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Implementing Rules and Procedures

Learning Goal:
● Students will be able to adjust a set of rules according to the
● Students will understand that rules are made for the class’s benefit
and safety.

Part 1:
Each person in group decide who will be the teacher and be the students.
Then read the classroom rules together. Hold a “Classroom meeting” to
discuss each scenarios and if the rules are fine and do not need adjusting
or if they need some change. Make sure the teacher is viewing the situation
from the perspective of the teacher and the same from students.

Part 2:
Write in your journal why you chose to either keep the rules the same or
why you chose to change them. Explain how you got to your decision and
how it is beneficial to the class to make the adjustment. Then take notes on
2 or 3 other strategies from the book.
Classroom Rules:

1. Respect

2. Clean up after yourself

3. Be safe, no fooling around

4. Maintain a positive attitude

*If any rules are broken, detention may be given!


1. Jimmy loves to eat. He has a snack almost every period. One period

he always eats peanut butter crackers. It is very messy and gets all

over his desk but also those around him. Once he is done, he gets up

and throws his trash away and wipes down his desk and his

classmates to pick up after himself. Do any rules need to be changed

or added?

2. Susan hates english. She thinks it is boring and a waste of time. A

better use of time, in her mind, would be to text her friend all period

instead of pay attention. Not only is she on her phone, but everytime

she gets a new text, it makes a loud sound that distracts everyone

else from the lesson. Do any rules need to be changed or added?

3. Sarah is not having a good day. She failed her math test earlier in the

day and dropped her phone in a puddle. She is not very happy today.

When entering the room, she looks sad and the teacher notices. This

continues throughout class and Sarah does not want to participate in

the activities. At the end of the period the teacher gives her a

detention to stay after school for not having a positive attitude. Do

any rules need to be changed or added?

4. Johnny is a very talkative student. He is rarely listening in class since

he is busy having his own conversation. Mr. Smith, his teacher, is

explaining a project and Johnny is not paying attention or listening.

He misses very important information, including the fact that he

needs a book for class tomorrow. When he arrives in class the next

day, he does not have his book and he gets a zero for a grade. He

thinks this is completely outrageous and thinks that the teacher needs

to write it on the board or say it multiple times. Mr. Smith is not

budging and keeps his zero. Do any rules need to be changed or


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