SAP2000 - Analysis & Design Manual (Session) PDF

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SAP 2000



Municipal Support Team (MST)

under UGDP:ETP,
(IDA Loan: 4905-NEP, Grant: 661-NEP)

SAP 2000 is the general purpose structural analysis program developed by CSI Berkeley, having
capability to solve wide range of analysis and design problems. SAP 2000 has unique 3D object
based graphical modeling environment and powerful user interface to solve most of the analysis
problems in productive and practical way.

This manual is intended to introduce the basic feature of modelling, analysis & design capability
of SAP2000 to user. User looking to have basic (or startup) knowledge of SAP2000 can find the
manual useful. This manual can also serve best for the structural designer searching for
professional knowledge of SAP2000 for RCC building design.

Manual is divided into 22 Session each for 1.5 hours of training which guide participants
(trainee) as well as trainer to the basic startup to design problems. User trying to explore more
advance feature of SAP2000 for research as well as sophisticated design problem can refer other
publication / video tutorial from author.


SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 1

Table of Contents
Preface ........................................................................................................................................1

Session 1 – Introduction ............................................................................................................4

Basic Introduction ...................................................................................................................4

Installation Procedure ..............................................................................................................4
Graphical User Interface ..........................................................................................................4
Session 2 – Getting Started with SAP2000 ...............................................................................6

Session 3 – Modelling and Analysis of Simple Structures ..................................................... 13

Starting Model ...................................................................................................................... 13

Session 4 – Practice Problem: ................................................................................................. 22

Session 5 – Using Drawing Menu............................................................................................ 23

Starting 3D Model ................................................................................................................. 23

Customizing Working Space ................................................................................................. 24
Define Material ..................................................................................................................... 27
Definition Section ................................................................................................................. 28
Replicate / Copy / Move Command ....................................................................................... 32
Edit Line / Area / Joint Command ......................................................................................... 33
Meshing Slab ........................................................................................................................ 34
Session 6 – Using Template to Create Model ......................................................................... 35

Session 7 – Define / Assign Load and Load Combination ..................................................... 36

Define Loading ..................................................................................................................... 37

Define Load Combination ..................................................................................................... 37
Assigning Load ..................................................................................................................... 38
Session 8 – Analysis and Design Output ................................................................................. 39

Design ................................................................................................................................... 41
Display Output in Tabulated Format:..................................................................................... 44
Session 9 – Seismic Loading Option and Mass Source .......................................................... 45

Session 10 – Modelling RCC building .................................................................................... 47

Sample Building .................................................................................................................... 48

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 2

Session 11 – Modelling RCC building (Cont…) ..................................................................... 49

Session12 – Analysis and Design of RCC Building ................................................................ 50

Session 13 – Analysis and Design of RCC Building (Cont…) ................................................ 50

Session 14 – Dynamic Analysis (Response Spectra Analysis) ................................................ 51

Session 15 – Dynamic Analysis (Time History Analysis) ....................................................... 53

Session 16 – Non-linear Analysis in Sap2000 ......................................................................... 54

Session 17 – Analysis of Masonry Building ............................................................................ 55

Session 18 – Analysis of Masonry Building (Cont…)............................................................. 57

Session 19– File Import/ Export Option ................................................................................. 58

Session 20– Final Revision ...................................................................................................... 58

Session 21– Final Revision (Cont…) ....................................................................................... 59

Session 22 – Feedback / problem from Participant................................................................ 59

ANNEX – A: Session Plan....................................................................................................... 60

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 3

Session 1 – Introduction

Introducing the student about SAP2000 its features & capability.

Making the student familiar with SAP2000 graphical user interface.

Basic Introduction

Among the various structure analysis & design software SAP2000 is one of the most versatile
finite element analysis software capable to handle wide range analysis problems in
computationally efficient way.

Installation Procedure

Installation procedure may vary depending upon the program version & package so it is
advisable to follow installation instruction in SAP2000 product package provided during
purchase or ask your product supplier for assistance.

Graphical User Interface

SAP2000 graphical user interface act as a medium to communicate between the mathematical
model & visual graphical model created into the display space provided by SAP2000. In simple
way it helps us to draw model and display analysis / design result of our structure.

