A Study On Soil Consistency in 8 Barangays in Agoncillo, Batangas

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“A Study on Soil Consistency in 8 Barangays in Agoncillo, Batangas”

In this paper the researchers tackle about the soil consistency of 8 different barangays in

Agoncillo, Batangas. Soil Consistency is the strength with which soil materials are held together

or the resistance of soils of deformation rupture. Soil consistency is measured for wet moist and

dry soil sample. Nowadays people considered the soil consistency whether if their building or

infrastructure are built in a soft ground, or solid ground and also, they should consider the physical

property of the soil as well.

The purpose of this study is to identify the soil consistency in 8 barangays in Agoncillo,

Batangas. The soil consistency which includes moisture content, liquid limit, plastic limit and

plasticity index of soil and also the shrinkage limit test. We also analyze the physical properties

of the 8 barangays in Agoncillo, Batangas. The researcher uses the liquid limit device to obtain

its water content and moisture content of the soil sample. And for the plastic limit the researcher

crumbles the soil to find the plastic state or semi-plastic state.

In this study the researcher will be able to know if the soil in Agoncillo, Batangas are fine-

grain soil type, clay type and silky type.


Consistency is an important characteristic in the case of fine soil, the term consistency

describing the ability of a soil to undergo and recoverable deformation without cracking of

crumbing. The consistency of clays and other cohesive soil is usually described as soft, medium,

stiff, or hard.

The Atterberg Limits represent the qualitative limits of soil with varying water content

where the consistence of a soil is changed from plastic state (plastic Limit PL) to a liquid state

(liquid limit LL) and form a semi-solid state (shrinkage limit SL) to a plastic state. There is probably

no single cause of landslides because a number of factors usually interact to make a soil or rock

prone to land sliding. Parameters like the swelling of soil and the rate of water that infiltrates the

soil at depth helps trigger landslides (Kitutu et al, 2009). Atterberg limits will help determine the

condition of the soil and evaluate its properties in order to know which state soils from landslide

prone areas are behaving.

The following questions would be answered according from the data and results of the tests;

• What are the atterberg limits of the soil in Agoncillo, batangas, specifically plasticity,

liquidity and shrinkage limit?

• On what classification/type are the soil samples fall into?

• How this study will benefit the Municipality of Agoncillo, Batangas?

This paper would only focus on determining the soil consistency at Agoncillo, Batangas

using its Atterberg limits of the soil collected from the selected 8 out of 16 barangays. The

experiment will be done by liquid limit, Plastic limit and Shrinkage limit tests. Testing will be done

using oven-drying method to measure the moisture content. Shrinkage limit would be measure
using TRL method. Liquid limits would be measured using Casagrande method. This experiment

will only use 1 soil sample each from the selected areas in Agoncillo, Batangas.

Materials and Methods

The experimental research in this study is primarily concerned on determining the soil

consistencies of different soil samples from selected areas. The researchers will determine the

soil consistencies using 1 sample for liquid limit test and plastic limit test and 1 sample for

shrinkage limit test.

In order to conduct this study, the soil was collected in its natural state from a depth of 1.0

– 1.5 meters. It is obtained from 8 barangays in Agoncillo, Batangas. The researcher conducted

the Atterberg limit test on the soil samples to determine the soil consistency.

1. Weigh a tin cup including its cover; identify the cover and its lid. Determine the weight of
the tin cup.

2. Place a representative sample of wet soil in the cup. Determine the weight of wet soul and
tin cup.

3. Place the sample in the oven for at least 3 hours.

4. When the sample has dried to constant weight, obtain the weight of cup and dry soil.

5. Compute the water content. The difference between weight of wet soil plus cup and weight
of dry soil plus cup is the weight of water (W w). Also compute the weight of dry soil (W s).

6. To determine the water content (%).

7. % = W w/W s × 100
8. Repeat until three (3) trials are achieved. Determine the average moisture content.

Liquid Limit test
1. Weigh about 200g of the provided air-dried soil sample passing sieve no. 40

2. Add amount of water using squeeze bottle.

3. Mix the soil sample until it appears uniform. A proper blending could take up to 20 minutes.

4. Before using the casagrande, inspect the apparatus to ensure it is in good working
condition, clean and dry the brass cup and set up the device.

