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M: \ Exam-2014 March \ temp \18602 \Type_Lekhraj\22-03-2014

M: \ Exam-2014 March \ Final \18602\Correction-II_Lekhraj\29-03-2014

M: \ Exam-2014 March \ Final \ 18602\Correction-III_Lekhraj\29-03-2014
M: \ Exam-2014 March \ Final \18602\Correction-IV_Lekhraj\06-05-2014

2014 (Even)

Time : 3 Hrs. Sem VI–CSE

Sys. S/W

Full Marks : 80
Pass Marks : 26

Answer all 20 questions from Group-A, each question carries 1 mark.

xzqi&A ls lHkh 20 iz'uksa ds mŸkj nsa] izR;sd iz'u dk eku 1 vad gSA

Answer any four questions from Group-B, each question carries 5 marks.

xzqi&B ls fdUgha pkj iz'uksa ds mŸkj nsa] izR;sd iz'u dk eku 5 vad gSA

Answer any five questions from Group-C, each question carries 8 marks.

xzqi&C ls fdUgha ik°p iz'uksa ds mŸkj nsa] izR;sd iz'u dk eku 8 vad gSA

All parts of a question must be answered at one place

in sequence, otherwise they may not be evaluated.

,d iz'u ds lHkh va'kksa dk mŸkj ,d gh txg (yxkrkj ÿe esa) gksuk pkfg,]

vU;Fkk os ugha tk°ps tk ldrs gSaA

The figures in right hand margin indicate full marks.

ik'oZ ds vad iw.kk±d ds lwpd gSaA

18602 2

1. Select the most suitable answer : 1×20=20

lcls lgh fodYi pqusa%

(i) ........ is the activity performed by a language processor.

(a) Compilation

(b) Interpretation

(c) Language processing

(d) None of these.

------------------ ,d xfrfof/k gS tks Hkk"kk izkslslj }kjk laikfnr

gksrh gSA
(a) dEikbys'ku
(b) baVjizVs 's ku
(c) ySaXost izkslsflax
(d) buesa ls dksbZ ughaA
(ii) A forward reference of a .......... is a reference to the
entity which precedes its definition in the program.

(a) Program entity

(b) Process entity

(c) Language entity

(d) Mnemonic entity.

3 18602

,d ---------- dk QkWjokMZ fjQjsal gS tks izksxzke dh ifjHkk"kk

dks bufVVh ds fjQjsal }kjk c<+krk gSA

(a) izksxzke bufVVh

(b) izkslsl bufVVh

(c) Hkk"kk bufVVh

(d) uheksfud bufVVhA

(iii) ........ is a binding performed after the execution of

a program has begun.

(a) Static binding

(b) Dynamic binding

(c) Mnemonic binding

(d) Processor binding.

------------ ,d ckbafMax gS tks izksxzke izkjaHk gksus ds ckn ,DlhD;w'ku

dks laikfnr djrk gSA

(a) LVSfVd ckbafMax

(b) Mk;ukfed ckbafMax

(c) uheksfud ckbafMax

(d) izkslslj ckbafMaxA

18602 4

(iv) Mnemonic operation code enables the ........ to provide

helpful diagnostics.

(a) Assembler

(b) Compiler

(c) Interpreter

(d) None of these.

uheksfud vkWijs'ku dksM ---------- Mk;XuksfLVDl lgk;rk iznku

dj buscy djrk gSA

(a) ,lsEcyj

(b) dEikbyj

(c) b.VjizVs j

(d) buesa ls dksbZ ughaA

(v) ......... instruction move a value between a memory

word and a register in assembly language.



(c) MOVE

(d) ADD
5 18602

,lsEcyh Hkk"kk esa ------------- funsZ'k oSY;w dks eseksjh oMZ vkSj
jftLVj esa gLrkarfjr djrk gSA



(c) MOVE

(d) ADD

(vi) The use of a macro name with a set of actual parameters

is replaced by some code generated from its body
is called :

(a) Macro expansion

(b) Interpretation

(c) Compilation

(d) None of these.

okLrfod iSjkehVj dk lewg eSÿks uke ds mi;ksx ds

lkFk mlds ckWMh ls dqN dksM tsujsVsM dks gLrkarfjr
djrk gS] ------------- dgykrk gSA

(a) eSÿks ,Dlisa'ku

(b) b.VjizVs 's ku

(c) dEikbys'ku

(d) buesa ls dksbZ ughaA

18602 6
(vii) .......... is an association between the memory address
attribute of a data item and the address of a memory

(a) Scope rule

(b) Memory binding

(c) Overlays

(d) Optimization.

