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English I



There are many newspapers and the services they offer to their audience. However, the most
important job is to communicate, to broadcast, comment and comment. The newspaper has to
convey the news in an exciting way. It is said that the news is not to bite a dog, but the news is
that a man bites a dog.
The newspapers provide practical services to their readers, helping them to carry out their
individual activities and harmonize their daily movements.
The news of society, cinema, theater, light news and political news are essential to the

The Newspapers

Newspapers also literary works that enjoy the legal protection prescribed for the rules of
protection of literary and artistic property, including many articles of various subjects, and
various news, all this under the title of the newspaper as the doors of money, economy and
markets and sports and respond to readers' questions, newspapers may be daily or weekly or
monthly, quarterly, semiannual or annual.
Newspapers are the pulse of the street that plays a role in the transmission of cultural, sports,
social, economic, local, and other news, and the media are numerous and are preceded by
newspapers, which are characterized by coverage of all events and topics more accurately,
magazines are characterized by enabling readers to read the news in art, music, commerce,
education, science, etc. in the time and speed they want. Fourth: Radio is one of the most
important audio means, because the message is broadcast directly from the television is the main
source of news events for many of the world's population and follow up daily news,
documentaries, etc., and newspapers have a significant role and importance in our daily lives and
in society, and are the following points: The first to reveal the negatives and problems that occur
In the state, everything that happens in the state is revealed and prosecuted until it is corrected
and treated, also matters of concern to all members of society, especially the issues of public
opinion about the important position adopted by the State, especially in cases of wars, conflicts
and revolutions and terrorist explosions that occur and we see daily, in all Arab countries, and all
the different areas of interest to the average citizen and educated, and contribute to the
government to find and put solutions and positives for each small and large, we must recognize
the importance of newspapers as a large entity has a significant role and impact on the individual
and society.

The importance of the news is not the result of today, but an extension of the importance of the
news in ancient times, the people in the above are keen to know the news and take it from the
sources available to them was the news of the west to the east by traders sailors who roam the
seas and who described the west and reported their news to the East and the means of
transmission of news varied and developed from generation to generation and from time to time
era, and other poets and ambassadors and advocates roaming the markets to modern means of
communication from satellites and the Internet and thus clearly shown the importance of news
and development and liquidity and shows the role and importance in knowing the conditions
nations and peoples are of great importance in terms of preparing for future disasters and wars.
Therefore, the newspapers are an important database to give the decision maker the clear vision
for building a sound decision based on information gathered in advance.
The news is the first function of the newspaper and the news plays a major role in the lives of
people and is the basis on which the judgments are based on what is happening around them,
and the news that touches the concerns of the community has a quick impact and reaction and
interact with the community more thankfully, at the same time the news newspapers It is
dangerous if it does not take into account the accuracy and caution it may cause the
consequences of the consequences on the individual and society and humanity in general, and
may be a constructive tool in highlighting the aspects of default and correct the path, and
conscious media is able to deal with things by creating a balance between freedom of expression
between the limits that must be stand, and the most important methods for the transfer of
information and facts comment, interpretation and explanation, analysis and investigation, but
the news is the most important all of the first goal of the press is to collect news that affects the
public good.
The news is the foundation stone in the construction of the press in the past and the modern,
the article on which the press is based in all its known colors (such as article, comment, angle,
report, investigation and criticism). The true story is a record of history in all fields of economic,
political, cultural and social life, political events occurring around the world at the present time
is part of the history of the world, you need to register, and the duty of newspapers that these
events are recorded as part of history, no matter how readers attention to them, and may not

care about it at all, and Be the departure of your readers to read or interest in them does not
diminish the importance of registration from the historical point of view purely, and is the
responsibility of the media a great task in the transfer of facts honestly and interpreted properly
and take into account the importance of the news and its impact on the individual and society.
Every journalist who writes a newspaper should be aware of his/her duty in terms of freedom
granted to him and the violation of the general interests of the individual and society, as well as
consideration of the interests and evils that may arise as a result of those false news and non-
health and on the other search for news that touches the concerns of individuals and society,
building and contribute to the advancement of societies, and newspapers to take into account
the fact that his career is not much different from the profession of a doctor in terms of end, the
doctor may not improve the diagnosis of the disease prescribes medication does not agree with
the position of the disease and thus the patient benefit and continues to suffer from the disease
may increase the dose that may claim district of the patient, in newspapers, which does not
improve dealing with news it may commit a catastrophic error and causes the severance of
relations between the countries have been based because of the news of wars and disasters that
have dire consequences may violate the sanctity of the people and cause harm to them both
physically harm or morally.


The main message of newspapers is formation and development of generations of good morals,
values and principles, and spreading the good of all members of society, culture and science to
citizens through reading literary and scientific articles, etc. My suggestion to them that should be
given freedom of opinion and expression to journalists without restrictions and conditions. , this
is part of the government, which adhere to newspapers, editors and those who abide by the
professionalism and objectivity.


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