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4 Gear Horsepower Capacity for Tooth Surface Fatigue Failure

Figure 15.25 shows a specific application of a pair of spur gears, each with face width
b = 1.25 in. Estimate the maximum horsepower that the gears can transmit with only
a 1 percent chance of a surface fatigue failure during 5 years of 40 hours/week, 50
weeks/year operation.

Known: The steel pinion of Sample Problem 15.3 with 330 Bhn hardness and given
diametral pitch, number of teeth, rotational speed, and 20° full-depth teeth drives a
steel gear of 290 Bhn at 860 rpm with only a 1 percent chance of surface fatigue
failure during a specified time period.
Find: Estimate the maximum horsepower that the gears can transmit.
1. The gear-tooth surface temperatures are below 120°C (250°F).
2. The surface fatigue endurance limit can be calculated from the surface hardness—
see Table 15.5.
3. The surface fatigue stress is a maximum at the pitch point (line).
4. The manufacturing quality of the pinion and gear corresponds to curve D, Figure
15.24. 5. The output gear experiences moderate torsional shock.
6. The characteristics of support include less rigid mounting, less accurate gears, and
contact across the full face.
7. No factor of safety will be necessary.
8. The tooth profiles of the gears are standard involutes. The contact surfaces at the
pitch point can be approximated by cylinders.
9. The gears are mounted to mesh at the pitch circles.
10. The effects of surface failure from abrasive wear and scoring are eliminated by
enclosure and lubrication—only pitting needs consideration.
11. The stresses caused by sliding friction can be neglected.
12. The contact pressure distribution is unaffected by the lubricant.
13. Thermal stresses and residual stresses can be neglected.
14. The gear materials are homogeneous, isotropic, and linearly elastic.
15. The surface endurance limit and life factor data available are sufficiently accurate.
The velocity factor Kv, the overload factor Ko, and the mounting factor Km obtained
from available data are reasonably accurate.
1. The surface endurance strength is estimated from Eq. 15.25
as SH = SfeCLiCR
Sfe = 114 ksi [from Table 15.5 for steel, Sfe = 0.4 (Bhn) - 10 ksi = 0.4 (330) -
10 = 122 ksi]
CLi = 0.8 [from Figure 15.27, life = (1720)(60)(40)(50)(5) = 1.03 * 109 cycles]
CR = 1 (from Table 15.6 for 99 percent reliability)
SH = (122)(0.8)(1) = 97.6 ksi
2. The surface (Hertz) fatigue stress is estimated from Eq. 15.24 as

3. Equating surface fatigue strength and surface fatigue stress gives
8592 √𝐹𝑡 = 97,600 psi or Ft = 129 lb
(This value applies to both of the mating gear-tooth surfaces.)
4. The corresponding power is
W = FtV = (129 lb)(811 fpm) = 104,620 ft  lb/min, or 3.2 hp.
Comment: This power compares with a bending fatigue-limited power of nearly 14
hp and illustrates the usual situation of steel gears being stronger in bending fatigue.
Although much of the 14-hp bending fatigue capacity is obviously wasted, a moderate
excess of bending capacity is desirable because bending fatigue failures are sudden
and total, whereas surface failures are gradual and cause increasing noise levels to
warn of gear deterioration.
(Source: Fundamentals of Machine Design Fifth Edition, Robert C. Juvinall & Kurt M.
Marshek, 2012, page 654)

Problem Statement:
A band brake similar to the one shown in Fig. 6-8 has a 16 in.-diameter drum and a
width of lining equal to 3 in. Speed is 200 rpm, a = 10 in., m = 3 in.,  = 270o, and 𝜇
= 0.2. Find the torque and horsepower if the maximum lining pressure is 70 psi.
Given Information:
b = 3 in.
a = 10 in.
m = 3 in.
d = 16 in
n = 200 rpm
 = 270o
 = 0.2
pmax = 70 psi
The pressure distribution is nonuniform but will not exceed the maximum amount
Solution Method:
We will use Eqs (13) and (15)
Solution Details: By Eq. (15)
T1 = brpmax = 3 x 8 x 70 = 1680 lb
 = 0.2 x 1.5 = 0.9425
e  = 2.566
By Eq.(13),
𝑇1 1680
T2 = = = 655 lb
𝑒  2.566
The force is

𝑇2 𝑚 655 x 3
P= = = 196 lb
𝑎 10

The torque is
T = r(𝑇2 − 𝑇1 ) = 8(1650 – 655) = 8200 in. lb
And the horsepower is
𝑇 8200 x 200
𝑛 =
hp = 63,025 = 26.0

(Source: Design of Machine Elements by Spotts, Shoup and Hornberger, 8th edition,
Prentice Hall, page 373)