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 4

SAP2000 Screen - Main Window
Figure below shows the main window and its components that user needs to be familiar with
before starting the model.

Fig 1.1: SAP2000 Main Window

SAP2000 Screen –Menu Bar

Menu bar contains all the operations / commands of the program. Any command can be accessed
as Menu > Command or Menu > Sub-Menu > Command.

Fig 1.2: SAP2000 - Menu Bar

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 5

SAP2000 Screen –Tool Bar
Tool bar provides quick access to most of the tools used in SAP 2000 for drawing analysis and
design of structure. Tools available in tool bar can also be accessed from menu bar.

Fig 1.3: SAP2000 - Tool Bar

SAP2000 Screen –Unit Control

User can change the unit as per their requirement with the unit control bar located at bottom right
corner of screen.

Session 2 – Getting Started with SAP2000

Making the student familiar with SAP2000 basic startup tools.

Before starting the analysis of structure using SAP2000, let’s solve one simple structure
Steps generally we followed to solve our problem manually:

Step 1: Problem Definition

What we need to solve any type of structural problem?

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 6

Obviously the structure itself comprised with
A] Elements with definite material & section size.
B] Well defined Support conditions.
C] Loading.

C] P=10 KN

A] RCC beam Span L= 4m, B = 0.3m / D = 0.5m

B] Simply Supported

Fig 1.4: Simply Supported Beam

Step 2: Analysis
- Process of computation.
- With the help of pre-established theory and mathematical tools we analyze the structure.

Step 3: Output
- Present result from analysis numerically or graphically.
- Reaction force / Internal Stress (Axial Force / Shear Force / Bending Moment).
How we do it in SAP2000?
Let’s solve above problem in SAP2000.

Step1: Problem Definition

This is one of the most important parts of the SAP2000 in which we define the problem to the
software with the help of graphical user interface. As we can understand that if the problem is
not correct, we can’t expect answer to be correct. In other word we need to learn to communicate
with software in such a way that it clearly understands our problem.
A] Drawing Element
B] Drawing Support
C] Drawing Load

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 7

A] Drawing Element: Sap2000 do not have powerful drawing commands or tools as in Autocad
or similar drafting software instead we need to draw element with reference to the 3d graph or
Before drawing element we need to set the working space:
Let’s start with the Blank space
From Menu-bar > File > New Model OR Press Ctrl+N
From the window as shown below click – Blank.

Right click anywhere on display area > Edit Grid Data > Modify/Show System

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 8

Input the grid data as shown > Press OK > OK

Left Click on Left side of display area & press xz from tool bar
Again Left Click on Right side of display area & press 3d from tool bar
This will change your working screen as shown below:

Now to draw element,

Tool bar > Draw Frame / Cable Element

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 9

First click start point(x=0) of your beam then Mid-point (x=2m) > Esc.
Click Mid-point (x=2m) of beam then End point of your beam (x=4m).

[B] Support condition

Select Start point of beam - Menu bar > Joint > Restrain> Hinge

Similarly Select End point of beam - Menu bar > Joint > Restrain > Roller

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 10

[C] Loading
Select Mid-point of beam > Menu-bar > Assign > Joint Loads > Forces
Apply value of -10 in Force Global Z as shown > OK

Now we have almost completed the Step 1.

But as we want to analyze the member with applied load only (excluding self wt. of beam)
To exclude self wt. of beam from analysis: Go-to Menu-bar > Define > Load Pattern
> Change Self Wt. Multiplier = 0 > Modify Load Pattern> OK

Step 2: Analysis

Menu-bar > Analyze > Run Analysis > Run Now


Press F5 > Run Now


Toolbar > Run Analysis > Run Now

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 11

Step 3: Output

Eg; To Display BMD

Menu-bar >Display>Show Force /

Stresses>Frame Cable

Select – Moment 3-3 / Show Values on Diagram as Shown below:

Reaction Forces:

Menu-bar >Display>Show Force / Stresses>Joints

Select load case > OK

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 12

Similarly other output can be displayed in graphical or tabulated format.

This session does not cover the material properties & section definition which will be discussed
in detail later in other session.

