecular mass ([7, 9])

Groups Compounds
Light aromatics 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene, Ethylbenzene, Toluene, Propylbenzene,
(single ring) Styrene, Xylenes
Heterocyclic aromatics Benzofuran, Cresols, Dibenzofuran, Dibenzophenol, Isoquinoline,
Phenol, Pyridine, Quinoline
Light PAHs (2–3 ring) Acenaphthalene, Anthracene, Biphenyl, Fluorene, Indene,
Methylnaphthalene, Naphthalene, Phenanthrene
Heavy PAHs (3–6 ring) Chrysene, Fluoranthene, Pyrene, Perylene
GC-undetectable (7-ring Very heavy tars that cannot be detected by GC
or higher)

species and converts into secondary tar at relatively higher temperature and subse-
quently into tertiary tar compounds. Secondary tar compounds are molecules heavier
than the primary ones. Olefins and phenols are two important constituents of this
kind of tar. Tertiary tar compounds which mainly consist of polyaromatic hydro-
carbons (PAHs), benzene, naphthalene, etc. are very stable [6]. Once secondary and
tertiary tars are produced, no primary tar can be found in the mixture.
Another kind of classification exists, which is based on the molecular weights of the
compounds and number of rings. They can be summarized as shown in Table 1 [7].
Yet another popular approach is to identify and combine several tar components into to

Table 2 Tar compounds identified under distinct subgroups [8]

Subgroups Compounds
Aromatic compounds Indene, Mesitylene, Phenylacetylene, Styrene
Aromatic nitrogen Carbazole, Isoquinoline, Indole, Quinoline
Furans 2-Methylbenzofuran, Benzofuran, Dibenzofuran
Guaiacols Eugenol, Guaiacol, Isoeugenol
Naphthalenes 1-Methylnaphtalene, 2-Methylnaphtalene, Naphthalene
PAHs (except 4,5-Methylphenanthre, Acenaphtylene, Acenaphtene, Anthracene,
Naphthalenes) Biphenyl, Fluorene, Fluoranthene, Phenanthrene, Pyrene
Phenols Phenol, 2-Methylphenol, 4-Methylphenol, 2,6 Dimethylphenol;
2,4-Dimethylphenol, 3,5-Dimethylphenol, Catechol
154 S. Ghosh

subgroups as shown in Table 2 [8]. The subgroups are primarily based on their related
chemical structures and properties.

2 Formation of Tars

Biomass essentially consists of three types of polymers: cellulose, hemi-cellulose

and lignin, in near-equal proportions, though varying with types of biomass. For
example, woody biomass contains higher proportion of lignin than straw [10]. In a
gasifier, the biomass fuel first undergoes heating and drying. Once heated suffi-
ciently (over 200 °C), pyrolysis process initiates, where the complex polymers are
broken down. Primary pyrolysis products are char, liquids, vapours and gases
(Fig. 2). Cellulose and hemi-cellulose mainly get converted into liquids, and the
other product gases and char are formed due to degradation of lignin [11]. At low
temperature, formation of liquid predominates while at high temperature and high
heating rate, gas generation rate tends to increase because of faster devolatilization
of lignin.
Figure 3 shows the pyrolysis zone along with drying and other reaction zones
for the fixed bed gasifiers. Although drying continues in the pyrolysis zone, most of
the moisture gets removed in the drying zone, below 200 °C. As the temperature
approaches 300 °C, the reduction of high molecular weight constituents of the
biomass, mainly amorphous cellulose, starts forming carbonyl and carboxyl group
radicals. Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide are also liberated during the
reduction process. As the temperature rises further, the resultant crystalline cellu-
lose gets decomposed further, forming char, liquid tars and gaseous products. The


Drying followed by Pyrolysis

Solid Liquids Oxygenated vapors Gases

(char) (tars, oil, naphtha) (phenols, acids) (CO, CO2, H2, CH4)

char gasificaƟon, cracking, reforming, combusƟon, water

combusƟon water gas gas shiŌ

(CO, CO2, H2, CH4, H2O, cracking products, residual char)

