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for the
Men About Christian Service (MACS)
Article I NAME

The name of the unit is Men About Christian Service (MACS), Advent United Methodist
Church, Eagan Minnesota.
Article II
MACS shall be a creative, supportive fellowship of men who seek to know Jesus Christ, to
grow spiritually, and to seek daily his will. Its primary purpose is to declare the centrality of
Christ in the lives of men and in all their relationships while bringing fellowship, involvement in
the church community, and creating a warm welcoming environment for men of all
Article III
1. To encourage knowledge of and support for the total mission of The United
Methodist Church.
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2. To engage in evangelism by sharing the fullness of the gospel in its personal and
social dimensions.

3. To clarify and speak to the identity and role of the man in contemporary society.
4. To seek commitment to discipleship.

5. To study and become familiar with The United Methodist Church, its organization,
doctrines and belief.

6. Bring a greater feeling of comfort for all men at Advent United Methodist Church
regardless of marital or parental status.
7. Provide the men with an avenue to present ideas to help in the community of the church.
8. Look for new ideas to work with other groups in the church to the greater needs of the
9. Help with bringing new members to the church and provide a welcoming that makes
them know we want them in our church.

10. To engage in daily prayer.

11. To bear Christ's way in daily work and in all personal contacts through words and

12. To provide an outlet and resource for our members to engage in a variety of Christian

Adopted: September 24, 2004

Revised: January 25, 2011

12.13. Develop relationships with other churches and organizations to leverage the
mission of the group.

Article IV
1. Men who subscribe to the major concerns and personal objectives stated above.

2. The duly appointed pastor of the church shall be an ex officio member of the Executive
3.2. Membership may include men from other United Methodist Churches, men from
other denominations, as well as non churched men.

Article V

This unit shall hold meetings as specified in the By-Laws. The meeting held during the
month of April January shall be designated as the annual meeting. The election of officers
shall take place at this meeting. Additional meetings of MACS may be called by the president,
pastor, or by a majority of the Executive Committee.

The officers shall be: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. They shall be
elected at the annual meeting. Comment [T1]: Do we want to reduce to three
Article VII
The unit shall establish such committees and task forces it deems necessary in order to carry
out the business and objectives of the unit.

Article VIII
The Executive Committee shall be composed of the following: The officers and the steering
committee composed of at least 8 members. The pastor is an ex officio member of the
Executive Committee without power to vote.other committee members as elected by the
general membership. General Administration and supervision of the affairs of the unit are
vested in the Executive Committee.

Article IX
The work of the unit shall be correlated with the total program of the church as initiated and
directed by the Council on Ministries and Administrative Board under leadership of the pastor.

Adopted: September 24, 2004

Revised: January 25, 2011
Article X
The program of the unit shall be financed by such means as the members may approve on the
recommendation of the Executive Committee.

Article XI BY-LAWS
This constitution and By-Laws in harmony with the provisions of this Constitution may be
adopted or revised by two-thirds majority vote of all members present at a regular or called
meeting provided proper advance notice be given of such proposed change.

Adopted: September 24, 2004

Revised: January 25, 2011
By-Laws for the
Men About Christian Service (MACS)

Article I The Order of Business for this unit shall be conducted in an orderly and
business-like manner according to the Constitution and By-Laws. Any question
not covered by the By-Laws shall be decided in accordance with Robert's
Rules of Order.
Article II Duties of Officers

A. President: The President shall be the presiding officer of the unit and shall
preside at the annual, regular, and special meetings of the unit and the
Executive Committee. He shall have general oversight over the work of the
unit. He shall be an ex-officio member of all committees and task forces.

B. Vice President: The Vice President shall assist the President, accept
assignments made to him, preside in the absence of the President, and
assume full responsibility for that office.

C. Secretary: The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping the minutes and
all records shall include all meetings of the unit and the Executive
Committee—the annual, regular and special. The Secretary shall be
responsible for keeping records suitable for historical filing.
D. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall collect and disburse all funds.
Adequate records shall be kept and a report shall be made at all meetings of
the unit and the Executive Committee. Requests for disbursements of funds
not approved in the budget shall be made by the President, Executive
Committee, or the unit.
E. Terms: Each office shall be held for a minimum of a term of one year.
Unless otherwise decided by a vote of the membership, officers will rotate
through positions, with treasurer assuming the role of secretary, secretary
assuming thr role of vice president, and vice president assuming the role of
president. The outgoing president may assume an officer vacancy A member
may remain an officer, either at the same station or rotating, for a maximum of
three years unless there is anin the absence of a suitable replacement.
Elections will be held at the annual meeting.
Article III Committees
A. Executive Committee: The Executive Committee makes plans for the unit and
evaluates same. It transacts interim business. However, all transacting transactions
requiring financial commitments of more than $500 must be approved by the unit at its
next regular or special meeting. The Executive Committee shall meet at the call of the

Adopted: September 24, 2004

Revised: January 25, 2011
President or as often as it deems necessary.

B. Steering Committee: The steering committee shall be appointed on a one

per sponsor basis. Each officer shall sponsor a committee member and each
new committee member shall sponsor another, thus resulting in 12 members
on the committee.

C. Projects: The Projects Committee shall plan and execute all projects of the

D. Program: The program Committee shall plan all programs both on a

short-range and a long-range basis.

E. Nominating: Nominations will be made from the membership via paper

balloting beginning 30 days prior to the annual meeting. Seconds are not

Article IV Appointment of Committees and Task Forces: The President, in consultation

with the Executive Committee, shall appoint additional committees and task
forces deemed necessary in order to carry out the purpose and objectives of
the unit. All efforts shall be made to seek out existing resources within the
church prior to the formation of any new committees or task forces to prevent
any redundancies or erosion of congregational cohesiveness.

Article V Regular Meetings: Regular Meetings of Men of The Disciple Lodge Unit of
United Methodist Men shall be held on the fourth Tuesday at a place and time to
be determined by the President and the Executive Committee.

Article VI Voting Procedures: Voting in an election for officers shall be by secret ballot
unless otherwise decided. Voting on other matters at all regular and special
meetings shall be by voice vote, show of hands, or by standing unless
otherwise ordered by vote of unit.

Article VII Vacancy: When a vacancy occurs in an office or a committee, the vacancy
shall be filled by the President in consultation with the Executive Committee.

Article VIII The By-Laws may be amended at any annual, regular, or special meeting of
the unit by a two-thirds majority vote of all members present provided the notice
of such proposed amendment is given 10 days in advance.

Adopted: September 24, 2004

Revised: January 25, 2011

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