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Vocabulary task 2

How to start writing task 2

There are plenty of (plethora of, abundant of, copious of, numerous of,
several) reasons to agree with the statement
 Firstly
 Secondly
 Thirdly
 Finally

To begin with, to embark on, to initiate with, to commence with

 Moreover,
 Furthermore,
 To fortify further,
 To probing further,
 In addition to,
 Besides this,
 Adding more

On the positive side (advantages)

On the negative side (disadvantages)

Argumenting in the favour of first view point

Argumenting in the favour of second view point
To strengthen my viewpoint
To justify my viewpoint

For comparison
 In contrast
 On the other hand
 On contrary
 On the opposite side
 On the flip side
For giving example
 To exemplify
 To illustrate
 For instance
 To demonstrate
 To cite an example

For conclusion
 In conclusion, I pen down saying that
 To conclude the essay
 To encapsulate
 To recapitulate

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