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Choose any Two (2) journal articles on the latest performance management trends topic under
the syllabus of this course. The articles selected cannot be older than 2013.

Conduct a critique of the Two (2) journal articles by focusing on the following:
1) Performance management related theories or models inherent in the articles
2) Applicability in the workplace
3) Limitations of the research or study
4) Comparative analyses of the two (2) articles – in terms of relevance to the understanding
of performance management
1.0 Introduction

1.1 First articles (改了)

Organizations need effective human resource management in their pursuit of vision and
goals. Performance management and other human resource management (HRM) practices are
core functions because they provide the necessary data to complement and support other
functions. Establishing an effective performance management system is a multi-standard
issue that requires experts with different backgrounds to help. In addition, performance
management is essentially a vague concept because almost the entire process requires
linguistic assessment rather than numerical assessment. Therefore, in order to deal with all
these problems, the management model based on intuitionistic fuzzy multi-criteria and multi-
expert analytic hierarchy (AHP) this paper raises this issue. When determining the standard
weight of the model, use expert summary and compromise assessments to observe the impact
of the two methods on the results. Numerical applications are given to illustrate the use of the

1.2 Second articles (改了)

After studying the business practices of most domestic economic operators, low levels of
economic success can be noted. This economic situation therefore has some or even no
organizational performance management at all. The research presented in this paper is a
sample survey of 200 companies in the food industry of the Republic of Serbia was
conducted through a well-designed questionnaire. Institutions in the performance
management system, coverage, frequency, effectiveness satisfaction, communication
analysis, training and accountability this are the subject of this research. The main objective
of the study was to identify existing practices for organizational performance management
and recommended approaches for future improvements. Research results will provide theory
and research make practical contributions to researchers in the field and help companies
improve performance.
2.0 Performance management related theories or models inherent in the articles

2.1 First articles (改了)

Based on my reading in this article, I found a performance management theories and models.
Moreover, it is Performance management system. It involves with Strategic Congruence (SC),
Contextual Congruence (CC), Objective Implementation (OI), and Functionality (F).

An effective performance management model requires strategically congruent. Performance

management is the foundation for ensuring organizational strategy and goals. In this sense,
when building a performance system that is consistent with the organizational strategy,
(1) alignment to the organizational goals, (2) organizational support, (3) the role of the
executive, are the three main important aspects to establish.

The “line of sight” theory (Boswell, 2006; Boswell et al., 2006) - the employee's
understanding of the company's strategic goals and the actions necessary to achieve the goals,
and the link between Buller and McEnvoy’s (2012) attempts to identify
the company's strategy, human resources and performance results, complement the strategic
alignment required in the performance management system.

Similar to strategic aspects, contextual dimensions influence the efficiency of performance

management systems (Aguinis et al., 2011). ). In order to align the performance system with
the cultural and behavioural aspects of the organization, the company needs to ensure that
employees (1) cultural engagement to the organization and the process of performance
management; (2) foster their motivation for their work and the performance system, and
finally (3) have a positive perception over the fair and objective method of implementation.

Another very important aspect of an effective performance management system is the

objectivity and impartiality of the implementation process. Most evaluation processes have
not been successful due to biased ratings, unintended subjective conclusions, or a lack of any
standard scientific system. Nonetheless, (1) an objective system requires to treat the whole
process in fairness and justice; (2) the measurement tools need to be valid and open; (3) the
implementation process needs to be such thorough that it is entirely owned by all members of
the organization; and finally (4) the results need to be measurable, meaningful and usable.
A strategic and contextual performance management system that is as objective as possible
and requires practicality. Functionality is the last major pillar of an effective performance
management system. Even if members have this process, they must have a positive attitude
and be as objective as possible. In order to fully operate, the system needs to (1) be applicable
and user-friendly, (2) be inclusive, (3) allow flexibility and corrections, and (4) have a sense
of meaning and use.

2.2 Second articles (改了)

Short overview of performance management be able to summarize in the following few items

• Performance management is linked to outputs (accomplishment of effect) and outcomes

(implement collision on performance).
Furthermore, this consult to the processes want to comply these consequents, and inputs, in
terms of capacitance (knowledge, skills and competencies) that is prospective from teams and
individuals (each person).

• Performance management involves planning, which is the initial procedure in implement

future success.
This consult to the circumscription of expectations in the form of the goals and commerce
• Performance management is concerning to measuring consequence and dominate the progress
of realize the objectives,
since if there is something you cannot survey, you cannot administer it. Moreover,
“performance measurement system consists of three part: data collection and processing,
analysis and action” [14].

• Company performance management consult to successive improvement.

This conjunction is built on the tangible that continuous try hard for implement high criterion
in every section of the tissue therefore offer a set of incremental obtain that will establish better
capabilities. This measure clears up what is imply through organizational, team and individual
usefulness, and taking the essential survey in order to achieve defined standard of utility [19].
According to Armstrong and Murlis this means: “work up a culture in which director,
individuals and groups adopt duty for successive improvement of commerce processes and
their own skills, abilities and contributions” [3].

• Performance management is related with the successive growth.

It is linked to the founding of a literacy in which the organizational and individual learning and
development are successive handle. The indeed target of performance management system is
that it releases the central issues on continuous up growth of company’s employees [17].

• Performance management is congregate according to correspondence.

This is implemented via establish the organizational aerosphere in which the main issues is on
creating an advance dialog among director and their teams, who in the same place to restrict
expectations and share message regarding organizational mission, values and goals.

• Performance management is related by stakeholders.

