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The current study aimed to test a Relational Frame Theory (RFT) model of analogical reasoning based
on the relating of derived same and derived difference relations. Experiment 1 recorded reaction time
measures of similar–similar (e.g., ‘‘apple is to orange as dog is to cat’’) versus different–different (e.g.,
‘‘he is to his brother as chalk is to cheese’’) derived relational responding, in both speed-contingent and
speed-noncontingent conditions. Experiment 2 examined the event-related potentials (ERPs)
associated with these two response patterns. Both experiments showed similar–similar responding to
be significantly faster than different–different responding. Experiment 2 revealed significant
differences between the waveforms of the two response patterns in the left-hemispheric prefrontal
regions; different–different waveforms were significantly more negative than similar–similar waveforms.
The behavioral and neurophysiological data support the RFT prediction that, all things being equal,
similar–similar responding is relationally ‘‘simpler’’ than, and functionally distinct from, different–
different analogical responding. The ERP data were fully consistent with findings in the neurocognitive
literature on analogy. These findings strengthen the validity of the RFT model of analogical reasoning
and supplement the behavior-analytic approach to analogy based on the relating of derived relations.
Key words: relating relations, analogy, reasoning, derived relations, humans

Relational Frame Theory (RFT) aims to arbitrary or formal relation between the
provide a modern behavior-analytic account sample and comparison stimuli. Relational
of human language and cognition (see Hayes, frame theory argues that relational responding
Barnes-Holmes, & Roche, 2001, for a book- may be brought under contextual control, in
length review). According to the theory, the that the relational responses are determined
power, richness, and complexity of human not by the formal properties of the related
verbal behavior may be usefully interpreted as events but by additional contextual cues. For
arbitrarily applicable relational responding. example, if A is specified as similar to B, then
Nonarbitrary examples of relational respond- a verbally competent human may state that ‘‘B
ing, such as identity and oddity matching, for is similar to A,’’ based on the contextual
example, are well established in behavior control established by the verbal community
analysis (e.g., Kastak & Schusterman, 1994). for the word similar. In this case, the relation of
In both types of matching, the relational similarity established between A and B is
response is controlled in part by the non- applied arbitrarily (by the verbal community)
and is not determined by the physical relation
The authors would like to thank Steve Hayes for his between the stimuli. Arbitrarily applicable
constructive and insightful comments on an earlier draft relational responses such as this define re-
of the current article.
Dermot Barnes-Holmes, Donal Regan, Y vonne Barnes- lational frames.
Holmes, Sean Commins, and Derek Walsh are at the According to RFT, relational frames possess
National University of Ireland, Maynooth; Ian Stewart is at three defining behavioral properties: mutual
the National University of Ireland, Galway; Paul M. Smeets entailment, combinatorial entailment, and the
is at Leiden University; Robert Whelan is at University
College, Dublin; and Simon Dymond is at the University of transformation of function (Barnes, 1994;
Wales, Swansea. Hayes, 1991). Mutual entailment involves
Correspondence and requests for reprints should be establishing, in a given context, a particular
addressed to Dermot Barnes-Holmes, at the Department of relation between Stimulus A and Stimulus B,
Psychology, National University of Ireland, Maynooth,
Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland (e-mail: Dermot.Barnes-
and then observing the mutually entailed relational response between B and A. The
doi: 10.1901/jeab.2005.79-04 mutually entailed relation depends on the


type of relation trained between A and B. relations between relations (hereafter referred
If Stimulus A bears a similar relation to B, to as relating relations) provides the theoret-
for example, then the relation ‘‘B is similar ical basis for a functional analysis of the key
to A’’ is entailed (the relation of similar is behavioral properties of analogical reasoning
one example of the frame of coordination; (e.g., Barnes, Hegarty, & Smeets, 1997; Lip-
Hayes, 1991). Trained and mutually entailed kens, 1992; Stewart & Barnes-Holmes, 2001;
relations are not always identical, however— Stewart et al., 2002).
if responding to A as taller than B is trained, In the first published study in this area,
for instance, then a shorter than relation may be Barnes et al. (1997) created an empirical
entailed from B to A. The second property of model of analogical reasoning based on re-
a relational frame, combinatorial entailment, lating similar relations to similar relations
is more complex than mutual entailment. If, (described here as similar–similar relations)
for example, Stimulus A bears a relation to B and relating different relations to different
and B bears a relation to C, then a relation relations (termed here different–different
between A and C may be derived. Once again, relations). To understand the theoretical
the nature of this derived relation depends on rationale for this work, consider the following
the nature of the trained relations. If A is taller question: ‘‘dog is to cat as apple is to (a)
than B and B is taller than C, for instance, then orange, or (b) snail? Assuming that ‘‘dog’’ and
a taller than relation between A and C is ‘‘cat’’ are deemed similar in the context
derived by combinatorial entailment (i.e., A animal and ‘‘apple’’ and ‘‘orange’’ in the
is taller than C), and a shorter than relation is context fruit, a language-able person might be
entailed between C and A (i.e., C is shorter expected to pick orange as the correct answer.
than A). Transformation of function, the third A technical description of this response in RFT
property of a relational frame, occurs when terms would state that two derived relations of
a stimulus acquires a particular behavioral similarity were related to each other in
function based on its derived relation to accordance with a frame of coordination (see
another stimulus. If, for example, Stimulus A Figure 1, upper panel). In this case, only one
is related to Stimulus B, and A acquires generic relational frame (coordination) is in-
a specific function, in certain contexts the volved in the three relational responses that
stimulus functions of B will be transformed in constitute the analogical relational network;
accordance with the A-B relation. If A is the that is, the two similar relations participate in
opposite of B, for instance, and A evokes an a frame of coordination because they are
avoidance response, then B may evoke an coordinate or similar. In contrast, relating
approach response (e.g., Whelan & Barnes- difference relations to difference relations
Holmes, 2004). seems to parallel a less common analogical
Numerous studies have provided empirical structure (e.g., ‘‘he is to his brother as chalk is
evidence to support the concept of multiple to cheese’’; see Figure 1, lower panel). In this
relational frames (e.g., Dymond & Barnes, case, two generic relational frames (coordina-
1994, 1995, 1996; Steele & Hayes, 1991; tion and distinction) are involved in the
Whelan & Barnes-Holmes, 2004). Relational relational network; that is, the two difference
frame theory also makes specific predictions relations participate in a frame of coordina-
about higher levels of relational complexity in tion because they are distinct or different.
which relational frames are related to relation- In the study reported by Barnes et al.
al frames, thereby producing what are referred (1997), participants were first trained, using
to as relational networks (e.g., Lipkens, 1992; a standard matching-to-sample (MTS) pro-
Stewart, Barnes-Holmes, Hayes, & Lipkens, cedure, in the following conditional discrimi-
2001; Stewart, Barnes-Holmes, Roche, & nations: A1-B1, A2-B2, A3-B3, A4-B4, A1-C1,
Smeets, 2001, 2002). In other words, RFT A2-C2, A3-C3, and A4-C4. Participants were
predicts that derived relations may be related then tested for the formation of four derived
to other derived relations (an empirical three-element frames of coordination: A1-B1-
example of such a complex relational network C1, A2-B2-C2, A3-B3-C3, and A4-B4-C4. Sub-
will be described below). The critical point in sequently, during the (critical) relating-rela-
the context of the current research is that RFT tions test phase, participants related com-
argues that responding in accordance with pound comparisons to compound samples.

