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Appreciation Paper

I really wish that I could sit here and talk about a person who majorly impacted me over

the past 4 years. However no one really has. Thinking back on it I wish someone

would’ve told me “hey Ryan stop being a dumba** and get good grades so you can get

into a really good college”. No one warned me, really I’m the only one to blame.

However since I have to, my dad has had the most positive impact for me over the past

4 years. My freshman year I was going through a lot, constantly arguing with my mom,

joint custody was a struggle. My life felt like it was falling apart and I really had no clue

what I was doing anymore. But my dad, he always manage to cheer me up. He made

me happy and calmed me down. No one else I know can change my mood from crappy

to good so fast. My dad, just knows me so well. He’s so optimistic and always tries

finding the best in everything no matter the situation or person. At the time I strongly

disliked my mother. I had no intentions of forgiving her. But my dad just kept pushing

that I need too, and that I’ll regret it later on. So I have forgiven my mom, It hasn’t been

the greatest thing ever or life changing, but it has taught me that holding a grudge

doesn’t accomplish anything. That there is something great you can take from every

moment, no matter how bad it may appear. I’ll carry this into the future, and I think it will

greatly positively impact my life in the future. My dad basically saved my relationship

with my mom as without him I wouldn't have one. He’s also help me see the best in the

situations I’ve been put in even though I did struggle to see them. Because of that I

don’t know where I’d be without my dad. We really help me get out of a slump and I’m
not sure what I would do without him. He’s always there for me when I need him and I

couldn’t ask for a better father.

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