This artifice assembly the demand and expectations of all stakeholders of a firm - the owners,
directors, employees, customers, provider and the publicity. Employees are treated as partners
in a corporation who interests are respected, whose motion are look for and advertent and who
are urged to promote to the wording of their individual and team goals and project.

• Performance management references to fairness and openness [17].

As recommend through Winstanley and Stuart-Smith, the four moral principles that ought to
control the activities within the performance management are [24]: esteem for the individual,
reciprocal respect, programmed fairness and transparency of resolution-making

3.0 Applicability to the workplace of the theories or models in the Two (2) journals
3.1 First articles (改了)
Planning the goal(改了)
Setting objectives – this is the occasion for you to listen regarding how your part and objectives
are linked to firm goals. Through linking your personal objectives and goals to the corporation
goals in this method assist you to more comprehend where you suit in, how you conduce and
how your success leads to the success of the corporation.
13th April 2012 Talentevo
So what is employee performance management?

Communication (还没改)
The employee and manager communicate more frequently and agree on changed objectives to
suit continuing changes in conditions and priorities. This is an inclusive and collaborative
process, which ensures that the employee has input. The employee works towards specific
objectives that are relevant. If the organisation is using a Performance Management product
that has a performance diary, both the manager and employee attend the review meeting with
copies of their performance diary notes. This contains content from the performance period to
be reviewed. Given that both have content, they feel much better prepared and stress is lower
than if they were attending a meeting not aware of the subject matter.
What is employee Performance Management and what are the benefits?
Peoplestreme 2019

3.2 Second articles (改了)

Goals must serve all the demand of your firm and those of employees. To implement "goal
alignment" at corporation, must first obviously correspond strategic commerce objectives
across whole firm. Interdepartmental goal visibility may also assist rate the process of
alignment. By allowing director to interview and see the goals of other departments, firm be
able to extremely decrease goal redundancy and conflicts throughout your firm. In addition, a
lot of employee objectives are not totally under the dominate of one individual. Enabling and
even mandating that individuals allocate some goals to two or more people improve
engagement and shared accountability throughout the corporation. Target sharing also assists
departmental top discovery method to better sustain each other, as well as determine areas
where they can be inadvertently working in connection with each other. In case firm-wide goals
have been fixed, director can afterward set goals for their personal departments which plainly
sustain entire commerce strategies. Main job functions and liabilities be able to serve as an
ordinary framework when script employee goals. Directors must keep in memory to correspond
to personnel members not only what is prospective of them, but how each mission is to be

Employee Learning and Development (没换过)

Given that most Performance Management systems require managers and employees to
commit to a development plan, employees experience real personal development and become
more engaged with the organisation. They feel part of the organisation and start to understand
that they and the organisation are interdependent. The organisation is developing the employee
and the employee is working towards developing the organisation by achieving its goals. The
majority of Performance Management systems are able to provide graphical compliance
reports. Therefore, the setting of objectives and development plans for employees can no longer
be ignored. Employees see real planning, are involved in setting meaningful objectives and
have input into personal development plans which benefit both themselves and the
organisation. In all, this results in an engaged workforce who are extremely committed to
achieving real outcomes for the organisation.
What is employee Performance Management and what are the benefits?
Peoplestreme 2019

4.0 Limitations of the research or study

4.1 First articles
Training for managers (还没改)
Workplace bullying training for managers needs to explain what ‘reasonable management
action’ means and what ‘a reasonable manner’ is. However, further training which
specifically deals with performance management practices should also be provided to
managers to ensure that they adhere to organisational policy, follow a fair process,
communicate appropriately with employees and truly understand the purpose and intent of
performance management.

4.2 Second articles

Ratings and scores(还没改)
You will be able to assign ratings to your team’s performance, and a good performance
management system will allow the business to customize these options to fit in with their
existing performance scoring process.

Past performance details(还没改)

This allows managers and employees to review achievements and successes and put the
current performance in context. It also shows how they have performed against their
role profile and gives set objectives for the year.
5.0 Comparative analyses
In these two articles, I found a few similarities. According to the first article, it is useful to
determine the goals set by the company. The second article mentions that performance
management and planning are related. The first point in common is that managers must have
planning to achieve the goals set by the company.

In addition, according to the first article, it is mentioned that managers must communicate
effectively with employees and assign tasks to each employee to continue to know their
subsequent progress and what they are doing. The second article also mentions that
performance management is related to both control and measuring results. Because if there is
no control and measuring planning, the task will fail. The second thing in common is that
managers must effectively control the process and understand what each subordinate is doing
and make sure that each employee can balance and do it. This represents the effective
measuring result of the manager.

Furthermore, according to the first article and the second article, performance management
and communication are related. Having enough communication will unite employees and set
goals that are consistent.

Moreover, according to the first article, the company must determine that the goals they set
will be achieved and that fairness and transparency should be achieved also. The second
article also mentioned that fairness and openness are related to performance management too.

Besides that, to having the same points, I also found two different points from the two
articles. First, that is in the second article, they continue to make performance management
progress and improvement. The first article was not done and mentioned at all.
Second, in the second article is mention that performance management is associated with
stakeholders. This means meeting the needs and expectations of all stakeholders of a
company - the owners, managers, employees, customers, suppliers and the publicity.
Employees are treated as partners in a company whose interests are respected, whose
proposals are seeking and listening and who are encouraged to contribute to the formulation
of their personal and team goals and plans. These two points are the differences among the
two articles.
6.0 Citations and referencing
7.0 Conclusion

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