Session 3 – Modelling and Analysis of Simple Structures

Making student familiar with SAP2000 graphical user interface / basic drawing and analysis
To enable participant capable of modelling/analyzing simple structure with various loadings.

Starting Model

Let’s start with the problem we have discussed in previous session.

C] P=10 KN

A] RCC beam Span L= 4m, B = 0.3m / D = 0.5m

B] Simply Supported

Take Concrete Property:

Fck = 20Mpa / Ec = 5000 Fck = 22360 N/mm2 / c = 25 KN/m3

Point Load at Mid-span = 10KN
Find BMD / SFD / Reaction Force & Deflection.

In this session we review the previous problem with the material and section definition as well.

General procedure we follow as discussed in previous session were:

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 13

Step1: Problem Definition
A] Drawing Element (With Defined Material / Section / End condition)
B] Drawing Support
C] Drawing Load
Step2: Analysis
Step3: Output

Create Working Space: Blank

 Start SAP 2000 program

 Start with the Blank space
From Menu-bar > File > New Model OR Press Ctrl+N
From the window as shown below click – Blank.

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 14

Set Working Space: Grid Definition

Right click anywhere on display area > Edit Grid Data > Modify/Show System

Input the grid data as shown > Press OK > OK

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 15

Define Material

Menu-bar > Define > Material

Select 4000Psi – Click Modify/Show Material

[Note: 4000Psi given is built-in default concrete material / A992Fy50 is default steel material
you can either modify these material as per your requirement or add new material]

Make a necessary change in Material

Property Data Table as per the concrete
property given as shown below.

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 16

Definition Section

Menu-bar > Define > Section Properties > Frame Section

Click Add New Properties in Frame Properties form

In Frame Section Properties Form – Select Frame Section Property type as Concrete
Click – Rectangular to Add Rectangular Section

Change Section Name / Section Dimension / Select Material as specified above.

[Note: For Design problem – click Concrete Reinforcement tab to specify design preference.
Here for present problem it is not required]

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 17

Draw Element

To draw element,
Tool bar > Draw Frame / Cable Element
Select Beam Section / Moment Release in Properties of Object Form
[Note for Instructor: Explain the participant about the End Release – What is dose actually?]
First click start point(x=0) of your beam then Mid-point (x=2m) >Left Click Mouse.
Click Mid-point (x=2m) of beam then End point of your beam (x=4m).

To Instructor: Explain about the Moment Release (Continuous / Pinned) & its significance.

Support condition

Select Start point of beam - Menu bar > Joint > Restrain > Hinge

Similarly Select End point of beam - Menu bar > Joint > Restrain > Roller

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 18


Select Mid-point of beam - Menu-bar > Assign > Joint Loads > Forces
Apply value of -10 in Force Global Z as shown > OK

Now we have almost completed the Step 1.

But as we want to analyze the member with applied load only (excluding self wt. of beam)

To exclude self wt. of beam from analysis: Go-to Menu-bar > Define > Load Pattern
- In Define Load Pattern form Change Self Wt. Multiplier = 0
- Click Modify Load Pattern
- OK

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 19

Step 2: Analysis

Menu-bar > Analyze > Run Analysis > Run Now


Press F5 > Run Now


Toolbar > Run Analysis > Run Now

Step 3: Output
Eg; To Display BMD

Menu-bar >Display>Show Force /

Stresses>Frame Cable

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 20

Select – Moment 3-3 / Show Values on Diagram as Shown below:

Reaction Forces:

Menu-bar > Display > Show Force / Stresses > Joints

Select load case – Click OK


Menu-bar > Display > Show Deformed Shape


Press F6

Right Click on point where you want to inquired the deflection.

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 21

[Note: Unlock the model for any change if required after the analysis]

[Note: It is advisable to instructor to demonstrate the comparison between manual calculation &
software results]

Session 4 – Practice Problem:

Instructors were advised to give the simple problems to students for practice. The problems
should be simple enough that has been covered until the end of Session-3.
Analyze the given structure below & verify with manual calculation also?
Problem 1: Determine BM / SF / Deflection at mid-point of beam. Beam dimension / Span as
given below. Point load of 30KN applied at mid-span / UDL of 10KN/m applied from left
support to mid-span. Take Concrete with Fck=20Mpa.