A polyamide A-3 flat belt 6 in wide is used to transmit 15 hp under light shock
conditions where Ks = 1.25, and a factor of safety equal to or greater than 1.1 is
appropriate. The pulley rotational axes are parallel and in the horizontal plane. The
shafts are 8 ft apart. The 6-in driving pulley rotates at 1750 rev/min in such a way
that the loose side is on top. The driven pulley is 18 in in diameter. See Fig. 17–10.
The factor of safety is for unquantifiable exigencies.
(a) Estimate the centrifugal tension Fc and the torque T.
(b) Estimate the allowable F1, F2, Fi and allowable power Ha.
(c) Estimate the factor of safety. Is it satisfactory?
The Flat-belt drive for ex. 17-4
Solution (a) Eq. (17–4): φ = θd = π − 2 sin−1 [2(8)12] = 3.0165 rad

exp( f φ) = exp[0.8(3.0165)] = 11.17

V = π(6)1750/12 = 2749 ft/min
Table 17–2: w = 12γ bt = 12(0.042)6(0.130) = 0.393 lbf/ft

𝑤 𝑉 0.393 2749 2
Answer Eq. (e): Fc = (60)2 = ( 60 ) = 25.6 lbf
𝑔 32.17

63 025H𝑛𝑜𝑚K𝑠𝑛𝑑 63 025(15)1.25(1.1)
T= =
𝑛 1750
= 742 lbf  in
(b) The necessary (F1)a − F2 to transmit the torque T, from Eq. (h), is
2𝑇 2(742.8)
(F1)a − F2 = 𝑑 = = 247.6 lbf
From Table 17–2 Fa = 100 lbf. For polyamide belts Cv = 1, and from Table 17–4 Cp
= 0.70. From Eq. (17–12) the allowable largest belt tension (F1)a is
(F1)a = bFaCpCv = 6(100)0.70(1) = 420 lbf
F2 = (F1)a − [(F1)a − F2] = 420 − 247.6 = 172.4 lbf
and from Eq. (i)
(𝐹1)a + 𝐹2 420 + 172.4 2
Fi = − Fc = − 25.6 = 270.6 lbf
62 2
The combination (F1)a, F2, and Fi will transmit the design power of 15(1.25)(1.1) =
20.6 hp and protect the belt. We check the friction development by solving Eq. (17–
7) for f’ :


The belt is satisfactory and the maximum allowable belt tension exists. If the initial
tension is maintained, the capacity is the design power of 20.6 hp.
(Source: Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design (McGraw-Hill Series in Mechanical
Engineering) 10th Edition, page 905)

A 10-hp split-phase motor running at 1750 rev/min is used to drive a rotary pump,
which operates 24 hours per day. An engineer has specified a 7.4-in small sheave, an
11-in large sheave, and three B112 belts. The service factor of 1.2 was augmented by
0.1 because of the continuous-duty requirement. Analyze the drive and estimate the
belt life in passes and hours. The peripheral speed V of the belt is
Interpolating in Table 17–12 for V = 3390 ft/min gives Htab = 4.693 hp. The
wrap angle in degrees is 3.057(180)/π = 175◦ . From Table 17–13, K1 = 0.99.
From Table 17–14, K2 = 1.05. Thus, from Eq. (17–17)

Since NP is out of the validity range of Eq. (17–27), life is reported as greater
than 109 passes.


109 (113.8)
Eq. (17–28): t > = 46 600 h
[Contoh 1.4]

Sebuah poros ditumpu oleh 2 buah bantalan pada jarak 1 (m). Dua buah puli sabuk-

v dipasang pada jarak 300 (mm) dan 200(mm) dari masing-masing bantalan, di mana

gaya mendatar dan gaya tegak pada sabuk-V adalah seperti yang diperlihatkan dalam

Gambar 1.6. Hitunglah diameter poros yang diperlukan untuk meneruskan daya

sebesar 18 (kW) pada 300 (rpm). Bahan poros diambil S30C. Jika defleksi puntiran

dibatasi sampai 1 derajat, berapa besar diameter poros yang dipandang cukup? Jika

berat puli sabuk I adalah 25(kg), berapakah kecepatan kritis poros? Apakah poros

dalam contoh ini cukup aman?


1. P = 18 (kW), n1 = 300 (rpm)

2. Fc = 1,4
3. Pd = 1,4 x 18 = 25,2 Kw
4. T = 9,74 x 105 x 25.2/300 = 81820 (kgmm)
5. Beban seperti yang diperlihatkan dalam Gambar 1.6
6. H1 = 215 (kg)  V1 = 403 kg
H2 = 270 (kg)  V2 = 35 kg

215 x 700+270 x 200

7. RH1 = = 205 kg
RH2 = ( 215 + 270 ) - 205 = 280 kg
403 x 700+35 x 200
RV1 = = 289 kg
RV2 = ( 403 + 35 ) - 289 = 149 kg

8. Gambarkan diagram momen lentur (Gambar 1.7)

Dari diagram momen lentur, harga-harga momen lentur horizontal dan

vertikal pada posisi puli I dan puli II adalah

MH1 = 205 x 300 = 61500 (kgmm)