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the relating of relations. Upper panel: Conceptualizing the analogy ‘‘cat is to dog
as apple is to orange’’ in terms of the frame of coordination between two derived frames of similarity/coordination. Lower
panel: Conceptualizing the analogy ‘‘he is to his brother as chalk is to cheese’’ in terms of the frame of coordination
between two derived difference relations.

These compounds comprised two stimulus Testing this prediction was the primary pur-
elements that were either from the same pose of Experiment 1 (see the General
derived relation (e.g., B1C1) and thus were Discussion for an important caveat concerning
relationally similar, or comprised two elements this prediction).
that were from two different derived relations
(e.g., B1C2) and thus were relationally differ-
ent. All participants, including a 9-year-old EXPERIMENT 1
boy, demonstrated similar–similar (e.g., B1C1- Experiment 1 was a partial replication of
B3C3) and different–different (e.g., B1C2- Experiment 1 reported by Barnes et al. (1997).
B3C4) relational responding. These two pat- The two most important differences were as
terns of responding provide, according to follows. First, RTs were recorded for all relating-
RFT, models of two different types of analogy. relations test trials. Second, a speed-contingent
In conceptualizing analogy in terms of condition was added (cf. Holth & Arntzen,
relating derived relations, RFT has generated 2000; Imam, 2001). If correct speed-contingent
a growing body of empirical research into responding is observed, then the current re-
various aspects of analogical reasoning in both lating-relations model will be further validated
adults and children (e.g., Carpentier, Smeets, in that natural-language analogical reasoning
& Barnes-Holmes, 2002, 2003; Carpentier, often occurs rapidly (Klein, 1987). Experiment
Smeets, Barnes-Holmes, & Stewart, 2004; 2 replicated Experiment 1, but both RTs and
Stewart et al., 2002; see Stewart & Barnes- electroencephalograms (EEGs) were recorded
Holmes, 2004, for a review). In all of these during the relating-relations test.
studies, however, performance measures al-
ways have been restricted to response accuracy METHOD
(e.g. percentage correct). Reaction time (RT) Participants
and neurophysiological measures of relating
relations, however, never have been recorded. Twenty-four individuals, 10 males and 14
The current research constitutes a first step females, agreed to participate. Ages ranged
towards filling this empirical gap in the from 18 to 49 years (mean 5 24.9). All
literature. participants were 1st-year undergraduates at
In conducting a chronometric study of the the National University of Ireland, Maynooth.
relating of relations, it is reasonable to ask Twelve participants were assigned to the speed-
what predictions RFT might make. All things contingent condition and 12 were assigned to
being equal, RT differences between similar– the speed noncontingent condition. The
similar and different–different relational re- majority (91.7%) of participants failed to
sponding might be expected because the complete the entire experiment in one ses-
number of distinct relational frames differs sion, and were called back on subsequent days.
across the two relational networks (see Steele On these days, participants were reexposed to
& Hayes, 1991). The different–different ana- experimental phases that they already had
logical network involves placing two different completed (to preserve previously established
relations in a frame of coordination with each performances). All participants were asked not
other. That is, two separate relational frames to discuss their participation with anyone.
or response classes (distinction and coordina-
tion) are being employed to produce the Apparatus and Materials
correct relational response. In contrast, the Standard DellH PCs (Pentium 4H) with
similar–similar analogical network involves standard 14 in. screens displayed three-letter
placing two frames of coordination in a frame words on white squares (6 cm by 5 cm), which
of coordination with each other. This relation- were set against a light-grey background.
al network only makes use of one generic Stimulus presentation and the recording of
relational frame—coordination. One might responses, including RTs, were controlled by
expect, therefore, that different–different re- a custom-made MicrosoftH Visual Basic 6.0E
sponding will produce longer reaction times training and testing program, written by the
than similar–similar responding, because two first author. Self-adhesive stickers were placed
behavioral classes are required in the former on four response keys on the computer
case, but only one is needed in the latter. keyboard. The on-screen sample and compar-