C] P=30 KN

A] RCC beam Span L= 6m, B = 0.3m / D = 0.6m

B] Simply Supported

Problem 2: Determine BM / SF / Deflection at key-points of frame. Frame dimension / Span as

given below. Take point load = 10KN / UVL=5KN/m. Take Frame size = 0.3m x 0.3m and
material as concrete with Fck=20Mpa.

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 22



2m 2m 3m

Session 5 – Using Drawing Menu

 Making student familiar with Define Material / Section for Analysis & Design.
 Making student familiar with Drawing Options / Customizing Work Space.
 Using Edit Menu.

Starting 3D Model

Let’s start with the 2-storey simple RCC structure single bay in both direction as shown. Storey
height 2.5m each, span x-direction 4m& span y-direction 3m. Size of Beam – 0.23mx0.35m /
Column – 0.3mx0.3m / Slab thickness – 0.1m. Concrete Fck = 20Mpa / Rebar Fy = 415N/mm2.

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 23

Similar to previous session examples, start with the blank space.

Create Working Space: Blank

 Start SAP 2000 program

 Start with the Blank space
From Menu-bar > File > New Model OR Press Ctrl+N
From New Model Form click – Blank.

Customizing Working Space

This time before starting model let’s customize our work space to our visual requirement. For
this go-to

Menu bar > Options > Colors > Display…

From Assign Colors form you can select Quick Color Scheme (as shown below) or customize
each element as per your visual requirement.

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 24

Selected - White Background
Click - Set Selected Scheme

We can also customize the number of window display for this go-to
Menu-bar > Options> Windows > Two Tiled Vertically(OR Select as per your display

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 25

Set Working Space: Grid Definition

Right click anywhere on display area > Edit Grid Data > Modify/Show System

Input the grid data as shown > Press OK > OK

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 26

Define Material

Menu-bar > Define > Material

Select 4000Psi – Click Modify/Show Material – For Concrete Material data
[Note: 4000Psi given is built-in default concrete material / A992Fy50 is default steel material
you can either modify these material as per your requirement or add new material]
Select A992Fy50 – Click Modify/Show Material – For Rebar Material data
As we have already done this in previous session for concrete here this has been demonstrated
for Rebar only:

Make a necessary change in Material

Property Data Table as per the Rebar
property given as shown below.

[For Concrete property check previous


SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 27

Definition Section

Menu-bar > Define > Section Properties > Frame Section

Click Add New Properties in Frame Properties form

In Frame Section Properties Form – Select Frame Section Property type as Concrete

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 28

Click – Rectangular to Add Rectangular Section

Change Section Name / Section Dimension / Select Material as specified above.

Click Concrete Reinforcement tab to specify design preference as shown below:

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 29

Similarly for Column Section:

Using Drawing Options(Element Drawing)

Before starting modelling set left window to plan (XY) view & set right window to 3D view.
Now set the plan view window to Z=2.5m level.
To draw line element,
Tool bar > Draw Frame / Cable Element
Select Beam Section / Moment Release in Properties of Object Form
First click start point of your beam then End point of your beam.

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 30

[Note for Instructor: Explain the participant about the Quick Draw Frame Element as well.]

To draw Area Element:

Toolbar > Quick Draw Area Element
Select – Slab 100mm from Properties of Object Form
Click on the area confined by grid (or beam) as shown below:

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 31


[Note for Instructor: Explain the participant about the Draw Rectangular Area Element / Draw
Poly Area tool as well.]
Similarly for column element set 2D view to XZ plane & Draw the column element as defined
above (only draw all ground floor column).
[Note for Instructor: Explain the participant about the movement to different plane for drawing]

Replicate / Copy / Move Command

Here we have completed the drawing all the Element of ground floor column & first floor beam /
Select All Element – Ctrl+A
Menu-bar > Edit > Replicate OR Ctrl+R

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 32

Fill Replicate form as shown below:

This will replicate your ground floor structure to first floor.

