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Team Name : Garuda UNY Eco Team

Car Name : Garuda Urban Gasoline 19

Car Number : 503
Country : Indonesia
Document Title : The Vehicle Design Document


Garuda Urban Gasoline 19 is designed to create a superior urban vehicle which has
the highest efficiency in consuming gasoline. So many ideas are developed to gain it,
such as lightening the weight to minimize the gasoline consuming, decreasing the friction
maximally to optimize its wheel, designing the body and diffuser perfectly to decrease air
resistance, and modifying the engine to make it consume gasoline efficiently. Those are
the basic things to design Garuda Urban Gasoline 19.


Here are seven images of Garuda Urban Gasoline 19 to represent the car in 1) ¾
front perspective view, 2) ¾ rear perspective view, 3) direct front view, 4) direct rear
view, 5) side view, 6) top view, and 7) cockpit view.

Pict. 1. Front Isometric View

Pict. 2. Rear Isometric View

Pict. 3. Front view

Pict.4. Rear View

Pict. 5. Side View

Pict. 6. Top View

Pict. 7. Cocpite View

It has been the third times for Garuda UNY Team joining Shell Eco-Marathon Asia
2019. Maximizing the fuel efficiency, our team is conducting some research on its
aerodynamics and engines. In the field of the engine, we do some research on the variable
of the engine and examine the Revo and Carisma engine. We also examine the throttle
part, gear ratio with 3 speed, the size and the pressure of the tire, and modify the ECU set.
Our research is mostly based on the aerodynamics, such as modifying the main body and
side fairing aerodynamic. After doing an examination on it, the result shows that there is
an increase of the fuel efficiency, from 275 km/l to 355 km/l, then to 380 km/l, and to

Pic. 8. New Body for Garuda Urban Gasoline 19

This year, we do the research based on the last year’s result, particularly in the field
of aerodynamics. The research is conducted in the main body vehicle and side fairing
aerodynamic. Garuda Urban Gasoline 19 is designed to fix the lacks on the Garuda Urban
Gasoline 18. The parts that we changed are on the front part, right and left side, top of the
cockpit’s part, and the back part of the vehicle. We create a higher curve shape front part
to decrease the downforce and coefficient drag. On the top of the cockpit’s part, the shape
is changed into a curved shape to reduce the turbulence when the wind crashes the side

Pic. 9. Top is Result Analysis Flow Simulation of Garuda Urban Gasoline 19
Bottom is Garuda Urban Gasoline 18
It is different from UG-18 that has a big vertical surface (bottom picture), resulting in
high turbulence, and holds back the speed of the vehicle. For UG-19, we designed the car
in a taper shape to reduce the number of turbulence. It is shown on the analysis of the
UG-19 that shows a significant increase. The coefficient drag in UG-18 touches the
number of 0.23 or decreases around 42% compared to UG-18. The result of the analysis
of flow trajectories is also increasing. It shows that there is almost no turbulence on the
tire, side and back part. The result of our practice also shows 32% of increase compared
to UG-18’s result. The average number of the speed of UG-18 is 275 km/l, and the UG-
19 reaches the number of 400 km/l.

Table 1. Result Analysis of Garuda Urban Gasoline 18

Table 2. Result of Garuda Urban Gasoline 19

Nama Satuan Nilai
GG Normal Force (Y) N -8.364
GG Normal Force (Z) N -18.489
GG Minimum
% 0.09
Turbulence Intensity
GG Average
% 0.10
Turbulence Intensity
GG Maximum
% 100
Turbulence Intensity

Coefficient of Drag = 0.2317

Pic. 10. Side Fairing Aerodynamic Garuda urban Gasoline 19
On the side part, we studied the use of the side’s wind by creating a curved surface to
the back part. Fairing aerodynamics is used to convert the side’s wind thrust into a
forward driving force. Analyzing with SolidWorks software, the result of the force shows
that the thrust of the vehicle is directly proportional to the speed of the wind that crashes
from the side part.

AFA2 Basic AFA4 Encoder

Time Balance AFA3 Balance Input
Time Force Lift Drag Angle
(s) (N) (N) (N) (Degrees)
Data Series 2
0 1,91 0,08 0,05 0,0
155,1 1,93 0,09 0,03 0,0
238,7 1,92 0,07 0,04 0,0
303,1 1,92 0,07 0,04 0,0
417,6 1,89 0,08 0,03 0,0
480,5 1,91 0,09 0,05 0,0
Data Series 3
0 1,95 0,02 0,07 5,0
74,2 1,96 0,01 0,07 5,0
133,5 1,95 0,02 0,08 5,0
180,1 1,97 0,03 0,09 5,0
306,1 1,94 0,00 0,09 5,0
420,3 1,94 0,02 0,07 5,0
Data Series 4
0 2,03 -0,03 0,10 10,0
63,5 2,00 -0,01 0,11 10,0
144,9 2,02 -0,04 0,12 10,0
207,4 2,02 -0,03 0,09 10,0
278,2 2,02 -0,03 0,10 10,0
375,3 2,03 -0,03 0,10 10,0
375,7 2,01 -0,01 0,11 10,0
Data Series 5
0 1,96 0,12 0,08 355,0
54,9 1,96 0,11 0,08 355,0
117 1,97 0,12 0,08 355,0
203,5 1,98 0,10 0,09 355,0
268,2 1,95 0,10 0,07 355,0
356,6 1,95 0,11 0,07 355,0
Data Series 6
0 2,03 0,16 0,09 350,0
74,5 2,00 0,17 0,11 350,0
212,5 2,02 0,17 0,12 350,0
286,7 2,02 0,16 0,11 350,0
380,9 2,02 0,15 0,09 350,0
450,1 2,03 0,15 0,08 350,0


Kita tidak hanya melakukan penelitian saja, namun kita juga melakukan pengujian
bodi kendaraan. Kita menguji bodi kendaraan dalam bentuk prototype 3d print 1:10
kedalam wind thunnel. Pengujian yang kita lakukan untuk mencari lift dan drag dari bodi
tersebut. Hasil dari pengujian juga tidak jauh signifikan dengan pengujian yang kita
lakukan dalam flow analysis.

Garuda Urban Gasoline 19 also pays attention to the driver’s safety and ergonomics.
Some systems are designed to accommodate driver’s safety, such as brake system, five-
point safety belt, APAR, and firewall. The driver’s ergonomic aspects are steering wheel,
car seat, driver space ventilation, accelerator pedal, and brake pedal.


Almost all of our materials are eco-friendly. The frame is made of 6061 Aluminum,
which is light and powerful to support the vehicle’s weight and the vehicle’s body uses
light and powerful Carbon Fiber. Aluminum is relatively unique in being highly
economic to recycle. Metal can be reclaimed and refined for further use at an energy cost
of only 5 percent of that required to produce the same quantity of aluminum from its ore.
There has been a healthy secondary metal industry for many years and as refining
techniques improve the use that can be made of reclaimed aluminum will increase from
its present usage in Europe of 40% of all metal currently processed.

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