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An economist named Peter Drucker once said, “The ultimate resource in economic

development is people. It is people, not capital or raw materials that develop an

economy”. As been said in the quotation, The primary instrument of development is

always its people. If every people will help each other for the betterment if our

economic, then we can easily achieved economic development

Last November 30, 2018, The block AC13 went to Brgy, Tambangan, San Jose. It

was a one day data gathering, The data gathering day was fun and full of learnings, It

was fun because I was able to visit the place and walk through the sides of the rice fields,

though sometimes it is challenging to balance my body in the side of the rice fields, It

was also full of learning because we were able to have a dialogue with several heads of

the families about their profile.

I found the most significant part of my experience was when we were able to talk

with the families because we were able to determine their present condition and their

lifestyle. I was happy because I felt that despite of the difficulty they experienced in life,

they are still happy, and also I feel inspired by some of their stories, There was a head of

the family who said “Madali man lang ang buhay, kaipuhan mo lang i-enjoy”,

According to him, he lose his wife when he was 37 years of age, leaving with him his 4

children, Life was not been easy for him, he doubled his job, he worked as a farmer and

a habal habal driver at the same time. But now, he was able to let his children finished
college already. But he also believes that despite of the challenges, you should see the

beauty on it to be happu.

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