Support condition
Select base point of column - Menu bar > Joint > Restrain >Fixed

Note for Instructor:

Explain the participant about the Cut / Copy / Move Command also
Edit Line / Area / Joint Command

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 33

Meshing Slab

Select Area Element – Menu-bar > Assign Area > Automatic Area Mesh

Change as
given below:

Note for Instructor: Explain the participant about the various method of meshing and its
significance in FEM based analysis software

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 34

Session 6 – Using Template to Create Model

 Introducing Template to Create Model.

Apart from the normal modelling procedure that we have followed in previous session there are
another ways in sap2000 to create model. Here we are going to create the same model that has
been created in 4 using built-in template available in sap2000.

Make participant repeat model from session 4 with 3D Frame Template as shown below.

Define Material.
Define / Assign Frame Section (Beam /
Define / Assign Area Section (Slab).
Assign column base to Fixed Support.

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 35

Session 7 – Define / Assign Load and Load Combination
Making student familier with various type of load defiition and combination.

Let’s take the same problem that we have done in Session 5&6 that is:
2-storey simple RCC structure single bay in both direction as shown. Storey height 2.5m each,
span x-direction 4m & span y-direction 3m. Size of Beam – 0.23mx0.35m / Column –
0.3mx0.3m / Slab thickness – 0.1m. Concrete Fck = 20Mpa / Rebar Fy = 415N/mm2.
Take Wall load = 5KN/m in all beam
Live load = 3KN/m2 in all slab
Floor Finish = 1.5KN/m2 in all slab
Self-weight = Auto Program Calculate
Check Response of structure for:
Load Combination = 1.5*[Self-weight + Wall Load + Floor Finish + Live Load].

Now take the model from Session 5:

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 36

Define Loading

Menu-bar >Define >Load Pattern

Add the Load Pattern as per our problem requirement in Define Load Pattern form

[Note: Self Weight Multiplier is kept 1 only of load pattern Self Wt. and for others it is kept 0
here why?]
Here as we want to analyze the member with applied load only (excluding wt. for other load
case) while for self Wt. load pattern we want program to auto calculate self wt. from unit weight
& size of element provided.

Define Load Combination

Menu-bar > Define > Load Combinations….

Click Add-New Combo..
Make necessary change to Load Combination Data form as shown:

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 37

Instructor is advised to explain the auto
generation of code based design
combination as well.

Assigning Load

To Assign Wall Load: Select all beam member

[Note for Instructor: It is advisable to introduce various selection option to students.]
Menu-bar > Assign > Frame Loads > Distributed..

Fill-up the Frame Distributed Loads Form

as shown.
This will apply the load of 5KN/m to
selected members.
Instructor is advised to explain each
element of form to student in detail.

To Assign Live Load: Select all Area element

Menu-bar > Assign >Area Loads >Uniform (Shell)..

Make the necessary input to Area Uniform Loads Form as per problem requirement as shown:

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 38

[Note for Instructor: It is advisable to explain Uniform to Frame (Shell) option also to students
including the difference with Uniform (Shell)]

Similarly, To Assign Floor Finish Load: Select all Area element

Menu-bar > Assign >Area Loads >Uniform (Shell)..

To Instructor:
Here we have selected the Replace
Existing Loads… Does it replace the
previously applied Live load explain to

Session 8 – Analysis and Design Output

Making student familier with various analysis / design output and their extraction procedure.

Take the model from previous session [Session 7].

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 39


Menu-bar > Analyze > Run Analysis > Run Now


Press F5 > Run Now


Toolbar > Run Analysis > Run Now

Eg; To Display BMD / SFD / AFD

Menu-bar >Display>Show Force / Stresses>Frame


Reaction Forces:

Menu-bar > Display > Show Force / Stresses > Joints

Select load case – Click OK


Menu-bar > Display > Show Deformed Shape

Or Press F6

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 40

[Note: Unlock the model for any change if required after the analysis]

Before starting design change the design preference as per your problem requirement.

Menu-bar > Concrete Frame Design > View/Revise Preference

Select Design Code as Shown below:

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 41

Menu-bar > Concrete Frame Design >Select Design Combos..

