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From Leaders to Leadership: Managing Change

Mark J. Ahn, Hana Biosciences, Inc., South San Francisco, CA

John S.A. Adamson, Cambridge University
Daniel Dornbusch, Genentech, Inc.

The accelerating of change in

pace has been called into question in recent years,
globalization, communications, disruptive as the reputations of many such &dquo;heroic&dquo;

technologies, capital flows and alliances have CEOs have exploded almost as rapidly as the
created fundamental shifts in business inflated market valuations of the dot-com era.
operations. Where many popular leadership The exposure of instances of dubious ethical
models may provide formulae to help solve standards and corporate malfeasance,
some business problems, they are insufficient however, prompted a general questioning of
to deal with the pace and polyvalent character the prevailing assumptions regarding
of constant, rapid change. Managing change - leadership, and a reexamination of where
its impact on organizational structure, group responsibility for leadership decisions in
culture, and personal management styles - is corporations actually resides.
one of the most fundamental and enduring Paradoxically, while the relative value of
aspects of leadership. Paradoxically, while the once-celebrated individual leader is being
the relative value of the once-celebrated questioned, effective corporate leadership has
individual leader as superman or woman is never been more urgently in demand or,

being questioned, great leadership has never arguably, more difficult to achieve. Leonard
been more urgent or more difficult. Schaeffer, the CEO who transformed the once
bureaucratic, money-losing Blue Cross
The established order has invented various California into a thriving WellPoint Health
lightening rods. And it succeeded. Yes, it Networks, describes the elusiveness of
certainly did succeed; it succeeded in making effective leadership: its need for a concurrent
the next thunderstorm all the more serious. multiplicity of forms, and the way in which it
Soren Kierkegaard (1813-1855) pivots on the need for responsiveness to
external and internal change.
The increased visibility of business Leadership is more than heavy-handed
leaders in the modem economy has created a action at the top. Its defining
new form of social theater. In it, highly characteristics change according to the
publicized corporate leaders - a new cast of needs and vagaries of the individual, the
management celebrities - drive organizational organization, the industry, and the world
change, boldly and purposefully, either to at thinking clearly about the
fame or (no less conspicuously) to failure. The roles I’ve needed to assume at different
business press has been complicit in this times, I’ve been better able to tailor the
process of dramatization, providing way I make decisions, communicate with
stereotyped roles and scenarios. Faced with people, and manage my time so that I can
daunting complexities and uncertainties, the address the most pressing needs of the
’heroic leader’ appears as the central actor in organization at the moment (Schaeffer,
the company’s success, the dynamic genius 2002).
guiding less far-sighted colleagues towards a However, change management itself
destination which, at the outset, they can only poses series of related dangers. Keeping to

imperfectly discern. Yet this highly an already set course often seems to be the
characterized style of leadership, in which easier and seemingly less risky decision. But
leaders appear as supermen or superwomen, the avoidance of change is the opposite of

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leadership. Dante’s vision of hell as &dquo;the too vague and generalized to be actionable. On
miserable way taken by the sorry souls of the other hand, this &dquo;attribute approach&dquo; - in
those who lived without disgrace or without positing simple check-lists of &dquo;correct&dquo;
praise&dquo; provides a warning to the executive qualities - can create organizational myopia
who blindly maintains a course of spuriously through &dquo;Russian Doll&dquo; management: the
secure mediocrity. Change management takes phenomenon in which managers repeatedly
courage precisely because it can be a high-risk hire or promote miniature versions of
undertaking both for organizations and the themselves. Russian Doll management
careers of the decision-makers involved. In decreases diversity of thought processes and
consequence, many initiatives nominally perspectives, as well as induces a tendency
supposed to manage change are either towards organizational denial of competitive
ineffective in their original formulation or threats (Bartlett and Ghoshal, 1998).
rendered so by the process of implementation Arguably one of the most recent

often as a result of internal resistance to new successful examples of high-profile