5. Using the 1cm. block at the end of the grooving tool, adjust the height of the fall to exactly
1 centimeter.

6. On the brass cup, place a portion of the previously mixed soil sample. Smooth the surface.

7. Using the grooving tool, cut a groove at the middle.

8. Turn the handle of the device at a rate of 2 revolutions per second. Count the number of
blows until the two halves of the soil specimen come in contact at the bottom of the groove
along a distance of 12mm due to flow and not by sliding.

9. Take a portion of soil from the brass cup and place it to the tin cup. Then, repeat the
procedure 6-9 to at least 2-4 trials by adding certain amount of water to other soil

10. Determine the moisture content by placing the sample in a tared aluminum can. Oven dry
the samples at 110C to a constant weight and weigh after cooling.

Plastic limit test

1. Take about 100g of air-dried soil from a thoroughly mixed sample of the soil passing sieve
no. 40. Roll it with fingers or palm of hand on a glass plate. The rate of rolling should be
between 80 to 90 strokes per minute to form a 3mm diameter

2. When the diameter of the thread reaches the correct diameter, break the thread into
several pieces.

3. Continue the process of re-balling and rerolling until the thread crumbles under pressure
required for rolling and soil sample can no longer be rolled into threads.

4. Gather portions of the crumbled soil and place in a tin can and weigh about 15g used to
determine the moisture content. Repeat procedure 2-4 to at least 3 trials.
5. Place the tin cups with crumbled threads in oven. Maintain the temperature at 110o C.
After determining the average of the moisture content. The result is the plastic limit of the

Shrinkage limit test

1. Weigh the shrinkage dish (W sd). Fill the shrinkage dish with water and weigh again (W sd+water).
Determine the volume (V) by getting the difference of W sd+water and W sd and divide it by the unit
weight of water.

V = (W sd+water - W sd) / γ w

2. Grease the inside surface of the shrinkage dish. Place a small portion of the soil pat and
carefully tap the dish to allow the soil pat to flow at the edges. Repeat again until the whole
shrinkage dish is filled. Strike of the excess soil using a straight edge. Record the mass of the soil
and dish.

3. Allow the soil to dry into the air until its color turns from dark to light. Oven dry the sample to
the oven kept at 105 oC. Record the mass of the soil and shrinkage dish. Determine the weight of
the dry soil (mdry). Determine its moisture content.

4. Securely tie the soil pat in a sewing thread. Immerse the soil in molten wax. Allow the wax
coating to cool. Determine the mass of the soil with wax (mdry+wax). Determine the mass of the wax
(mwax). Determine its volume by dividing the mass with the unit weight of the wax (V wax).

Vwax = (mdry+wax - mdry) / γ wax

5. Using a spring balance, determine the mass of the soil and wax in air (mswa). Immerse the soil
and wax in water and determine its mass in water (msww). Determine the volume of the wax and
soil using the formula:

Vsoil+wax = (mswa-msww)/ γ w

6. Determine the dry volume of soil (Vd) by the difference of the Vsoil+wax and Vwax.

7. Calculate the shrinkage limit of the soil using the formula:

SL = w – (V-Vd) γ w/ms

Figure 1.1 Computed Values of the 8 Barangays in Agoncillo, Batangas

Liquid Limit Plastic Limit Shrinkage Limit
SUBIC-ILAYA 10.5 26.32% 14.04% 4.86%
PANHULAN 21.07 21.32% 13.53% 4.41%
SUBIC - IBABA 11.48 30.77% 13.53% 5.57%
SANTO TOMAS 13.45 37.93% 9.52% 5.45%
BAGONG SIKAT 13.25 37.97% 14.54% 5.48%
SAN TEODORO 23.5 24.43% 9.01% 2.06%
PANSIPIT 11.01 28% 15.04% 9.92%
CORAL 10.7 31.87% 9.52% 5.19%

Figure 1.2 – Statistical Analysis

ANOVA - Single Factor
Alpha 0.05
Groups Count Sum Mean Variance
Moisture Content 8 11496.00% 1437.00% 25.49074286
Liquid Limit 8 238.93% 29.87% 0.0036159
Plastic Limit 8 98.74% 12.34% 0.000639509
Shrinkage Limit 8 42.94% 5.37% 0.000470445