Add this to design as per the

combination defined by you

Tick this to design as per the

combination defined by Code

Menu-bar > Concrete Frame Design >Start Design/ Check of Structure

Right Click on any Element to display design information.

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 42

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 43
Display Output in Tabulated Format:

Menu-bar > Display > Show Tables..

Table can be exported to other formats as well:

Select any data you want to display in tabulated format as well as you can select the load case /
combination as well.
Instructor is advised to explain in detail about the tabulated display control to students.
Note: Unlock & Reanalyze/design the above model with seismic loading as defined below:

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 44

Session 9 – Seismic Loading Option and Mass Source
Making student familier with various type of seismic load options available in sap2000.
Making participant understand about the mass source & its significance.

There is various options by which we can assign the seismic loading in SAP2000 as listed below:
 None – User needs to calculate and apply the seismic loading in model itself.
 User Loads – User needs to calculate the seismic loading for each storey and its point of
 User Coefficient - User needs to calculate the seismic coefficient only and the software
itself calculate and distribute the seismic load as per specified parameter.
 Code Based – User needs to specify the code only and the parameter inside. Software
itself calculates seismic load and their distribution as per specified code.
As first two method needs to go through lengthy calculation procedure (rarely used in design
practice), here we are going to discuss about user coefficient and code based method.

[A] User Coefficient: As NBC code is not available in sap2000, user trying to use NBC105 can
find this method useful. For this go-to: Menu-bar >Define >Load Patterns
Within Define Load Patterns form Add EQX & EQY load with Load type QUAKE, Self wt.
Multiplier =0 and Auto lateral load pattern = User Coefficient [As shown below]

Selecting EQX click

Modify Lateral
Load Pattern.

Select direction of earthquake / Base

shear coefficient / distribution factor K.

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 45

To Instructor: Explain the participant about the Base shear coefficient C & Distribution
coefficient K.

A] Code Based: As built-in code IS1893:2002 (or Other seismic loading code) is available in
SAP2000, user can just specify the code for seismic loading of their structure. For this goto:

Menu-bar >Define >Load Patterns

Within Define Load Patterns form Add EQX & EQY load with Load type QUAKE, Self
wt. Multiplier =0 and Auto lateral load pattern = IS1893:2002

Selecting EQX click

Modify Lateral
Load Pattern.

Select Earthquake direction /

Time Period of structure / Z / I / R T=0.075*H0.75 OR
– factor. T=0.09*H/D0.5

Note: Calculate the time period from empirical relation given by code appropriately for your
structure type.
To Instructor: It is advisable to explain the various parameter / coefficient in Seismic load pattern
form & its affect & also the program calculated/ User defined time period.

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 46

Mass Source: It is necessary to define the mass source appropriately as the seismic load defined
by above method only calculates the acceleration coefficient which acts on the mass defined
under mass source form as given below:
Menu-bar > Define > Mass Sources..
Here define the mass source From Loads with Dead load = 100% & Live Load = 25% as defined
by code. (Note: For Live Load > 3KN/m2 take mass from live load = 50% as specified by code)

To Instructor: It is advisable to explain the significance of mass source and various method of
mass source definition.

Use any one of the above method in the model from previous session and analyze / design the
structure using load combination defined as per IS1893:2002 or NBC105.

Session 10 – Modelling RCC building

 To introduce student about the modelling of RC building.
 Introducing various types of load / load combinations their calculation and application.
 Presenting the things to remember/ common mistakes during RCC building modelling.

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 47

Sample Building

Take Floor Height = 9’. Concrete = M20 / Rebar = FE 415 for Modelling
Dead / Live Load = Refer IS-875
Earthquake Load = Refer IS1893:2002 or NBC105

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 48

To Instructor:
Allow the participant to do by their own as instructed in previous Session:
Step1: Create Blank Space.
Step2: Grid Definition.
Step3: Define Material / Section.
[Explain the participant about the preliminary choice of member section size]
Step4: Define Load
Allow the participant to do by their own as instructed in previous Sessions for dead / live load.
Explain How to define Seismic load / options available in Sap2000. [Check previous Session]
Explain about Mass Source & its Significance as well. [Check previous Session49]

Session 11 – Modelling RCC building (Cont…)

Step5: Draw Element / Support condition

Allow the participant to do by their own as instructed in previous Session
Step 6: Assign Load

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 49

Explain How to calculate wall load / stair load / floor finish load & common mistakes in load
calculation and its application.
Allow the participant to assign load by their own which has already been instructed in previous

Session12 – Analysis and Design of RCC Building

 To introduce student about the various model optimization techniques.
 Introducing Analysis / Design Output.
 Creating Report.
Continue from previous Session 11 ….