ison stimuli were 12 nonsense syllables (FUB, training and testing trials. If no response was
JOM, MAU, DAX, ROG, CUG, PAF, KIB, BEH, made within this time, the words ‘‘too late!’’
YIM, ZID, and VEK) taken from Barnes et al. appeared center-screen and an incorrect re-
(1997). For ease of communication in this sponse was recorded. In the speed-noncontin-
article, each syllable will be referred to using gent condition, the computer simply waited
an alphanumeric label (A1, B1, C1, A2, B2, C2, until the participant made a response on each
A3, B3, C3, A4, B4, or C4); participants never trial.
saw these labels. For each participant, the
nonsense syllables were assigned randomly to Procedure
their alphanumeric labels. Participants were studied individually in
a small testing room. At the beginning of each
Delayed Matching-to-Sample session, participants were given a written in-
A delayed, arbitrary matching-to-sample struction sheet that described the matching-to-
(MTS) training and testing procedure was sample task, including which keys to press to
employed. On any given trial, the sample select the comparison stimuli (all verbatim
stimulus first appeared center-screen. After instructions used in both Experiments 1 and 2
the space bar was pressed, the sample dis- are available from the first author upon
appeared and the screen remained blank for request). The experimenter, after answering
400 ms. The four comparison stimuli then any further queries, then left the room.
appeared, one in each corner of the screen.
Participants selected one of the comparisons Matching-to-Sample Training
by pressing the corresponding keyboard key: Eight MTS tasks were used to train partici-
‘‘R’’ for the top left comparison stimulus, ‘‘U’’
pants in two sets of related conditional
for top right, ‘‘C’’ for bottom left, and ‘‘N’’ for
discriminations (see Figure 2, top panel). That
the bottom right comparison. The screen then
is, A-B relations: A1-B1, A2-B2, A3-B3, and A4-
cleared and during training, correct responses
B4, and A-C relations: A1-C1, A2-C2, A3-C3,
were followed immediately by the word ‘‘cor-
and A4-C4. Order of presentation (of the two
rect’’ in the center of the screen (accompa-
sets) was counterbalanced across participants.
nied by an audible beep). Choosing any of the
The four tasks of each set were presented in
other three comparisons immediately pro-
duced the word ‘‘wrong’’ center-screen (with a quasi-random order in four-trial blocks (i.e.,
no accompanying sound). Locations of cor- each of the four tasks was presented once
rect/incorrect comparison stimuli were coun- within each block), until participants pro-
terbalanced across trials. Feedback (i.e., cor- duced a minimum of eight consecutively
rect or wrong) remained on screen for 2,000 ms correct responses. After training to criterion
and after a further 2,000 ms intertrial interval on both the A-B and A-C relations, all eight
(ITI), during which the screen remained blank, tasks were then presented in a quasi-random
a new trial began. During all testing phases, order in eight-trial blocks (each of the eight
feedback was omitted and the ITI followed tasks was presented once within each block),
directly after a response was made. until participants produced a minimum of 16
During the relating-relations testing phase, consecutively correct responses. Participants
sample and comparison stimuli were com- then proceeded directly to the derived rela-
pounds comprising two stimulus elements tions test.
presented side-by-side separated by a 1 cm
space (e.g., ‘‘BEH DAX’’). On each trial, two Derived Relations Test
comparisons were presented after pressing the At the beginning of this phase, a message
space bar. These comparisons were placed in appeared on the computer screen informing
the bottom two corners of the screen and were participants that the computer would no
selected by pressing either the C or N keys (all longer indicate if their responses were correct
other keys were disabled). Again, comparison or wrong. Twenty-four different MTS tasks
location was counterbalanced across trials. were used during this phase of the experi-
In the speed-contingent condition, partici- ment; eight of these tested for the directly
pants were required to select a comparison trained relations described above, eight tested
stimulus within 3 s of comparison onset in all for the derived mutually entailed relations

Fig. 2. A schematic representation of the matching-to-sample tasks, including correct responses, which were used in
the three phases of Experiment 1: matching-to-sample training, derived relations test, and relating-relations test.