Fig. 2 Products of biomass pyrolysis (adapted from [12])

Gas Cleaning and Tar Conversion in Biomass Gasification 155

Fig. 3 Drying, pyrolysis and reaction zones of gasifiers [13]

Mixed Phenolic Alkyl Heterocyclic Larger

Oxygenates Ethers Phenolics Ethers PAH
(400°C) (500°C) (600°C) (700°C) (900°C)

Fig. 4 Tar maturation and transition [6, 15]

hemi-cellulose also gets decomposed forming volatile gases, char and tars. The
lignin gets decomposed at relatively higher temperature (up to 500 °C) and forms
methanol, acetic acid and acetone [13].
The pyrolysis products pass through different phases of maturation as the tem-
perature increases, as shown in Fig. 4. The initial biomass constituents get pro-
gressively destroyed and the secondary and tertiary processes take over, forming
secondary and tertiary products such as ethers, phenols and PAHs. Evans and Milne
[14] nicely described schematically the changing severity of pyrolysis through the
different reaction regimes, as shown in Fig. 5.
In the temperature span 700–800 °C, secondary tars reach maximum level,
beyond which they transform to tertiary tars of alkyl and PAH types, as can be seen
in Fig. 6 [6]. The yield of condensable tars is influenced greatly by the reaction
temperature as shown by Baker et al. [17] (Fig. 7, [18]). When flash pyrolysis
occurs at relatively higher temperature (600–650 °C), tar yield is greatly reduced.
Baker et al. [17] showed that in fluid bed steam gasification, tar levels of 15%,
found at 600 °C, could be reduced to 4% at 750 °C. For oxygen-blown fluid beds,
tar levels were found to be 4.3% at 750 °C and 1.5% at 810 °C. In an entrained flow
gasifier, operated at 1000 °C, tar level was found to be 1% only. Table 3 segregates
the chemicals under different temperature regimes as was done by Elliot [15].
The dependence of tars production on the type of gasifier is a recognized fact.
Lesser amounts of tars are produced in downdraft gasifiers than in fixed bed
gasifiers under similar air equivalence ratio. Variations in the relative locations of
drying, pyrolysis, oxidation and reduction zones play significant roles along with
156 S. Ghosh

(*Solid biomass also includes plastic or rubbery forms prior to bond rupture;
**Only first formed products, all products condensable to liquid or solid forms)

Fig. 5 Reaction zones on the pyrolysis pathway [16]

Fig. 6 Tar transition: primary-secondary-tertiary

characteristics of bed materials, operational parameters and kinetic features. A good

review in this regard could be found in NREL’s 1998 report on biomass tars [6].
Wide variations exist in the estimates for raw producer gas tar loading, particularly
Gas Cleaning and Tar Conversion in Biomass Gasification 157

Fig. 7 Temperature versus tar yield

Table 3 Tar chemicals formed at different temperature zones [15]

Flash pyrolysis Flash pyrolysis Steam gasification Steam gasification
(conventional) (high-temperature) (conventional) (high-temperature)
450–500 °C 600–650 °C 700–800 °C 900–1000 °C
Acids Benzenes Acenaphthylenes Acenaphthylene
Aldehydes Benzofurans Benzanthracenes Acephenanthrylene
Alcohols Benzaldehydes Fluorenes Benzopyrenes
Ketones Biphenyls Phenanthrenes Fluranthene
Furans Catechols Benzaldehydes Naphthalene
Guaiacols Naphthalenes Naphthalenes Phenanthrene
Phenols Phenanthrenes Naphthofurans Pyrene
Syringols Phenols Phenols PAHs (heavier)

for updraft systems. According to Milne and Evans [6], whose reports are primarily
based on NREL studies, the average tar level in updraft gasifiers is about 50 g/Nm3.
An ECN study [9] stated the level to be in the order of 100 g/Nm3. Hassler et al.
[19] had put the level as 10–150 g/Nm3. Better agreement is found on the tar
loading of raw gas of downdraft and fluidized bed gasifiers. In downdraft gasifiers,
the average loading is less than 1 g/Nm3. Fluidized bed systems (including the
CFBs) usually have tar loading inbetween the average values for the other two,
typically about 10 g/Nm3 [6, 9]). Representative ranges for fixed and moving bed
gasifiers have been reported by Stevens [20] as shown in Table 4.
158 S. Ghosh