Step 7: Refining Model - Is this a compulsion or optional only? Explain to participant

Mesh Area Element - Explain its significance / use.
Assign Floor Diaphragm – Explain its significance / use.
Member End Offset - Explain its significance / use.
Insertion (or Cardinal) Point - Explain its significance / use.

Step 8: Run Analysis

Explain about various Analysis Options to participant.

Session 13 – Analysis and Design of RCC Building (Cont…)

Continue from previous Session 12 ….

Step 9: Design / Display Output

 Choice of Design Code / Load Combination [Refer Session – 4].
 Display Analysis & Design Output in Graphical / Tabulated Format.
 Sap2000 – Create Report Option.

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 50

Explain about various analysis / Design output options / their extraction for preparation of
Explain significance of Modal analysis output / Fundamental time period of building.
Extract Base Shear / Calculation of Floor Drift.

Session 14 – Dynamic Analysis (Response Spectra Analysis)

 To introduce student about the various dynamic analysis option available in Sap2000
 Making participant familiar with Response Spectra Analysis & its use.

Response Spectra Analysis

Define Function as shown below:

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 51

Define Load Cases:
Menu-bar > Define Load Cases..
Add New Load Case – Choose Response Spectra from dropdown menu as shown:
Make Necessary Change to form as given:

Similarly you can add response spectra case for Y – direction…

Run Analysis
Check the Base Shear from Load Case EQx&RSx
Check the Base Shear from Load Case EQy&RSy

Unlock the Model

Change Scale Factor for Rsx= EQx/RSx
Change Scale Factor for Rsy= EQy/RSy

To Instructor: Explain how to use the response spectra case for Design Combinations. Also
explain in brief about the time history analysis and its procedure.

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 52

Session 15 – Dynamic Analysis (Time History Analysis)

 Introducing Time History Analysis & its Significance.

Time History Analysis

Define Function as shown below:
To Instructor: Explain the various option available for Time History Definition:

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 53

Define Load Cases:
Menu-bar > Define Load Cases..
Add New Load Case – Choose Time History from dropdown menu as shown:
Make Necessary Change to form as given:

Similarly you can add Time history case for Y – direction…

Run Analysis
To Instructor: Explain how to use the time history case for output interpretation.

Session 16 – Non-linear Analysis in Sap2000

 To introduce student about the various Non-linear analysis option available in Sap2000
 Making participant familiar with Static Push Over Analysis & its use.
 Introducing Non-linear Time History Analysis.

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 54

To Instructor:
Explain the Non-Linear analysis /tool Available in Sap2000 for Nonlinear analysis.
Explain about the hinge/nonlinear shell element.
Explain the output result & its interpretation.

Step 1: Start with previous Model

Select all beam Element – Assign default Fema-Hinge M3 to both end .
Select all column Element – Assign default Fema-Hinge P-M2-M3 to both end.
Define Hinge / Assign Hinge.

Step 2: Define Non-Linear Static Load Case

Step 3: Run Analysis

Step 4: Display Hinge Result /Performance Curve.

Step 5: Interpretation of Result.

Session 17 – Analysis of Masonry Building

To introduce participant about the modelling and analysis of masonry building using SAP2000.

Sample Building
For analysis let’s take a simple masonry building as shown below:

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 55

Take sill level = 0.66m from plinth / lintel level =1.88m from plinth / roof level = 2.85m. Slab
thickness = 125mm / Wall (exterior)thk. = 360mm / Wall (interior) thk. = 230mm. Assume
compressive strength of brick = 10Mpa & Mortar type = Medium (C: S=1:4).