initiatives. Studies indicate that some 50-70% organizational and cultural change is the
of change management initiatives fail to make turnaround affected by Lou Gerstner, Jr. at
any lasting impact on the organization they IBM. For decades, IBM employees accepted
purport to reform (CLC, 2002; LaClair and that a sales-and-marketing orientation, as
Rao, 2002). opposed to a customer-needs and product
The central argument of this paper, focus, was what propelled growth. At the
however, is that change is central and intrinsic height of IBM’s success, their paternalist
to the corporate condition, and thus to global culture of respect for individuals also
economic conditions as well. This article translated into both the expectation and the
seeks to highlight three principal aspects of the reality of lifetime-employment. Yet as shifts in
problem: how effective leaders can identify market forces were accelerating and price
the need for change; manage sources of competition was intensifying, IBM’s internal
resistance to it; and create paths for successful processes and received corporate values
development for both their organizations and impeded its ability to respond to technological
themselves. Finally, we present the case study and market changes.
of a business unit at the biotechnology IBM achieved its transformation by
pioneer, Genentech, Inc., a company that has jettisoning its internally protective culture and
implemented a series of novel changes that becoming externally focused on customers and
continue to revolutionize its business model. competitors in effect by systematically

facing up to, and overcoming, the

Leading Corporate Culture corporation’s collective fears. As
organizational psychologists Kegan and Leahy
Leadership neither begins nor concludes (2001) posit, cultural change can be difficult
with simple, bullet-point lists of ’good because of deeply held apprehensions that they
leadership qualities.’ Many discussions of describe as &dquo;competing commitments.&dquo; To
leadership - particularly cliched lists of facilitate the creation of new and effective
obvious corporate realities - actually inhibit operating models, they prescribe recording
effective leadership when it comes to observed behaviors, and a process of
discerning the need for, and implementing, uncovering and testing the corporation’s
cultural change. To cite but one example: one deeply held assumptions. As IBM entered the
leading management consulting firm recently twenty-first century, CEO Lou Gerstner, Jr.
published a report entitled Profile of the led a cultural and strategic transformation that
Global Leader of the Future, detailing how the converted the firm from a &dquo;mainframe
effective leader of today &dquo;thinks globally, mindset&dquo; to what was termed the &dquo;Big Dot in
anticipates opportunity, creates a shared the New Economy&dquo;: entering new markets and
vision, develops and empowers people, service sectors; replacing lifetime emplovment
appreciates cultural diversity, builds teamwork with large-scale internal training initiatives in
and partnerships...&dquo; - but to name a few of the order to increase adaptability; shifting beliefs
ideal leader’s qualities (AISC, 2001). Yet, about competitiveness and highlighting the
these trait-based leadership models can importance of an external focus: and
actually create an environment that is resistant significantly evolving the corporation’ss
to change. The problem is that they are often cultural norms. The IBM experience directs us

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to make a fundamental distinction between the achieved extraordinary performance

two interrelated themes of leadership and aspirations by pursuing their strategies
management. Where is the distinction to be relentlessly, simplifying core processes, and
drawn? And how important is it to the task of honing their organization’s development
implementing corporate change? systems. But beyond these common traits lay a
wide variety of modes of implementation.
Leadership Versus Management: Goold and Campbell (1987) found,
Defining The Role Of Individual perhaps unsurprisingly, that ideal corporate
Leadership management implicitly integrates leadership
and management. They concluded that
The convergence of a series of &dquo;virtually all executives want strong leadership
from the center, coordinated strategies that
contemporary forces - the globalization of
build in a variety of view points, careful
markets, the increasing rates of competitive
pressure, and the flattening of organizational analysis of decisions, long-term thinking and
structures - has increased the distinction flexibility. But they also want autonomy for
between unit managers, clear accountability, the
leadership and management
freedom to respond entrepreneurially to
(Steingraber, 1996). The differentiation can
be characterized as follows. Management is opportunities, superior short-term results, and
based on &dquo;process&dquo;, in that it focuses on tight controls.&dquo; The problem is that these two
sets of desiderata contain mutually competing,
maintaining systems to provide goods and
services For if not mutually contradictory, demands on the
efficiently. example,
management tasks include planning, leader-manager.
budgeting, organizing, staffing, and Thus, as business dynamics and contexts
controlling progress towards achieving firmly change, corporate leaders must adapt
defined themselves fundamentally in order to maintain
objectives. The elements of
an effective integration of the leadership and
management therefore create predictability in
anticipating future developments and assessing management roles, and some form of
equilibrium between the simultaneous
on-going operations. Leadership, on the other
hand, is prospective: it defines what the future expectations held of them: of strong central
should look like, aligns the organization with a direction coexisting with unit-level autonomy;
common vision, and provides inspiration to and of central long-term strategic thinking
achieve transformational goals (Kotter, 1990; coexisting with a measure of tactical flexibility
Yet despite their very different and freedom of action among subordinates.
functions and attributes, leadership and In achieving this equilibrium,
management are not antithetical, but responsiveness to context is key. Farkas and
Wetlaufer (1996) studied 160 chief executive
complementary. Both sets of skills are
officers around the world to determine the
required if corporate success is to be achieved
and driven forward. attitudes, activities and behaviors that shaped
Each set of qualities exists in a mutually their respective leadership approaches. The
authors concluded that CEOs in successful
reinforcing relation with the other. Effective
leadership, for example, can be the catalyst for companies tended to adapt their leadership
new strategic management initiatives. Adept approach to specific strategic situations, rather
than sticking with any single approach. As so
leader-managers often make decisions to
allocate with often the case, the template of &dquo;attribute-
resources incomplete
information, but do so in ways which ensure defined leadership&dquo; is either redundant or even
that they are able to adjust to altering counter-productive. And in the case of
conditions and, consequently, achieve their successful CEOs, it was their responsiveness
to company culture - and their ability to refine
objectives notwithstanding. Successful leaders
understand that there is no single &dquo;best and adapt it to new strategic needs - that was
one of the critical elements of their success. As
management style&dquo;. The correct form of
the Center for Leadership Development
management will always be contextually
defined: a series of individual ways to adapt to concluded &dquo;...reengineering company culture
situations and capabilities of their staff rather is often a necessary component of companies’
than a fixed template for action (Levinson, change strategies&dquo; (CLC, 2001). How, then is
1994). Marmol and Murray (1995) found that this reengineering of company culture - the
successful companies often had leaders who