Source of
SS df MS F P-value F critical
Between 121204.06926910%
3 40401.35642303%
Groups 1.33842E-
63.38594027 2.94668526
178.468281 12
Within Groups 28

Total 31
Table 1.1 SUBIC-ILAYA (Liquid Limit):
Determination of the Liquid Limit
Description Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
Range 15 – 25 20 - 30 25 – 35
No of blows 20 25 32
Wt. of tin cup (Wc) 25.25 g 25.25 g 25.25 g
Wt. of tin cup + wet soil (Wc + ws) 55.25 g 55.25g 55.25 g

Wt. of tin cup & dry soil (Wc + ds) 44 g 49 g 50 g

Wt. of water (Ww) 11.25 g 6.25 g 5.25 g
Wt. of dry soil (Wds) 18.75 g 23.75 g 24.75 g
Water Content (w) 62.93 % 26.316 % 21.212 %
Liquid Limit 26.32%

Figure 1.1 Liquid Limit (Subic – Ilaya):




40.00% LIMIT
20.00% 21.21% Series3


5 15 25 35

In Figure 1.1 shows thatthe line graph in soil sample 1 falls into (15-20) blows and has a water content of
62.93%, and soil sample 2 falls into (20-30) blows and has a water content of 26.16%, and for soil sample
3 falls into (25-35) blows and has a water content of 21.212%. Therefore, the liquid limit of Subic Ilaya is
26.32%using trend line equation the given moisture content of 25 blows
Table 4.1.2 SUBIC-ILAYA (Plastic Limit):
Description Sample 1 Sample 2

Wt. of tin cup (W c) 25.25 g 25.25 g

Wt. of tin cup + wet soil (W c + ws) 138 g 140 g

Wt. of tin cup & dry soil (W c + ds) 125 g 125 g

Wt. of water (W w) 13 g 15 g

Wt. of dry soil (W ds) 36.74 g 39.63 g

Water Content (w) 13.003 % 15.038 %

PlasticLimit (Average) 14.036 %

Table 4.1.3 SUBIC-ILAYA (Shrinkage Limit):

Determination of the Shrinkage Limit
Description Data Description Data
Volume of Shrinkage Dish Volume of Wax
Weight of Shrinkage Dish 19 Mass of dry soil& wax (m dry + 46.12
(W sd) wax)
Weight of Shrinkage Dish & 31.97 Volume of wax (Vmax) 2.344
Water (W sd + water)
Volume of Shrinkage Dish 12.97
Volume of Soil
Water Content Mass of the soil & wax in air 56
Wt of tin cup (mc) 25.25 Mass of soil & wax in water 43.65
Wt. of tin cup + Wet soil (mc + 55.25 Volume of the wax & soil (Vwax + 12.35
ws) soil)
Wt. of tin cup & dry soil (m c + 52.18 Volume of Soil (Vd) 4.86
Wt. of water (mv) 3.07
Wt. of dry soil (mdry) 26.93 Shrinkage Limit (SL) 18.18
Water Content (w) 11.39
Table 4.2.1 PANHULAN (Liquid Limit):
Determination of the Liquid Limit
Description Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
Range 15 – 25 20 - 30 25 – 35
No of blows 18 28 33
Wt. of tin cup (W c) 25.25 g 25.25 g 25.25 g
Wt. of tin cup + wet soil (W c + ws) 55.25 g 55.25g 55.25 g

Wt. of tin cup & dry soil (W c + ds) 48 g 50 g 53 g

Wt. of water (W w) 7.25 g 5.25 g 2.25 g
Wt. of dry soil (W ds) 22.75 g 24.75 g 27.75 g
Water Content (w) 30.77 % 20.20 % 7.21 %
Liquid Limit 21.32 %

Figure 4.2.1 Liquid Limit (Panhulan):


30.00% 30.77%

Axis Title

0.2132 0.2132
20.00% 20.20%

15.00% y = -0.015x + 0.5882

5.00% 0.05
1 10 100
no of blows

In Figure 4.1.2 shows that the line graph in soil sample 1 falls into (15-20) blows and has a water content
of 30.77%, and soil sample 2 falls into (20-30) blows and has a water content of 20.20%, and for soil
sample 3 falls into (25-35) blows and has a water content of 7.21%. Therefore, the liquid limit of Panhulan
is 21.32 % using trend line equation the given moisture content of 25 blows
Table 4.2.2 PANHULAN (Plastic Limit):
Description Sample 1 Sample 2

