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Do you have the Qualities of a Star Performer?

Try to identify your qualities in the Description of a High Self-Actualization



High Self-Actualization Personality is defined as the high need, want, drive and motivation for
achievement, fulfillment, personal growth, and upon realizing one’s full potentials or reaching
the peak of human development, becomes a fully functioning person committed towards taking
the organization to greater height of achievement and success.

High Self-Actualization Personality Factors

Achievement and Result Oriented - The attitude and driving force for goal accomplishment
and chasing after results

You are an achiever. You are goal oriented. You set realistic and challenging performance goals.
You chase after them. You focus your efforts to produce the bottom line. You work very hard
to produce tangible results. You will not rest until you reach your performance target. You are
responsible. If there is an error, you will answer your mistake.

Growth Mind Set - The driving force for seeking knowledge and skills

You are an enthusiastic learner. You are thirsty for knowledge. You see learning as a lifelong
process. You get excited when your company chooses you to attend a conference or seminar.
You will be actively involved in discussions and try to learn as much as possible. You will apply
what you have learned. If you make a mistake, you learn from making it. You will gradually
improve your competence and become a professional expert. You will be able to produce high
quality work.

Work passion - The motivation to seek satisfaction, fulfillment and work enjoyment

You are an enthusiastic worker. You have high energy and are committed to your job. You are
highly motivated. You talk passionately about your work. You will do your best to get the job
done. You are not bothered about working for recognition and rewards. You work to get
satisfaction from doing great job. Indeed you are intrinsically motivated.
Ethics and Morals - The motivation to seek fairness, justice and goodness

You have high integrity. You are very principled coupled with strong beliefs and value systems.
Your work ethic is extraordinary and consistent. You will give your company a full day's work.
You will not use your company's time for your personal business. You can be relied on. You are
fair, honest and trustworthy. You walk your talk. You deal straight with people. You will not
bend your values for personal gain. Others can trust you to do a good job.

Intellect - The ability to think rationally and use the intellect to do the right thing

You are a fast learner. You have excellent conceptual skills. You can understand and work with
abstract concepts and ideas quickly. You are good at recognizing trends and patterns in
developing actions to deal with problems effectively. You are rational and tend to be
intellectual. You always do the right thing. You are a productive worker.

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