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central component of change management - that the critical mistake often made by
most effectively to be achieved? managers in change-related programs is to
focus on the abstract process of change rather
Managing Change: The than dealing with the practical problems
Centrality Of Corporate Culture entailed in helping people to assimilate the
changes that are required. The authors
Moran and Avergun’s definition (1997) conclude that resistance to change is
of change management provides a starting inevitable, that individuals express resistance
both covertly and overtly, and that an
point, defining it as &dquo;the process of continually
renewing the organization’s direction, emotional cycle of change resistance and
structure, and capabilities to serve the ever- acceptance should be expected and actively
changing needs of the marketplace, the managed. Preparedness for resistance is the
organization, and employees.&dquo; This does not first condition of its effective management, but
even so - only one element of several that
go far enough; for, as we have seen, successful

are required for the successful implementation

change management requires the alignment of
an organization’s internal architecture, of change. Studies of change-management
individual actions, and collective goals in initiatives help to identify some of the other
order to achieve optimal results. Clearly, elements involved.
achieving this is unlikely to be an entirely
smooth process. Every change-management Failure of ChangeInitiatives
initiative is likely to face internal resistance. As have seen, the high failure rates of

To create initiatives effectively for corporate change-management initiatives indicate the

growth and competitiveness, we must first difficulty and complexity entailed in the
analyze the likely sources of resistance to successful realization of any process of
change. change. In a study of 40 major change
management programs, LaClair and Rao
Resistance to Change (2002) found that 58% failed and 20%
Hannan, Polos, andCarroll (2002) captured only a third or less of the value
explored the social phenomena behind why expected. Some of the reasons for this are
organizations experience powerful inertia predictable. The unsuccessful companies were
when it comes to the realization of change. characterized by a lack of commitment on the
Organizations, the authors argue, consistently part of senior management, poor project
underestimate the time and cost required in management skills, lack of training, and
dealing with change-related initiatives for two confusion about rationale for change. In
reasons: complexity and opacity. Complexity contrast, the successful companies reveal not
is defined as the cumulative number of people only the substantial rewards that accompany
and organizations in the work group network; effective leadership -