----------- MkVk vkbVe dk eseksjh ,M™sl ,V™hC;wV vkSj eseksjh

,fj;k dk ,M™sl ds chp lEcU/k n'kkZrk gSA

(a) LdkWi :y

(b) eseksjh ckbafMax

(c) vkWojyst

(d) vkWfIVekbts'kuA

(viii) Which of the following is first widely used block

structured language ?

(a) Pascal

(b) PL/I

(c) Ada

(d) Algol-60.
7 18602

fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdl loZizFke CykWd LV™Dpj Hkk"kk dk mi;ksx

gqvk gS\

(a) ikLdy

(b) PL/I

(c) ,Mk

(d) ,Yxksy&60.

(ix) A program unit which can contain data declarations

is called :

(a) Block

(b) Transformation

(c) Linking

(d) Word processor.

,d izksxzke bdkbZ tks MkVk fMDysjs'ku dks /kkj.k djrk gS]

------------- dgykrk gSA

(a) CykWd

(b) V™kalQkWeZ's ku

(c) fyafdax

(d) oMZ izkslsljA

18602 8
(x) Which is the classification of optimizing transfor-
mation ?

(a) Private transformation

(b) Local transformation

(c) Global transformation

(d) Both (b) and (c).

vkWfIVekbftax V™kalQkWesZ'ku ds izdkj dkSu&ls gSa \

(a) izkbosV V™kalQkWesZ'ku
(b) yksdy V™kalQkWesZ'ku
(c) Xykscy V™kalQkWesZ'ku
(d) (b) vkSj (c) nksuksaA

(xi) Analysis of a statement is followed by code generation

in :

(a) Compilation

(b) Interpretation

(c) Linking

(d) Binding.

-------------- esa dksM tsujs'ku ds ckn LVsVesaV dk ,ukfyfll

gksrk gSA
(a) dEikbys'ku (b) b.VjizVs 's ku

(c) fyafdax (d) ckbafMaxA

9 18602

(xii) Which type of interpreter performed some preliminary

processing of source program to reduce the analysis
overheads during interpretation ?

(a) Pure interpreter

(b) Impure interpreter

(c) Profile monitor

(d) None of these.

fdl izdkj dk b.VjizsVj izkjEHk izksxzke ds dqN izkjfEHkd izkslsflax

dks b.VjizsVs'ku ds nkSjku ,ukfyfll dks de djrk gS \
(a) I;ksj b.VjizsVj
(b) beI;ksj b.VjizsVj
(c) izksQkby ekWfuVj
(d) buesa ls dksbZ ughaA
(xiii) A self-relocating program is a program which can
perform the relocation of its own address .........

(a) Sensitive

(b) Non-sensitive

(c) Pure

(d) Binding.

18602 10
,d lsYQ&jhyksdsfVax izksxzke ,d ,slk izksxzke gS tks vius ,M™sl
ds ---------- funsZ'kksa dks iqu%LFkkfir djus ds dk;Z dks laikfnr
djrk gSA

(a) lsaflfVo

(b) ukWu&lsaflfVo

(c) I;ksj

(d) ckbafMaxA

(xiv) Which type of operating system is important for self-

relocation ?

(a) Batch

(b) Time-sharing

(c) Multi-programming

(d) None of these.

fdl izdkj dk vkWijsfVax flLVe lsYQ&jhyksd's ku ds fy, egŸoiw.kZ

gksrk gS \

(a) cSp

(b) Vkbe&'ks;fjax

(c) eYVh&izksxzkfeax

(d) buesa ls dksbZ ughaA

11 18602

(xv) The user keys in the text to be added to the file in

............. mode.

(a) Data

(b) Command

(c) Line

(d) Structure.

Qkby esa ;wtj dh ds VsDLV dks ---------------- eksM esa tksM+k

tkrk gSA

(a) MkVk

(b) dek.M

(c) ykbu

(d) LV™DpjA

(xvi) ............ based tools suffer from poor efficiency and

poor portability.

(a) Interpreter

(b) Compiler

(c) Assembler

(d) Relocator.

18602 12

------------ ij vk/kkfjr Vwy de {kerk ,oa de iksVsZcy okyk

gksrk gSA

(a) b.VjizVs j

(b) dEikbyj

(c) ,lsEcyj

(d) jhyksdVs jA

(xvii) ............ are basically document editors with additional

features to produce well formatted hard copy output.