(i.e., four B-A and four C-A relations; Figure 2, present in the sample. The sample stimuli were
second panel), and the final eight tasks tested B1C1, B2C2, B1C2, and B2C1 (for the four
for the derived combinatorially entailed rela- nonfoil tasks) and B1C1, B2C2, B4C3, and B3C4
tions (four B-C and four C-B relations; Figure 2, (for the four foil tasks). The comparison stimuli
third panel). The 24 tasks were presented, for the four nonfoil tasks were B3C3 and B3C4,
without feedback, in a random order in a single and the comparison stimuli for the four foil
24-trial block (i.e., each task was presented tasks were B4C4 and B1C2.
once within a block). Participants were re- Relating derived relations was defined as
quired to produce at least 23 of 24 correct follows: (a) given a sample that contained two
responses to pass the derived relations test. elements from the same derived relation (e.g.,
Failure to reach this criterion resulted in the B1C1), the correct comparison contained two
message: ‘‘You may take a break now’’ elements from another same relation (e.g.,
appearing center-screen. When participants B3C3); and (b) given a sample that contained
clicked on a ‘‘continue’’ button with the two elements from different derived relations
mouse they were returned to the MTS training (e.g., B1C2), the correct comparison con-
phase. Following successful retraining, partic- tained two elements from another two differ-
ipants were reexposed to the derived relations ent derived relations (e.g., B3C4). Two of the
test, and if necessary, were retrained and eight relating-relations tasks were labelled
retested until they met the pass criterion ‘‘similar–similar,’’ two ‘‘different–different,’’
($ 23 of 24 correct responses). Upon reaching another two ‘‘similar–similar with foil,’’ and
the pass criterion, participants proceeded the final two ‘‘different–different with foil’’
directly to the relating-relations test. (see Figure 2, bottom panel).
To pass the relating-relations test, a mini-
Relating-Relations Test mum of 29 of 32 predicted responses were
At the beginning of this phase, a message required. At the end of a 32-trial block,
appeared on the computer screen informing regardless of performance, a message ap-
participants that only two choices would be peared center-screen asking the participant
presented on each trial and that each stimulus to report to the experimenter. If the prear-
box would contain two nonsense words (rather ranged session-time had not fully elapsed at
than one). Participants were instructed to rest this stage, and the participant had failed to
their hands comfortably at the bottom of the reach criterion, she or he was cycled through
keyboard and to place the left and right index the entire procedure again, beginning with
fingers on the marked C and N keys, re- matching-to-sample training. If the participant
spectively, and to use the right thumb to press had failed, and the session-time had elapsed,
the space bar (to remove the sample stimulus). a subsequent session-time was arranged. If the
Participants also were instructed to press the participant had passed, Experiment 1 was
left key to choose the left comparison and the complete for this individual.
right key to choose the right comparison; the
other two marked keys, R and U, were inactive RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
throughout the relating-relations test. Training and Testing Exposures
Participants were presented with one pair of
nonsense syllables as a sample and two pairs of The mean number of training and testing
nonsense syllables as comparisons. Each pair of cycles required to pass the relating-relations
syllables was either from the same derived test was 5.8 in the speed-contingent condition
relation (e.g., B1C1) or from two different and 3.5 in the speed-noncontingent condition;
derived relations (e.g., B2C1). The relating- this difference approached, but did not reach
relations test consisted of a single block of 32 significance, F(1, 22) 5 3.81, p 5 .064.
trials during which eight different MTS tasks
(see Figure 2, bottom panel) were presented in Relating-Relations Test: Reaction Time Measures
a quasi-random order such that each task was Individual RTs were measured from the
presented four times. Consistent with Barnes et point of onset of the two comparison stimuli
al. (1997), four of the eight tasks were labelled to the participant’s first key press (either C or
‘‘foils,’’ defined as trials in which incorrect N). Only RTs for experimenter-defined correct
comparisons contained an element that also was responses from passed relating-relations tests are

Fig. 3. Mean reaction times (in ms), including standard error bars, for the four relating-relations trial types as
a function of experimental condition in Experiment 1.

presented in the current report. Responses of Similar–similar responses, in both speed con-
10 s or over in the speed-noncontingent con- ditions, were significantly faster than differ-
dition were removed as outliers. ent–different responses. The RTs for the foil
The mean RTs and standard errors for each of trials did not differ significantly from those of
the four relating-relations trial types (similar– their nonfoil counterparts.
similar, different–different, similar–similar with
foil, and different–different with foil) were Relating-Relations: Accuracy Measures
calculated across the 24 participants in the two In addition to RT measures of relating-
speed conditions (see Figure 3). Mean RTs in the relations trial types, accuracy measures also
speed-noncontingent condition approached or were compared. Because the accuracy of these
exceeded twice the duration of the RTs in the four trial types would be almost identical for
speed-contingent condition, across all four trial
types. Furthermore, mean RTs for similar– Table 1
similar trial types were shorter than for differ-
Results of Fisher’s PLSD post hoc tests comparing reaction
ent–different trial types in both speed conditions times for the four relating-relations trial types in both
and for both foil and nonfoil trials. speed conditions of Experiment 1, with percentage of
A mixed 2 3 4 analysis of variance (ANOVA) individual participants conforming to the direction of the
was conducted to examine the effect of the statistically significant effects.
speed contingency (between-participant vari- Post hoc comparisons Significance (p) %
able), the effect of the four trial types (within-
Similar–similar vs.
participant variable), and any possible interac- different–different .027 83.3
tion effect between these two variables. A Similar–similar vs.
statistically significant main effect for speed similar–similar (foil) .744
condition, F(1, 22) 5 29.21, p ,.001, gp2 5 Similar–similar vs.
.57, and trial type, F(3, 66) 5 7.1, p , .001, gp2 different–different (foil) .001 83.3
Different–different vs.
5 .24, was found but no significant interaction similar–similar (foil) .012 75.0
effect was detected, F(3, 66) 5 1.3, p 5 .278. A Different–different vs.
series of Fisher’s PLSD post hoc tests were different–different (foil) .176
then conducted, comparing RTs across the Similar–similar (foil) vs.
different–different (foil) .0002 83.3
four relating-relations trial types (see Table 1).