Wt. of tin cup (W c) 25.25 g 25.25 g

Wt. of tin cup + wet soil (W c + ws) 137 g 140 g

Wt. of tin cup & dry soil (W c + ds) 125 g 125 g

Wt. of water (W w) 12 g 15 g

Wt. of dry soil (W ds) 35.43 g 39.57 g

Water Content (w) 12.03 % 15.038 %

PlasticLimit (Average) 13.534 %

Table 4.2.3 PANHULAN (Shrinkage Limit):

Determination of the Shrinkage Limit
Description Sample 1 Description Sample 3
Volume of Shrinkage Dish Volume of Wax

Weight of Shrinkage Dish 19 Mass of dry soil& wax (m dry + 46.97

(W sd) wax)
Weight of Shrinkage Dish & 31.86 Volume of wax (Vmax) 2.867
Water (W sd + water)
Volume of Shrinkage Dish 12.86
Volume of Soil
Water Content Mass of the soil & wax in air 56
Wt of tin cup (mc) 25.25 Mass of soil & wax in water 43.52
Wt. of tin cup + Wet soil (mc + 55.25 Volume of the wax & soil (Vwax 12.48
ws) + soil)
Wt. of tin cup & dry soil (m c + 52.2 Volume of Soil (Vd) 9.61
Wt. of water (mv) 3.05
Wt. of dry soil (mdry) 26.95 Shrinkage Limit (SL) 4.41
Water Content (w) 11.33
Table 4.3.1 SUBIC - IBABA (Liquid Limit):
Determination of the Liquid Limit
Description Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
Range 15 – 25 20 - 30 25 – 35
No of blows 22 25 34
Wt. of tin cup (W c) 25.25 g 25.25 g 25.25 g
Wt. of tin cup + wet soil (W c + ws) 55.25 g 55.25g 55.25 g

Wt. of tin cup & dry soil (W c + ds) 46 g 48 g 50 g

Wt. of water (W w) 9.25 g 7.25 g 5.25 g
Wt. of dry soil (W ds) 20.75 g 22.75 g 24.75 g
Water Content (w) 43.37 % 30.77 % 20.20 %
Liquid Limit 30.77%

Figure 4.3.1 Liquid Limit Subic – Ibaba):

35.00% LIMIT
30.00% Series2
20.00% Series3

Linear (Series2)
20 25 30 35

In Figure 4.1.3 shows that the line graph in soil sample 1 falls into (15-20) blows and has a water content
of 43.37%, and soil sample 2 falls into (20-30) blows and has a water content of 30.77%, and for soil
sample 3 falls into (25-35) blows and has a water content of 20.20%. Therefore, the liquid limit of Subic
Ibaba is 30.77%using trend line equation the given moisture content of 25 blows
Table 4.3.2 SUBIC - IBABA (PlasticLimit):
Description Sample 1 Sample 2

Wt. of tin cup (W c) 25.25 g 25.25 g

Wt. of tin cup + wet soil (W c + ws) 136 g 141 g

Wt. of tin cup & dry soil (W c + ds) 125 g 125 g

Wt. of water (W w) 11 g 16 g

Wt. of dry soil (W ds) 34.23 g 35.74 g

Water Content (w) 11.028 % 16.040 %

PlasticLimit (Average) 13.534 %

Table 4.3.3 SUBIC - IBABA (Shrinkage Limit):

Determination of the Shrinkage Limit
Description Sample 1 Description Sample 3
Volume of Shrinkage Dish Volume of Wax
Weight of Shrinkage Dish 19 Mass of dry soil& wax (mdry + 47.77
(W sd) wax)
Weight of Shrinkage Dish & 31.94 Volume of wax (Vmax) 2.978
Water (W sd + water)
Volume of Shrinkage Dish 12.94
Volume of Soil
Water Content Mass of the soil & wax in air 58
Wt of tin cup (mc) 25.25 Mass of soil & wax in water 45.08
Wt. of tin cup + Wet soil (mc + 55.25 Volume of the wax & soil (Vwax 12.92
ws) + soil)
Wt. of tin cup & dry soil (m c + 51.97 Volume of Soil (Vd) 9.94
Wt. of water (mv) 3.28
Wt. of dry soil (mdry) 26.72 Shrinkage Limit (SL) 5.57
Water Content (w) 12.27

