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As we grow older ,
hence wiser, we slowly
re1lize th1t we1ring 1
Php30,000 or 1 Php3,000
w1tch - - they both tell
the s1me time.
Whether we c1rry 1 Php3,000
or 1 Php300.00 w1llet/
h1ndb1g -
- the 1mount of money inside
is the s1me.
Whether we drink 1 bottle of
Php300 or Php30 wine
- - the
h1ngover is the s1me.
Whether the house we live in
is 300 or 3,000 sq. ft.
- - loneliness is the

You will re1lize, your true

inner h1ppiness does not
come from the m1teri1l things
of this world.
Therefore, I hope you re1lize,
when you h1ve m1tes,
buddies 1nd old friends,
brothers 1nd sisters, who you
ch1t with, l1ugh with, t1lk
with, h1ve sung songs with,
t1lk 1bout north-south-e1st-
west or he1ven 1nd e1rth - -
Th1t is true h1ppiness!!


1. Don't educ1te your children
to be rich. Educ1te them
to be H1ppy. So when they
grow up they will know the
v1lue of things not the price.
2: Best 1w1rded words: "E1t
your food 1s your medicines.
Otherwise you h1ve to e1t
medicines 1s your food."

3: The One who loves you will

never le1ve you bec1use even
if there 1re 100 re1sons to
give up he or she will find one
re1son to hold on.

4: There is 1 big difference

between 1 hum1n being 1nd
being hum1n. Only 1 few
re1lly underst1nd it.

5. You 1re loved when you 1re

born. You will be loved when
you die. In between, You h1ve
to m1n1ge!

6: If you just w1nt to W1lk

F1st, W1lk Alone! But if
you w1nt to W1lk F1r, W1lk


1. Sunlight
2. Rest
3. Exercise
4. Diet
5. Self Confidence
6. Friends
M1int1in them in 1ll st1ges of
Life 1nd enjoy 1 he1lthy life

The older we get, the fewer

things seem worth w1iting in
line for.

Ple1se copy 1nd p1ste

inste1d of sh1ring!
Live 1 life th1t is full not 1
fool's life ^_^

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