the successful gained

an average of 143% of the expected return on
opacity as the degree to which specialization
makes the work of one group difficult for investment; they also reveal the
others to penetrate and incorporate into group interdependence of effective leadership and
work. Thus, change-related initiatives become sensitive management in the realization of
increasingly difficult as complexity (for their goals. The successful companies were
example, more languages, cultures or characterized by engagement at all employee
alliances) and opacity (enhanced data in levels (no level was more critical than any
specialized programming languages, for other), delineation of clear responsibilities, and
example, or the nature of protein interactions communication of the reasons for change
in genomics) increases. throughout the organization.
Rather than improvement, the result can Conversely, Kotter (1998) contends that
be a vicious circle in which each new initiative four key mistakes impede change initiatives:
strengthens the resistance to further change. complacency; not communicating with words
Abrahamson (2000) suggests that &dquo;change, as and actions; celebrating too soon. and
it is usually orchestrated, creates initiative assuming that all middle managers are against
overload and organizational chaos, both of change. This last conclusions acts as a caveat
which produce strong resistance from the against over-estimating the degree of internal
resistance to change. Overt pessimism as to a
people most affected.&dquo; Marshall and Conner
(2000) extend this idea further by asserting workforce’s attitudes to change is in danger of

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being self-fulfilling. To overcome these four vulnerable to attack by smaller, nimbler

problems, Kotter suggests three principal companies that can create new resources,
solutions: focusing on short-term wins to build processes and values targeted to address the
momentum; developing a coalition in favor of new - and often rapidly changing - needs of
the proposals; and engaging employees an adapting industry. By strengthening and

emotionally behind a common vision. aligning a company’s organizational

Other explanations for failures in architecture, actions and goals, this apparently
managing change include the development of virtuous process - the process on which a
a selection process that favors seniority, corporation’s achievement of performance
promotion of new managers without proper results crucially depends - may actually
training, and hiring of similar managers as reduce, or inhibit entirely, a company’s
successors (Useem, 2002). If the last two capacity for &dquo;breakthrough innovation&dquo;.
problems are managerial failings, the question
of introducing selection processes that favor Achieving Sustainable Results-Focus
performance (and excellence) over seniority and Coordination
encapsulates the conundrum of balancing the It follows that achieving performance
potentially conflicting objectives of leadership results while shaping the future is perhaps the
versus those of management. The leader will most ambitious challenge and elusive dynamic
wish to promote individual excellence and that can be encountered in business. As Jack
reward performance; yet the manager is aware Welch, former CEO of General Electric, put it
that the wholesale disregard for seniority can with characteristic bluntness: &dquo;You can’t grow
produce low morale and a sense of insecurity long-term if you can’t eat short-
within the corporation that can jeopardize term...Anybody can manage short. Anybody
overall performance and render the can manage long. Balancing those two things
introduction of change self-defeating. is what management is&dquo; (Byme, 1998).
There are other pitfalls. Ironically, This dynamic tension can be represented
organizational success can also serve to through the figure below that provides a means
impede effective change management. of conceptualizing the elements involved in
Christensen and Overdorf (2000) suggest that achieving sustainable results. First, the upper
three factors shape organizational left-hand side of the quadrant depicts high
effectiveness: resources, processes, and values. strategic focus. As is well known, large,
Companies develop sequentially: first, through complex organizations use strategic focus to
resources (such as a new products); they then evolve systems and processes to fulfill their
devise processes and capabilities to scale the target customer needs. The risk of focus, as we
replication of products or service offerings; have already noted, is that it can impede
and finally use corporate values to transmit innovation and increase the risk that a series of
behaviors and decision-making processes small errors will eventually lead to a
within the company (for instance, attributes catastrophic organizational failure. Achieving
such as margin requirements and the way in a narrow functional focus while
which new features and benefits are assessed). simultaneously maintaining a broad
This sequence of resources, processes, and organizational awareness is a key antidote for
values - the authors argue - results in an this type of corporate myopia. In practice,
evolutionary development of the corporate however, this is a difficult balance to achieve
culture that is best suited to serve defined precisely because team and individual
customers and thus to capture increasing &dquo;integration is an on-going accomplishment
value. and partly because rules, orders, directives,
It is a sequence that acquires a procedures, checklists, and instructions are
momentum of its own. Hence we are largely static tools, ill-fitted to meet the ever-
confronted with a paradox. The very changing requirements of a dynamic system
infrastructure that is created from aligning (Snook, 2000).&dquo;
organizational architecture, actions and goals - The lower
right-hand side of the quadrant
a necessary and, in many respects, highly depicts high organizational coordination.
beneficent infrastructure - can inhibit a Coordinated communication can improve the
successful corporation’s ability to handle, let efficiency of processes. On the other hand,
alone initiate, disruptive change. As a result, a internal focus may also limit innovation and
seemingly effective business may be left lead to misallocation of resources.