(a) Structured editor

(b) Screen editor

(c) Word processor

(d) Line editor.

lk/;k ----------- MkWD;wesaV ,fMVj gSa ftlesa ,d vf/kd

fo'ks"krk tSls vPNs rjhds ls QkWesZVsM gkMZ dkWih vkmViqV fudkyk
tk ldrk gSA

(a) LV™Dpj ,fMVj

(b) Lÿhu ,fMVj

(c) oMZ izkslslj

(d) ykbu ,fMVjA

13 18602

(xviii) Which of the following is components of user

interfaces ?

(a) Dialog manager

(b) Presentation manager

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of these.

fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu ;wtj b.VjQsl ds dEiksusaV gSa\

(a) Mk;ykWx eSustj
(b) izstsuVs'ku eSustj
(c) (a) vkSj (b) nksuksa

(d) buesa ls dksbZ ughaA

(xix) What is the function of operating system ?

(a) Process management

(b) User interface

(c) Security and privacy

(d) All the above.

vkWijsfVax flLVe ds QaDlu D;k&D;k gSa \

(a) izkslsl eSustesaV (b) ;wtj b.VjQsl
(c) flD;wfjVh ,oa izkboslh (d) mi;qZDr lHkhA

18602 14
(xx) ALU stands for :

ALU gS %

(a) Algorithmic Logic Unit

(b) Arabic Logic Unit

(c) Arithmetic Logic Unit

(d) Arithmetic Logarithmic Unit.


Answer any four questions :

fdUgha pkj iz'uksa ds mŸkj nhft, % 5×4=20

2. Draw and explain the components of computer system.

dEI;wVj flLVe ds dEiksusaV dk js[kkadu dj O;k[;k dhft,A 5

3. What do you mean by ambiguity in grammar ?

xzkej esa ,efcX;wVh ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ 5

4. Explain nested macro calls (conditional macros) ?

usLVsM eSÿks dkWYl dh O;k[;k dhft,A 5

5. Write the components of system software.

flLVe lkW∂Vos;j ds dEiksusaV fyf[k,A 5

6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of assembly

language ?

,lsEcyh Hkk"kk dh fo'ks"krk,a ,oa dfe;ka D;k&D;k gSa\ 2½+2½=5

15 18602

7. Define Interpreter. What are the uses of interpreter ?

b.VjizsVj dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft,A b.VjizsVj ds D;k&D;k mi;ksx gSa\


8. “Self-relocating programs are less efficient than relocatable

programs.” Comments on this statement.

fljhyksdsVscy izksxzke ls de {kerkoku gS lsYQ&jhyksdsfVax izksxzkeAfi

bl dFku ij nhft,A 5

9. What is the difference between testing and debugging?

VsfLaVx vkSj fMcfxax esa D;k fHkUurk gS\ 5


Answer any five questions :

fdUgha ik°p iz'uksa ds mŸkj nhft, % 8×5=40

10. Explain Lexical analysis and Syntax analysis with


ysDlhdy ,ukfyfll vkSj flaVsDl ,ukfyfll dks mnkgj.k lfgr

le>kb,A 8

11. Explain two pass assembler.

nks ikl ,lsEcyj dh O;k[;k dhft,A 8

12. How a macro preprocessor is designed ? Explain in detail.

eSÿks izhizkslslj dks dSls fMtkbu fd;k tk,xk\ foLrkj ls O;k[;k

dhft,A 8

18602 16
13. How static memory allocation different from dynamic memory
allocation ? Explain with suitable example.
LVSfVd eseksjh ,yksds'ku fdl izdkj Mk;ukfed eseksjh ,yksds'ku ls
fHkUu gS \ mfpr mnkgj.k ds lkFk le>kb,A 8
14. What do you understand by code optimization ? Explain the
phases of optimization of a program.
dksM vkWfIVekbts'ku ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ izksxzke ds vkWfIVekbus'ku
ds Qst dh O;k[;k dhft,A 8
15. Write an algorithm for first pass linker.
QLVZ ikl fyadj dk ,d ,YxksfjFe fyf[k,A 8
16. What do you mean by debug monitor ? Write steps for
dynamic debugging of a program.
fMcx ekWfuVj ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ Mk;ukfed fMcfxax ds izksxzke
ÿecº rjhds ls fyf[k,A 8
17. Write short notes on any two :
(a) Segmentation (b) Paging
(c) Parsing (d) User Interface
(e) Call by value and Call by reference.
fdUgha nks ij laf{kIr fyf[k, % 4+4=8
(a) lsxesaV's ku (b) isftax
(c) ikfl±x (d) ;wtj b.VjQsl
(e) dkWy ck; oSY;w ,oa dkWy ck; fjQjsalA

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