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Human Divination Matrix - HD Birth Chart

Type Manifesting Generator

Agus Profile 1/3 Investigating Martyr
Birth Date: 27.6.1959 6:45:0 local Inner Authority Sacral
Design Date: 28.3.1959 00:55:27 UTC
Definition Triple-split definiton

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Human Divination Matrix - HD Birth Chart

A 17 3 11 a Aries Cancer d 12 52 1 A Sun

O 18 3 5 g Libra Capricorn j 6 58 1 O Earth

L 48 4 6 g Libra Libra g 3 18 6 L North

M 21 4 12 a Aries Aries a 9 17 6 M South

B 43 3 7 h Scorpio Pisces l 9 36 2 B Moon

C 17 6 11 a Aries Cancer d 1 56 2 C Mercury

D 24 2 12 b Taurus Leo e 2 4 2 D Venus

E 45 6 2 c Gemini Leo e 1 7 3 E Mars

F 34 2 7 i Sagittarius Scorpio h 5 43 5 F Jupiter

G 58 4 8 j Capricorn Capricorn j 6 10 6 G Saturn

H 33 6 4 e Leo Leo e 1 7 1 H Uranus

I 28 5 6 h Scorpio Scorpio h 4 28 3 I Neptune

J 59 3 4 f Virgo Virgo f 2 59 3 J Pluto

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Human Divination Matrix - HD Birth Chart

Head center: Undefined

The Head Center is the pressure to think. This is one of two pressure centers (the other is the
Root). It is the fuel to think though questions, doubts, and confusion.

The undefined Head center is taking in everybody else's thoughts and amplifying them, putting
incredible pressure in your head to figure things out and to act on things that have nothing to do with
you. The wisdom here is to witness your mind needlessly getting caught in mental ideas and
concepts that are not yours. The open Head question is: "Am I trying to answer everybody else's

Ajna center: Undefined

The Ajna Center is how you think. A defined Ajna center has a fixed and reliable way in which it
processes information.

The undefined Ajna is under pressure to try to hold onto a mental opinion. With no fixed way of
thinking, these people often end up with anxiety about not being consistent, and overcompensate by
trying to make everyone else believe that they are certain and smart. The wisdom here is to see that
there is no need to have a fixed mental opinion about anything. The open Ajna question is : "Am I
trying to convince everyone/myself that I am certain?"

Gate 24 - Gate of Rationalizing D

The Gate of Rationalizing is the energy to ponder over and over in thought until that thought can
be brought forward in rational terms or in a rational way.

Gate 4 - Gate of Formulization D

The Gate of Formulization gives you the drive to want to find the answer. Not just any answer
but the ONE answer.

Gate 17 - Gate of Opinions AMC

In logic there is the question, the hypothesis and then opinions about that hypothesis. This
energy of the Gate of Opinions is here to offer its opinions about what will work and what will
not. Opinions are necessary to find the best and most logical solution, but they are not always
welcome as they often feel personal by nature.

Gate 43 - Gate of Insight BF

The Gate of Insight is the energy of awareness and knowing. To communicate the observed
insight successfully, however, you need to wait to be recognized before speaking. The voice of
this channel is, ''I know''.

Throat center: Defined

The Throat Center is about communication. The Throat is the point towards which all the energy in
the body is moving to find expression. It is through this center that manifestation, metamorphosis,
and transformation take place.

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The defined Throat speaks in a fixed way, with a consistent expression from whatever energy
center it is connected to.

Gate 56 - Gate of Stimulation C

Stimulation is the energy that brings the ideas and the past events into expression, often
through stories. This is the energy of a story teller and is great for teaching and framing
information that may be abstract, into cohesive pieces that can be remembered.

Gate 45 - Gate of Gatherer E

The Gatherer energy is about having control of things and allowing others to use those things
for a price. Whether it is physical, emotional, or mental this energy seeks reward for allowing
others to use what is yours.

Gate 33 - Gate of Privacy H

Privacy is the energy to retreat and reflect on experiences and events before moving on. Before
this energy can be expressed, there must be a period of time to retreat and collect thoughts in
order to structure them into a cohesive expression or story.

G-Self center: Defined

The G Center is the identity of the self. This center is about love, behavior, and direction.

The defined G center represents a fixed self that behaves and expresses love in a consistent way,
and is moving in a fixed trajectory in this life. It is a reliable expression of the self.

Gate 10 - Gate of Behavior of the Self G

The Gate of the Behavior of Self carries energy about understanding behavior within the norms
of your human society. How it is expressed may take on flavors of complete acceptance of
norms, challenging norms when appropriate or complete defiance. Your expression will remain
consistent within your theme or style of expression. This is the energy of self-love. This is also
the consistent energy to love others.

