Rules - of - Conduct - V.6.2. For TNT

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[Type text] Faculty of Arts & Design

General Rules of Conduct

Course Attendance

- Courses are divided into; Lecture, Tutorial and Studio Sessions weekly
(according to the course outline).

- Attendance in all 3 sessions is required.

- Exceeding 25% absence in any of the sessions is grounds for

deprivation from the course.

- The attendance is called at the beginning of every session by the

course TA or instructor. Once the attendance is called out, there is a
30min.delayed period for the First Lecture of the day (since the
session starts) and only a 15min. delayed period for all lectures during
or within the day were students are allowed to enter and be recorded
as attending.

- Other than the mentioned above attendance rules (30min. and/or

15min. delay); the student can only attend the lecture for educational
reasons however, without any interruptions (no attendance).

- No students are allowed to attend lectures &/or studios, labs without

being registered in their assigned group as per their approved schedule
from the Dean.

- Course drop is only allowed during the 2ndweek from the date of the
semester beginning and not later than that.

*This statement is subject to change at any time according to the Faculty requirements
and the university rules & regulations.

Students’ Rules of Conduct 27/08/2012 SA002 V. No. 6.2

[Type text] Faculty of Arts & Design

The attendance is filled out in the form of (1 or 0).

1= Attend

0= Absent

In case of any absence with a serious reason such as; medical or sick leave:

The student must notify the faculty administration and deliver the required
certificate after being approved by the university doctor, a paper work would
be filed and the absence removed. A photocopy of the request form must be
submitted to each course Instructor and TA’s or LA’s.

 Medical certificates must be handed at once after the student comes


 The request form will not be accepted after 1 week of the due date.

Attendance Notices before Deprivation:

 On a weekly basis the attendance for each course will be hung on the
Notice Board outside the Faculty Dean’s Room.

 After week 3: First Deprivation Warning notice will be hung on the

board and the student will sign next to it at the faculty administration.

 Week 4: 1st Deprivation Notice Letter will be sent to the students


 After the Mid-Term Exam (week 7): 2nd Deprivation Notice Letter will
be sent to the student's parents, and will be hung on the notice board.

*This statement is subject to change at any time according to the Faculty requirements
and the university rules & regulations.

Students’ Rules of Conduct 27/08/2012 SA002 V. No. 6.2

[Type text] Faculty of Arts & Design

 If the absence rate after that exceeds the 25% limit, the student is
automatically deprived from the course.

General Rules

Course Assignments

Course Grades:

 Studio Assignments: The studio work that is required and supervised

by the course staff.

 Home Assignments:Minimum 10 weekly assignments that the

student prepares at home in accordance to the requirements assigned
by the course Instructor.

 Class Exam:No. of Class exams (3); the Instructor assigns a quick

test during the course to measure the student’s skills and learning
outcome. (2) Class exams before the mid-term exam and (1) Class
exam after the mid-term exam.

 Mid-Term Exam

 Final Term Exam

Date and time of the afore-mentioned Class exams will be specified

according to the course implementation plan for each course.

Assignments are graded by the course Instructor and handed back to the
students. Student should hand in his/her work on time as specified by the
course staff.

*This statement is subject to change at any time according to the Faculty requirements
and the university rules & regulations.

Students’ Rules of Conduct 27/08/2012 SA002 V. No. 6.2

[Type text] Faculty of Arts & Design

The Faculty has the right to keep a minimum of 5 assignments each

representing the students’ level of performance according to group
classification for the validation issues.

*This statement is subject to change at any time according to the Faculty requirements
and the university rules & regulations.

Students’ Rules of Conduct 27/08/2012 SA002 V. No. 6.2

[Type text] Faculty of Arts & Design

Delivery Methods:

 Students must hand in their work to the assigned TA or LA in

accordance to the assignment delivery time plan.

 Make sure that he/she fills out the submission sheet information

o Name
o ID Number
o Course Code and Title
o Instructor name
o LA/TA name
o Date of Submission
o Assignment Title and number
o No. of Sheets handed in

Late assignment delivery is unacceptable.

 Assignment delivery date is subject to change according to the

Course Instructor.

On a weekly basis the grades for all assignments will be hung on the Notice
Board outside the Faculty Dean’s Room. Students should keep track of their
grades as to keep up with their GPA.

