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1) Leia as informações sobre a família de Daniel e responda as perguntas abaixo.

1 I'm Dani. My name is Daniel, but everyone calls me Dani.
2 I would like to introduce you to my family.
3 This my wife. Her name is Jaqueline.
4 This is our daughter. Her name is Ana.
5 This is our son. His name is Sebastião, but his nickname is Tião
6 These are our cats. Their names are Fumaça and Bolinha.

a) Sublinhe as frases contendo MY. Qual é o significado de MY?

b) Circule as frases que contém OUR. Qual é a diferença entre MY e OUR?

c) Agora, sublinhe HIS e HER. Quando é que usamos HIS e HER?

d) Coloque um retângulo ao redor de THEIR. Quando é que se usa THEIR? Podemos
usar THEIR apenas para animais? E pessoas, pode?


2) Leia a tirinha e responda as perguntas abaixo. (1.0)

a) Sobre o que fala a tirinha?

b) O que Jeremy estava fazendo no primeiro quadrinho?

c) Por que a namorada de Jeremy ficou surpresa?

d) Retire os pronomes possessivos presentes na tirinha.

3) Complete o diálogo a seguir com my, mine, your, yours e our.
Billy: Listen, Johnny, how many times have I told you not to use …... pens?
Johnny: Oh, come on, Billy! Why can't we share ….... things? After all, we are brothers;
so what's yours is ….... and what's mine is........
Billy: No, sir! Mother bought these pens for me, so they're......
Johnny: But she's ….... mother too! She buys things for both of us.
Billy: Yes, but we're so different! You don't take care o f....... things, and I take good
care of......I never lose ....... things and you're always losing........ So don't give me that
line ''what's ....... is also........" I don't want....... things.
Johnny: OK, if that's the way you want it. By the way, mother has just bought me a big
chocolate bar. Don't you touch it! It's......

4) Complete as frases com os possessivos adequados.

a) He is my friend. __________ name is Brendo.
b) Susana has got a new car. _________ car is very nice.
c) This is your pencil. It is ___________.
d) These are our rulers. They are ___________.

5) Leia o texto e escolha os possessivos adequados.

Hi, I’m Gill and this is 1______sister Karen. Th is is a photo of 2______ mum and dad.
3_____ teachers. My mum is 35 and he is a maths teacher. 5______favourite place
is California. My dad is 38 and he is an English teacher. 7______ favourite place is
Blackpool! 8______ favourite people are Karen and me, of course.

1) a) my b) me 2) a) we b) our 3) a) They’re b) Their

4) a) Her b) His 6) a) His b) Her 8) a) They b) Their

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