Table 4.4.1 SANTO TOMAS (Liquid Limit):

Determination of the Liquid Limit
Description Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
Range 15 – 25 20 – 30 25 – 35
No of blows 19 25 28
Wt. of tin cup (W c) 25.25 g 25.25 g 25.25 g
Wt. of tin cup + wet soil (W c + ws) 55.25 g 55.25g 55.25 g

Wt. of tin cup & dry soil (W c + ds) 45 g 47 g 51 g

Wt. of water (W w) 10.25 g 8.25 g 4.25 g
Wt. of dry soil (W ds) 19.25 g 21.75 g 25.75 g
Water Content (w) 51.70 % 37.93 % 16.505 %

Liquid Limit 37.93%

Figure 4.4.1 Liquid Limit (Santo Tomas):




10 15 20 25 30
In Figure 4.1.4 shows that the line graph in soil sample 1 falls into (15-20) blows and has a water content
of 51.70%, and oil sample 2 falls into (20-30) blows and has a water content of 37.93%, and for soil
sample 3 falls into (25-35) blows and has a water content of 16.505%. Therefore, the liquid limit of Santo
Tomas is 37.93% using trend line equation the given moisture content of 25 blows

Table 4.4.2 SANTO TOMAS (Plastic Limit):

Description Sample 1 Sample 2

Wt. of tin cup (W c) 25.25 g 25.25 g

Wt. of tin cup + wet soil (W c + ws) 133 g 136 g

Wt. of tin cup & dry soil (W c + ds) 125 g 125 g

Wt. of water (W w) 8g 11 g

Wt. of dry soil (W ds) 37.67 g 33.84 g

Water Content (w) 8.020 % 11.028 %

PlasticLimit (Average) 9.524 %

Table 4.3.3 SANTO TOMAS (Shrinkage Limit):

Determination of the Shrinkage Limit
Description Sample 1 Description Sample 3
Volume of Shrinkage Dish Volume of Wax
Weight of Shrinkage Dish 19 Mass of dry soil& wax (m dry + 37.38
(W sd) wax)
Weight of Shrinkage Dish & 29.73 Volume of wax (Vmax) 2.48
Water (W sd + water)
Volume of Shrinkage Dish 11.92
Volume of Soil
Water Content Mass of the soil & wax in air 57
Wt of tin cup (mc) 25.25 Mass of soil & wax in water 44.31
Wt. of tin cup + Wet soil (mc + 55.25 Volume of the wax & soil (Vwax 12.69
ws) + soil)
Wt. of tin cup & dry soil (m c + 52.52 Volume of Soil (Vd) 10.21
Wt. of water (mv) 2.73
Wt. of dry soil (mdry) 27.27 Shrinkage Limit (SL) 5.45

Water Content (w) 10.02

Table 4.5.1 BAGONG SIKAT (Liquid Limit):

Determination of the Liquid Limit
Description Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
Range 15 – 25 20 – 30 25 – 35
No of blows 15 29 34
Wt. of tin cup (W c) 25.25 g 25.25 g 25.25 g
Wt. of tin cup + wet soil (W c + ws) 55.25 g 55.25g 55.25 g

Wt. of tin cup & dry soil (W c + ds) 44 g 49 g 50 g

Wt. of water (W w) 11.25 g 6.25 g 5.25 g
Wt. of dry soil (W ds) 18.75 g 23.75 g 24.75 g
Water Content (w) 60 % 26.316 % 21.212 %
Liquid Limit 37.97%

Figure 4.5.1 Liquid Limit (BagongSikat):





y = -0.0212x + 0.9097




1 10 100
In Figure 4.1.5 shows that the line graph in soil sample 1 falls into (15-20) blows and has a water content
of 51.70%, and soil sample 2 falls into (20-30) blows and has a water content of 37.93%, and for soil
sample 3 falls into (25-35) blows and has a water content of 16.505%. Therefore, the liquid limit of
BagongSikatis 37.97% using trend line equation the given moisture content of 25 blows

Table 4.5.2 BAGONG SIKAT (Plastic Limit):

