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OBJECTIVE – SWBAT distinguish between physical and chemical changes.

1. Physical change is _________ (reversible/irreversible) change.
2. Write down 2 differences between a physical and a chemical change.
3. Match the following
Column A Column B
Burning of candle Physical change
Crushing of paper Chemical change
Sharpening of pencil Chemical change
Cooking rice Physical change
Folding your shirt Physical change
Pulling a rubber band Chemical change
4. Give an example of a physical change and explain.
5. Why is the burning of a match stick a chemical change?

LAUNCH (Opening and I Do)

Good Morning Children! I have a very important assignment for you. Are you ready for it?
We will solve some problems today. Can you tell me what happens when we burn a candle
and what happens when we freeze water?

[Expected Response – Candle melts and the wick evaporates | water freezes and becomes

Can someone tell me what the differences between these changes are?

[Expected Response – We can get back water from the ice but we cannot get back the full

Absolutely. Can someone tell me why does this happen? That we can get back water from
ice but not the candle after it is burnt.

<Give the students a minute to think and respond>

[Expected response – Because we lose the candle wax and wick when we burn it but the
entire water is retained when it is converted to ice]

That is the correct response. We lose some material when we burn the candle – we lose
the wick in form of smoke and ash and the wax also gets melted and some if it is
evaporated. But when water is frozen the entire water is converted into ice.

So what can you tell me about the differences between these two changes?
[Expected response – in one we lose some material (in some form) and in the other just the
state is changed and we do not lose any material]
Exactly, so the one where we can lose material is the one where we cannot get the
original thing back. This is called a chemical change – where there is change in the
chemical composition of the product.
The one where the material is found again is physical change as there is some change in
the physical characteristic of the material but the product remains the same.

So we now know that there are 2 types of changes the one where we lose things or things
permanently change into different form is a chemical change.
The change where they just change some physical property and can be put back to its
original is called physical change.

We will observe a couple of things and then list down the changes that are taking place
and see if this is a chemical or a physical change.

<Teacher makes the table>

We will read the chapter and then we will try to answer the following questions while
reading it.
Change to be What are the changes that Is this a physical or a
observed we can see? chemical change?
Moulding soft clay
Burning paper


Now we have identified the different ways in which we can distinguish between physical
and chemical changes. We will now take 10 minutes in our groups to summarise our
learning from the day and put it all together in a presentation.
You can use any form of presentation for this purpose.

Your 10 minutes start now.

<Students engage in the activity>
<teacher is supporting the students in summarizing their knowledge and also asking basic
questions to check if the weaker students have grasped the concept or not – basic
questions can be – identify whether the following is a physical or a chemical change>

Students will get 3 minutes to perform.

<student performance>

Now we will answer a quick test and then close this lesson.
<Hand out the assessment>

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