Table 4 Representative tar and particulate levels of gasifiers [20]

Gasifier type Particulate loading (g/Nm3) Tar loading (g/Nm3)
Low High Representative Min Max Representative
range range
Fixed bed
Updraft 0.01 10 0.1–0.2 0.04 6 0.1–1.2
Downdraft 0.1 3 0.1–1 1 150 20–100
moving bed
Fluid bed (BFB) 1 100 2–20 <0.1 23 1–15
Fluid bed (CFB) 8 100 10–35 <1 30 1–15

3 Gas Cleaning

Cleaning aims to remove or convert, apart from tars, particulates (unburnt char as
well as ash) and other non-tar impurities such as alkali metals (Na, K), compounds
of heavier metals like Pb and Hg, halides, sulphur compounds (H2S, COS, SO2),
nitrogenous compounds (ammonia, HCN), etc. Removing impurities and contam-
inants is the core objective of traditional gas cleaning, which mostly employs
physical separation devices. Most often, a combination of these devices are used to
achieve the desired separation. Conventionally, scrubbers (both wet and venturi),
cyclone separators, filters (metallic, fabric, bed and bag types) are used in a
sequence to clean raw producer gas. The heavier (high-boiling) tar species, unless
removed, quickly condense, some even solidify and choke the pipe bends and
valves in the gas path, particulate filters and other restrictions, causing serious
obstruction to continuous operation of the application components. Some other
impurities, like sulphides and halides, cause damages to the materials of down-
stream equipment. Hence, it is essential to remove or considerably reduce the level
of tars and impurities in the product gas. Table 5 shows the types of impurities
present in the producer gas, related issues of concern and the usual removal tech-
niques adopted for them [12].

Table 5 Impurities and their removal techniques

Impurities Issues Treatments
Particulates (ash, Erosion Cyclones, ESP, barrier filters
unconverted char)
Tars (vapours and Clogging and deposition, Wet scrubbers, ESP, barrier filters,
liquids) corrosion catalytic beds
Alkali metals Hot gas corrosion Cooler, scrubber, filter
N (ammonia/HCN) Combustion NOx Wet scrubber
Halides (Cl, F) Catalyst poisoning, Scrubber, activated carbon
Sulphur (H2S, COS, SO2) corrosion Scrubber, activated carbon/Fe
Gas Cleaning and Tar Conversion in Biomass Gasification 159

Table 6 Impurities and their tolerance levels for different applications

Impurities Unit IC Gas MCFC SOFC
engines turbines
Particulates mg/Nm3 <50 <30 (<5) 10 ppm (w) (<3 µm)
(size) (µm) (<10) Aromatics: 0.5% (v)
Tars mg/Nm3 <100 <10.0– Cyclics: 0.5% (v)
Alkali metals mg/Nm3 <0.1 <0.1 <10 ppm –
N-species ppm(v) – <50 <1vol.% <5000 ppm
S-species ppm(v) <20 <20 <0.5 H2S <0.5 H2S
<1 SO2
Halides ppm(v) – <1 <1 <1

The selection of individual separating devices and their combination depends on

the requirement of the end equipment. While the combustion engines (IC engines,
gas turbines) could tolerate some impurities to a certain level each, non-combustion
systems (like fuel cells) and fuel synthesis systems (that often employ
contaminant-sensitive catalysts) require very stringent levels of contaminants.
Table 6 shows acceptable limits of contaminants for combustion engines and
high-temperature fuel cells, viz. solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) and molten carbonate
fuel cell (MCFC) [11–5, 19]). It might be noted here that even when the product gas
is used for fuel synthesis (such as methanation and Fischer–Tropsch (FT) synthe-
sis), rather than for direct consumption in engines or fuel cells, the producer gas
impurities need to be at levels that the processes can accept. Both methanation
reactor for synthetic natural gas (SNG) generation and FT reactors for synthetic oil
production employ catalysts that are damaged or degenerated by the presence of
tars and other contaminants like HCN, H2S and COS [22].
Typical cleaning trains employed for IC engine application are shown in Fig. 8.
Raw gas from the gasifier is usually passed through a wet scrubber and then through
two stages of fabric filters before feeding to the engine (Fig. 8a). For better sepa-
ration of impurities, as may be required for 100% producer gas-fed engines,
additional scrubbers, cyclone separator and bed filters are added to the train
(Fig. 8b).