Description Sample 1 Sample 2

Wt. of tin cup (W c) 25.25 g 25.25 g

Wt. of tin cup + wet soil (W c + ws) 138 g 141 g

Wt. of tin cup & dry soil (W c + ds) 125 g 125 g

Wt. of water (W w) 13 g 16 g

Wt. of dry soil (W ds) 35.43 g 37.64 g

Water Content (w) 13.033 % 16.040 %

PlasticLimit (Average) 14.537 %

Table 4.5.3 BAGONG SIKAT (Shrinkage Limit):

Determination of the Shrinkage Limit
Description Sample 1 Description Sample 3
Volume of Shrinkage Dish Volume of Wax
Weight of Shrinkage Dish 19 Mass of dry soil& wax (m dry + 46.32
(W sd) wax)
Weight of Shrinkage Dish & 30.87 Volume of wax (Vmax) 2.667
Water (W sd + water)
Volume of Shrinkage Dish 11.87
Volume of Soil
Water Content Mass of the soil & wax in air 55
Wt of tin cup (mc) 25.25 Mass of soil & wax in water 42.9
Wt. of tin cup + Wet soil (mc 55.25 Volume of the wax & soil (Vwax 12.07
+ ws) + soil)
Wt. of tin cup & dry soil (m c + 52.29 Volume of Soil (Vd) 9.34
Wt. of water (mv) 4.75
Wt. of dry soil (mdry) 27.70 Shrinkage Limit (SL) 5.48
Water Content (w) 10.94

Table 4.6.1 SAN TEODORO (Liquid Limit):

Determination of the Liquid Limit
Description Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
Range 15 – 25 20 - 30 25 – 35
No of blows 18 23 30
Wt. of tin cup (W c) 25.25 g 25.25 g 25.25 g
Wt. of tin cup + wet soil (W c + ws) 55.25 g 55.25g 55.25 g

Wt. of tin cup & dry soil (W c + ds) 47 g 48 g 52 g

Wt. of water (W w) 8.25 g 7.25 g 3.25 g
Wt. of dry soil (W ds) 21.75 g 22.75 g 26.75 g
Water Content (w) 37.93 % 31.87 % 12.15 %
Liquid Limit 24.43%

Figure 4.6.1 Liquid Limit (San Teodoro):


y = -0.0219x + 0.7918




1 10 100

In Figure 4.1.6 shows that the line graph in soil sample 1 falls into (15-20) blows and has a water content
of 43.47%, and soil sample 2 falls into (20-30) blows and has a water content of 30.77%, and for soil
sample 3 falls into (25-35) blows and has a water content of 20.20%. Therefore, the liquid limit of San
Teodoro is 24.43% using trend line equation the given moisture content of 25 blows

Table 4.4.2 SAN TEODORO (Plastic Limit):
Description Sample 1 Sample 2

Wt. of tin cup (W c) 25.25 g 25.25 g

Wt. of tin cup + wet soil (W c + ws) 133 g 135 g

Wt. of tin cup & dry soil (W c + ds) 125 g 125 g

Wt. of water (W w) 8g 10 g

Wt. of dry soil (W ds) 37.23 g 39.99 g

Water Content (w) 8% 10.025 %

PlasticLimit (Average) 9.0125 %

Table 4.3.3 SAN TEODORO (Shrinkage Limit):

Determination of the Shrinkage Limit
Description Sample 1 Description Sample 3
Volume of Shrinkage Dish Volume of Wax
Weight of Shrinkage Dish 19 Mass of dry soil& wax (m dry + 47.05
(W sd) wax)
Weight of Shrinkage Dish & 29.81 Volume of wax (Vmax) 2.07
Water (W sd + water)
Volume of Shrinkage Dish 12.12
Volume of Soil
Water Content Mass of the soil & wax in air 60
Wt of tin cup (mc) 25.25 Mass of soil & wax in water 47.6
Wt. of tin cup + Wet soil (mc + 55.25 Volume of the wax & soil (Vwax 12.4
ws) + soil)
Wt. of tin cup & dry soil (m c + 53.62 Volume of Soil (Vd) 10.39
Wt. of water (mv) 1.63
Wt. of dry soil (mdry) 28.37 Shrinkage Limit (SL) 2.06
Water Content (w) 5.74