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 56

To Instructor:
Allow the participant to do by their own as instructed in previous Session:
Step 1: Create Blank Space.
Step 2: Grid Definition.
Step 3: Define Material / Section.
[Explain the participant about the determination of masonry properties using IS1905]
[Define wall section using shell element]
Step 4: Define Load
Allow the participant to do by their own as instructed in previous Sessions for dead / live load.
Explain How to define Seismic load / options available in Sap2000. [Check previous Session]
Explain about Mass Source & its Significance as well. [Check previous Session57]
Step 5: Draw Element / Support condition
Allow the participant to do by their own as instructed in previous Session
Step 6: Assign Load
Explain How to calculate stair load / floor finish load & common mistakes in load calculation
and its application.
Allow the participant to assign load by their own which has as instructed in previous session.

Session 18 – Analysis of Masonry Building (Cont…)

Step7: Refining Model - Is this a compulsion or optional only? Explain to participant

Mesh Area Element - Explain its significance / use.
Assign Floor Diaphragm – Explain its significance / use.

Step 8: Run Analysis

Explain about various Analysis Options to participant.

Step 9: Display Output

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 57

 Display Analysis Output in Graphical / Tabulated Format.
 Sap2000 – Create Report Option.

Explain about various analysis output options / their interpretation for design.
Explain significance of Modal analysis output / Fundamental time period of building.
Extract Base Shear / Calculation of Floor Drift.

Session 19– File Import/ Export Option

 Quick introduction to participant about various import / export option available.
 Exporting graphics file option.
 Importing auto-cad drawing (*.DXF) file for modelling.

To Instructor:
Explain about various import / export command available in sap2000.
Make a quick revision to the structure modelling fromautocad .dxf file import.
Explain how to export graphical file from sap2000.

Session 20– Final Revision

 Quick Revision of tools used to the participant.

To Instructor:
Make a quick revision to the Modelling / Design of RCC building from start to end.
Explain about Slope roof / Stair Modelling & common problem of connection during modelling.
Explain the common mistakes during modelling & their identification techniques.

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 58

Session 21– Final Revision (Cont…)
 Quick Revision of tools used to the participant.

To Instructor:
Make a quick revision to the Modelling / Design of RCC building from start to end.
Explain about Slope roof / Stair Modelling & common problem of connection during modelling.
Explain the common mistakes during modelling & their identification techniques.

Session 22 – Feedback / problem from Participant

 To take feedback / problem from participant.

To Instructor:
Take feedback / problem from participant.
Demonstrate the solution for the problem from participant.

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 59

ANNEX – A: Session Plan

Time Day-1 Day-2 Day-3 Day-4 Day-5 Day-6

8:00 8:30 Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast
Previous Day Previous Day Previous Day
8:30 9:00 Opening Ceremony Previous Day Review Previous Day Review
Review Review Review
Sesion-1 Sesion-5 Sesion-9 Sesion-13 Sesion-17 Sesion-21
Basic Introduction/
Seismic Loading Analysis and Design
9:00 10:30 Installation Analysis of Masonry Final Revision
Using Drawing Menu Option and Mass of RCC Building
Procedure/Graphical Building (Cont…)
Source (Cont…)
User Interface
Sesion-2 Sesion-6 Sesion-10 Sesion-14 Sesion-18 Sesion-22
10:30 12:00 Dynamic Analysis
Getting Started with Using Template to Analysis of Masonry Feedback / problem
Modelling RCC building (Response Spectra
SAP2000 Create Model Building (Cont…) from Participant
12:00 13:00 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
Sesion-3 Sesion-7 Sesion-11 Sesion-15 Sesion-19
Closing Ceremony
Modelling and Define / Assign Load Dynamic Analysis
13:00 14:30 Modelling RCC building File Import / Export & Certificate
Analysis of Simple and Load (Time History
(Cont…) Option Distribution
Structures Combination Analysis)
Sesion-4 Sesion-8 Sesion-12 Sesion-16 Sesion-20

14:30 16:00 Analysis and Design Analysis and Design of Non-linear Analysis
Practice Problem Final Revision
Output RCC Building in Sap2000

16:00 16:15 Tea Tea Tea Tea Tea

SAP2000 – Basic Training Manual 60

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