3.1 Wet Scrubber

Wet scrubbing has been and is a widely employed technique for gas cleaning for
combustion engine application. Aimed primarily at removal of tars, a wet scrubber
uses a liquid water spray tower, typically maintaining an operating temperature in
the range of 35–60 °C for effective removal of condensed vapour [23]. Tar-laden
hot raw gas from gasifier undergoes fast cooling and liquid droplet separation.
160 S. Ghosh

(a) Wet scrubber and fabric filters (Technology Assessment for

Biomass Power Generation, SMUD ReGen Report, UC Davis, 2004)

(b) Cyclone, multiple scrubbers and filters (Source:

Fig. 8 Gas-cleaning trains in a gasifier-gas engine systems

Some designs employ a separate quench cooler prior to the separation chamber
A number of scrubber designs are available; spray towers, sieve plate scrubber,
impingement scrubbers, baffle scrubbers, packed bed scrubber, cyclone spray
scrubber and venturi scrubbers [24]. Apart from tars, scrubbing also removes
particulates to a considerable extent. A venturi design creates a higher pressure drop
across the venturi throat (2.5–25 kPa), allowing a better spray into the gas stream.
Gas velocity in the throat area is typically in the range of 60–125 m/s. Particulate
removal efficiency is proportional to the pressure drop across the venturi. Venturi
scrubbers can thus remove up to 99.9% of particles of sizes over 2 µm (typically
95–99% of particles over 1 µm, Baker et al. [25], [20]). Often, a spray tower is used
in combination with a venturi scrubber or a cyclonic demister to achieve higher
degree of removal for both tars and particulates. Table 7 shows the removal effi-
ciency of different scrubbers and scrubber combinations [20].
Wet scrubbers are widely used in small-scale biomass gasification systems. But
the ones that are of relatively simple construction and are economical do not always
Gas Cleaning and Tar Conversion in Biomass Gasification 161

Table 7 Removal efficiency of different scrubbers and scrubber combinations

Scrubber types and Tar removal Scrubber Pr drop Particle size for
combinations efficiency (%) type (cm 80% removal ( µm)
Spray scrubber Up to 60 Spray tower 1.5–4 10
Venturi scrubber 50–90 Impingement 5–125 1–5
Spray + venturi 83–90 Packed bed 5–125 1–10
Venturi + cyclonic 93–99 Venturi 10–250 0.2–0.8
Vortex scrubber 63–78

Fig. 9 OLGA scrubbing system developed by the ECN [26]

yield effective separation of all types of tars and particulates. The problem is more
acute for small-scale systems when biomass feeds have higher moisture level and
the system operates at unsteady conditions due to low thermal mass.
In some wet scrubbing system, oil or bio-oil (like rape methyl ester—RME) is
used, instead of water, as the scrubbing medium [23]. OLGA is one such non-water
scrubbing system developed by the ECN, Netherlands. The scrubber liquid, after
getting saturated with tar and condensate in scrubber, is regenerated and recycled to
the scrubber. Figure 9 gives the schematic of the OLGA system.