Gate 7 - Gate of The Role of the Self EH

The Role of the Self is energy that pushes for leadership. It can take on many flavors like
democratic or dictator depending on the situation and the energy supporting it.

Heart/Ego center: Defined

The Ego center is about willpower. This is where the will to do something or not is expressed as an

The defined Ego can make commitments and promises that are healthy for it. It can feel stubborn
and often pushy, especially to those with no defined willpower.

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Gate 21 - Gate of The Hunter/Huntress M

It is the Hunter/Huntress who controls where you live, what you want and what you eat. This
energy has the drive to create or gather material things and wealth.

Spleen/Splenic center: Defined

The Spleen is about survival. The Spleen is our oldest and most primal awareness. The Spleen is
also completely existential, meaning that it only works in the now. Based in instinct, it is what is
often referred to as intuition. This body-knowing runs through the lymphatic system. Like little
tongues, noses and ears covering the body, it is a cat-like sense.

Defined Spleens have a fixed sense of well being and can know in the moment how to act in order
to survive and be healthy.

Gate 48 - Gate of Depth L

With the Gate of Depth, you tend to do or analyze things in great depth. You look at the size
and scope of it all and work it in great detail. You may on occasion struggle with feelings that
your work is inadequate due to this drive to do things deeply.

Gate 28 - Gate of The Game Player II

The Game Player energy is the struggle for the meaning of life, the struggle to find your divine
connection. Through the struggle you become incredibly wise about the meaning of life. The
shadow side is the fear that life has no meaning.

Gate 18 - Gate of Correction OL

Correction is logical energy to bring about a better way of doing things. This is the guy who
invented the bread slicer. This energy is trying to bring joy to life, to save time or avoid mistakes.
But correction can feel personal so express it with prudence.

Sacral center: Defined

The Sacral Center is the source of life force. It is reproductive, life sustaining energy.

The defined Sacral has the capacity to sustain work and create in the world. The Sacral is a
response motor and regenerates itself through the correct application of its energy. However, the
opposite is also true: it can degenerate into frustration when forced to do work that is not satisfying.

Gate 59 - Gate of Sexuality JJ

Sexuality is the gate of seduction and the gateway to the sacral sexual power. This will often be
the energy and drive to sexually reproduce. It can be the energy of coming together in an
intimate way in a non-sexual relationship.

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Gate 34 - Gate of Power F

The Gate of Power is the busiest, most capable energy in the chart. This is a design of the
multitasker. It carries an enormous amount of power, but only in response. When the 34 is not
busy, they are in agony.

Emotional/Solar-Plexus center: Undefined

The Solar Plexus is about emotion.

An undefined Solar Plexus means that you are taking in the emotions of others and amplifying
them. The open emotional being has learned to make nice and play nice in order to avoid the
volatility of the emotional world. The wisdom here is that you should never trust how you feel (the
emotions of others) or allow yourself to be pressured emotionally by others. The open Solar Plexus
question is : "Am I avoiding confrontation and truth?"

Gate 36 - Gate of Crisis B

The Gate of Crisis moves for change through the pain and confusion of experience. This energy
is driven to express a change, a next step on the journey to bring light to a cloudy and darkened
scene. The cycle works in continuous fashion: crisis, reflection, and expression of change
followed by relief and then building crisis and round again you go.

Root center: Defined

The Root Center is about adrenal pressure. It is one of the two pressure centers (the other is the
Head). The Root center's pressure moves energy up through the body to fuel action.

Defined Root people are under a constant and consistent pressure to do. It is a healthy energy as
long as it entered into and used correctly. It can also be healthy for the defined Root to release
pressure through activities such as exercise.

Gate 52 - Gate of Inaction A

Inaction is the stillness to see the whole picture and achieve concentration. At times we must
withdraw to truly concentrate.

Gate 58 - Gate of Aliveness OG

Aliveness is the energy for the zest or joy in life. It is the insatiable desire to make it better and
to challenge the norm to find a better way.

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Channel 18-58 - Channel of Judgment

A design of insatiability. Awareness stream of taste.

Coming from the root is the 58th gate, the Joyous, which goes up to the 18th gate, Work on What
Has Been Spoilt. This has to do with the love of life, the vitality which fuels life and causes us to
want to perpetuate it. Called the channel of Judgment, insatiability is a byproduct of the ability to feel
so wonderful. It is as though this hexagram says, "more and better, more and better", which has to
do with the impulse that is keeping us alive and healthy.