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The ideal dynamic balance between focus strategic focus with structural alignment,
and coordination is found in the upper right organizations can maximize both operational
hand side of the quadrant. By balancing efficiencies and innovation.

Achieving Sustainable Results: Dynamic

Tenison Between Focus and Coordination

Indeed, change management is a difficult GENENTECH INC. HEMATOLOGY:

balancing act precisely because it requires POSITIONING A COMPANY FOR
companies to combine both incremental and GROWTH AND CREATING THE
revolutionary change in order to achieve what BEST-SELLING CANCER
can be termed &dquo;dynamic stability&dquo; while
avoiding the related perils of organizational
cynicism and burnout (Abrahamson, 2000). During the period 2001-2003, Genentech,
This, in turn, has implications for the way Inc.’s Hematology business unit instituted a
in which the process of change can be
number of organizational, strategic and
conceptualized (and applied) within the cultural changes to position the company for
corporate context. As Moran and Avergun
rapid, continued growth. During that time,
(1997) have concluded, &dquo;change is nonlinear; their anticancer product, Rituxan, surpassed $11
often it has no clearly defined beginning or
billion in sales and became the top-selling
end... [it] interweaves multiple improvement anticancer product in the U.S. Genentech. Inc. [both] top-down and bottom-up.
entered the biopharmaceutical market in
Organizational change [also] has an important oncology (or anticancer) in November 1997
personal dimension.&dquo; with the introduction of Rituxan (rituximab), a
The following case study of a complex
monoclonal antibodv treatment for non-
change initiative at a highly innovative Hodgkins lymphoma (NHL), a highly targeted
company in the biotechnology field, molecule that attacked only a single type of
Genentech, Inc., serves to illustrate many of cell of the lymphatic system.
the aspects that have been reviewed here: not
Rituxan is a breakthrough innovation for
only areas of resistance, but also the treating NHL. a disease that went over 25
characteristics and internal dynamics that
allowed the company to build its flagship years without a change in standard of care and
survival (Coffier, 2002). Due to the innovative
product from relatively small beginnings into nature of Rituxan. the FDA (Food and Drug
the best-selling cancer therapy in the U.S.
Administration) approved the treatment in less

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than 7 years after it was discovered versus the tenuous at best. Anonymous feedback during a
industry average of 12 years (Grillo-L6pez, national sales force meeting posed an
2000). Five years after Rituxan was launched a apparently logical question: &dquo;why does
clinical review of NHL therapies concluded, [Genentech] management keep bringing in
&dquo;because of its activity, coupled with a senior management from big, mediocre
favourable toxicity profile, rituximab has pharmaceutical companies when we’ve been
become almost ubiquitous in the treatment of successful?&dquo;
most B-cell malignancies (Cheson, 2003).&dquo;
Rituxan’s commercial success reflects its The Need for Change: Changing
clinical efficacy of improving survival sales

Business Environments and Emerging

went from $5 million in 1997 to $1.1 billion in Threats
2002, representing over half of Genentech’ss As with any intelligent and highly
product sales in that year. educated constituency, it was clear that
Genentech uses human genetic establishing a compelling case for exogenous
information to discover, develop, manufacture conditions that necessitated change - and the
and commercialize biotherapeutics for internal benefits that would accrue through
significant unmet medical needs. The founder affecting it was an essential first step

of the modem biotechnology industry, South towards any successful process of

San Francisco-based Genentech, Inc. was by implementation. The exogenous influences
2002 the world’s second largest biotechnology were clearly definable and growing more

company, with total revenues of $2.7 billion. urgent by the day. There were three key
strategic changes facing the company’s
Resistance to Change Hematology franchise as it entered 2002:
Amidst the success that greeted Rituxan, dramatic shifts in the sources of sales growth;
one of the authors was hired from a company an increasingly conservative regulatory
in the larger, traditional pharmaceutical environment; and new competition on the
industry as the Vice President to head the horizon.
newly formed Hematology business unit. Of these considerations, the shifts in the
Contemporaneous business-unit reorganization sources of sales growth were easily the most
combined sales, marketing, and medical affairs pressing. In 2002, 70% of the sales and 90% of
for therapeutic areas for the first time. Until Rituxan growth were projected to be beyond
then, all functional areas reported only to their the original FDA approved uses or indications.
respective section heads, in the process The company’s sales expectations were based
creating what amounted to organizational on simultaneous growth in multiple areas of

