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5 Year Plan

Today I want to do one thing and get that one thing done. I want to graduate. I

want to get high school over with. It’s not that I hate the place. I’m excited for the

hardship, experience, and failure that is ahead of me. I can’t wait to get out and do what

I want.

Now the idea of a plan has made me think and it’s been hard. Not because I

don’t have a plan but because when I plan something out life throws a curveball right at

me. So i’d like to say I have a general idea of what I want but I know I need to adapt to

whatever obstacles come my way. So let's dive into this general idea.

First I start off with school. I plan to get my 60 units and transfer out into a good

business program. Where that will be i do not know yet. I plan graduate with a degree in

business management as I want to own my own business one day. As of right now I

have a roofing business lined up for me. The business is owned by my grandpa who I

have been working with and learning from.

After schooling I want to start a business or continue my grandpa’s roofing

business. Doing that and having a steady income would be really good as I wish to have

started to move out and be on my own by then. I would like to be in a house by then but

I am ok with a studio or apartment. I want a place where I can function and get work

done. I may see myself out of Merced by then too. If I do thing right that should be the

outcome. Based off of where I should be I would also like to have jobs to build a healthy

savings. I want a comfortable life by this time in my life and I believe very much that it is


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