Table 4.7.1 PANSIPIT (Liquid Limit):

Determination of the Liquid Limit
Description Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
Range 15 – 25 20 – 30 25 – 35
No of blows 18 20 30
Wt. of tin cup (W c) 25.25 g 25.25 g 25.25 g
Wt. of tin cup + wet soil (W c + ws) 55.25 g 55.25g 55.25 g

Wt. of tin cup & dry soil (W c + ds) 46 g 49 g 50 g

Wt. of water (W w) 10 g 6.25 g 5.25 g
Wt. of dry soil (W ds) 20 g 23.75 g 24.75 g
Water Content (w) 50 % 26.31 % 21.212 %
Liquid Limit 28.32 %

Figure 4.7.1 Liquid Limit (Pansipit):




40% y = -0.0179x + 0.7307




1 10 100
In Figure 4.1.7 shows that the line graph in soil sample 1 falls into (15-20) blows and has a water content
of 43.37%, and soil sample 2 falls into (20-30) blows and has a water content of 30.77%, and for soil
sample 3 falls into (25-35) blows and has a water content of 20.20%. Therefore, the liquid limit of Pansipit
is 28.32 % using trend line equation the given moisture content of 25 blows

Table 4.7.2 PANSIPIT (Plastic Limit):

Description Sample 1 Sample 2

Wt. of tin cup (W c) 25.25 g 25.25 g

Wt. of tin cup + wet soil (W c + ws) 139 g 141 g

Wt. of tin cup & dry soil (W c + ds) 125 g 125 g

Wt. of water (W w) 14 g 16 g

Wt. of dry soil (W ds) 36.57 g 38.65 g

Water Content (w) 14.035 % 16.040 %

PlasticLimit (Average) 15.038 %

Table 4.7.3 PANSIPIT (Shrinkage Limit):

Determination of the Shrinkage Limit
Description Sample 1 Description Sample 3
Volume of Shrinkage Dish Volume of Wax
Weight of Shrinkage Dish 19 Mass of dry soil& wax (m dry + 44.43
(W sd) wax)
Weight of Shrinkage Dish & 31.11 Volume of wax (Vmax) 3.19
Water (W sd + water)
Volume of Shrinkage Dish 12.88
Volume of Soil
Water Content Mass of the soil & wax in air 55
Wt of tin cup (mc) 25.25 Mass of soil & wax in water 46.1
Wt. of tin cup + Wet soil (mc + 55.25 Volume of the wax & soil (Vwax 13.9
ws) + soil)
Wt. of tin cup & dry soil (m c + 51.38 Volume of Soil (Vd) 10.71
Wt. of water (mv) 3.87
Wt. of dry soil (mdry) 26.13 Shrinkage Limit (SL) 2.92
Water Content (w) 14.80

Table 4.8.1 CORAL (Liquid Limit):

Determination of the Liquid Limit
Description Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
Range 15 – 25 20 – 30 25 – 35
No of blows 19 25 33
Wt. of tin cup (W c) 25.25 g 25.25 g 25.25 g
Wt. of tin cup + wet soil (W c + ws) 55.25 g 55.25g 55.25 g

Wt. of tin cup & dry soil (W c + ds) 44 g 48 g 50 g

Wt. of water (W w) 11.25 g 7.25 g 5.25 g
Wt. of dry soil (W ds) 18.75 g 22.75 g 24.75 g
Water Content (w) 60 % 31.87 % 21.212 %
Liquid Limit 31.87%

Figure 4.8 Liquid Limit (Coral):







10 15 20 25 30 35
In Figure 4.1.8 shows that the line graph in soil sample 1 falls into (15-20) blows and has a water content
of 60%, and soil sample 2 falls into (20-30) blows and has a water content of 31.87%, and for soil sample
3 falls into (25-35) blows and has a water content of 21.212%. Therefore, the liquid limit of Coral is
31.87% using trend line equation the given moisture content of 25 blows

Table 4.8.2 CORAL (Plastic Limit):

Description Sample 1 Sample 2

Wt. of tin cup (W c) 25.25 g 25.25 g

Wt. of tin cup + wet soil (W c + ws) 133 g 136 g

Wt. of tin cup & dry soil (W c + ds) 125 g 125 g

Wt. of water (W w) 8g 11 g

Wt. of dry soil (W ds) 37.67 g 33.84 g

Water Content (w) 8.020 % 11.028 %

PlasticLimit (Average) 9.524 %

Table 4.8.3 CORAL (Shrinkage Limit):

