Chapter 6 Bahasa Inggris

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Nama : Putri Aghnat

Nim : 1708056014
Kelas : Pendidikan Matematika 4A
Mata Kuliah : English

Motor Vehicles : The Pros and Cons

1. Do you always ride motorcycle everyday ?
no, I don't always ride motorbikes every day. because in Semarang I lived in a
boarding school, and I could not bring a motorbike. and also the distance between my
residence and the campus is very close and can be reached on foot.
2. In your opinion, does motorcycle have more advantages or disavantages ?
in my opinion motorbikes have more disadvantages, because motorbikes cause
pollution that can damage the environment. starting from air pollution, noise pollution
and others. although indeed a motorcycle can deliver us to a distant place with a short
3. Why do people around you tend to use motorcycle than bicycle ?
because a motorcycle can deliver us to a distant place with a short time, and we don't
need to be tired. and they are not aware of the pollution caused by the motorcycle.


1. The industry of automobile accounts for of the annual Gross National
Product (GNP). (b. 20%)
2. The automobile industry provides about 18% of all ? (b. Federal taxes)
3. Worldwide, motor vehicles account for of the input in the atmosphere.
(a. 13 percent)
4. In the United States, the motor vehicles account for almost 25 percent of the
country’s ? (a. CO2 emissions)
5. The emissions of chlorofluorocarbons act as greenhouse gases and also deplete
life-sustaining ozone in ? (d. The startosphere)


1. What is the main idea of the first paragraph ? (b. The advantages of automobile)
2. According to the passage, motor vehicles have many critics because ? (d. It has
harmful effect in human lives and on air, water, land, and wildlife)
3. All the followings describe the automobiles EXCEPT ? (b. Riding them is far
away from danger so that we do not need to worry)
4. One of the effect of automobile for the environment is ? (c. Lessening life-
sustaining ozone in the atmosphere)
5. The sixth paragraph describes information about ? (a. Oil spills and gasoline
spills as water pollution

a. Word Meaning
1. Excitement (c. A feeling of being very happy and ethusiastic)
2. Gross (e. In total)
3. Destructive (h. Causing, or waiting to cause, damage)
4. Dispersal (b. Spreading or distribution)
5. Feasible (f. Possible or reasonable)
6. Account (a. To think of someone or something in the syayed way; judge)
7. Dumping (d. The act of getting rid of somethimg unwanted)
8. Volatile (g. Likely to chage suddenly and unexpectedly or suddenly)

b. Crossword Puzzle
1. Success
2. Wild
3. Difficult
4. Large
5. Quick
6. Safe
7. Cheap

c. Vocabulary Expansion
1. The advantage of booking tickets in advance is that you get better seats
2. They are campaigning for freedom of information
3. It was a really unforgettable moment as we saw an exciting match
4. The bombs had destroy most of the old part of the city during the war
5. His denial of responsibility for the accident was unconvincing

1. It (Line 2) : the automobile
2. They (Line 20) : these industries
3. It (Line 26) : destructive machine
Aturan penggunaan “s” dan “es” dalam Bahasa Inggris biasanya dipakai dalam pola kalimat
“simple present tense. Adanya akhiran “s” dan “es” dalam verb atau noun menandakan bahwa
kata tersebut berubah fungsi menjadi jamak (plural) atau bisa diartikan sebagai kata orang
ketiga tunggal seperti she, he, it (Singular and Plural).

Berikut contoh aturan penggunaan “s” dan “es” dalam bahasa Inggris.

1. Penggunaan akhiran “s” dan “es” dalam kalimat Simple Present Tense yang menerangkan
fungsi orang ketiga tunggal (she, he, it) yang mengikuti kata kerja (verb)
Contoh kata kerja (verb) + s/es :
Buy – buys = beli
Eat — eats = makan
Play – plays = main
Cut – cuts = potong
Pray – pays = bayar
Cook – cooks = masak
Call – calls = panggil
Dan lain sebagainya.
Contoh kalimat SHE/HE/IT + VERB + s/es :

She buys book in the G&G Bookstore. ( Dia membeli buku di toko buku G&G. )
He eats some apple for lunch. ( Dia makan beberapa apel untuk makan siang.)
She plays basketball every Saturday. ( Dia bermain basket setiap Sabtu.)
He cuts branch of tree in the garden. ( Dia memotong dahan pohon di taman. )
It does really work? ( Apakah ini benar – benar bekerja.? )
2. Penggunaan akhiran “es” selalu mengikuti kata kerja (verb) yang berakhiran s, o, ch, sh, x
dan z.
Contoh kata kata kerja (verb) + es:

Fix – fixes = perbaiki

Finish – finishes = selesaikan
Kiss – kisses = cium
Discuss – discusses = diskusi
Catch – catches = tangkap
Push – pushes = dorong
Watch – watches = tonton
Dan lain sebagainya.

