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1. What the purpose of anamnesis ?

- collect data about the patient's illness
- Detecting disease early
- Facilitate the diagnosis
- Fostering hub. Physicians and patients in a professional manner

2. How does the doctor make a good anamnesis ?

• demonstrate a good attitude
• ask the identity
• ask the chief complaint
• ask past medical history
• ask family history
• anamnesis system
• anamnesis results
(Burnside- Mc Glynn, 1995. Adams Diagnosis Fisisk, ed 17, Jakarta :

3. What is the kind of anamnesis ?

Autonamesis => ask the patient
Allonamesis => ask patient relationship
Heteronamesis => combination autoanamesis and alloanamesis
(Sumber Anamnesis dan pemeriksaan fisis,H.M.S Marcum)

4. What is the different of micro skills and communication skills for get a
good anamnesis ?

5. Why the anamnesis is needed ?

Determine the nature and severity of the disease and the presence of factors that may
be the disease backgrounds which are useful for further treatment
(Abdul latief; "physical diagnosis in children")
Communication skills

1. How the step of micro skills of communication ?

2. How we can develop our effective communiative skills ?

a. Credibility ( Trust )
In communication between the communicator and the communicant should trust each
other, if there is no element of trust , communication will not work , because in the absence
of mutual trust will inhibit communication .
b . Context ( nexus / linkage )
Communication success is closely linked to the situation when the communication
environment .
c . Content (content )
Communication should be able to give rise to both parties satisfaction , satisfaction will be
achieved when the news content can be understood by the opposite party communication
and communicant want to give a reaction or response to the communicator .
d . Clarity ( clarity )
Clarity covering news clarity , clarity of objectives to be achieved , the clarity of the terms
used in the use of symbols .
e . Continuity and consistency ( continuity and consistent )
Communication should be carried out continuously and the information submitted should
not conflict with previous information ( consistent ) .
f . Capability of the audience ( the ability of the receiver )
News delivery must be tailored to the abilities and knowledge of the receiver , do not use
terms that may not be understood by the receiver .
g . Channels of distribution ( shipping channel news )
Communication in order to be successful , should be used channels of communication that
are commonly used and are well known by the public . For example : print media , television
and telephone

3. How to be a good listener ?

Listening attentively
Changing the position of speaker to listener
delay assessment
Active listening
(kulpak dr.imam)

4. What are the disadvantages of communicative skills ?

less skill

Less Proficient in speaking , listening less to obstruct the course of

communication . To overcome this have a lot to learn and practice
speaking , writing , both theory and practice .

b . Lack of proper attitude

Poor attitude and lack of proper communication can reduce . The fix is
with a sympathetic attitude and a sweet face .

c . lack of knowledge

Lack of knowledge or unbalanced become obstacles in providing

information , as well as in presenting the material , to overcome , then
the speaker should adjust to the listener .

d . Lack of understanding of the social system

Speakers and listeners do not understand social systems , both formally

and informally . To overcome both parties must understand the habits
and adjust.

e . Sakwasangka ( Prejudice ) unwarranted

For smooth communication , suspicious attitude that is negative should

be eliminated .

f . language errors

The interpretation , meaning and misunderstandings due to differences

in terms of language , this kind of error called a semantic error .

g . physical distance

Communicator and the communicant were located far apart , so

communication is not smooth and efficient . To overcome using
advanced communication media . For example, telephone , telegram , e
- mail , telex , etc. .

h . Senses damaged
Unhealthy senses can hinder communication . For example : voice
hoarse from coughing can hinder communication .

i . Verbalistis

Excessive communication and convey only words alone will be very

boring , obscure content and purpose of the communication . This can
be overcome by using props .

j . One-way communication = Speakers talked constantly from beginning

to end , not giving a chance to ask the listener so will result in the lack of
mutual communication and unclear .

5. The advantages and disadvantages of emphaty ?

advantages :
Endorse or promote growth in holiness, virtue, love and spiritual

Helping patients to be strong

Helping patients to self-

Helping patients to see reality

Helping patients to get assurance that: the problem is a common

problem, is a known cause, no treatment methods, and so on.
(dasar buku komunikasi dan empati FK UI Karya samsuridjal djauzi dan supartondo)

disadvantages :
The weakness of empathy is often used by some people. often times the incident
may result wanting to help others instead of our own in use by someone else. it
would all go back to their respective self how to react
(dasar buku komunikasi dan empati FK UI Karya samsuridjal djauzi dan supartondo)

6. What is the relation of doctor and communicatin skills ?

7. How to become communicative doctor ?
1. Improve patient satisfaction in receiving
medical care from a doctor or medical care institution.
2. Increase patient trust the doctor who
is the basis of the doctor-patient relationship is good.
3. Improve the success of treatment and diagnosis
medical treatment.
( dasar dasar komunikasi Sri Asriyani)

8. What are the componens of micro skills of communication ?

9. What is the problem to be a communicative doctor ?

• The doctor spoke in a language that is not understandable medical

• The pattern of one-way communication with the arrogant attitude of

doctors make patients reluctant to ask the doctor.

• Patients are often confused about the health problems that it faces.

• Patients are embarrassed to talk about his illness

(dasar buku komunikasi dan empati FK UI Karya samsuridjal djauzi dan supartondo)

10.How to develope micro skills of communication ?

11. When communication skills is needed ?

12. What is basic of communication skill ?

13. How do the communication ?

14. When we use communication skills ?

Leadership Self confidence = + relationship + Human communication skill
Communication is the most important skill in life

15. What is islamic communication ?

Communication is the Islamic Muslims communication system that is based on the Quran
and Hadith of Prophet Muhammad SAW

Messages between the human poses based on the teachings of Islam, which is the Islamic
way of communicating so that in the end there is a meeting between the Islamic
understanding of communication with Islamic communication, k. Islami is an
implementation of k. Islam
a.muis.komunikasi islami, 2001.remaja Rosda paper. duo

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