3.2 Barrier Filters

Barrier filters usually follow a scrubbing unit, which ensures that a cooled gas
stream, after partial removal of tars and particulates, enters the filtering materials.
Many different types of barrier filters are in use in biomass gasification systems,
162 S. Ghosh

0 25 50 75 100

Fig. 10 Collection efficiency (%) for heavy tars of different gas-cleaning systems

particularly in small-scale applications. The presence of particulates, removal of

which is also the objective of barrier filters, form caked mixtures together with the
separated tar droplets, making the problem of separation compounded. Fabric bag
filters and metallic sieve-type filters suffer mostly due to this solid tars accumulation
plugging the pores of the surfaces. Teflon (PTFE)-based filter materials usually
have a maximum operating temperature of 230 °C while fabric filters developed for
IISc/Dasag gasification system operate at about 350 °C [20].
Packed bed filters made of fine sawdust, wood chips, cork and sand are used
extensively in smaller-scale biomass gasification, giving effective filtration of tars
and fine particulates. Packed beds can yield very high tar separation efficiency with
proper design, suitable bed material and good maintenance, as can be seen from
Fig. 10 [19].

3.3 Other Cleaning Devices

Many other cleaning devices have been developed for producer gas or mixed gas
with different levels tar loading and other contaminants, such as, wet electrostatic
precipitator (wet ESP), cyclones and rotational particle separators (RPS), absorber
Wet ESPs remove tar droplets from product gas streams using the principles of
high-discharge ionization and migration of ionized droplets to a collecting elec-
trode, similar to removing dry ionized particulates from mixed gas stream removal,
with ionization of the tar droplet followed by migration of the ionized droplet to a
charged collecting point. A wire and tube construction is preferred for tar collection
instead of plate collectors used for dry particulates. Wet ESPs operate at temper-
atures up to 150 °C, and the collecting surfaces are washed continuously to remove
the tar deposits. They have high removal efficiency (as high as 99%) and have a
Gas Cleaning and Tar Conversion in Biomass Gasification 163

0 25 50 75 100

Fig. 11 Particulate collection efficiency (%) of the cleaning devices [19]

mature technology. However, high capital and operating costs stand in the way of
their wider deployment [19].
Cyclones, RPS filters and vortex separators use centrifugal actions to separate
particulates and tar aerosols. Like barrier filters, particulates and tars create sticky
deposits on separator surfaces, creating operational problems in tar removal and
maintenance. Particulates and aerosols of lower sizes, under 1 µm, cannot be
removed in these devices. Finer particulates, when required to be removed suffi-
ciently, are removed by employing packed beds, impingement or vortex scrubbers
or hot gas ceramic barrier filters (candle filters). Figure 11 compares the particle
collection efficiency of different devices.

3.4 Removal of Other Contaminants

When raw gas undergoes cleaning in a train of separation devices, several other
contaminants, apart from tars and particulates, also get converted or separated from
the gas stream, partially or near-completely.
Alkali compounds, mostly in the form of salts of Na and K (owing to their
presence in the biomass feeds), stay in vaporized form in the hot raw gas if the
temperature is sufficiently high (700 °C or higher). The alkali vapours, therefore,
are able to evade the filtering devices unless condensed [20]. Gas cooler or spray
scrubber forces these alkali vapours to condense, which then form fine solids
(ash) and together with tars, get removed in cyclones and barrier filters.
Halides, also formed during gasification, remain in vapour phase in raw gas.
Upon cooling (in cooler or scrubber), they transformed to corresponding aqueous
acid and can thus be separated from gas stream.
Ammonia, the major nitrogenous species in gas, also gets effectively removed in
wet scrubbing. Similarly, alkaline wet scrubbing can remove sulphur species
considerably from the raw gas.
164 S. Ghosh

