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Question id 16293583

Syllogism is defined as an argument which is logically correct and which wraps up two
or more prepositions by the use or application of deductive reasoning.
Categorical Syllogism
The syllogism having three terms which occur 2 times in 3 premises is known as
categorical syllogism.
These three terms are stated below:
1 Major term which is the predicate for the conclusion.
2 Minor term which is the subject for the conclusion.
3 Middle term which is in between the subject and the predicate.

Mood and Figure

Mood has four types of proposition which are stated below:
1 Universal affirmative-A (for example, all plants are green.)
2 Universal negative-E (for example, no plants are black.)
3 Particular affirmative-I (for example, some boys are handsome.)
4 Particular negative-O (for example, some boys are not handsome.)

The figure is defined as to find out by the use of location for two occurrences of middle

The given statement is “Some African nations are not countries deserving military aid,
because some African nations are not upholders of human rights, and all countries
deserving military aid are upholders of human rights”.
Consider the statements given below.
P depicts the African nations.
Q depicts the upholders of human rights.
R depicts the countries deserving military aid.

Thus, the standard form of syllogism is written as:

Some P are not Q

All R are Q
Some P are not R

Consider the given statement.

The major term used is “countries deserving military aid”.
The minor term used is “African nations”.
The middle term used is “upholders of human rights”.

Examine Figure-1, Figure-2, Figure-3 and Figure-4 from the textbook.

The 1st statement is a Particular negative.
The 2nd statement is a Universal affirmative.
The 3rd statement is a Particular negative.

Thus, the mood of the given statement is OAO.

The middle term appears in the bottom right and the top right.
Thus, the figure is 3.
Hence, the syllogism form is labelled as OAO-3.

Examine the conditional valid forms table (Aristotelian stand point) and the
unconditional valid forms table (Boolean stand point) form the textbook.

The designation OAO-3 exists in Aristotelian stand point.

Thus, the syllogistic form is valid or authentic in Aristotelian stand point.

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