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Example question

1. What is the definition of oral communication?

Oral communication is the process of expressing information or ideas by word
of mouth. It includes individuals conversing with each other, be it direct
conversation or telephonic conversation. Speeches, presentations,
discussions are all forms of oral communication.

2. How to make oral communication more effective?

It is most effective when the sender has good speaking skills and the receiver has
good listening skills.

3. As a public speaker, what are our hope from listener?

As public speakers, we speak in the hope that our message and meaning will
be understood

4. Why good listening skills are important?

It is important to manage listening skills by paying attention and to avoid distraction or

5. what is the meaning of speaking skills?

Speaking skills are the skills that give us the ability to communicate effectively

6. How do we know a person has good speaking?

the speaker,can convey his message in a passionate, thoughtful, and convincing

7. what are the important of speaking skills?

Without communication skills, the ability to progress in the working world and in life,
itself, would be nearly impossible. Public speaking is one of the most importantand
most dreaded forms of communication. Glossophobia or speech anxiety, is the most
common fear people have across the globe

8. what the principle of effective oral communication?

Successful or effective oral communication requires some principles to existing in the
communication to overcome the defects and eliminate the reasons for the failure of
oral communication

9. how communication works?

Communication rarely works when two or more people are speaking at the
same time
10. what is roles of speaker and listener?
Communication rarely works when two or more people are speaking at the
same time. Many different types of relationships, including romantic
relationships, work relationships and friendships, don’t work because people
are not able to communicate effectively. For people to be able to converse
properly, they have to take on the role of speaker or listener, depending on the
situation. To have a fulfilling and equal relationship, individuals need to feel
others are listening to their problems and successes, and they need to be able
to do the same for others.

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