4 Hot Gas Clean-Up (HGCU)

The cleaning technologies discussed so far mostly fall in the low-temperature

category, typically operating below normal boiling point of water. Although some
of them, operate at temperature above 300 °C. Need was felt to develop a reliable
and a better barrier filter that could remove particulates and aerosols at elevated
temperature that could retain gas sensible heat content as much as possible.
Gasifier-gas turbine for integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) and later
gasifier-fuel cell systems was the main driving forces. The first biomass IGCC
(BIGCC) demonstration at Varnamo, Sweden, employed ceramic candles and later
metallic filters, where warm gas at about 350 °C was passed through them before
being fed to the GT [20]. Subsequently, ceramic candle filters were tested at higher
temperature, some facilities employing them at 700 °C. Recent developments open
up the prospect of using candle filters at 1000 °C and beyond [27].
While low-temperature cleaning train is more separation-based, the hot gas
clean-up (HGCU) is a combination of separation and conversion. A hot gas
clean-up system, employing components at medium to high-temperature levels,
would provide better heat integration to the system. Removing tars and other
contaminants, without much compromising the sensible heat of the raw product gas,
poses a great challenge. One of the major objectives of HGCU is to decompose
heavy aromatic tar species and to convert them into non-condensable permanent gas
species. Thus, tar conversion or tar cracking is the essence of HGCU. Tar con-
version not only tackles issue of contamination; it also retains much of the heating
value of the producer gas by converting the tars species into usable gas species and
thus improving the gas quality.
Integration of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) with biomass gasification holds the
promise of reliable high-efficiency distributed generation. For SOFC, the
biomass-derived producer gas needs to be cleaned sufficiently so as to remove most
all the contaminants to very low levels. If conventional low-temperature
gas-cleaning strategy is taken, clean gas after gas clean-up needs to be preheated
(therefore incurring energy penalty) to a level acceptable to the SOFC stack, which
usually operates in the temperature range of 900–1000 °C. Figure 12 shows the
low-temperature, medium-temperature and high-temperature clean-up routes for
SOFC application.
The hot gas filters employed in medium-temperature case would not require gas
cooling if gasifier exit raw gas temperature corresponds to their typical operating
temperature ranges (350–450 °C). After filtration, the producer gas may be passed
through a catalytic partial oxidation (CPO) reactor and a catalytic reformer.
The CPO ensures sustenance of temperature level required by the reformer catalyst,
which then transforms tars and sulphur containing hydrocarbons to lighter S-free
hydrocarbons and permanent gas species like CO, CO2, H2, H2O and H2S. H2S is
then removed by passing the gas over an active bed sorption material like ZnO [29].
This medium-temperature clean-up train has been successfully demonstrated in
biomass-integrated gasification fuel cell (B-IGFC) process system implemented at
Gas Cleaning and Tar Conversion in Biomass Gasification 165

Fig. 12 Conventional and hot gas clean-up for SOFC [28]

Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) [28, 30]. Use of HGCU components collectively at
temperature level of 700–800 °C, as proposed by Rhyner [28], would offer the best
heat integration, suitable for high-temperature gasifiers and requiring no cooling of
hot gas. A reactive hot gas filter has been proposed in this configuration that
integrates the hot gas filtration, sorption of acid gas and catalytic reforming in a
single combined unit, operable at a temperature level of 850 °C.

5 Tar Cracking and Conversion

Tar cracking and conversion of heavier hydrocarbons into lower molecular weight
hydrocarbons and non-condensable permanent gas species can be done in different
ways. They are primarily categorized as follows:
Thermal cracking
Steam reforming
Partial oxidation and
Catalytic conversion.

5.1 Thermal Cracking

Thermal cracking is the simplest process of tar cracking, requiring no additives or

catalyst. The temperature is increased to an extent such that the heavy tar
166 S. Ghosh

compounds crack into smaller and low-molecular-mass hydrocarbons and other

lighter gases such as carbon monoxide, methane, hydrogen and water vapour. To
promote thermal cracking, in above process some amount of hydrogen, air and
oxygen are supplied as per requirement. Steam is also used as an input parameter to
crack the tar into lighter component and useful gas species. Decomposition of large
organic molecules takes place at temperature ranging from 1000 to 1300 °C, if the
tar-laden gas is allowed some residence time is this temperature range.
High-temperatures can be generated by (i) using high-temperature gasifiers
(ii) heating the gas stream via heat exchangers (iii) introducing air or O2 down-
stream of gasifier and (iv) using energy-efficient radio-frequency [31]. Many
decomposition and chemical reactions take place simultaneously during thermal
cracking. Figure 13 shows one representative scheme where toluene and naph-
thalene get cracked into lighter species that take part into more reactions. Higher
temperature and longer residence time are known to promote thermal cracking [32].
Auto-thermal cracking or cracking in the presence of steam and hydrogen has
been studied by many researchers to gain better understanding of tar cracking routes
for the stable secondary and tertiary tar species. Thermal cracking effectively starts
at a temperature level of 700 °C [33], but most of the tertiary species remain stable
even up to a temperature of 900 °C [7]. In the temperature range of 900–1300 °C,
conversion of most of them nears completion. Most often, in theoretical model
studies as well as in experimental investigations, few single-ring or two-ring model
aromatic tars are considered for analysis. They include naphthalene, phenol,
toluene, benzene, pyrine, xylene. [3, 34, 35].
Among the most used model tars (including benzene, which is considered as an
intermediate product in the conversion of other single-ring derivatives and PAHs),