&dquo;silos&dquo;, with little lateral contact or use, and it was already evident that this would
communication. require the effective use of all the company’s
Flushed with their commercial and functions if it were to succeed in being
clinical success, however, the various elements successful in commercial operations while also
of the Hematology team felt confident about ensuring strict regulatory compliance. In other
the virtues of the status quo and fiercely words, cross-functional teamwork would be
defended their functional independence. The imperative to achieve the unit’s aggressive
organization was strongly resistant to the goals.
suggestion of change. Moreover, loyalty and The most obvious external threat was
commitment were strong within each from competition. There were eighteen
functional area, even if there existed little competitors in various stages of clinical trials
between the constituent areas. The fact that no with both complementary and ’cannibalizing’
person had transferred from sales to marketing products. Significant commercial rivals (such
or vice versa in the four-year history of the as Amgen and Aventis), with proven and

product testified eloquently to the strength of highly innovative technologies such as

the silo mentality. This was highly unusual, antisense and nanotechnology, were making
for in the biopharmaceutical industry more rapid advances. Moreover, Genentech’s co-
generally team members commonly transfer promotion partner for Rituxan, IDEC
cross-functionally to enhance collaboration Pharmaceuticals, was on the verge of
and insight into customer expectations and introducing a competing product, Zevalin,
needs. As a result, cross-functional with the same indication or target market.
cooperation, communication, and trust were

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After a series of internal reviews, the accounted for only 2% of sales (something that
need for change within several areas of the was all the more anomalous as these were not
company became apparent to all concerned. expected to grow significantly). Resources
First, the marketing team’s structure was too were rationalized in a way that. after
general and with individual roles unspecified. reallocation, 100% of expenses were aligned
Ten marketing personnel worked on 31 towards initiatives that drove 98% of current
distinct activities and projects. All team sales and anticipated future sales growth.
members were equally responsible for these Next, multiple modes of communication
activities, hampering a sense of empowerment created transparency and initiated candid
and ownership, and effectively centralizing feedback. Monthly &dquo;town hall meetings&dquo;,
decision-making. In addition, the sales group quarterly sales-force advisory boards, and
was understaffed to the point that it was web-based communications through
unable to research and monitor its own newsletters and other media began to unite the
activities. As the new strategy emerged, it also business unit’s formerly disparate areas. It was
became clear that questions of accountability also made mandatory that the entire marketing
needed to be viewed from a variety of department spend at least one day per quarter
perspectives. For the first time, the sales in the field with a sales representative, the
organization would need to be accountable in better to understand customer behavior, to
areas other than revenue. foster teamwork, and enhance the
department’s credibility with the sales force.
Initial Change: Alignment, Focus, and The team then reorganized around key
Coordination competencies that the major customers had
The first step was to identify the need for identified as critically important: brand
change - and the urgency with which it was management, medical education, and key
required - by engaging the entire operation in customer management. Three team leaders,
dialogue. This had to operate at two levels: one for each competency, were established to
both cognitively and emotionally, each create ownership, accountability, and
member of the team needed to acknowledge responsibility for each competency area.
and internalize the fact that the business Team members and resources were allocated
landscape was altering as a result of to each team partly according to the relative
innovations in markets, competition, and importance attached to each by customers, and
regulation. One of the most effective ways of partly according to the impact of each on sales
making that case was by seeking the responses and growth. The goal for each competency
of a target group of customers: the key 30% of team-leader was to become number one in
the customer-base that generated 85% of all their area-brand management, medical
sales. These key customers were consulted as education, and key customer management-as
to their views on the process of developing an defined by the top 30% of customers who
overarching strategy; in particular, this comprise 85% of sales in a survey conducted
involved identifying Genentech Hematology’s by a third party on a biannual basis.
key competencies, and served the purpose of To reinforce this process of integration
creating an external focus that the most further, all support functions medical

change-resistant member of the team was affairs who conduct post-approval clinical
forced to acknowledge. Moreover, the trials, managed care who support
approach significantly enhanced customer- reimbursement, and nurse-educators who
relations,as those approached were ready to provide training to ensure safe and effective
help and flattered to have been asked (a product use- were aligned exactly with the
disposition that is often underestimated). competency areas. For example, before the
Newly instituted customer surveys revealed reforms, the managed-care team had dedicated
four areas of critical importance to this key 5% of the time of 40 people to supporting
customer group. These clinical
were access to Hematology. After refocusing the business
trials; unbiased and sophisticated medical unit’s structures, the hitherto dispersed
education programs; a responsive and organization changed
was to dedicate six team
knowledgeable sales force; and reimbursement members fulltime to Hematology. assigned

support. In addition, analysis of the business according to geography and customer.

