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Resumen Unidad 1


Departamen Store= Book Shop=

Newsagent= Music shop=
Supermarket= Chemist=
Sport shop= Shoe shop=
Clothes shop= Electronic shop=


Amazing= Awful=
Brilliant= Freezing=
Huge= Horrible=
Terrible= Wonderful=
Boiling= Great=


Earn= Buy=
Sell= Save=
Borrow= Spend=

4) Adjective prefixes -A todos estos adj se les agrega "Un" para formar el opuesto.

Usual= Tidy=
Friendly= Helpful=
Fair= Happy=

5) Present Continuos
* Se usa para hablar de acciones que estamos realizando en este momento
* Palabras para identificar el Pres Cont ( At the moment- Today- Now)

6) Present Simple
*Se usa para hablar de rutinas, hábitos y hechos.
*Palabras para identificar Present simple
(Usually- never- sometimes- once a year- always- hardly ever- etc)

7) Want to = querer

She wants to buy a car - She doesn´t want to buy a car- Does she want to buy a car?
I want to save money - I don´t want to save money - Do you want to save money?

8) Would like to = me gustaria

* Se usa para decir me gustaria Ejemplo en un restaurante/ tienda - I would like to have a pizza.
* Se usa para invitar a alguien - Would you like to go to the cinema tonight?

I´d like to buy these jeans - I wouldn´t like to buy these jeans - Would you like to buy these jeans?

9) Would prefer to = preferiria

* Se usa en una situacion cuando preferis hacer una cosa y no otra.

She´d prefer to stay at home- She wouldn´t prefer to stay at home- Would she prefer to stay at home?

10) (not) Enough = no suficiente / suficiente

* I haven´t got enough money - I have got enough time

sustantivo sustantivo
"ENOUGH" va adelante del sustantivo

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