Naphthalene Toluene

C10 H 8 → 10C + 4H 2 C 7 H 8 + H 2 → C 6 H 6 + CH 4

C10 H 8 + 4H 2 O → C 6 H 6 + 4CO + 5H 2

Soot Benzene Methane

C 6 H 6 + 5H 2 O → CH 4 + 5CO + 6H 2

C + H 2 O → CO + H 2 CH 4 + H 2 O → CO + 3H 2
CO, H 2

Fig. 13 Representative cracking steps for toluene and naphthalene [31]

Gas Cleaning and Tar Conversion in Biomass Gasification 167






1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600

Fig. 14 Reactivity of model tars: benzene, toluene and naphthalene [34]

toluene (C7H8) shows higher reactivity at a comparatively lower temperature range

(800–1000 °C), while naphthalene (C10H8) and benzene (C6H6) are found to
remain stable even beyond 1000 °C (Fig. 14).
Studies with naphthalene suggest that thermal cracking at high-temperature often
leads to generation of soot [34]. However, addition of H2 and resorting to steam
reforming could arrest this high-temperature soot formation and convert tars into
CO, CO2, CH4 and H2 [36, 37].

5.2 Steam Reforming

Steam reforming (STR), often considered under thermal cracking (in the absence of
any catalyst activity), is another effective way of converting tars into
non-condensable gas species. H2 and CO are liberated as hydrocarbon reforming
proceeds. Steam-to-carbon ration and reaction temperature are the two major
influencing parameters in steam reforming. Use of in situ steam reforming by direct
injection steam into gasifier bed has also been found to yield considerable tar
conversion (Fig. 15, [30]).
Studies suggest steam reforming effectively destroys the stable tars at elevated
temperature, enhancing carbon conversion to permanent gas species (CO, CO2 and
H2) and improving the cleaned producer gas calorific value. Figure 16 shows
relative temperature sensitivities of the reforming reactions involving the repre-
sentative tars, viz. benzene, toluene and naphthalene [3]. Toluene conversion is
occurring at comparatively lower range of temperature (800–950 °C), while ben-
zene remaining mostly unaffected till 1100 °C.
168 S. Ghosh

Fig. 15 Producer gas tar 300

content with and without
steam injection [30] 250





Catalytic steam reforming (CSR) seeks to achieve tar conversion at lower

temperature (below 900 °C). Ni and alumina are the common catalyst base mate-
rials. Poisoning of the catalyst is an issue. Metal catalyst (Ni) is very sensitive to the
presence of S-species in the gas stream. In a mixed tar catalytic conversion
experiment carried out at 850 °C, reported by NREL [38], established that Ni
catalyst could effectively destroy species like phenol, cresol, naphthalene,
phenanthrene, toluene and benzene (Table 8, [38]).

5.3 Partial Oxidation

Partial oxidation is another means of tar cracking. Oxidization with limited air is
allowed which maintains high gas temperature and destroys considerable amount of
tars (to the extent of 98–99% at 900 °C, [39, 40]). Most often, a catalytic partial
oxidation (CPO) is preferred to promote desired reactions. A combination of cat-
alytic partial oxidation and reforming could effectively convert tars even in
medium-temperature range (Rhyner [28], see Fig. 12), making the processed gas
suitable for fuel cell application.