Contoh kalimat dengan VERB + es :

He finishes him work at 7 o’clock . ( Dia menyelesaikan pekerjaannya tepat jam 7. )
She discusses her homework with her friends. ( Dia mendiskusikan pekerjaan rumahnya
dengan teman-temannya. )
My mother pusses boxes to warehouse. ( Ibuku mendorong kardus – kardus itu ke gudang.)
Toni fixes broken wall. ( Toni membenarkan dinding yang retak. )
3. Penggunaan akhiran “es” digunakan saat mengikuti kata kerja (verb) dengan akhiran huruf
“y” yang didahului huruf mati. Akhiran huruf “y” itu akan berubah menjadi huruf “i” saat
ditambahkan akhiran “es”
Contoh kata kerja (verb) berakhiran huruf “y” menjadi huruf “i” + es :

Study – studies = belajar

Fly – flies = terbang
Try – tries = mencoba
Cry – cries = menangis
Fry – fries = menggoreng
Story – Stories = bercerita
Reply – replies = membalas
Carry – carries = membawa
Dan lain sebagainya.
Contoh kalimat dengan kata kerja (verb) berakhiran huruf “y” menjadi huruf “i” + es :

She cries because her pet died this morning. ( Dia menangis karena hewan peliharaannya
mati pagi hari. )
My mother fries some eggs for breakfast. ( Ibuku menggoreng beberapa telur untuk sarapan.)
He have a lot of stories from him traveling. ( Dia memiliki banyak cerita dari perjalanan
The planes flies one by one leave the airport. ( Pesawat – pesawat terbang satu per satu
meninggalkan bandara. )
4. Berbeda dengan kata kerja (verb), kata benda (noun) yang berakhiran huruf “y” tidak perlu
berubah menjadi huruf “i” tetapi selalu menggunakan akhiran “s” saat ingin dirubah menjadi
bentuk jamak.
Contoh kata benda (noun) berakhiran huruf “y” + s :
Boy – boys = anak laki – laki
Toy – toys = maninan
Key – keys = kunci
Way – ways = jalan
Day – days = hari
Valley – valleys = lembah
Dan lain sebagainya.
Contoh kalimat dengan kata benda (noun) berakhiran huruf “y” + s :

We will go to Singapore for seven ( Kami akan pergi ke Singapura selama tujuh hari.)
Toni have a lot of keys in him pocket. ( Toni memiliki banyak kunci di dalam kantungnya. )
I get so many toys from my grandfather. ( Aku mendapat banyak maninan dari kakekku. )
My village have a lot of valleys. ( Desaku memiliki banyak lembah.)
5. Penggunaan kata benda (noun) yang huruf akhirnya “o” hanya bisa ditambahkan dengan
“s” saja bila ingin menjadikannya sebagai bentuk jamak. Biasanya kata benda (noun) yang
dipakai memiliki arti benda – benda yang buatan manusia.
Contoh kata benda (noun) berakhir huruf “o” + s :

Video – videos = video

Radio – radios = radio
Photo – photos = foto
Piaono – pianos = piano
Bamboo – bamboos = bambu
Dan lain sebagainya.
Contoh kalimat dengan menggunakan kata benda (noun) berakhiran “o” + s :

Dodi bought videos games last week. ( Dodi membeli banyak permainan video minggu lalu.)
In there, I can see pianos form around the world. ( Disana aku bisa melihat banyak piano dari
seluruh dunia. )
We took photos when traveling last year. ( Kami mengambil banyak foto saat berjalan-jalan
tahun lalu.
So many radios type in this electronic shop. ( Begitu banyak tipe radio di toko elektrocik ini.)
6. Penggunaan “s” dan “es” pada kata benda (noun) yang berakhiran huruf “f” atau “fe” yang
akan berubah menjadi “v” dengan bentuk jamak juga sering kita temui dalam bahasa Inggris.
Contoh kata benda (noun) berakhiran huruf “fe” atau “f” berubah menjadi “v” + ES/S :

Life – Lives = hidup

Wife – wives = istri
Calf – calves = betis
Wolf – wolves = serigala
Dan lain sebagainya.
Contoh kalimat dengan menggunakan kata benda (noun) berakhiran “fe” atau “f” menjadi “v”
+ ES/S:

The wives wait those husband in the cafetaria. ( Para istri menunggu suami mereka di
kantin. )
How many wolves in this zoo? ( Berapa banyak serigala di kebun binatang ini?)

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