* Any act of plagiarism will be handled with strict legal procedures.

The student’s Total grade is divided into:

 40% Course Work

 20% Mid-term
*This statement is subject to change at any time according to the Faculty requirements
and the university rules & regulations.

Students’ Rules of Conduct 27/08/2012 SA002 V. No. 6.2

[Type text] Faculty of Arts & Design

 40% Final Exam

Rules of Students distribution in Majors

Students that have completed Level 1- General Art, and are now applying for
their majors must comply with the following rules:

1. By the end of Spring Semester the Faculty will announce students with
majors planned to open.
2. Joining Majors is applicable in Fall Semesters.
3. Student must have fulfilled at least 19 credit hours of faculty core
courses. (Might still have to take 1 course of 3 credit hours)
First Semester - Introductory Courses (General) Core Courses
Contact Hours

Pre -

Course Lecture


Course Title Credit Hours Requisite


Introduction to Design 1. 3. 4.
DSN101 3.0 None
Culture 5 0 5
1. 1. 3. 6.
DSN102 Design Basics: Form & Color 4.0 None
5 5 0 0
1. 3. 4.
DSN103 Design Basics: Drawing 3.0 None
5 0 5

Second Semester- Introductory Courses (General) Core Courses

Design Basics: Letterforms & 1. 3. 4.
DSN105 3.0 None
Typography 5 0 5
2D Digital visualization 1. 3. 4.
CDS101 3.0 None
Studio 5 0 5
Introduction to Interactivity 1. 1. 1. 4.
CDS102 3.0 None
and Media Art 5 5 5 5
ARCH10 1. 3. 4.
3.0 None
1 Technical Drawing I 5 0 5

4. Joining majors will be based on sorting in accordance to the student GPA

Student’s cumulative (GPA should not be less than 1.67)

*This statement is subject to change at any time according to the Faculty requirements
and the university rules & regulations.

Students’ Rules of Conduct 27/08/2012 SA002 V. No. 6.2

[Type text] Faculty of Arts & Design

5. After reaching the minimum requirement to declare Majors, each student

must fill the template of declaring Majors assigning both his/her first and
second alternative majors, in accordance to the Majors announced by the
6. Transferring from Major to Major during the semester is only allowed
during the first 2 weeks of the semester.

7. Students wanting to apply for the following departments need to have taken
and passed the following courses:

a. Interior Design: ARCH101 Technical Drawing 1

b. Cinema & Theater: ARCH101 Technical Drawing 1
c. Graphics Design: CDS101 2D Visualization Studio OR
CDS102 Interactivity and Media Arts.
d. Fashion Design: DSN103 Design Basics: Free Drawing

* Students joining the Faculty at Spring Semester are only allowed to take
the opened courses announced by the Faculty.

* Minimum number of students to open any specified course is 12 students.

*This statement is subject to change at any time according to the Faculty requirements
and the university rules & regulations.

Students’ Rules of Conduct 27/08/2012 SA002 V. No. 6.2

[Type text] Faculty of Arts & Design

Course Load according to student GPA for Semester 49 – Fall 2012

Course load according to student GPA for Semester 49 - Fall 2012

*This statement is subject to change at any time according to the Faculty requirements
and the university rules & regulations.

Students’ Rules of Conduct 27/08/2012 SA002 V. No. 6.2

[Type text] Faculty of Arts & Design

GPA_From GPA_To No of Courses

Faculty ID

0 Full Load
1.67 or Greater Full Load
Less than 1.67:1 Full Load (-1) Course
Less than 1 Full Load (-2) Course

English 80 and 90
Eng 80 or 90 (+3)
1 or Greater
Arts Courses
Eng 80 or 90 (+2)
Less than 1
Arts Courses

* Note :DSN101 Prerequisite should pass ENG 90

* All Students are required to make sure that their procedures are documented in
the Faculty administration as well as follow up with the administration till the
written approval of their requirements. (ex. Course dropping, equivalency of
Transfers, withdrawal, medical excuses ……..etc)

*This statement is subject to change at any time according to the Faculty requirements
and the university rules & regulations.

Students’ Rules of Conduct 27/08/2012 SA002 V. No. 6.2

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