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Transcript/Attendance Reflection

Over the last 4 years, I have attended high school with many complications arising in

my life. We’ll talk about attendance first. Attemdamce wise my Senior and Junior year

are a pretty accurate representation of how much school I should’ve missed. As

everyday I did miss it was because I was sick. As for my freshman and sophomore year

it is inaccurate. My parents were going through a divorce, which was really tough on

me. Somedays I was so unmotivated I just couldn’t get up and go to school. Because of

this I did miss most days. As for Transcript it is the same but for all 4 years. If I could go

back I would make sure my grades are better. In fact I would probably be attending

UCLA had I worked harder. It is my only real regret in high school. My freshman year

life was tough I didn’t do my homework didn’t study just coasted along high school I

remember being in the math 2 with upperclassmen who were struggling to get a c, while

I would sit there not do any homework, paying no attention and still managing to get a

B. My grades reflect that, as for sophomore year I did try a little more I did my

homework but I did not study or pay really any more attention. Junior year was exactly

the same. I took AP Bio which is suppose to be one of the hardest classes getting a

high B without ever opening the textbook. Oh can’t forget I did pass that AP test too. But

I did get a C in precalculus. Evidentently not doing any homework, not paying any

attention, and not studying doesn’t always work out. As for 1st semester of my senior

year I do believe this is the only semester that actually represents my capabilities. This

time I did study a little more, did my homework, payed maybe just a little more attention

and it paid off. I think this reflects how smart I am. I am more than capable of getting
straight A’s every semester I just never applied myself and I really wish I would’ve. It

would’ve totally changed my future but it's too late now. My transcript show how little I

cared about school, and that yes I am clearly smart if I managed to pass many classes

with a B sometimes even an A with minimum effort. Once again I really wish I could go

back and actually care about school and what I was learning. Should’ve been straight

A’s not what my transcript is now.

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