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Wireless solution provider

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A beacon is a small Bluetooth radio transmitter, powered by batteries. Beacons are similar
to a lighthouse in functionality. These small hardware devices incessantly transmit
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) signals. The Bluetooth enabled smartphones are capable of
scanning and displaying these signals.

Beacons could be deployed on store-fronts, real estate properties, amusement parks, events
and other public venues to broadcast contextually-relevant advertisements and notifications.

What is a BLE beacon?

It is important to understand the difference between classic Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low
Energy to appreciate BLE beacons. Classic Bluetooth consumes high power and transmits to
long ranges, which is suited for Bluetooth headsets and speakers.

However, Bluetooth Low Energy transmits less data over a smaller range, hence consuming
much less power. BLE beacons transfers small amounts of data at regular intervals of time.

Application of Bluetooth Beacon: To understand how beacons work let's

take an example of a coffee shop with beacon deployment.Let’s assume, beacons are
deployed at the entrance of a coffee shop.
1. These beacons transmit signals in its range. The range of beacons vary from 20m to
300m. (Know more about the range of Beaconstac beacons)
2. Smartphones in the range of beacons is itself indicating that the smartphones are
3. The smartphone then sends the ID number attached to the signal to the cloud server
4. The server responds with the action linked to the beacon ID. It could be a
notification introducing a new appetizer in the cafe, combo deals, video of coffee
making or a feedback form!
5. These notifications drive customers to a webpage, a form, a phone number or
whatever you plan to do.
Bluetooth beacon:

Beacon is a tiny device with a massive impact on advertising. A beacon is designed with
three major components - a small ARM computer, a Bluetooth Smart connectivity module
and batteries for powering the entire circuit. The CPU of the ARM computer has an antenna
attached to it, which broadcasts electromagnetic waves with specific length and f requency.

What does a beacon transmit?

Beacons transmit data packets. The components of these packets are slightly different for
iBeacons to eddystone. But in general, they just contain an ID with their spatial data, a
component that indicates the status of the beacon (e.g temperature, battery status etc.) and a
URL (only for Eddystone beacons) that would correspond to some data in the Nearby

Beacon connect offline and online worlds:

You can promote your online store from your offline premises or push notifications to the
people in the vicinity of your store to download your shopping app. For example, You can
shout out an exciting offer through your app and lure the user with to visit your store or
entice the user to download your app when the she is shopping in your store.
Proximity beacon used for?

As the beacon market matures, the use cases related to it also expand. Among many other
beacon applications, businesses are using beacons for driving new customers, transforming
the customer engagement engaging, gathering feedback and passing valuable information.
Here’s a list of the most popular beacon use-cases -

1. Location-based personalized advertisements

Beacons are being leveraged in retail stores, supermarkets, restaurants and spas to broadcast
daily offers, deal of the day, promotions and more. Beacons are replacing standees in front
of stores and traffic signals in a much more personalized and contextually relevant manner.

2. Wayfinding and navigation

Let’s say, a retail store leverages a billboard at the busiest traffic signal to inform potential
customers about a store launch 700m away. This obviously is quite a smart move given the
impressions that the billboard might have. However, this campaign lacks the impulse to act

3. In-store Navigation
Beacons are also being used to provide in-store navigation that cuts down on a customer’s
shopping time. It also greatly reduces the dependency on salespersons in the store. Beacons
can also be used to make information about the product availability accessible to shoppers.
Using their phones, shoppers can look up an item and know exactly which aisle it has been
placed in.

4. Pushing business cards or service information

Most service-based businesses like freelance marketing, delivery services, self-defence tutor
and car mechanics want to inform residents about their services in order to grow their
customer base. Professionals can reach out to all nearby smartphones that have their
Bluetooth switched on with NearBee installed.

5. Amassing customer data for creating better campaigns

Using beacons, you can get many insights of customer behaviours for example: if you run a
retail store, beacons will help you out with understanding the customer’s in -store

Not just these, but Bluetooth beacons can be put to use for a host of other use cases
including and not just limited to-

7. Loyalty programs
8. Online payments
9. Treasure hunts
10. Passing information about a monument or painting at a museum.

End-users interact with a beacon

When campaigns are assigned to a beacon, it broadcasts them to Bluetooth-enabled

smartphones in its proximity. Android phones can instantly receive campaigns through
NearBee that is built to scan these signals and display the associated campaign. iPhones
require a beacon powered app or a separate third party application, such as Nearbee, to do
the same.

Here are some ways to can encourage users to engage with your campaign:

1. Call To Action: Providing users the opportunity to take further action is a great way
to increase engagement. Using call to action buttons you could use a phone number,
email id, or a link to your website.
2. Relevant videos: To make users remember your, visual aids are key. Embedding
powerful and relevant videos can make your campaign very effective and encourage
users to take further action.
3. Apple Wallet: This gives iPhone users the opportunity to save your campaign to their
Apple Wallet. This can be very useful if they are interested in redeeming your offer
at a later point in time. While Android users do not have a Wallet, they can select a
“Save to your device” option which saves a screenshot of the campaign to their
4. Forms and Surveys: These are campaigns that can be used to collect useful
information about users. Encouraging customers to give feedback is great way to
maintain engagement.

privacy and contents:

1. Beacons are a breach to users’ privacy

Beacons cannot access or store information from smartphones. They are simply transmitting
devices that send contextual messages to users in their proximity.

2. Beacons need their own native app in order to function:

NearBee for Android and iOS can replicate the function of the Nearby app and much better
as it delivers active, rich, tailored notifications to the lock screen, while integrating with
Physical Web. Because of NearBee and its ability to morph into a business’s unique
branding serving as an app within an app, there is no need for companies to develop their
own app to operate a beacon.

3. Creating a beacon campaign requires a developer

Not at all! Beaconstac has simplified the process of creating campaigns to the point where it
can be done by anyone. Beaconstac also has a range of beautiful existing templates that
users simply have to edit according to their needs.

Target market
Jun 20, 2018 ( via COMTEX) -- The global bluetooth speaker market revenue is
expected to expand at a significant CAGR over the forecast period. Bluetooth speaker is a wireless device
that containing loudspeaker and amplifier. Smartphones, tablets and laptops get connected and audio data
is transferred to the Bluetooth speaker, using Bluetooth technology. Bluetooth speaker comes in different
size, shape and colors. Bluetooth speakers normally work in the range of 30 to 50 feet. Bluetooth speaker
is compact, wireless, portable and available in replaceable and rechargeable battery models. Some
Bluetooth speakers have a slot for connecting USB and memory card. It is also used for listening to the
radio and also for hands free calling.
Beacon campaigns:

Beacon campaigns can yield very high click through rates, so long as they are are effective.
A planned, well designed campaign can witness a CTR as high as 4%, which is nearly 80
times the average CTR of a display advertisement. There are many factors related to
campaign management and beacon deployment that can affect the CTR:

1. Beacon deployment: The location of the beacon can affect its ability to reach a wide
audience. Generally, it is advisable to place beacons in areas with higher wait times,
so that users have the time to see the beacons.
2. Campaign features: An effective campaign is visually appealing, with powerful
messages and call-to-action buttons.

Various types of Bluetooth technology are available in the markets which help the
consumers to communicate wirelessly. The different types of Bluetooth devices are PC
cards, radios, dongles, and headsets. Laptops and other Internet enabled equipments use
Bluetooth technology such as wireless mouse and keyboard to communicate wirelessly.
Music players like iPods, music phones, or other MP3 players make use of stereo

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