MH2 = 280 x 200 = 56000 (kgmm)
MV1 = 289 x 300 = 86700 (kgmm)
MV2 = 149 x 200 = 29800 (kgmm)
9. Momen lentur gabungan adalah
MR1 = √(61500)2 +(86700)2 = 106300 (kgmm)

MR2 = √(56000)2 +(29800)2 = 63400 (kgmm)

10. Bahan poros S30C, B = 55 (kg/mm2).

Poros harus diberi tangga sedikit pada tempat puli.
Puli ditetapkan dengan Pasak.
Sf1 = 6,0, Sf2 = 2,0

11. ba = 55/(6,0 x 2,0) = 4.58 (kg/mm2)

12. Km = 2,0, Kt = 1,5

13. Dari persamaan (1.20)
dS = [(5,1/4,58)√(2,0 x 106300)2 +(1,5 x 81820)2 ] 1/3 = 64,9 mm  65 mm

Konsentrasi tegangan di alur pasak adalah lebih besar dari pada di tangga
poros. Dari Tabel 1.8, alur pasak adalah
18 x 6 x 1,0 (1,0 jari-jari filet)
1,0/65 = 0,015. Dari Gambar 1,2,  = 2,85
= √(2,0 x 106010)2 +(1,5 x 81820)2 = 4,55 (kg/mm2)
 x 653
Jika a  Sf2 dibandingkan dengan   , 4,58 x 2 < 4,55 x 2,85
Suatu diameter sebesar 70 tidaklah cukup, dan kita coba 75.
Alur pasak 20 x 7 x 1,0, 1,0/75 = 0,013,  = 2,86
= x 244967 = 2,96 (kg/mm2)
 x 753
4,58 x 2 > 2,96 x 2,86, baik
14. Perhitungan defleksi puntiran
G = 8,3 x 103 (kg/mm2)
81820 x 1000
 = 584 3 4 = 0,18
8,3 x 10 x 75
15. 0,180 < 0,250 , baik
16. Bantalan yang dipakai pada kedua ujung poros dianggap tipis. Gaya resultan dari
komponen horizontal yang bersangkutan: 485 kg.
Pada titik pusat gaya: 300 + x 500 = 584 mm, 1000 – 584 = 416 mm.
Gaya resultan dari komponen yang bersangkutan: 483 kg.
Karena gaya ini lebih kecil dari komponen horizontal maka diabaikan.
Perhitungan defleksi: Dari persamaan (1.22)
485 x 584 42 x 4162
y = 3,23 x 10 −4
x = 0,29 mm.
754 x 1000
y/l = 0,29/1 – 0,29 mm/m.
17. 0,29 < (10,3-0,35) <baik
18. Berat benda yang berputar W1 = 25 kg, W2 = 20 kg
Berat poros: Ws = (/4) x 7,52 x 100 x 7,86/1000 = 34,7 kg
Setengah dari benda tersebut dianggap bekerja di tengah poros sebagai
beban terpusat.
19. Kecepatan kritis dari masing-masing benda yang berputar adalah
2 1000
NC1 = 52700 300
x 700
√ 25
= 8930 rpm

2 1000
NC2 = 52700 800
x 200
√ 20
= 13000 rpm

2 1000
NC3 = 52700 500
x 500 √ 17,35 = 9000 rpm
1 1 1 1
20. Dari persamaan (1.25), 2 = (8390)2 + (13000)2 + (9000)2
21. 2 = 10−6 x (0,0125 + 0,0059 +0,123)
𝑁 𝑐0
22. 𝑁𝑐0 = 106 x 32,5733
23. Nc0 = 5707 rpm

21. 300/5707 (0,6 – 0,7), baik

22. ds = 75 (mm); S30C

Diameter poros yang direncanakan dengan cara ini akan lebih besar dari hasil
yang diperoleh dengan cara perhitungan lain. Hal ini disebabkan oleh faktor

konsentrasi tegangan dar iPeterson yang besar pada alur pasak. ASME
menganjurkan agar tegangan puntir yang diizinkan pada permukaan poros

yang menggunakan alur pasak diambil 75(%) dari poros tanpa alur pasak.

Dengan lain perkataan, faktor keamananuntuk ini adalah1/0,75 = 1,33.

Seperti ditunjukkan dalam contoh ini, bila daya diteruskan oleh sabuk, maka
tumbukan dapat diserap oleh sabuk itu sendiri, sehingga poros dapat dibuat

sedikit lebih kecil. Bila daya diteruskan oleh roda gigi atau rantai, maka
tumbukan akan dikenakan langsung pada poros hingga kondisi
pembebanannya lebih berat.

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