A. The Importance of Hearing The Voice of God

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John 10:3 - "the sheep hear his voice; and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them

A. The Importance of hearing the voice of God.

1. We live by His voice. Matt 4:4

2. We may not sin against God. Ex 20:18-22

3. We need daily guidance.

4. Christianity is a relationship.

B. How does God speak?

1. Through the Word of God. Psalms 119:130

2. Through others.

3. Through Circumstances.

4. Through visions and dreams. Acts 10:9-16

5. Through an audible voice. I Sam 3:4, 5

6. Through your spirit man. (God's no: 1 method)

John 7:37-39

Proverbs 20:27

To perceived in the spirit Mark 2:8

Job 32:8

We are in the same 'wavelength' as God

I Cor 6:17

Heb 4:12 Body



We are led by the Spirit of God Rom 8:14

e.g. a. At Salvation

b. When you were baptised in the Holy Spirit.

c. When you sin against God

C. Does God want to speak to us?

1. He desires to speak to men.

At Creation -
He called Abraham -
The Tabernacle -

The person of Jesus - (Heb 1:1-2)

2. God initiates communication.

3. God gave us the Holy Spirit.

D. Preparing ourselves to hear God's voice.

1. Get closer to God.

2. Recognise the voice of God (test it out)

3. Be obedient

4. Trust the voice of God.

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