Fig. 4. Acquisition data averaged across 21 participants showing the total or mean number of correct responses (out
of eight), including standard error bars, across the four relating-relations trial types, as a function of experimental
condition in Experiment 1.

the final (i.e., passed) exposure to the relating- interaction between these two variables. The
relations test, only participants’ acquisition data speed contingency did not reach significance,
(from relating-relations tests prior to the final F(1, 19) 5 1.19, p 5 .290, nor did trial type,
successful test) were analyzed. Twenty-one of F(3, 57) 5 1.47, p 5 .234, nor was any
the 24 participants failed at least one relating- interaction between these variables detected,
relations test before completing the experi- F(3, 57) 5 .93, p 5 .434. In effect, the accuracy
ment, and thus their acquisition data could be measure was not affected, at a statistically
analyzed (the three remaining participants significant level, by either the speed-contin-
who passed the first relating relations test were gency or the relating-relations trial type.
from the speed-noncontingent condition). For
the analysis, four values were calculated for Summary
each participant: the total number of correct Experiment 1 produced three clear effects.
responses (out of eight) made during similar– First, the results showed that average RTs for
similar and different–different test trials with different–different trials were significantly
and without foils. If a participant failed more longer than for similar–similar trials—this
than one relating-relations test, the mean difference was not affected by imposing
(rather than the total) number of correct a speed-contingency, nor was it affected by
responses across the failed tests was calculated the foils. Second, adding the speed-contingen-
for each of the four conditions. The accuracy cy significantly reduced RTs across all four trial
data averaged across the 21 participants is types. Third, accuracy measures derived from
shown in Figure 4. Apart from one trial type the relating-relations acquisition data were not
(similar–similar with foil), imposing the speed- significantly affected by speed condition or
contingency appeared to affect accuracy neg- trial type.
atively, but only slightly. No other consistent The results of Experiment 1 provide chro-
and obvious trial type effects emerged for the nometric evidence for the RFT model of
accuracy measure. analogical reasoning in that longer RTs were
A mixed 2 3 4 ANOVA was conducted to recorded when participants were required to
examine the effect of the speed contingency, relate derived relations that involved two
the effect of the four trial types, and a possible generic classes of relational responding (Same

and Different), rather than only one (Same). structures such as the fusiform gyri and basal
There are, however, other measures that might ganglia. Because some analogies in Luo et al’s.
be used to investigate the relating of derived study (although all verbal) may have been
relations as a model of analogical reasoning. more visually than linguistically based, the
One of these involves the use of EEG signals in authors suggested that the observed bilateral
the form of event-related potentials. The activation was not entirely surprising.
primary purpose of Experiment 2 was to Perhaps one of the reasons for the dearth of
commence such work. ERP research on verbal analogical reasoning is
the lack of a precise methodology for studying
such behavior in this way. The interpretation
of ERP data generated by analogies embedded
Due to recent technological advances in the in sentences, for example, may be difficult
measurement of brain events, it now is possible because of confounds such as syntax, context,
to study verbal processes and hemispheric and a heavy load on semantic working memory
specialization with greater precision than can (e.g., Weisbrod et al., 1999). Insofar as analo-
be accomplished with behavioral measures gical reasoning, as well as sentence processing,
alone (Andreassi, 2000). Event-related poten- is heavily dependent on working memory,
tials (ERPs) constitute one such technological a difficulty would arise in separating out these
innovation (see Barnes-Holmes et al., 2005). two activities in an ERP analysis. Furthermore,
The ERP measure is constituted from averaged words used in these sentences would of course
EEG segments, time-locked to some repeated- carry preestablished semantic associations that
ly-presented stimulus event, and the signals are would be difficult to control for.
typically recorded from various positions The model of analogy reported in Experi-
around the scalp. ment 1, however, lends itself quite well to an
Although a literature search failed to find ERP analysis for the following reasons. First,
any ERP studies investigating analogical rea- the relating-relations test for analogical re-
soning, alternative neuroscience methodolo- sponding involves discrete stimulus presentations,
gies have been employed in this area. For the effects of which ERPs are specifically
example, a recent positron emission tomogra- designed to measure (Holcomb, 1988; Kutas,
phy (PET) study found left-hemispheric neu- 1993). Furthermore, because the current
ral activation while participants engaged in model involves isolated relational responses,
a figural analogy task (Wharton et al., 2000). confounding variables such as syntax, context,
This activity was specifically located in the left and a heavy load on working memory are
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (PFC). Wharton minimized. Finally, the stimuli used in the
et al. found little or no accompanying right- relating-relations model are arbitrary nonsense
hemispheric activity and so concluded that syllables, and thus the probability of confound-
even figural analogies are processed linguisti- ing preexperimental semantic histories is
cally in the left PFC. A later study examined much reduced (see Barnes-Holmes et al.,
the effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic 2005).
stimulation (rTMS) of the left and right The findings of Experiment 1 suggest that
dorsolateral PFC on figural analogical reason- similar–similar and different–different rela-
ing in 16 normal adults (Boroojerdi, Phipps, tional responding are functionally distinct.
Kopylev, Wharton, Cohen, & Grafman, 2001). Given the RT difference between the relating
Stimulation over the left PFC led to signifi- of similar versus difference relations, it would
cantly reduced reaction times in the analogy seem reasonable to expect that such differ-
task; right PFC stimulation did not. The ences also would be reflected at the neuro-
authors concluded that left PFC is relevant physiological level. Experiment 2 was a partial
for analogical reasoning. replication of Experiment 1 and focused on
Another recent study in the area (Luo et al., measuring the electrophysiological correlates
2003), used functional magnetic resonance (ERPs) of similar–similar versus different–
imaging (fMRI) in the analysis of verbal different analogical responding. Only the
analogy, and found bilateral hemispheric acti- speed-contingent condition was employed,
vation. Specifically, the left and right PFCs thus providing a fixed and discreet time-
were activated, as well as bilateral temporal window for the ERP analyses. Because previous