Of course, it is not possible to constantly have more and better, so we come to the gate at the other
side, the 18th gate that links the channel to the spleen, and manages to keep what is healthy or not
in balance. The channel of Judgment is rooted in logic. It is about knowing what works, and
likewise, knowing what doesn't work. The logic circuit is all about comparing patterns and
understanding what is inherently correct based on the knowledge of the comparison.

Thus, when someone with this channel perceives something that is inconsistent within a pattern,
they feel a need to express it and alert others to it. These people will share with you the correction
you need (or the correction they think you need). It can be an endless and incessant stream of data
about what is wrong coming from the need of the 18th gate to "work on what has been spoilt". The
18th gate challenges everything and tells you what needs to be worked on.

These people will share with you the correction you need (or the correction they think you need).A'A
This can be useful or not. Your mother sharing with you their opinion of your haircut can be helpful
or not. But the main theme is sharing of what needs to be corrected. The important thing to keep in
mind is that it is not personal, no matter how personal it might feel to you.

The energy within this channel stems from an underlying motive to perpetuate our existence. After
all, our genes are very interested in perpetuation of the species, and by comparing what has worked
(the pattern) with what is not working, the 18 is focusing to get back to what works. In a way, the 18
is like a sentry that needs to be trained to recognize what needs to be called attention to, because it
will call an alert to every problem it observes. When it is functioning at its highest level, this channel
can keep society on track to a better future and serve us all through this awareness.

Channel 34-10 - Channel of Exploration

A design of following one's convictions. The way of the individual.

The Channel of Exploration - 10/34, links the G Center through the 10, the Gate of Treading, to the
34, the Gate of Power in the Sacral Center. Here we have a channel that strongly empowers

The 10th gate is the gate of behavior, and the 34th, the gate of power. This is therefore the
empowerment of behavior, or the behavior of empowerment. Remember that Human Design is a
dualistic system, and these terms can always be inverted.

This is a generated channel. What this means is that as long as these people are responding, their
power is behaving correctly and their behavior is always perfect. This is what it means to follow
one's convictions.

The 10th gate is the gate of the love of self. When you follow your natural responses, you become
centered in your convictions, no matter how unusual they are. Out of this behavior, comes the love

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of oneself.

People with activations in the Centering Circuit have an aura that creates a kind of vortex around
them. It is this power of Centering that can draw so much attention to themselves. Whether this
attention is positive or negative always depends upon whether they are waiting to respond.

People with this definition have a very fixed behavioral pattern, meaning they are comfortable and
solid within themselves (if they live their design). This channel is part of the Individual circuit so
10/34's have a tremendous capacity of being able to empower others to also feel comfortable and
solid within themselves. In other words, they empower others to follow their own behavior -
whatever it happens to be.

This channel beautifully expresses the core of what individuals would like in the world. Every
individual would really like to be able to live their own behavior without interference. At the same
time, of course, they would like to empower everybody else to live their own behavior without
suffering the interference of others.

The upshot of it is that these 10/34 people play a vital role by re-empowering in others their own
sense of uniqueness. The not-self of this channel would be a bit rigid about this. Something like:

"I'm going to be like this whether you like it or not. I'm just going to be like this, this is my behavior.
However, I think it would be really healthy for you if you are always like that. Yes. And if you stay
like that and I stay like this, we're not going to have a problem."

Channel 45-21 - Channel of The Money Line

A design of a materialist. Awareness of sensitivity.

The Channel of Materialism links the Throat Center through the 45, the Gate of Gathering Together,
to the 21, the Gate of Biting Through in the Heart Center. For all of the power and influence of the
Tribe over human affairs, it's interesting to note that it only has one direct connection to the Throat
only one voice. The voice of the tribe is, "I have or I don't have" (as heard in the 45).

The tribe wants two things: money and a secure and reliable commitment from everyone to be tribal
together. The 45 is the King/Queen and the 21 is the Hunter/Huntress. It is the responsibility of the
two working together to make sure the tribe has these two things.

Materialism is the way of the 21-45, and what really satisfies it is putting money to work. This is the
channel that has developed the simple business model of barter or village trade into the complex
business models we have today. People with this channel have the education (45) and the control
(21) to understand and direct financial dealings on a more complex level - the stock market, banks,
speculation, the kinds of business venture that return dividends on investment over time.

For those kinds of money-making enterprises to succeed requires the support of many and it
requires that each person involved be knowledgeable and trustworthy in keeping their part of the
deal. This is the apex of the Tribal qualities. But no matter how complex the structure, at its core are
the same basic two things: money and the community that uses it.

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