Fcaw (WPQ)

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( BJC BSC CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRIES LTD. Esibit 9.3 Rev.t WELDER PERFORMANCE QUALIFICATION (WPQ) Welders Name Me Bastorn 8, Teeniifiction No BIC-W-5697 8 Test Description ———S ‘tification of WPS followed BICEXXR Wi Test coupon] Production weld Specification of base metals) $8400) Thickness 16mm “Teating Conditions and Qualification Lins 2 ‘Welding Variables (QW-350) Actual Values Range Qualied Wilding Processes) FAW FAW ‘Type Ge: manila) wed Sei Aue Semi Ano Backing (mt, weld metal, double welded, te) Back Gouging With backing. Wi Pine C1 Pipe ener ameter i pipe of abe) Piso 16mm Pipe OD over 0° Pe ase metal Por S- Number to P-o - Namber ‘SNod SeeNove 1 Filer metal or eetrode specifications) (SFA) Go. Cay) 85.20 Filer etl or elotods clasession() Gn. On) ENT Fier meal FNumberts) ‘Consumable aso (GTAW or PAW) NA Filetype oldman cored)pomer) (GTAW or PAW) NA Deposit thickness foreach prosass Process i _ECAW_ Sleyersminimom —MYes_ No, 16mm. ‘Maximum to Process 2 Siayesmininum Yes Ne Pasion quails (5, 60, 3. ee) FLV. (Groove & Fk) ‘eri progressioa (uphill) Up “Type offiel pe OFW) NA Inert eas backing (GTAW, PAW, GMAW) NA WA Teaser noe (ray slobalar opus to short ii NA A (GTAW current ppe)polaity (AC, DCEP, DCEN) NA WA RESULTS Viel ainatn of Complete Weld(QW-1024) Accept (bende: Cy Taner tad fice [W-N62S(ah oogiodan oaks ee [WAGED EIRIQW 1 Pipebend specimen, corasnerestat vey (QW-4625(0); Pie hen ries core est vey QW-462 [Mo tet fr fie (QW-452500); Macro tt rfsoe [OW482 0] Te Result Type Result Type Resale NA Wa Wa Wa NA NA ‘Alcrnaveradlograpie mination exes (QWAIDD, ‘Acepuble WRT Repo Filet weld - acture testQW180), WA Length and percent of defets, Macro examination (QW-188) Filet sis Go)_NIA N/A Coneaity/couveniy Ga) ober tes NA Fim or specimen! evaaied by Mi Celera Company ___ PAE Teall Sexier. Mechanica ests conducted by NA Taboratory ost, NA Welding suprised by ‘Mi, Chosak Baraka We ceri tate statements inthis rosord are crest anthat the fst coupons Were prepare, welded, and eed in accordance with he eguienents of Sacion IX ofthe ASME Baier and Pressure Vee Cos, paca Wal ager [Condy Winco ‘Sign =F Bae Dee ROT Extend ofexgiztion dae for Weber Performance Qualification a Tae [a Exhibic 9.3 Rev ( BJC — BJC CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRIES LTD. WELDER PERFORMANCE QUALIFICATION (WPQ) (Beate, Tamers ted face (QW-462.48h, ‘Welders Name Mr Wisi § Taentification No. BIC-W-566 “Test Description emfcation of WPS flowed BICEIOK82 Hi Test coupon] Production wel Specification ofbase metas) 's8.400 “Thickness 1mm Testing Conditions and Qualification Limits ‘Welding Variables (QW-350) Actual Values Range Quali Welding Processes) Foaw FCAW ‘Type: maul, erat) ated Semi Aue si Ast Backing neta, weld met, double welded. te) Back Gouging With backing Mi pine CD Pipe (eter diameter ifpipe of we) Pe mm Pip OD erat ‘Base metal Por S- Nabe to F- or S- Number Sw SeeNoet Fler ntl electrode speifction(e) (SFA) (af, uly) "AS20 Fler meio electrode easiewion() (nfo. Ons) Eur Filer mca Number(s) 6 ‘Consuble inser (GTAW or PAW) Wa wa ite ye (Sold mola Sux coredpower) (GTAW or PAW) NA Na Deposit thickness foreach races Proce: _ECAW_ Sbyersminimm = Ya OOo 12am. Maximum 1 be welded Process 2 Stayesmicimum Yes CINo zi Poon gua, 60. 3F. te) 3636 EAL, Groove & Fil) ‘ertie rogession phil or dow) pai pit Type of uel gas (OFW) NA NA. Inert ens basking (GTAW, PAW. GMAW) wa WA Transfer mode (pry lobular or pulse o shot devi GMAW) NA NAl 3. earset type polarity (AC, DCEP. DCEN) NA NA RESULTS Via Exaistion of Complaed Wel (QW4024) Acceptable ‘bengal tad face [QW-40250) Die 4622 Welding supevs We cry that te state by requirements of Sesion DY [Pipe bend species, corosorressantoveisy (QUA); CIP bend species, concn ein: vey [QW 462 (2), Darts fi fee [W462], CB Macro to soe (QW 162 4 Thre Rel Type Resule Te Resale NA Na Na NA NA NA ‘Ricroniveradograpie esaandon reuls (QW1DD) Acspiae RT Repo No WGTOOR Novant 2007S Fite weld - asta test (QW-180) N/A Tang and prec of defects NA Macro examination (QW-189) Filesize (Gn)_NA y N/A _Concaiyeonvety Ga), NA onber ots NA lim o specineas evaeaied by Mi Pans Company Geach C2.L Medhanizl et condacted by NA Taboratory test NA ; a ———=i—“(#E ea ON ese Ve ON. ‘Wiineet Reviewed by AT Prorhied 8 use Haseer Vee] Extend of exp ose rion date for Weide Perfomance Qua Se Date Nepal Soy (NueT Par No invapn ov SNOTTEPSTS NOS P pws Noa] OUND ov Nea Heung Dem FHA eM COMTI ig

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