Determination of the Shrinkage Limit
Description Sample 1 Description Sample 3
Volume of Shrinkage Dish Volume of Wax
Weight of Shrinkage Dish 19 Mass of dry soil& wax (m dry + 45.06
(W sd) wax)
Weight of Shrinkage Dish & 29.23 Volume of wax (Vmax) 2.11
Water (W sd + water)
Volume of Shrinkage Dish 11.59
Volume of Soil
Water Content Mass of the soil & wax in air 58
Wt of tin cup (mc) 25.25 Mass of soil & wax in water 45.8
Wt. of tin cup + Wet soil (mc 55.25 Volume of the wax & soil (Vwax 12.2
+ ws) + soil)
Wt. of tin cup & dry soil (m c + 52.95 Volume of Soil (Vd) 10.09
Wt. of water (mv) 2.3
Wt. of dry soil (mdry) 27.70 Shrinkage Limit (SL) 5.19
Water Content (w) 8.32


Consistency is an important characteristic in the case of fine soil, the term consistency

describing the ability of a soil to undergo and recoverable deformation without cracking

of crumbing. The consistency of clays and other cohesive soil is usually described as soft,

medium, stiff, or hard.

The Atterberg Limits represent the qualitative limits of soil with varying water

content where the consistence of a soil is changed from plastic state (plastic Limit PL) to

a liquid state (liquid limit LL) and form a semi-solid state (shrinkage limit SL) to a plastic

state. There is probably no single cause of landslides because a number of factors usually

interact to make a soil or rock prone to land sliding. Parameters like the swelling of soil

and the rate of water that infiltrates the soil at depth helps trigger landslides (Kitutu et al,

2009). Atterberg limits will help determine the condition of the soil and evaluate its

properties in order to know which state soils from landslide prone areas are behaving.

Based on the trials in every sample that we obtained in AgoncilloBatangas, in subicilaya

the liquid limit of this baranggay is 26.32% ,Inpanhulan the liquid limit is 21.32% , In subic-ibaba

the liquid limit is 30.77% ,In bagongsikat the liquid limit is 39.97%. In pansipit the liquid limit is

28.32. In coral the liquid limit is 31.87%In San Teodoro the liquid limit is 27.317%. In Santo Tomas

the liquid limit is 35.378%.. These liquid limit defined between the liquid and plastic states and as

the lowest water content at which the mass has the capacity to flow as liquid. As we can see the

result that almost 4 of the barangays got the higher moisture content solving by their equation of

their trend line and we concluded that it almost in the liquid state.

In plastic limit, it discussed between the plastic and semi-solid states and is defined as the

lowest water content at which a mass can be easily moulded. In Santo Tomas the plastic limit is

9.524%. In BagongSikat the plastic limit is 14.537%. In San Teodoro the plastic limit is 38.61%.

In Pansipit the plastic limit is 15.038%. In coral the plastic limit is 10.527%. In Panhulan the plastic

limit is 13.534%. In Subic-Ibaba the plastic limit is 13.534%. In Subic-ilaya 14.036%. we can say

easily that the San teodoro is a semi-solid-statesoil, so it has a good factor to use in constructing

a building unlike the rest that in the plastic state.

Computing those two limits gives the information about the activity of clay and the

toughness of the soil. Computing their plastic index that we determined the state of the soil

whether it in the plastic or liquid state, we can also justify if it is in the plastic to semi-solid

consistency or semisolid to plastic consistency.

Shrinkage limit of fine-grained soils is one of the parameters that are used for predicting the

volume stability of soils in the field. In we did the shringkage thepansipit have 9.92 and, san

teodoro have 2.06%. we conclude that the other barangay is consistent in the stability and making

the pansipit got the highest rate and more stabilized than the other and making the san teodoro

is the lowest rate of the stability of soil. In terms of stability we can say that pansipit will give them

satisfaction and if the wanted to build infrastructures in san teodoro we can say that it needs a

soil stability to help them more efficient and good quality of soil.

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CE 401






OCTOBER 12, 2018

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