5.4 Catalytic Conversion

Catalytic tar decomposition is an effective route for conversion of tars at tempera-

tures below 900 °C. The catalyst can be employed in the gasification reactor itself, in
which case in situ tar conversion occurs as soon as they are formed in the reactor.
The reactor design and its temperature and flow characteristics (or residence time)
largely influence the extent of conversion. Fast catalyst de-activation is a major
disadvantage. External reformer has the advantage of controlled-temperature
Gas Cleaning and Tar Conversion in Biomass Gasification 169

Fig. 16 Effect of temperature 100

on tar conversion in steam 90

Tar(Toluene) and other

converted species (%)
reforming 80
70 CO+CO2
60 CH4
50 C7H8
700 800 900 1000
Temperature (°C)
(a) Steam reforming of Toluene (C7H8)

Tar (Naphthalene) and other

converted species %

70 CO+C
60 O2
50 CH4
1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300
Temperature (°C)
(b) Steam reforming of Naphthalene (C10H8 )

Tar (Benzene) and other

converted species %

70 CO+CO2
1000 1100 1200 1300 1400
Temperature (°C)
(c) Steam reforming of Benzene
170 S. Ghosh

Table 8 Tar concentrations (ppmv) before and after Ni catalyst bed [38]
Benzene Toluene Phenol Cresol Naphthalene Anthracene/ Total
(78) (92) (94) (108) (128) phenanthrene
Inlet 1035 375 340 125 250 50 2175
Outlet 505 110 55 0 30 0 700

operation of catalytic reactor. Non-metallic catalyst materials for tar decomposition

like dolomites, zeolites and calcites could be employed in gasification reactors. They
are relatively cheaper and perform well in contaminated gas. Metal catalysts, such as,
Ni, Mo, Co, Pt and Ru in pure form or as mixtures supported on silica-alumina or
zeolite base, have been used for tar decomposition [7, 30]. Sometimes, a combi-
nation of catalyst materials is used. A catalyst combination using NiMo/Al2O3 and
dolomite has been reported to significantly promote toluene conversion in the
temperature range of 650–50 °C. Dolomite catalyst has been found to promote
benzene cracking significantly, reaching 40% at 950 °C and 80% at 1000 °C, while
in the absence of catalyst material benzene conversion is only about 4% at 900 °C
[7]. An elaborate review of the recent advances in catalytic tar conversion and
comparative assessment of various catalyst materials could be found in Xu et al. [7].
In a recent study, using a catalytic candle filter (Ni and MgO) along with a catalytic
dual fluid bed gasifier (Fe/Olivine bed catalyst), 80% tar reduction could be noted at
the catalytic candle filter in the temperature range of 750–850 °C [41].

6 Conclusion

Tars are undesirable by-products of biomass gasification, posing threats to down-

stream components and energy conversion equipment. Their generation and gradual
transformation are influenced by a number of parameters. Depending on the tol-
erance levels of the application equipment or final energy conversion process, tar
cleaning and tar conversion systems need to be designed and implemented. While
several cleaning options, having different levels of effectiveness, are available, they
lead to separation of hydrocarbon contents leading to loss of fuel calorific value.
Employing suitable tar conversion system could effectively destroy harmful tars,
converting them to usable permanent gas species and improving product gas heat
value. This chapter summarized technologies of gas cleaning employed in biomass
gasification-based systems. Tar removal and tar conversion remained the main
focus of discussion while issues related to other contaminants were also covered.
Both traditional low-temperature cleaning system and hot gas clean-up systems
were covered in detail. The process of tar formation during gasification as well as
the processes employed in tar cracking and tar conversion has been elaborated so as
to give the reader a clearer understanding of the issues involved in the selection of
the gas-cleaning equipment. As could be seen, hot gas clean-up is the most desired
Gas Cleaning and Tar Conversion in Biomass Gasification 171

solution as it offers efficient conversion of tars and traces gas impurities, retaining
the heat in the raw gas. New methods and approaches are increasingly being
proposed and tried in order to upgrade the hot gas clean-up technology, making it
suitable for implementation in high-efficiency energy conversion systems
employing gas turbines and fuel cells.


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