PET, rTMS, and fMRI studies (mentioned necessary, participants were cycled and re-
above) have shown analogical reasoning (both cycled through the entire three-stage proce-
verbal and figural) to be associated with the dure until they passed the relating-relations
frontal regions of the cortex, Experiment 2 test. The entire session, including electrode
measured ERPs from six of the standard placement, lasted on average 1 hr and 30 min.
frontal sites located on the left and right Only the ERP data from the final successful
hemispheres. exposure to the relating-relations test were
Participants Recordings
Fourteen right-handed individuals, 5 males Evoked potentials were recorded and ana-
and 9 females, attending the National Univer- lyzed from six sintered AG/AG-CI scalp
sity of Ireland, Maynooth, completed the electrodes positioned according to the in-
experiment. Ages ranged from 18 to 49 years ternational 10-20 system. The primary purpose
with a mean age of 23 years. None of the of the ERP recordings was to determine if
participants had a history of psychiatric or differential EEG patterns would be observed
neurological disorder. between the two relating-relations trial types in
the frontal cortex. The six frontal sites chosen
Apparatus and Materials for recording were Fp1, Fp2, F3, F4, F7, and
The experiment was conducted in a small, F8. The central vertex electrode was used as
dimly lit laboratory in the Department of reference and the FPz as ground. Two addi-
Psychology at the National University of Ire- tional electrodes recorded vertical and hori-
land, Maynooth. The stimuli and materials zontal eye movements. Amplifier resolution
used were identical to those of Experiment 1. was 0.1 mV (range, 6 3.2768 mV) and the
In order to record the EEG measures during bandwidth set between 0.5 and 62.5 Hz with
the relating-relations task, a Brain Amp MR sampling rate of 250 Hz. The notch filter was
(Class IIa, Type BF) with approved control set at 50 Hz. All electrode impedances were at
software (Brain Vision Recorder 1.0), and or below 5 KV. The EEG was collected
electrode cap (BrainCap/BrainCap MR) was continuously and edited off-line. Average ERPs
used. The Brain Amp was controlled by a DellH were calculated across the similar–similar and
personal computer with a Pentium 4H pro- different–different test trials.
cessor. The ERP data were analyzed using
approved analysis software (Brain Vision Ana- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
lyzer 1.0). Hardware and software were man- The mean RTs and standard errors for
ufactured and supplied by Brain Products correct responses on the final (successful)
GmbH, Munich, Germany. exposure to the relating-relations test, for each
of the four trial types, were calculated across
Pretraining and Pretesting 13 participants (see Figure 5); the RT data for
The procedure was identical to that of the one of the participants was lost due to
speed-contingent condition in Experiment 1. experimenter error. Consistent with the results
To ensure accurate performance on the day of of Experiment 1, mean RTs for similar–similar
recording, and to reduce participant fatigue trial types were lower than for different–
during ERP recording, all participants un- different trial types, and the foils appeared to
derwent MTS training and derived relations have no effect on RT. A one-way repeated
testing across one or more days immediately measures ANOVA was conducted to compare
prior to the ERP recording phase. RTs across the four trial types, and this proved
to be significant, F(3, 36) 5 5.54, p 5 .003, gp2
Training and Testing 5 .32. A series of Fisher’s PLSD post hoc tests
On the day of ERP measurement, partici- were then conducted, comparing RTs among
pants first were attached to the Brain Amp and the four relating-relations trial types (see
then were reexposed to the MTS training and Table 2). These tests indicated that similar–
derived relations testing before proceeding for similar responses were significantly faster than
the first time to the relating-relations test. If different–different responses, but foil trials did

Fig. 5. Mean reaction times (in ms), including standard error bars, for the four relating-relations trial types in
Experiment 2.

not differ significantly from their nonfoil horizontal ocular artifacts were then cor-
counterparts. rected, and any segments on which EEG or
The continuous EEG signals for each of the electro-ocular activity exceeded 6 75 mV were
14 participants were filtered (0.53 Hz, time rejected. The remaining segments then were
constant 5 0.3 s, 24 dB/octave roll-off) and baseline corrected (using the 100 ms presti-
then segmented for similar–similar and differ- mulus interval) and finally averaged for
ent–different trial types. Standard and foil similar–similar and different–different trial
trials were collapsed to reduce noise for the types.
ERP analysis. The segments were divided into The grand average waveforms for each of
1,700 ms epochs commencing 100 ms before the six frontal electrode sites (Fp1, Fp2, F3, F4,
onset of the comparison stimuli. Vertical and F7, and F8) for similar–similar (light lines)
versus different–different trials (dark lines) are
Table 2 shown in Figure 6. Visual inspection of these
Results of Fisher’s PLSD post hoc tests comparing reaction waveforms indicated little evidence of differ-
times for the four relating-relations trial types in ential activity for the two trial types until
Experiment 2, with percentage of individual participants approximately 1,000 ms following comparison
conforming to the direction of the statistically significant onset. Specifically, the different–different
trials, relative to the similar–similar trials,
Post hoc comparisons Significance (p) % produced greater negativity on the left sites
(left panels) and more positivity on the right
Similar–similar vs.
different–different .005 84.6
sites (right panels). This differential between
Similar–similar vs. trial types was more evident for the left than
similar–similar (foil) .819 for the right sites, and the largest difference
Similar–similar vs. was observed at the dorsolateral prefrontal
different–different (foil) .005 84.6
Different–different vs.
regions (F7 and F8).
similar–similar (foil) .009 76.9 For the purposes of statistical analysis, the
Different–different vs. ERP waveforms were divided into three tem-
different–different (foil) .976 poral regions: 200 to 600 ms, 600 to 1,000 ms,
Similar–similar (foil) vs. and 1,000 to 1,400 ms. The area dimensions
different–different (foil) .009 76.9
(mV 3 ms) for each waveform for each

Fig. 6. Grand average waveforms for similar–similar (thin lines) and different–different (thick lines) derived
relational responding at electrode sites Fp1, Fp2 (top panel), F3, F4 (middle panel), and F7, F8 (bottom panel).
Comparison compounds were presented at 0 ms.