unit’s expenditure revealed that it was Frank internal communication was also
spending 24% of overall expenses in areas that deemed to be critically important. One

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important step taken was a Gallup Q12 survey meant recognizing that there was no single
was implemented to monitor the level of1 answer. Rather, shaping a corporate culture
employee engagement and satisfaction. requires relentless nurturing through example
Management then made direct, immediate and and consistency.
transparent changes in response to low scoring Rewards and recognition were also re-
categories, in order to communicate its own aligned to serve the new strategy. A critical
commitment to responding to employee initiative, for example, was the
opinion and indicating the importance that implementation of a transparent, cross-
management attached to remedying areas of functional, all-personnel review process that
discontent. During each period between was conducted semi-annually. This moved the

surveys, the team’s reported scores increased review process from an essentially hierarchical
substantially from the 60th percentile in April and linear process - in which the employee
2002 to the 82nd percentile by November 2002, was dependent on his or her direct manager
and a further increase to the 86th percentile in and chain-of-command - to a broader and
October 2003: an externally assessed index of more lateral (and also more transparent)

high (and steadily improving) morale that process of assessing performance and talent.
materially contributed to the driving forward This new process involves managers
of the momentum for change. presenting their reports of performance results
Beyond these questions of morale and and promotional potential in conjunction with
personal fulfillment, a further study was peer-review input and feedback. It is these
instituted in an effort to identify the &dquo;cultural reviews that form the basis for promotions,
norms&dquo; - the workplace culture - that merit-related salary increases, and stock-
prevailed within the Hematology business option awards.
unit. The method employed for this was a The conceptual strategic framework of
series of confidential individual interviews, this change-management process can be
focus groups, and finally a survey of the entire summarized as a sequence of two phases: first
business unit to confirm findings. The survey focus, and then coordination. In the first phase,
showed a high degree of consensus as to in 2002, strategic focus was applied to provide
Hematology’s workplace culture including an external perspective on key customers’
these key themes: making a difference in attitudes and needs, to develop a clear and
patients’ lives; pride in being science-led; an consistent strategy, create competencies to
emphasis on speed of execution and position the Hematology business unit
performance; mutual respect and trust among uniquely in relation to its competitors, and to
co-workers; belief in individual align internal structures so that they reinforced
empowerment; and a tradition of collaborative efficiency and effectiveness. In the next phase,
decision-making. On the debit side, there was in 2003, a new agenda was defined in order to
extensive concern about the potential risk that consolidate the gains made in the previous
too much &dquo;process&dquo; or bureaucracy was an year. Here the focus was on coordination: the
almost unavoidable concomitant of major coordination of a bold and continuous program
organizational growth. Perhaps most of innovation designed to achieve strategic
importantly, addressing all of these issues ends, while simultaneously affirming the
importance of maintaining &dquo;individual
The Gallup Q12 questions that measure employee empowerment&dquo; - the antidote to centralizing
engagement follows: "I know what is expected of
are as
bureaucracy - as the primary means of
me at work. I have the materials and equipment I need to
do my work right. At work, I have the opportunity to do
achieving team efficiency and transactional
what I do best every day. In the last seven days, I have speed.
received recognition or praise for doing good work. My
supervisor, or someone at work, seems to care about me
as a person. There is someone at work who encourages

my development. At work, my opinions seem to count.

