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I. Objectives: Within a 60 minute period the Grade nine students will be able to:

1. identify the different kinds of figures of speech (apostrophe, metaphor,

personification, hyperbole, understatement)

2. supply the appropriate figures of speech used in a given sentences; and

3. show cooperation and participation on the given activity.

II. Subject Matter: Figures of Speech

Materials: visual aids, drawings

Reference: Textbook: A Journey Through Anglo-American Literature, 2014, p. 313

III. Procedure

A. Preparatory Activity

-Greet the students and ask them to clean their places and get ready for the lesson
while preparing the materials.

B. Lesson Proper

1. Motivation

-Present a drawing to the class which will be described by the students as what
they can observe/notice.
2. Presentation

-Begin the lesson by letting the students read the meaning from the visual loudly.
Use the drawing from the motivation to create an example.

1. Apostrophe is an address to someone who is absent amd cannot hear the

speaker or to something nonhuman that cannot understand what is said.

2. Metaphor is a comparison of two things that are basically dissimilar in which

one is drscribed in terms of the other.

3. Personification is a figure of speech in which an object, abstract idea or animal

is given human characteristics.

4. Hyperbole is exaggeration for emphasis; overstatement.

5. Understatement is the opposite of hyperbole, to make little of something


3. Activity

-The activity is entitled "What's the Word". The students will be divided into two
groups then they will guess the hidden words present in the group of words,

Come-you-knee-tea answer: COMMUNITY

The group who got the highest point will be the winner.
4. Application

- The students will be asked to identify the figures of speech discussed.

5. Valuing

-Relate the lesson to the students' everyday conversation by asking them

questions such as:

"What is the importance of using figures of speech in writing or in everyday


IV. Evaluation

-The students will answer a ten (10) item test. After five (5) minutes they will
pass their papers.

Instruction: Read each sentence and supply the correct figures of speech used.
Choose the answer from the choices below.

1. "Car, please get me to work today."

2. We are having a little rain. (In the middle of an intense thunderstorm)

3. Your voice could break the mirror.

4. Love is a battlefield.

5. The wind whispers to my ear.

6. You are a mansion with a view.

7. The footsteps guided me to where the treasure is.

8. "I am not afraid!" said Ion, "I talked with fear last night and he backed off."
9. She was astonished to see his face for the first time that she dropped the glass
and broke into thousand pieces.

10. After they went on an uphill biking, Criza claimed that her lower legs just felt
a little thingly.






V. Assignment

-Students will give two examples on each figures of speech.


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