participant recorded during these regions Given the significant intervallic interactions,
were calculated, yielding either positive or three 3-way repeated measures ANOVAs were
negative values with respect to the 0 mV level. A required to analyse each interval separately. In
four-way ANOVA was then conducted with the first (200 to 600 ms) and second (600 to
laterality (left and right), location (Fp1-Fp2, 1,000 ms) intervals, location was the only
F3-F4, F7-F8), interval (200 to 600 ms, 600 to significant effect, F(2, 26) 5 14.04, p , .001,
1,000 ms, 1,000 to 1,400 ms), and trial type gp2 5 .52 and F(2, 26) 5 11.64, p , .001, gp2 5
(similar–similar and different–different) as .47, respectively. For both intervals, Sheffe post
repeated measures factors. The ANOVA re- hoc tests then were conducted to compare the
vealed significant main effects for location, three frontal regions of both hemispheres. The
F(2, 26) 5 7.75, p 5 .002, gp2 5 0.37, and tests showed that the Fp1-Fp2 regions differed
interval, F(2, 26) 5 10.82, p , .001, gp2 5 0.45, significantly from both the F3-F4 (first interval,
but not for laterality, F(1, 13) 5 .002, p 5 .962, p , .001; second interval, p , .002) and F7-F8
or trial type, F(1, 13) 5 .786, p 5 .392. (first interval, p , .001; second interval, p 5
Interaction effects were also found: interval .001) regions but that the F3-F4 and F7-F8
by location, F(4, 52) 5 22.34, p 5 ,.001, gp2 5 regions did not differ significantly (first in-
0.63, and interval by trial type, F(2, 26) 5 7.05, terval, p 5 .862; second interval, p 5 .992). To
p 5 .004, gp2 5 0.35, were both statistically summarize, the waveforms between 200 and
significant. 1,000 ms for the Fp1 and Fp2 sites were

significantly more positive than for the F3-F4 posterior direction (i.e., from Fp1 to F3 and
and F7-F8 sites. then F7) different–different waveforms be-
The third interval (1,000 to 1,400 ms) was came increasingly more negative than simi-
not significant for location, F(2, 26) 5 .36, p 5 lar–similar waveforms. Interestingly, although
.700, but did reveal a significant main effect only approaching significance, the same pat-
for trial type, F(1, 13) 5 8.45, p 5 .012, gp2 5 tern was observed for the right hemisphere,
.39. There also were two significant interac- except that the differential relation reversed;
tions: laterality by trial type, F(1, 13) 5 8.84, similar–similar waveforms were slightly more
p 5 .011, gp2 5 .40, and laterality by location negative than different–different waveforms.
by trial type, F(2, 26) 5 8.80, p 5 .001, gp2 5
.40. Two 2-way repeated measures ANOVAs
thus were used to explore location and trial
type effects in the right and left hemispheric In both Experiments 1 and 2, significant RT
final intervals, respectively. The right-hemi- differences were found between the two re-
spheric ANOVA approached, but did not lational networks (i.e., similar–similar versus
reach significance, F(1, 13) 5 4.29, p 5 .059, different–different). Furthermore, this effect
gp2 5 .25. In the left hemisphere, trial type was was observed within a compressed 3-s response
significant, F(1, 13) 5 11.32, p 5 .005, gp2 5 window. These findings confirm the predic-
.47, and it also interacted with location, F(2, tions of RFT (Hayes et al., 2001). That is, all
26) 5 5.59, p , .01, gp2 5 .30. To investigate things being equal, a different–different re-
this interaction further, three separate analy- lational network should generate longer RTs
ses were conducted for each left-hand site. The than a similar–similar network because the
three 1-way repeated measures ANOVAs were former involves responding in accordance with
all significant for trial type: Fp1, F(1, 13) 5 a similar relation between two difference
4.93, p , .05, gp2 5 .27; F3, F(1, 13) 5 8.72, relations (i.e., two distinct relational frames
p 5 .011, gp2 5 .40; and F7, F(1, 13) 5 9.18, are involved: distinction and coordination); in
p , .01, gp2 5 .41. That is, different–different contrast, similar–similar responses involve re-
analogical responses, in the left hemisphere sponding in accordance with a similar relation
and for the final interval, were significantly between two similar relations (i.e., only one
more negative than their accompanying simi- relational frame is involved: coordination).
lar–similar responses at all three left-frontal Although the current data support the RFT
sites. The percentage of individual participants prediction that multiple stimulus relations will
conforming to the direction of the statistically produce longer RTs than single stimulus
significant effects for each of the three sites relations (see Steele & Hayes, 1991), it is
was as follows: Fp1 5 57.1; F3 5 85.7; F7 5 important to recognize that RFT is an operant
85.7. theory and thus its predictions always are
The results of Experiment 2 showed that, in constrained by historical and contextual vari-
the context of a speed-contingency, similar– ables. Recognizing this fact is particularly
similar responses were faster than different– important in the uncontrolled world of natural
different responses, and furthermore that this language where an individual’s history of
difference was not affected by foils. The ERP derived relational responding typically is un-
analyses indicated overall differences between known. Consider, for example, the analogy
waveforms in the three time intervals as well as ‘‘midget is to giant as mouse is to elephant //
overall differences between waveforms in the apple is to baseball.’’ According to RFT, this
Fp1-Fp2, F3-F4, and F7-F8 areas; moving in analogy involves two comparative relations
a roughly anterior-posterior direction across (relative size) and a similar relation between
the prefrontal cortex, slow-wave amplitudes the two comparatives (see Lipkens, 1992), and
increased and waveforms typically became thus one might predict that it should produce
more negative. Significant differences between longer RTs than a similar–similar analogy.
similar–similar versus different–different re- Without knowing an individual’s history of
sponses were found for the left hemisphere responding in accordance with such relational
beginning around 1,000 ms after comparison networks, however, this prediction cannot be
onset. This difference increased as a function made. It may be, for example, that such
of electrode location; moving in an anterior- comparative analogies are at a relatively high