The mission/purpose of my company makes me feel my
job is important. My associates (fellow employees) are
committed to doing quality work. I have a best friend at
work. In the last six months, someone at work has talked
to me about my progress. and This last year, I have had
opportunities at work to learn and grow (Buckingham,

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In this practical context, leadership has perspectives from which to solve specific
come a long way from the Romantic image of business problems (particularly the challenge
the imperious corporate chief imposing his of change within the contemporary business
will - some supposedly far-sighted and almost world). The task of discerning external
certainly flawed vision - on his submissive changeand translating that discernment into
followers. Rather it has become, in part, a strategies for internal corporate change - in
corporate, collegial relationship. In place of terms of evolving organizational structures,
linear, top-down management, there is group culture, and styles of personal
dialectic that enables a number of potentially interaction - stands as one of the most
conflicting interests to be maintained in a state enduring challenges of leadership.
of dynamic and creative tension. Yet the leader who believes that
By choosing and implementing this leadership is about the leader’s qualities alone
approach, the Hematology team is attempting looks almost certain to fail. As we have
to achieve a synthesis - or rather, a form of suggested here, even the task of discerning
carefully poised balance - between focus and what needs to be changed can - and arguably
coordination in order to create the strategic ought to be - a collegial endeavor. It requires
and tactical agility that is required to deal participants to analyze problems from multiple
nimbly and effectively with the challenges that viewpoints, to think imaginatively, and tease
will come with future external change. For that out the complexities of the problem. This
the future will bring various forms of approach may make the required action seem
exogenous change is almost the one item of more complicated and intractable rather than
certitude in a highly volatile and otherwise less. Ultimately, however, only by beginning
unpredictable environment. No single with (and facing up to) the complexities of the
leadership style - still less the particular vision challenge of change can we create any
of any single &dquo;leader&dquo; - will be self-sufficient practical and useful conclusions, as opposed to
in this world of unavoidable change. virtuous-sounding - but in the end, simplistic
and unhelpful - generalities about the nature
Conclusions of leadership qualities.
The case of the Genentech Hematology
The accelerating pace of globalization, business unit illustrates a successful instance
communications, and technological of discernment of the need for change and the
innovation; the changing patterns of cross- effective implementation of a response to that
border capital flows; the fluid state of need. The result of the transformation,
corporate mergers and partnerships; all these however, was not the creation of yet another
have created - and will continue to create for different, but - in time - equally inflexible,
the foreseeable future - fundamental shifts in series of structures. equally doomed to
the ways in which business is conducted. obsolescence. Instead, the cultural
Where many old-fashioned - and still widely transformation produced an environment in
current - leadership models may provide which the uncertainty of the future is taken as

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122 ,

a given, and new arrangements have been of external and internal analysis (with its
created that are inherently Protean: able to tendency to explode current expectations and
adapt and respond to new circumstances as assumptions), and the need to devise and
they arise. Instead of seeking a single, once- implement responses to those findings in such
for-all solution, the new structures foster and a way that both utilizes most effectively - and

manage a dynamic tension between &dquo;focus&dquo; also inspires the confidence and enthusiasm of
and &dquo;coordination&dquo;: between the ongoing tasks -

the company’s human resources.

Three findings may be highlighted. First, where countervailing forces are counterpoised
on the &dquo;focus&dquo; side: becoming a customer-led most beneficially and creatively - there
organization raises the debate from turf battles remains a role, albeit a heavily modified one,
to teamwork; customers or markets are often for &dquo;heroic&dquo; leadership. Personal courage is
useful guides precisely because they transcend inevitably required to inaugurate (and
the corporation’s existing functional maintain) any process of change management,
boundaries and allow teams to analyze not least because a decision to retain the status
opportunities and allocate resources quo, or to resist calls to change course, often
objectively. Second, if the focus is correctly seems the easiest and least risky management
adjusted - through strategic simplicity, decision. While change for change’s sake can
relentless prioritization of the questions that often be a spurious substitute for properly
matter most, and the alignment of the focused leadership, the avoidance of change
organization’s resources to actual needs - then can be equally culpable: the result of either
the benefits aresubstantial. This internal timidity or complacency, and the very opposite
cultural change will in turn drive innovation, of effective leadership. However, once a
improve transactional speed, and produce properly informed decision has been made as
substantive results. Third, cultural change is to the need for change - usually a moment that
fundamentally a collective, collegial exercise requires individual leadership - the paradox is
in which sensitivity to the particularities of that, when it comes to implementation,
context is all-important. No single approach &dquo;leadership&dquo; is fundamentally a group
will be effective in all circumstances. exercise. Leaders are constantly asking the
Yet if success is a matter of shared seemingly unreasonable by requesting that
responsibility, it would be naive to suggest individual team members make a total
that responsibility is shared equally. In personal commitment to a particular program
instigating the process of re-assessment and of action in the context of a future that is
managing the dynamic tension that results predominantly uncertain.
from initiating reforms - determining the point

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