frequency in natural language and thus occur them to the sample. Then, at around
rapidly for most members of the verbal 1,000 ms, a reliable slow-wave negative de-
community. In this case, RT may be rendered flection for F7 (i.e., an N1000 component)
a relatively blunt instrument for separating out was observed for different–different analogical
different analogical networks. responses. Given the mean RT for this re-
The issue is further complicated because sponse type in Experiment 2 (approximately
RFT also would predict the current data based 1,800 ms), the N1000 component likely re-
on the history that was provided within the flected the point at which participants were
experimental context itself. Specifically, the relating the difference comparison com-
participants were required to pass a test for the pound, analogically, to the difference sample
frame of coordination before proceeding to compound. Insofar as this interpretation is
the relating-relations test, and thus the oper- accurate, it took about 1 s for participants to
ant class of coordination, relative to distinc- (covertly) relate difference relations.
tion, may have been at a higher strength when Previous research in the neurocognitive
participants entered the relating-relations test. literature has shown negative ERP components
Perhaps, therefore, subsequent exposures to (e.g., N400) to be modulated by the ‘‘cloze
the relating-relations test would have removed probability’’ (i.e., degree of expectedness) of
the RT difference between similar–similar and sentence-final words. For example, the sen-
different–different relational networks (see tence, ‘‘it is hard to admit when one is asleep’’
Barnes-Holmes et al., 2004). elicits a more negative waveform than the
It is these very concerns about RT, as sentence ‘‘it is hard to admit when one is
a measure of derived relational responding, wrong’’ (Kutas, 1993; Kutas & Hillyard, 1984).
that highlights the importance of exploring Perhaps the negative waveforms elicited by
alternative dependent variables such as ERP. different–different relational responding in
Indeed, preliminary evidence suggests that Experiment 2 indicate that this analogical
ERPs may remain relatively sensitive to different network (e.g., ‘‘he is to his brother as chalk
derived relational networks when RT does not is to cheese’’) is of low-probability relative to
(Barnes-Holmes et al., 2004). Furthermore, a similar–similar network (e.g., ‘‘apple is to
ERPs and indeed other neurophysiological orange as dog is to cat’’). In other words, low-
measures can be used to determine if RFT probability/unusual relational responses may
models of human language and cognition overlap functionally, to some extent, with
produce effects broadly similar to those seen responses to sentences that end with a low-
in neurocognitive research (see Barnes-Holmes probability word.
et al., 2005). If some degree of overlap is found, In Experiment 2, the bilateral prefrontal
then RFT as a behavioral theory of human brain regions, especially the dorsolateral areas,
language and cognition will be strengthened. were activated when participants engaged in
Certainly, the data obtained in Experiment 2 of the relating of derived similar–similar and
the current study appear supportive. different–different relations. Studies examin-
Experiment 2 showed electrophysiological ing the neural substrates of natural-language
activity associated with both similar–similar analogy have found activity in the same regions
and different–different relational responding (e.g., Luo et al., 2003). Interestingly, Experi-
primarily in the dorsolateral prefrontal areas ment 2 showed ERP effects in the right
(F7 and F8). Furthermore, it was in these areas hemisphere. Previous evidence suggests that
that the greatest differentials between relating right-hemispheric activation is, in some ways,
similar and difference relations were observed special to analogical reasoning, especially
(although only the left hemisphere proved to analogies of the verbal kind (Luo et al.,
be statistically significant). Interestingly, dif- 2003). This evidence would seem to conflict
ferential waveforms in these areas only began with the well-established finding that linguistic
to emerge around 1,000 ms after presentation processing, which clearly includes analogical
of the two comparison stimuli. It seems likely reasoning, occurs predominantly in the left
that for the first 1,000 ms, participants were hemisphere. Certain verbal analogies may,
viewing and evaluating both (i.e., the correct however, have inductive, metaphorical, or
and incorrect) comparisons independently; ‘‘open-ended’’ qualities (Luo et al., 2003)
that is, without a view to immediately matching leading to right-hemispheric prefrontal activa-

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Carpentier, F., Smeets, P. M., & Barnes-Holmes, D. (2002).
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and different–different waveforms was re- reasoning. The Psychological Record, 52, 351–370.
versed across the two hemispheres, although Carpentier, F., Smeets, P. M., & Barnes-Holmes, D. (2003).
the right hemisphere difference only ap- Equivalence-equivalence as a model of analogy:
Further analyses. The Psychological Record, 53, 349–371.
proached significance. Whether this lateral Carpentier, F., Smeets, P. M., Barnes-Holmes, D., &
asymmetry also would be observed if a non- Stewart, I. (2004). Matching derived functionally-same
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analogy) were used remains to be seen (see ogies. The Psychological Record, 54, 255–273.
Dymond, S., & Barnes, D. (1994). A transfer of self-
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data are gathered with a larger sample, the lence relations. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of
current lateral asymmetry effect should be Behavior, 62, 251–267.
interpreted with caution. Dymond, S., & Barnes, D. (1995). A transformation of self-
discrimination response functions in accordance with
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model of analogical reasoning based on the than, and less-than. Journal of the Experimental Analysis
relating of derived relations. The behavioral and of Behavior, 64, 163–184.
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